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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I was on here insisting to everyone for months before the draft that DK Metcalf was going to be insane and was a true #1 WR prospect and best WR prospect in the draft. Some agreed, most argued. I was on here on draft night pleading to take Metcalf every time another team passed, few agreed, most mocked his cone time. Once we traded up in the 2nd, I knew 100% it was for Cody Ford. No way they were going to trade up there if it wasn't for someone in the trenches IMO, and Cody was a first round graded prospect. But even then, I was pleading to trade back up into the 2nd again and take DK all the way until Seattle took him. Even fewer agreed and most mocked his cone time. Ok, done with my victory lap hahaha. That being said, I was never upset or even dissapointed with our draft on draft night either. Yes I badly wanted a WR because I knew that Zay Jones was utter trash and wouldn't last much longer here, nor should he. But they still got the DT they targeted, help for Josh on the OL, and promising RB and TE in the first 4 rounds. And as I sit here today, I have no concerns about our WR group either as Diggs is an elite WR himself with very good WR's around him like Brown and Cole too, not to mention Davis has a lot of upside (despite the gaff where he dropped a TD this weekend, I mean I have seen Hopkins and Julio both let easy TD passes go right through their hands while wide open, it happens). So, if I could go back, would I take Metcalf over Ford...absolutely. But I also am not sitting here like our future is in worse shape either, because ultimately we got the elite WR anyway, and one that is a freak in his own ways. No one plays bigger than his size better than Diggs, his footwork is at a freak level, and he is one of the best deep ball home run hitters himself in the NFL. I haven't given up on Ford, I still think he can be a good guard for us, although I have kind of given up hope he can be a true RT.
  2. This. And this was a big issue I had with what Dak was asking for. If you put Rodgers, Wilson, or Mahomes on the cowboys last year, there is a 0% chance the Cowboys miss the playoffs. If you put any of those 3 guys on the Cowboys this year, there is 0% chance they win only 1 game (over the games Dak played and finished). But Dak was asking for money to be paid like them or more than some of them. So for me...the only ones I pay massive money to are the ones who have proven they can elevate their team above their rosters weaknesses. Seattle has a bad defense, yet they are succeeding. GB has a marginal defense, yet they are succeeding. I want to see a guy who can put that team on their back and will them to wins if I am going to invest a cap choking amount of money into them. Because I already know, that contract will be an anchor on the cap and make it harder to balance the roster out. So that QB better be able to elevate the team IMO. But...the flip side...I get the quandary that teams are in. Do you let a guy putting up high personal stats who is young or in there prime walk because they want to be paid with the elite. Its not easy to find another QB either. So teams too often cave and pay the demands. Washington and Cousins is one of the few times I can think of where they bit the bullet and didn't over pay a QB (Cousins). And IMO it was the right move. Now that doesn't mean it will always be the right move. Doesn't mean the right move is to let Dak walk. But Dallas compounded the issue with Dak when it grossly overpaid Cooper after shelling out a massive contract to Zeke already. Then after all that, they decided to draft a WR in the first to a team who had a very good WR group already. All of those decisions make the Dak one that much harder given what a shambles the rest of the roster is after paying for all that offense. So one could ask the question: Is it better to over pay a QB and stay on a path of middling team, 7 to 9 wins every year, and missing on premium draft pick slots? Where your future improving is mostly tied to finding gems in the draft at cheaper contracts. Or is it better to not over pay, even if it means having a down year or two, to then focus on finding a young talented QB on a rookie deal for 5 years at the top of the draft? If you miss on that QB it will further set your team back more years. So its a risk as well. I think you can make a case either way personally, but I think I would as a GM build through the draft rather than overpay and hurt the cap. Reasoning is simple...in either scenario, I better be able to draft well as a GM. So I think personally, if I am tying my future success to drafting well, I would rather do so with better draft slot and more cap flexibility. So tearing it down and taking a step back to be able to finally break through 2 to 3 years later sounds better than just being a middling team for 3 or 4 years that leads me to getting fired. Just my 2 cents.
  3. He’s on IR. Players on IR can’t be traded.
  4. But wait, what kind of car does @DDCC drive? If you get that reference you’re a TSW OG 🤪
  5. How can anyone compare the two situations? This is a pretty silly comparison and guess people forgot about Matt Cassel too. Patriots roster is not remotely close to the Bucs. Brady has the greatest collection of weapons of his career right now. Patriots offensive weapons is among the worst in the league right now. Patriots had several of their best players opt out on defense too for COVID and lost others as well. Bucs have an excellent run defense and pretty good overall defense. This is like asking why isn’t BB coaching the Jags to the Super Bowl right now because the Pats roster isn’t much better than the Jags. Meanwhile, Brady is the QB of an offensive juggernaught with a pretty good defense too. Same offense Winston threw for over 5000 yards in last year when it had less talent than it does this year. Sorry, but this is a ridiculous comparison and literally means nothing in the story of who was more important. They are both GOATS at what they do. Brady is just on a SB roster where Pats are more of a 5-7 win team roster.
  6. I dont understand why people keep listing WR's as potential trade targets. Its the one area we are pretty rock solid at. And also Gilmore is not even remotely realistic. Not only do I seriously doubt Pats want to send him to the emerging best team in their own division, but the cap numbers are nothing Beane is going to ever consider. We can't afford to field 2 of the highest paid CB's in the league. But, I did answer YES in the poll if I think Beane will make a trade, and also YES if I would be disappointed if we don't. One, this team can and should compete this year. I can make an argument confidently that we are a player or two away from significantly addressing some of the glaring issues on the team. And that area is primarily 1TDT. Adding a space eater in the middle to replace the hole left by Star will make the most impact. That makes our LB's, DE's, and 3TDT's jobs so much easier. Its the rare case where a singular player can have a multitude of impact across the unit. I wont be pissed if no trades happen, but I do think that its a position that can fit in quickly into a unit, so of all years, this really makes sense for a midseason trade given the opportunity we have this year. So I would be a little disappointed if we don't given the solution to that problem is not currently on the roster. Wouldn't surprise me if we made a trade for a veteran TE or athletic TE, but I think its far more likely he explores some beef for the interior of the DL over anything else. Possibly a CB too not named Gilmore.
  7. First 4 games, Buffalo averaged 4 TDS per game. We have 4 TOTAL TD's in the 3 games since. Yards dont win games, points do. And we keep committing drive killing play calls, mental mistakes, blown assignments, etc that keep points off the board. Including against the worst team in the NFL. Somethings not working, the offense isn't playing with rhythm, discipline, or confidence. Im suggesting a way to help build that back up. Simple as that. We need smarter play calls, and better execution. Daboll needs to make adjustments.
  8. Yeah, this is mostly what I am trying to convey here, good post Whose claiming things with confidence? I said I think...who are you to say its wrong with confidence? I mean thats a pretty silly thing to say on a fan message board.
  9. Its just not working. My question is what do people think an OC or DC does when they make "adjustments"? They make changes in the playbook and play calling. So do people want him to make it more complex and an even bigger playbook? I mean, our guys are not executing well enough,. We have had so many drive killing plays either that were just awful play calls or poorly executed. Somethings not working well enough to get the offense in rhythm. Missing Brown and being short handed at guard on the OL is not helping. Yet every time our back is against the wall, they just keep it simple and move the ball at will like the drive to get us within a score late against KC, the key drives late in this game. They need to do more of that. It shouldn't only be when our backs are against the wall.
  10. I already posted that in the OP. Hes over complicating simple situations. We are short on personnel and running a deep playbook. All I said was just shrink the playbook a little bit, and lower the complexity a little bit...while we get healthy.
  11. Do you watch for the game plan? The formations? The shifts? The schemes? The options? Not being an a**...but if you don't then this thread isn't going to make a lot of sense to you. Guess Daboll is perfect and nothing needs adjusting. I whole heartedly disagree that hes been good the last few weeks. I have had these issues in the past with him too.
  12. Thats not what I said. I said reduce the complexity and size of the playbook a little bit until our offense is healthy. Focus on getting a rhythm in the offense. Because if you think our offense has been in rhythm the last 3 weeks then I dont know what games you have been watching. Man, people fixate on certain words. I didnt pin this thread only on penalties. Its like thats all anyone read.
  13. I didn’t make this post about one play. We have had multiple issues for several weeks. And most importantly, Daboll game plan has been frustrating for several weeks now. I didn’t say let’s make the offense vanilla, I think we need to just reduce the complex schemes a little bit that he’s always trying to run and turn the focus on getting the offense into a rhythm and getting the run game going.
  14. You can’t look at our offense and play calling and not put a lot of that on Daboll. One, he is not calling many run plays, and when he does, he’s often calling runs out of unconventional formations or RPOs.
  15. I think they need to reduce the size of the playbook a little bit and dial down the complexity. Players in the past have already said its the most complicated they have seen, and that was before this year where he has clearly expanded the size of the playbook. We are seeing too many dumb penalties on offense like illegal formations that have taken TD's off the board or killed drives. Get this offense into a rhythm, make it just a little less complicated and keep it fresh with Josh ability to improvise. Daboll is trying too hard on gimmick and trick plays. He calls too many, and has bad timing with it too. Maybe just dial back the complexity and size just a little bit, at least until our offense gets healthy and get key guys back like Brown and Feliciano.
  16. Its correct call per the language of the rule, but I don't agree fully with the rule. That was an example where the defender turned his head away and body away from the defender. Only option to is to not touch him at all and let hm catch basically there.
  17. Flea flicker could have worked too, but you dont call it there either.
  18. Hahaha I was saying the same thing in a text thread I was in. Hilarious.
  19. I get that, but sorry, there is no convincing me that on a critical 3rd and 1 that a play call like an RPO that is a SLOW DEVELOPING play that starts 5 yards behind the LOS is the smart play call. And at the split moment Josh needs to make the decision, its not crystal clear who can get it. And almost every time, the QB is looking to see if he has the hole or not, he cant check his running lanes and also the RB's to decide who takes it. The decision is made the second the ball is snapped basically. All Josh is looking for is if he sees enough of a lane for himself to get through, if not, he lets the back take it. And with a QB as strong and competitive as Josh, hes going to almost ALWAYS keep that ball rather than run outside with a RB who lacks burst speed. Sorry Bill, just because one of the options might have worked, doesn't make it a good play call or even justified. I agree you cant always blame the play caller, but that was stupid. And Daboll has this tendency to call stupid things in key moments that is troubling.
  20. Daboll is just trying to much "magic" out there. He needs to learn how to get the team into a rhythm. I mean we are not running much and when we do, its often out of unconventional formations. Its like he just out thinks himself too much or gets too gimmicky at times.
  21. Good week..bad competition. So encouraging, and I think he has a case to start. But I won't feel comfortable about it until I see him have a strong game against a better offense too. But he was good today and impressed with his play, which is a step in the right direction.
  22. I agree. And that concerns me. Titans put blue print out that Chiefs and Jets showed they paid attention. I mean Jets are a doormat and even they were able to disrupt the rhythm of this offense with it. The top teams like Titans and Chiefs already had great success against us with it, and we still also have Steelers and Ravens who both have great defenses who can role the same game plan out. Daboll couldn't even adjust to beat the Jets version of it convincingly. Its easy to call because Josh has converted every down and 1 or down and 2 sneak except like one or two over 3 years, and they have called it a lot. So yeah, pretty easy to call a go to play with like a 95-98% success rate on a critical 3rd and 1 to pretty much seal a win.
  23. The RPO out of shotgun takes too long to develop, and yeah its easy to sit above and see the whole field and know Moss can get that, but when your players are standing in the trenches needing to make a split second decision, its not so easy. It was just a dumb call to start a run 5 yards behind the LOS on a delay through a RPO with 3rd and 1. Thats my biggest issue with Daboll. He tries way too much trickery, and tries to run too much like that. There are times in the game you need to be men and just go get the yard rather than try and finesse the yard. We have a wrecking ball at QB which should have been the call.
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