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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You say that but Moss ran pretty well today. Personally, the ONLY play call there in a critical 3rd and 1 is to sneak Josh. It has literally a success rate over 95%. I saw a stat somewhere that showed in 3 years hes only been stopped like once or twice. Including the sneak on down and 2 to go. There is no higher percentage play there, and that was a vital 3rd down there.
  2. Daboll is not fine. His play calling and game plan the last 3 weeks has been atrocious. Total yards dont win football games, points do. Daboll stupidity cost us dearly many times and killed scoring drives or put us into FG instead of TDs...and against the worst team in the NFL. We scored 18 points, Anyone happy with 18 points against the Jets needs re-examine what a good outing looks like. The 3rd and 1 RPO was utterly stupid. We spent a 3rd on a power RB. We have a beast at QB who has converted just about every 3rd and 1, or 4th and 1 he has ever tried over three years on a sneak. You line up and pound the ball with your back or let your QB sneak it. You dont lineup in shotgun on a CRITICAL 3rd and 1 and do a stupid RPO that takes so long to develop and starts 5 yards behind the LOS. Daboll is OBSESSED with trickery and forgets the fundamentals that are still needed to win games. We beat the lowly Jets by one score, this was not a good day for Daboll..
  3. Did we get our Mojo back or did Jets just be the Jets. That is a legit question. This is a game we should have dominated, but didn't.
  4. Im not saying to trade for Julio, but hes a model citizen in Atlanta. Your comment about not fitting the culture makes no sense. We won't be trading for Julio, too expensive and not a need. So its a mute point, but just pointing out that him not fitting the culture makes no sense in regards to Julio.
  5. If it was 2017 Bucs would be unstoppable. Since its 2020 I cant wait for AB to not get more than 2 or 3 targets a game all season and implodes that team from within when Miller is getting more targets and catches. Or hes gonna be amazing and Brady is gonna get another ring.
  6. RB is NOT our biggest need. There is 0% chance IMO that the Bills go anywhere but DL in next years draft. We need beef in the middle and speed on the edge in the worst way. Our run game struggles IMO have more to do with Daboll and his inability to put the offense in position for success in the run game. Its like he is trying to trick his way into runs every time he runs the ball. Uses all kinds of unconventional formations to run the ball or calls options non stop. The option worked a lot better last year when Allen was truly a threat to also run. This year, we are so pass happy and they seem to have shackled Allen a lot in terms of running, so the this option concept to run the ball with our backs has been a lot less effective. Daboll needs to decide to establish the run game, right now he uses it as a toy to sprinkle into the offense like he's afraid to show we may run the ball. And I think it has a lot to do with how he calls pass plays. Josh passes a LOT from shotgun formations, so when we switch to him under center it tends to strongly suggest a predictable run play. End of the day, he needs to find a way to be less predictable IMO. The game plan the last 2 weeks was terrible as well. Our offense, our schemes, etc didn't look anything like our first 4 weeks. Its like they over thought their opponent and tried to scheme something new that just wasn't polished and wasn't effective. I would also like to see them go back to just turning Josh loose again. He has felt shackled the last couple of weeks until crunch time. Turn him loose again, let him be unpredictable due to his legs as well. Keep the defense having to spy him and put pressure on them.
  7. Yeah, without Star, a true 1T DT, our other guys are over matched size wise. Im hoping Phillips start to come around again as he gets more games under his belt from returning from injury. If he can get back to what he was before he got hurt, then he would be the better option. But they benched him it seems because he was struggling in run defense, yet what we saw against KC was a lot worse. Butler was signed to back up Oliver, but he's also been forced to play a lot of 1T for us this year too along with guys like Jefferson. So we have been using guys signed to play else where on the DL to fill in the hole Star opting out caused. My true hope is that the Bills make a trade for a 1T before the deadline. We need a space eater bad. Someone like Tomlinson from the Giants or Rankins of the Saints are guys I have seen mentioned as good targets for us too. End of the day, I don't think the solution to fixing the rush defense issue is currently on the active roster since Star opted out. I think they can be better than they were against KC, especially if Phillips can find a way to get some of his form back. But ultimately, I think the run D is going to be vulnerable all season without a trade for some beef. We can still win and go deep in the playoffs though with a vulnerable rush defense up the middle. I mean we had a shot to beat the Chiefs despite the worst performance in that area I have seen in a long time. So if we can just limit it more and get the rest of our Defense healthy, especially Milano, then I think our defense can still be middle of the pack and the offense just needs to stay sharp and we can be very dangerous. This is also why I think making an in season trade for some beef makes a lot of sense this year. Especially since the guys mentioned above have small contracts on expiring deals too.
  8. This is a good question. I was never expecting Phillips to not dress, so not sure what the reasons are or how Zimmer played in comparison. But they seem think enough of Zimmer at this point that its an option. I dont know enough about Zimmer either to really say what to expect from him. But what I do know, is their plan last week failed miserably and I saw Zimmer get blown up multiple times. My guess is Phillips has just not gotten fully back to form yet off that injury last year, and not having the preseason to help play himself into game shape slowed that process down.
  9. Happy with the win, but still grave concerns on the middle of our defense. Its been an issue all year.
  10. But they are hesitant for a reason. A team never afraid of spending is reluctant to give him what he wants. If the Cowboys had been winning the division every year and making deep playoff runs, do you really think Dak wouldn't have his contract yet? I mean they would have paid him already and definitely before Cooper.
  11. I get where you are coming from. But part of the Bills story was also being a perennial 7 to 8 win team for years and never having a shot at top end prospects at top of the draft. So if you build a team thats cap strapped and always stuck as a middling fringe playoff team, then you're facing being stuck in that state a long time. I get it, its a fine line, and I understand that at the end of the day, over paying a QB is part of the game. But there is a difference in over paying say a tier 3 guy to be paid like a tier 2 guy versus paying someone the kind of money Dak wants. If that bet on Dak doesn't get you any further, your organization is handcuffed and stuck for 4 plus years and likely never goes anywhere significant. I would have had less issue with paying Dak before they shelled out all that money to Zeke and Cooper.
  12. Nice work on the article, but no disrespect, but I dont really think its not a mystery at all. Star opted out. Despite the stat sheet heroes around here who always want to cut him because they don't actually understand the trenches, he was very important in the middle of our D. He is a space eater and helps free up our penetrators and LB's. Without Star, our DT's inside are undersized and overwhelmed. Milano has been hurt a lot this year, and he is very important to our defense. Edmunds missed time has been playing hurt and doesn't seem to have the confidence back yet. Our secondary has had its own injury problems. We have several new pieces on defense where we did not have a preseason of full camp to really work with moving people around to figure out the strongest lineup and where each is best and worst at. Some of these issues have been plaguing other teams too. Its why defenses across the NFL have been historically bad as the league is looking at new records offensively across the board, including scoring. End of the day, health and the lack of size in the middle are our two biggest issues right now. One is out of our control (injuries) and the other was compounded when Star opted out late in the offseason. My hope is that Beane tries and find some size to plug into the middle before the trade deadline. If our interior of our line keeps getting chewed up and cant get off their blocks, well the LB's and DE's cant do their jobs either. Against a team like KC with no Milano, we needed our LBs in coverage more and that allowed Helaire to go off in the ground game beach their OL just pushed our DT's around. Oliver is a penetrating DT, he needs a space eater next to him to be effective. He wasn't drafted to be a run stuffer, he was drafted to put pressure up the middle on the QB. We need more beef next to him.
  13. To be honest, I am not so sure the problem is specifically the personnel. I have personally hated the game plan and play calling the last 2 weeks Daboll has put together. We are often running out of unconventional formations. I feel like Daboll is being to cute with the run calls instead of committing to establishing the run game. Dont get me wrong, the OL has not done a good job at opening run lanes this year, so there is room for improvement there to say the least. But also, the run game has felt forced and full of over thinking to try and trick the defense. I would like to see more formations that are more conducive to successful run plays. But to go back to your question, I think Ford has been better at LG than he was at RT. But he also hasn't done as well as I had hoped. I can think of several occasions where I yelled F***ing Ford at the TV for example. Now we have released Spain, so the guard position is quite concerning again considering Ford may not be healthy.
  14. Yes, those are among the few I pay what Dak is asking for. I didn’t say not to pay Dak, I said he hasn’t earned what he is asking for. He hasn’t proven he belongs in that company of those QBs. I said the contract he wants is a mistake. Clearly Dallas felt the same way. Show me one Tier 2 (or lower) QB who was paid as a top 3 QB that has ever won a SB. Hint, it’s never happened. Why? Because if you invest that much money into a QB, they better be able mask and over come the inevitable deficiencies in the roster because that cap choking contract is going to make it difficult to build a great overall roster. Dak has not proven to able to do that. They should have been winless this year with him under center before getting hurt had it not been for the inept onside recovery by the Falcons. They missed the playoffs last year. And in the worst division in the NFL. You really think Dallas misses the playoffs last year with Wilson, Rodgers, or Mahomes as the QB? You think they are a one win team this year with those guys under center? I think not. Can anyone with a straight face say that Seattle’s or Green Bays roster right now is much better than Dallas? No, you can’t. Seattle’s defense is atrocious too and GB defense is pretty bad and has less weapons on offense. Yet those teams have combined for one loss on the season while Dallas barely had one win with Dak before he was hurt. And Seattle has Rams, AZ, and SF in their division. GB has a stronger division than the NFC east too, and GB won 13 games last year. So yeah, I pay those other guys what Dak is asking for, but not Dak until he proves he can get the team over that hump.
  15. So we are in agreement he’s not a tier 1 QB. You don’t pay a tier 2 QB like he is tier 1. When has that ever worked out? Show me a SB champion with a tier 2 QB who was one of the 2 highest paid QBs in the league. Go ahead, find me one. I’d say I would wait, but since it’s never happened, there’s no point. When you invest that kind of money in a QB, he better be able to help your team over come other shortcomings because it makes it difficult to build a balanced good team around them with that cap choking contract. Dak has had enough around him for that team to do better. Yet that team hasn’t. There is no disputing this. Dallas themselves see it every day have resisted paying him what he wants. They have Cooper and Zeke what they wanted, but not Dak. Why do you think that is? Something is there they are not sold on that keeps them from agreeing he’s not worth that much. So clearly Dallas sees it differently than you, the people who see him everyday and know a million times more about him.
  16. Divison titles in the worst division in football and one was his rookie year where he also didnt have to do a whole lot compared to now. Lets not pretend Dallas is meeting expectations the last few years. You like to use these words to mask the gross underachieving of that team. Everyone knows they are underachieving, so lets now try and make it sound more rosey than its been. So I am sorry. There is nothing at all you can say to convince me that Aaron Rodgers, Patrick Mahomes, or Russell Wilson dont lead that same Cowboys team last year to the playoffs. Seattles defense is atrocious and Seattle looks to be the SB favorite in the NFC. Sorry, a guy making as much money as Dak wants should be able to get that Dallas team last year into the playoffs, ESPECIALLY in the worst division in football.
  17. I mean not sure why you keep telling me Dalton is better than Dak, I have said that myself many times. You seem to keep veering widely from my point, which was solely about the amount he was seeking.
  18. Come on. Who cares about college. Tim Tebow won in college. And sorry, Dallas has had a strong roster, you have praised it even. Dak hasn't won 13 games. Put Aaron Rodgers on that Dallas team and they win 13 games. Put Russel Wilson with those weapons together in Dallas and they win 13 games. Dak didnt even make the playoffs and was a lucky onside kick away from being winless on the season before getting hurt. Sorry, he's not proven he can win in the NFL yet. And while we sit here and debate it, the guys who REALLY know Dak also haven't been so keen to dump that money into him yet either. Why is that? If he's a slam dunk winner, they would have paid him a while ago. Im not saying Dak isnt better than Dalton, because he clearly is. Im saying the same thing I said when this convo first came up...Dak hasn't earned the size of the pay day he is demanding.
  19. It was never about is Andy close to Dak. It was about building that team. And dumping all that money into the offense, and now being faced to pay Dak the over the top amount he was asking for, was not a recipe for more wins on the field IMO. So the question was always would their record be that much different with Dalton or Dak? And so far, its not given Dak wasn't winning again. I never had an issue with so much paying Dak, I had an issue paying Dak after they dumped all that money into Zeke and Cooper. I said repeatedly they are not going to be able to build a good enough team around him and then will be stuck with those contracts. You for one argued the opposite, but so far, the results speak for themselves. You argued the GM there has done a good job, something I argued against. Just like you argued the GM in Philly has done a good job, something I said was crazy and was a terrible job. Both those playing out right now, and I feel comfortable in my original arguments. Once again, this team is grossly underachieving, and after the excuse "Its Jason Garrett" has been removed, although I did agree he was not a good HC and needed to go. Nothing against Dak, wish him well in his recovery, he's a good QB...but...he has yet to show he can be a winner. And when I am paying out that exorbitant amount of money, I want to see some evidence he can win. Same issue with Cousins. Put up some impressive stats, but he wasn't a winner. He wasn't getting the job done, and just like Dallas, his own team was hesitant on paying him what he wanted until he showed he could lead the team to post season success. He did not. He moved on. He is not as good as he is getting paid. Dak is better than Cousins, but at the end of the day, Dak wants cap choking money. I think it says a lot that a team willing to spend big on players is reluctant to make the commitment to him that he is looking for. Just like Washington. They seem him every day, they study the film, they seem him daily as a leader around that team. Something is making Dallas hesitant...and end of the day, this roster has grossly underachieved the last few years and in the worst division in football too. QB's want that big payday, they get the most scrutiny. And for me, I just don't see that those elite traits to will their team to win games. I mean, they struggle to beat bad teams, let alone good teams.
  20. I never said Dak wasn’t a good player. I said he doesn’t win enough for the money he is asking for. And clearly I’m right, because once again, they aren’t winning this year, and after they changed coaches. Same Dallas team. I said paying him what he’s asking for on top of Copper and Zeke is a mistake because the rest of the roster is going to be harder to fill out and this team isn’t going to go anywhere. Dak puts up stats, but he doesn’t win. So last I checked, games are won based on the scoreboard, not individual stats. And my biggest argument against paying Dak what he was asking for is that despite his stats, it isn’t good enough to carry the team. He’s NOT Aaron Rodgers, but wants to be paid more than him. He’s not Russel Wilson, but wants to be paid more than him. Look at those two rosters. Seattle’s defense is as bad as Dallas, might be worse. Yet Seattle is dominating, and why is that? Because of Wilson. Green Bay has no where near the offensive weapons Dallas has, and their only top end WR been hurt multiple games this year. Yet Rodgers and GB until this week had been dominant, and they also dont have a good defense. Daks excuse was coaching. They changed that, yet still same results. Again, not saying Dak isn’t a good QB, I said the contract he wants doesn’t match the results.
  21. It’s like when everyone wanted to pay Cousins and it was clear he wasn’t worth the money he was gonna get. Dak > Cousins but the situation is similar because Dak is seeking an insane amount of money, and an amount that exceeds what he has led them to on the field.
  22. Don’t be an idiot (I realize that’s a tall ask for you). That’s not what I said. I was referring to the insane money Dak wanted and whether or not to pay him what he was asking. I said Dak was a good QB, but that even with his best seasons and a loaded roster he didn’t win and committing that kind of cap killing money to someone who wasn’t winning enough was going to be an issue after all the money they already shelled out on the offense. That they won’t be able to build up the team around him, especially the defense. So actually, everything I said was spot on because Dallas was not winning with Dak and literally if not for the ineptness of Atlanta during an onside kick, they would be winless with Dak despite being a heavy SB favorite and in a bad division. In terms of Dalton, I did say I don’t know that their record is much different with Dalton over Dak. I never said Dalton is as good as Dak in terms of being a QB. So this is a false thread and you need to remove my tag or change your title, because it’s not what I was saying.
  23. Or perhaps...Milano hurt again. Tre and Levi out. Edmunds playing hurt. All the new pieces didnt have a training camp, preseason, etc to get ready and gel. Harrison still working his way back.
  24. How many over reaction “our defense sucks” threads do we need?
  25. I realize that, but the point is, Dolphins could be a long term home if he excels there or could attract another team with a multi year deal if he excels there. So having a stronger shot at being the lead back on an offense that has some juice too could have a better effect on his potential suitors this offseason. In Buffalo, his odds of being the lead back are lower (but also not impossible if he's more productive than Devin has been), so his potential touches this year could be a lot less than Miami. Not saying he wouldn't sign with Buffalo, just saying that Miami likely offers an offense that can score with the potential of him leading the backfield within a few weeks. Again, I am talking touches and opportunities to make plays. Miami on the surface potentially offers him a bigger role. Buffalo has a ton of receiving weapons, Allens ability to run, and Devin to compete with here in terms of opportunities. But, if he wants a balance of an opportunity to win now and having a solid role, Buffalo makes more sense. Just comes down to what he will prioritize for himself in terms of winning now and future earnings. If winning now is all that matters, KC likely the lead choice. Balance, then its Buffalo. Future earnings and bigger role, its Miami.
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