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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I agree. And not because I want an advantage this weekend, I don't fear the Raiders. But I dont want our guys being potentially exposed that could cause them to miss the KC game. This is an unacceptable situation and they need to be handled appropriately to protect the other players.
  2. Doesn’t really matter if this is true or not true. All 32 teams playing under the same rules, same refs.
  3. Its simple. It was PI because ball was in the air to the WR while they were still engaged. It’s that simple. Case closed. Had Josh thrown the ball after he broke free, there would have been no PI called. It was a PI 100% per the rules.
  4. Wow this is not a very good take. 1. Russel Wilson 2. Patrick Mahomes (Mahomes and Wilson are basically 1a and 1b, you can make a case for either, but based on the season, its Wilson right now). 3. Aaron Rodgers That is the unquestioned top 3. Here is where some variance can come into play...Allen has a case for #4 solely on the season so far, but I don't think we can put him there yet after just 3 games. 4. Dak Prescott 5. Drew Brees 6. Josh Allen 7. Lamar Jackson (I feel like he hasn't progressed as a passer, and defenses are better prepared to limit his running damage so he drops some spots for me) 8. Deshaun Watson 9. Big Ben 10. Tom Brady Guys who have cases for top 10: Tannehill, Murray, Newton, Goff, Ryan
  5. Well injuries are injuries...that can derail anyone at any time. Im just talking from a talent perspective.
  6. Well that is also a fair point, can't just say he's a former MVP and because of that he is above questions or criticisms. So I agree with your take on that, I was just saying that regardless if he ever recaptures the magic of last season, he will still likely be a dangerous threat for a long time in this league, even if its not ever as good again as last season.
  7. Thats a fair assessment, and Brown's behavior is so extreme its a legit question mark. But the only way to really find that out is for someone to give him a shot.
  8. Well yeah, using any single season to predict a players future is a bit silly. But, to win an MVP, you have to be more than just lucky, I mean there needs to be talent there. Lamar may or may not ever win it again, but I do think he will have a long career as a starter in the NFL. Question...and I did not look it up myself, so dont know the answer...but has any player who won MVP while young or in their prime ever fallen off a cliff after winning it? Someone who was nearing the end of their respective career in other words.
  9. But that’s not a fair comparison either. Alexander won it after years of being a monster and carrying a massive load of touches per season. He won it close to end of his career, so to use him as an example to discredit Lamars future who won it in his 2nd season is also a bit silly wouldn’t you say. Alexander was the best RB in football or among the best for many seasons prior to winning the MVP too, but after that year his body started breaking down from all the wear on his body and retired 2 seasons later.
  10. Yeah, Ravens are probably the most ideal fit. Strong coaching staff that won’t put up with locker room issues and proved that by cutting Earl Thomas already, so AB comes in knowing he won’t get away with any antics. And he has family on the team as well to hopefully help kee his head straight. Add in that be immediately becomes the featured weapon, something that will motivate AB even more to prove he’s still an elite player, and it could t be a more ideal fit. Plus, he’s an ideal tutor in terms of play style for Marquise as well. If AB plays in the NFL again, this is where I think it will be.
  11. I said all last year I would rather have Allen over Lamar. I think Allen has a much higher ceiling and that I was skeptical about the Ravens offense long term as the league adjusts to stopping it. And once it was figured out (Niners and Bills last year laid the ground work to slowing it down) then it would be inconsistent. However, that doesn’t mean Lamar is done being a dangerous starting QB. That’s a bit extreme. Second, Kyler Murray is the real deal, he’s a good passing QB as well as a lethal runner. He has Russel Wilson type potential, where as Lamar was always more like Vick type potential. I think Allen will prove to be a top 5 QB for the next decade and Kyler has that same potential. Lamar I think will be that guy like a Newton or Vick where he’s a more dangerous runner than passer, but still can’t be over looked and still can beat you on any given day, just will lack consistency due to having limitations as a thrower. Would also add that Andrews and Brown had a bunch of drops last night and didn’t help Lamar out. So this is all a bit knee jerk reaction to one game. He by far has the weakest set of weapons around him in terms of Mahomes, Allen, and Murray. He needs help, much like Josh did. Wont surprise me at all to see Ravens kick the tires on Antonio Brown once his 8 game suspension nears ending, especially if Brown keeps himself out of the negative spot light until then. He’s been relatively quiet during the season, and I think part of that is that has to do with teams expressing interest under the condition he STFU and keeps his nose clean during that time. Shaun Alexander was a monster for several years. Not sure why you bring him up, terrible comparison.
  12. I really don’t ‘t get this view point. If anyone was really paying attention, then none of this is really that much of a surprise. Josh Allen was already displaying significant improvements in accuracy last year in every phase except for his deep ball. However, Josh deep ball also started improving late in the season too, his slyest end total was still a very poor accuracy number, but that’s also because he started the season off like 1-30 or something insane like that on the deep ball. And all off season, all the reports, clips, etc that were coming out were all about much improved mechanics to get more touch and deep accuracy. Honestly, this is exactly what I expected from Josh this year based on his trajectory of year after year improvements and everything we saw and heard over the offseason. Especially with the addition of Diggs as well. So for me, none of this is really any kind of a surprise and pretty much what i have been saying all off season, especially after the Diggs trade. The only thing that is a bit of surprise is the heavy passing volume given I expected our RBs to also get a little more action, especially given they are averaging a high YPC. But when we are moving with ease through the air, I get riding that momentum.
  13. Personally, the false INT changed the momentum completely. Without that play, I am not sure this game ever gets remotely close. It gave Rams energy, but also got our D back on the field quickly and then right back on the field after that again. I am worried about the defense defending between the hash marks. Its been a weakness 2 weeks in a row, but the Dolphin game had us missing 2 key players in Edmunds and Milano, and also a potential 3rd key guy in Norman (as we don't yet know what he can bring to the D until he gets on the field). This week, I wonder if fatigue was a major factor in the 2nd half as the defense went from looking great most the game to suddenly looking terrible and unable to stop anything. They got stuck on the field a lot during that stretch, and I am hoping its just a case of being both totally gassed and playing a brilliant offensive coach and potent offense. Regardless as to the why, one thing we know is that teams are 100% going to see the tape of these two games and look to attack these parts of the field again. We are going to for sure be challenged by Raiders there as its literally the heart of their offense anyway. Jacobs is a beast up the middle and powerful downhill runner with the ability to break it outside. Waller is a matchup nightmare over the middle who can and will be moved all over the offense. Its going to be interesting to see who the defense adjusts this week knowing full well the Raiders are going to attack this glaring weakness the past 2 weeks. Lets just hope it was more of a short term issue due to a long stretch of being stuck on the field against a top end offense and not something thats a major issue week to week. This weeks test isnt going to be easy either. Raiders offense is not on the same level as Rams, but they are very good in the area we have been very weak, so could be a problem if we don't figure it out and fast.
  14. Our offense should handle the Raiders defense well, I don't think they have enough to slow our offense down. Personally I think its another 300+ yard and 3+TD day for Josh. Now, there are a couple things we need to be concerned with...and they are Josh Jacobs and Waller. What the Raiders offense does best is exactly what our defense has done worst in the past 2 games. And that is attack the center of the field with the down hill running of Jacobs and Waller putting all kinds of pressure on defenses down the seams and even outside. That being said, while I think the Raiders offense could have a solid outing (unless we get our crap together in the middle of our defense quickly this week), I don't think they have the fire power to keep up with us anyway. If the D struggles to contain Jacobs and Waller, this could be a high scoring game, but Bills still win by at least 7 IMO. If the D rebounds, then this will likely be a big double digit win for the Bills. My prediction Bills 35 - Raiders 23. Waller probably has a 100 yard day and Jacobs has 100 yards and 1 or 2 TDs. But its not enough to keep up with high octane Bills offense.
  15. Not surprised: Allen and Diggs. This is what I expected and been saying it all offseason. Surprises: 1. Gave Davis - And I was a guy who liked the pick and liked him coming out. But his big time contributions already in this young season without having a normal camp, preseason, or even a lot of reps has been eye popping. I feel like this kid is going to take over for Brown whenever his time is up here and be a stud along side Diggs for a long time. 2. Darryl Williams - Not a big surprise to me, but he’s ability to gel with the OL this fast has been great and better than expected. 3. Kroft - I think he is showing he is the best TE on this team right now. I like Knox potential still, but I think as long as Kroft is healthy, he should be the starter until Knox can prove he is better. Dissapoontments: 1. Defense between the hash marks. Our inability to stop runs up the middle or defend passes across the middle has been a huge problem. Week 2 we were without Milano and Edmunds, so wasn't too worried. Week 3 I got all my confidence back in the D until the 3rd and 4th quarter collapse where we were gashed all over the middle of the field in both the run and pass game. This then opened up all the other passing lanes for Goff too. Now after both Miami and Rams used these areas to erase big leads and even take the lead late has me concerned that the rest of the league is going to game plan to beat this defense every week that way until they can prove they can adjust and tighten that up. Looking ahead at the KC game for example and I can Clyde and Kelce dominating these areas easily if we don’t figure it out fast. Someone mentioned it already, but I do think if this doesn’t improve quickly, I could see McD again taking over play calling duties. 2. Secondary - We have one of the best defensive backfields in the NFL, but right now none of them are really playing to a high level. We have the talent back there, so I’m optimistic they will get things right, but they have been wildly inconsistent. Excited to see the impact of Norman coming into the fold though. 3. Daboll’s lack of use of our RB’s - Our backs are averaging a great YPC, but we haven’t been utilizing them as much. And when we have a 25 point lead, I’d like to see more of our RBs as they also chew clock time up. Daboll has been excellent in his passing schemes, and week 1 it made sense as the only part of the Jets team that was working was the run D. But the last 2 weeks our backs have been getting great runs and YPC success and we still haven’t used them to the degree you would think. Don’t get me wrong, impressed overall with Daboll, but think we need to find a way to use them more.
  16. Yes, he got a lot of praise for that game "Significant stretch"? LMAO, the only significant stretch around here is saying he had a significant stretch where he didnt look good.
  17. Here is why I don't like your grade. EVERY QB has plays they wish they could have back. Some of you refuse to give Josh an A unless he has a perfect game. Mahomes had a lot of bad plays and almost lost to a Chargers Rookie QB who did not know he was playing until literally the ball was in the air on the kickoff. I mean it happens. We needed plays, Josh kept moving trying to make plays when Donald and that pass rush broke through. And he still converted 2 different 3rd and 20+ plays on that game winning drive. For me, this was an A for him. Kid has over 1100 total yards, 12 TDs, 1 INT (That wasn't an INT), over 70% comp on the season and 2 4th quarter comebacks when our defense couldn't protect the lead. Him and Wilson are the clear leaders in the MVP race as of right now.
  18. Allen is too smart to cave into revenge games. Allen is going to play his game and thats it. He wont target Ramsey, but he also wont be afraid to throw his way when Diggs beats Ramsey on his route too. Allen is all about the team and wins, I have no doubt he won't let this affect his play, but he will enjoy beating him quite a lot.
  19. 0% chance Fitz makes the HOF. He does not deserve it. He is not very good. He's a great backup, thats it. Every team he has ever played for quickly gave up on him as a starter. There is a reason, he doesn't win games, but he sure does lose games that matter. There is a reason his nickname has been FitzPicktrick or FitzPickSix so many times, because he throws so many bad INT's during important games. Fitz is just good enough to keep your team from getting a top draft pick to replace him and just bad enough to keep your team from entering the playoffs. He is the king of 6 to 7 win teams. I love the guy, he's fun, great personality, and scrappy. But the reality is he is just not a very good starting QB. He is capable of getting hot for a game, or even small stretch of games, but he the last person anyone would ever consider when asking about consistency unless you want to talk about how consistent he is on doing just enough to avoid a top 10 pick in the draft and doing too little to make the playoffs. He is very consistent at that.
  20. I didn't really feel that way. I think he's looked pretty good personally.
  21. Moss averaged 4.6 YPC against Dolphins. Not sure why people are saying he’s under whelmed, he’s barely had a chance to get going or find a rhythm. End of day, there is only one football. Josh leads the NFL in passing yards, hard to also have a second string RB also make a big statistical impact too. I think Moss has looked good in his limited touches.
  22. I wouldn't really think Allen's team would be interested unless Allen accomplished something big this year like a SB birth or victory, or even an MVP year. If he extends before he's truly arrived, he won't get the value he could get if he has a big playoff run and returns Bills to the SB. That being said, its possible an extension could be reached this offseason if Allens shows Beane and McD he's officially the long term guy, which he's obviously on a pace for right now. I mean Allen seems to genuinely love being a Buffalo Bill and would think he wants to stay. Plus Josh is so competitive, I think winning is more important to him than the biggest contract possible. So I do think Allen and Beane will find common ground on a contract that is big but also not crippling to the Bills to field a championships contending team during the term of his contract. But, I do think it will solely depend on how far the Bills go and just how big Allens season is for it to make sense or not this offseason.
  23. What is it about it that makes you "worried"? I don't get that. If you want to be cautiously optimistic, fine. But why worried? Doesnt matter the opponent, those passes Allen threw were pin point accurate and beauties. These are passes deep he missed last year. He in 2 weeks has shown a SUBSTANTIAL improvement in anticipation throws. So regardless of the opponent, he STILL hit those passes. Not to mention, Miami held NE pass attack in check, while a SB contender got lit up the next week at home by the same NE team. Nobody was calling the Miami defense terrible after week 1...but Allen lights them up, suddenly they are treated like the worst defense in the NFL. Its not like our guys were just wide open and Allen was playing catch out there. There were so many remarkable throws that only get completed with accuracy and timing and anticipation. Does it mean Allen will light every defense up every week. No, but this narrative to be worried about Allen still because the perceived opponent was weak is being exaggerated.
  24. Is this where I get to say I told you so to all the wrong Josh meltdowns? Hehehe I took a lot of crap for constantly telling people Josh Rosen was easily the worst QB among the top 5 or 6 expected to go in the first round. Not only was I certain and thrilled the pick at 7 was going to be Allen, but I had also started a thread titled “My case for Lamar” who I was also high on and stated we could stay put without trading up and get him too. I’m thrilled I was right about Josh, but wish I was wrong about Lamar so Baltimore wouldn’t be so good haha
  25. Huh? Milano is the one that’s a full participant. He’s obviously on track to play or he wouldn’t be practicing in full. And this game is just as important as the AFC games. Rams are tough and we need to stay ahead of NE, they are not the demised team people tried to make them out to be on the off season. In a short 16 game season, every game is very important
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