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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Bell has cared about money more than winning thus far. This season is nearing half over, I doubt he makes a decision rooted in just winning. Im sure he wants to win still, dont get me wrong, but the Dolphins may not be a winner this year, but they have a real shot at being a playoff team next year. They got talent at WR and TE, a young promising QB likely taking over later this year or by next season. Plus the defense is scrappy and the coaching staff is getting the most of its players. And Bell could within a couple weeks be the starting RB there assuming he is performing and picks up the offense quick enough. And if Bell brings a spark to that run game, he could be resigned there and be a key piece to their future. While a lot of people doubt Bell having much left in the tank, he certainly doesn't feel that way and thinks he is still a premiere player. In KC, he likely doesn't see a ton of snaps. If he has a new perspective now and does prioritize a championship team this year, then obviously KC is a great choice fore that. But at 27, I think he was a more defined role, and KC loves their young back. In Buffalo, we have 2 RB's we used consecutive 3rd round picks on. But neither has really seized the job here as someone who should get the lion share of the carries. Obviously Devin has a much more substantial value to us right now than Moss has given he's been out several games. And with the run game struggling, but still having an explosive offense, they could make a case to Bell he can come in at least split carries with Devin while Moss learns the game as the 3rd guy. And if Bell excels, he could take on the lead back role while Devin becomes more that complimentary piece (although I don't think Bell would supplant Devin personally). So Bills do offer the potential to both win now and give him a decent to larger size role. This is why I think of the 3 teams now mentioned as a finalist, Miami should be the most appealing if he wants a large role and potential to get a new contract. I would say Miami, Buffalo, KC in that order make the most sense. But who knows. Maybe being on such a losing franchise for last 2 seasons made him miss winning and his priorities have changed.
  2. I thought Miami was the best place for him out of the choices. They dont have a lead back really, and are a scrappy up and coming team with the QB of the future waiting in the wings already. Lot of talented offensive weapons. They also possess both the first and 2nd round picks of the 1 win Texans too to help build that OL.
  3. Yes he’s better than the backups there, I just think he would want an opportunity to get more touches.
  4. I think its a combination of things though. For the pass rush to get home, it needs coverage to be in place. You can't sack a guy if he has an open receiver so early he can fire it to. So don't underestimate the impact missing guys like Tre, Wallace, Milano, and Edmunds have had during parts of the season on getting pressure on the QB. Also, the loss of Star as a space eater is something a lot of people under estimated around here too. But I still think once Milano and Tre come back (hoping for this week) it will make things at least a little easier on our pass rushers.
  5. Missing our Pro Bowl LB and starting two corners and anchor of the DL in Star...solution is fire the DC? LMAO at these precious hot takes. Its way too early for that...and after one loss against one of the 5 best teams in the AFC none the less.
  6. Yeah, I think its fair to assume it had to have had some impact on them. Caused some frustration, even distraction. And while Titans were in the same limbo, their side of it was a little different. I mean they were chomping at the bit to play, probably pissed off so many people wanted to give them a forfeit, and had all that extra rest and time to prepare for the Bills game too, at least in terms of things like film study and game planning. Not to mention they had home field advantage with fans in the stands. Its definitely not an excuse, Bills were just out played, sloppy, and flat in just about ever facet of the game yesterday. One thing I will say is this...we are a very well coached team overall and we have a very fiery and competitive leader in Josh Allen, and also guys like Diggs too. A game like this can also be one of those humbling games that brings them back down to earth and lights that pissed off fire in them. I still think we are going to play the Chiefs tough and I am not expecting the same kind of mental lapses and self inflicted wounds that whole game either.
  7. Yup, they have finally gotten their dark cloud to bask in. Funny, I had to leave a text chat with 2 other Bills fans at halftime last night. One of them never says a peep in this group chat the 3 of us are in when things are going well. Never an excited text when something big happens in a game for us. Just me basically talking to myself. BUT: He never shuts up with negativity when things are not going well. Its like he cant wait to spew negative diarrhea in the group chat. I call him out on it all the time and finally just left the group chat at halftime yesterday because just tired of his negative ranting all the time. I mean he barely spoke all season and all of a sudden yesterday he is back to just spewing negative nonsense from outset of the game.
  8. Yes we lost a game. But we lost to one of the best teams in the AFC who were also undefeated despite not having their #1 WR until yesterday all season. Why did we lose and is it a long term concern: Self inflicted wounds: PENALTIES. We had so many points that we gave up to the Titans and points we left on the field due to mental lapses with poorly timed penalties. We stop the Titans for a punt, we commit a penalty to give them a first down that eventually becomes a TD. We make a big play, get a first down or TD and we get an offensive penalty to offset it. We had 3 false starts on one drive within 5 plays...a drive Allen kept moving the ball despite that. So far this year, penalties have not been as big of an issue as they were last night. The team just seemed out of sync and maybe all the COVID stuff just had them a little off their game. Maybe some were thinking about it and worried about playing the Titans. I dont know, but something was definitely off. This is a very well disciplined coaching staff and team most the time, I am not that worried about this and for right now chalking that up to one bad night. Mental lapses: DROPS. This was a terrible night for pass catchers on our team...its amazing Josh still completed 63% of his passes given how many drops he had last night, including the early one by Roberts that turned into an INT and gave the Titans a quick TD a couple plays later. Our pass catchers have been outstanding all year, I think this was just a game where being out of sync a bit and missing a talent like John Brown just led to an off night. I am not concerned and expect them to continue being very good group. Injuries: 4 KEY STARTERS. One thing we have learned already is how IMPORTANT that Matt Milano is to this defense. Add in both starting corners, one of which is an elite player to go with a critical weapon for Josh that spreads the offense out, and all 4 players were sorely missed last night. We will get healthy, and hopefully soon. I am quite concerned about DB depth right now and LB depth though. So far, the next man up has not been getting the job done. Setting the edge: OUTSIDE RUNS. One thing that disturbed me the most last night was our inability to set the edge on defense. Those outside runs by mostly Tannehill and even that TD by Henry were just wide open. Im concerned about this and our lack of consistent pressure. This is why I have been saying for years that people undervalue Star as a space eater. All the stat sheet checkers who don't understand his job or value whine about him constantly. The defense that played last night will give up 40+ to an offense like the Chiefs. They really need to find away to both get our guys back, and make some adjustments if we want to hang with the big boys consistently. Our defense has played great in spurts this year and awful at other times and we have yet to put a whole complete game together. I see a lot of people freaking out about the middle of the DL, but all in all, last night they held Derrick Henry mostly in check. Even one of his short TD's was one he busted outside. Bottom line: Most of the things above are all either temporary, fixable, or easily addressable. The one lingering concern though has been the inconsistency of the defense and the overall health of key players on the defense. I also feel like Edmunds is not playing with confidence right now, and I am not sure if its just rust or lingering issues with his injury or if he is just a bit frazzled lately. But as we all have seen, he isn't yet playing to he level he played last year.
  9. The board is utterly ridiculous right now...but thats also par for the course. Win streak, and everyone inside the Bills is god like. Lose one game, everyone needs to be fired and everyones a bust. Its like 95% useless dribble around here, but I come for the 5% of good football talk while being entertained by utterly stupid hot takes and clueless posts. Welcome to TSW, it tis a great place
  10. Why do we keep recycling this question? There’s a search function. And why does there have to be a winner and a loser. Both teams won. KC got its missing piece. Buffalo broke the playoff drought thanks to the defensive improvements, where Tre White was a big part of that. Bills rebuild path led them to Allen, Edmunds, Diggs, etc. Literally 0% chance either team goes back and does it different. 0% either team would swap scenarios. It was a win-win. There will never be a “loser” in this trade. KC for a SB already, and Buffalo is already one of the best teams in the NFL full of young talent. This question is just silly now. And any poll about this that doesn’t include an option to select “draw” or they both won is pointless, because neither team lost this trade.
  11. I was screaming to draft DK Metcalf. I argued all off season here with people who didn’t know what they were talking about with DK and kept telling them he’s the best WR in draft and true number 1 WR talent. I was fine taking Oliver though at 9, but I was pleading to trade up to get Metcalf when he slid to second round. However, Ford was a first round graded talent, expected go between 15 and 25 in most mocks. The second I saw we traded up and saw him still on the board I knew it was for Ford. And I was ok with that because protecting Allen was also highly important. But then he continued to fall, and I was screaming to trade up for this gift. Ultimately we didn’t, and of course we landed Motor and Knox in the third. Both of which I was also excited for. But I left that draft knowing we missed a chance to get a special and rare talent in DK while also still being quite pleased with our draft. Personally, I do think it worked out for the better. I would LOVE to have DK on this roster, but NOT at the expense of Diggs. As great as DK is, he’s not in the same class as Diggs who is excellent in every single phase of being a WR, including contested catches. That’s not a knock on DK, that’s just how good Diggs is, who I believe is a top 5 WR and will be for years to come. And I love Motor and Ford still has a chance to be very good at guard.
  12. Does anyone know if the Chiefs Sunday game will be a day time game or prime time slot? Have they said the time yet?
  13. Well he wasn’t wrong until this year about calling Lamar the best QB in the draft.
  14. But it can’t be moved to then, Titans can’t play a game on back to back days. Player safety still has to be considered.
  15. Yeah, it’s definitely close. My reply was prior to last nights game too. It’s a 3 man race between these 3 guys right now. Mahomes and Kamara I think round out the top 5.
  16. I would not for any trio or top four even in the league. Here is why,... Allen has great rapport with the guys we have. All our guys have a ton of heart and competitive drive. They all complement each other well. All our guys are shifty, quick, and explosive in their roles who can also make the tough catches. MOST IMPORTANT: All our guys are very good to excellent route runners. This compliments Allen big arm a lot because they create separation where Allen can fire the rock in there so fast before a defender can close. Makes the play look easy, but its only looking easy because Allen gets the ball there so fast.
  17. McD over Reid for me. McD is the coach of the year right now IMO. Agree with the others except MVP. Wilson, Allen, then Rodgers IMO.
  18. 0% chance he even makes this roster. Lmao, he was terrible again yesterday. He’s not a good route runner, he has no heart, no instincts, and bad hands. I mean David Carr is decent to good starting QB and Zay still produces nothing on a team where Zay has every opportunity to make an impact but still doesn’t. I mean the only reason he even made the roster is because Williams was on IR and he’s only getting snaps now is because of injuries to better WRs ahead of him. He’s literally the 6th WR in Las Vegas behind Williams, Ruggs, Renfrow, Edwards, and Agholor. Williams, Ruggs, and Edwards are all hurt. Leaving him and Agholor to play with Renfrow in the slot.
  19. So why A- and not an A or A+? You are always at least a half grad too low every week. I mean reading your notes, you would think for sure it’s an A.
  20. In no particular order...DE, CB, TE, OL, DT, LB - in other words, mostly BPA.
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