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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Hahahaha I will translate for those unfamiliar with Call Of Duty: Warzone Diggs threw a stun grenade through a window of a building or house. Game confirms that the stun hit an enemy in there (hit marker), confirming there are at least one enemy inside. Those enemies are now briefly in slow motion essentially from the stun allowing Diggs the opportunity to run in with from a position of advantage and try and take them out before stun effects wear off. "Thirst one" essentially means he full killed an enemy. They first get downed, which is essentially saying incapacitated, but not yet "dead" and can be revived by a teammate or from a self revive kit. But if an enemy does more damage they are full killed, or if their teammates fail to revive him before the timer runs out or all die themselves they are also full killed. So Diggs ran in full killed one enemy after stunning them, but more than one enemy was in the room and he was downed himself before getting all the enemies. Him asking where his teammates were means he didn't have backup when he ran in the building (probably because he went in alone before his teammates were close enough) and that led to him killing one, but getting downed (and probably killed too) since his teammates were not there to help kill all the enemies and then revive him. Josh then mocked him believing the he "got downed" part, meaning Diggs probably dies more than his teammates or gets downed more and they have to revive him a lot or buy him back if he gets full killed.
  2. Read this whole thread again, ha good read. There are so many “I told you so” replies I wanna post...but I’ll just do one general “I told you so” victory lap instead... Drum roll...🥁🥁🥁... ...🥁🥁🥁... I told you so. And so did some others as well. Kudos to them too. 😂 I’m also the 420th reply 💨💨💨😂
  3. I agree they are a contender for sure. I really liked Pittman coming out of college too and think he is going to keep getting better next year as well. The main reason I am sold on whether or not Wentz can be an upgrade to Rivers though is he was one of the worst rated passers in the NFL last year while throwing from a clean pocket. So the excuse of a bad OL doesn't excuse those inaccuracies. Maybe its a confidence issue, maybe its he played above his ability for part of a season in 2017. We don't really know. I mean we have seen guys like Nick Foles have small great stretches of football in their careers too and just not be as good as those small pockets made it seem. So I am not ready to say Wentz rebounds to a point he is automatically an upgrade to Rivers just yet. But I do fully acknowledge the potential is there. I do think at the very least the Colts are no worse off than they were with Rivers last year because he wasn't relied on to carry the team. They have a good overall roster there for sure. And if Wentz can be an upgrade to Rivers, then Colts are firmly in the "real threat" category of the Bills, Titans, Browns, and Ravens next year to the Chiefs in the AFC. If he's isnt much of an upgrade, or worse, then I think they are still a playoff team, but not in the same contender status of the others I mentioned.
  4. Well they still get a 2nd next year if he doesn't play 75% of the snaps. And unless he gets hurt, he will play 75% of the snaps without question. They have no one else to really challenge him for playing time, and Colts have a stingy defense, good OL, and good run game. They will not have to lean on Wentz, so as long as he stays on the field healthy he is going to see 75% of the snaps next year. And if that happens, the 2nd becomes a first. So odds are, Eagles got a 3rd this year and 1st next year for an injury prone QB, with a large hard to trade contract, who hasn't looked good since 2017. The big questions on Wentz are two fold: 1. Can he stay healthy? 2. Who is the real Wentz? The guy who was an MVP candidate through 13 weeks of the season in 2017, or the guy who has played at a similar level as Mitch Trubisky since? Eagles OL was a mess, and so were their WR's...so how much did that cause him to regress? Honestly, Wentz likely would have struggled again in Chicago, but the Colts are literally a best case scenario for him. Good D to take pressure off the offense, and most importantly a very good OL with some solid weapons to throw to and in the run game. Big bonus is he has Frank Reich too. If he can't rebound his career there this year, he will be looking for a backup job in 2022...but if he can, Colts wont miss a beat with Rivers retiring and could even be better if Wentz finds some of that 2017 form. My personal opinion is I think Wentz is not as good as that short stint suggested in 2017, but also not as bad as hes looked the last 2 years and will be comparable to what Rivers was for them this year. Feels like a good trade for both sides right now.
  5. It also includes a 2nd next year that turns Into a first of We to plays 75% of the snaps next year. So it’s more than just a 3rd and that’s a pretty good return considering how bad the risks are with his contract and injury history, not to mention how poorly he’s played pretty much every game since he got hurt during his one good season.
  6. I think they will figure it out and get on the same page. I really doubt they move Wilson and don’t see this situation as strained as the one Watson and Houston have.
  7. He has no interest in playing football without Tom Brady. 0% chance he plays a down of football without Tom. When Tom retires so will he. No offense, this thread was dead before you started it.
  8. My 2 Cents: While I love it when a troll gets a taste of his own medicine. BUT...what do we really have to troll here? Chiefs and Mahomes have been to 3 straight AFCCG...Bills made 1. Mahomes 3 time MVP finalist, with one MVP. Allen, 1 time MVP finalist, no MVPs. Chiefs 2 consecutive SB's, 1 win and 1 SB MVP for Mahomes...Bills no SB appearances. Mahomes and Chiefs are 2-0 against Allen and Bills (both this year), including the AFCCG to reach the SB. I love Allen and the future of the Bills. And truthfully if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change anything as I would honestly take Tre, Allen, and Edmunds over just Mahomes for the long term. Allen is closing in on Mahomes (and was just made for Buffalo and couldn't be happier he is our QB) and Tre is an elite first team All Pro DB...that alone is worth it to me, plus regardless of ones feelings on Edmunds, he still is a 2x Pro Bowler who still has a lot more ceiling left. BUT...facts are facts. In my book, you can't troll someone whose climbed to the highest peaks of the mountain before you've ever reached the top of the same mountain. When he first joined, his banter was very worthy of getting banned no doubt. But, maybe I just have not seen enough his posts lately, but its been a while since I felt his antics, posts, etc were worthy of being banned. I can even recall him giving kudos to the Bills and Allen as we continued our ascension. Again, I dont "follow" him, but just cant think of a moment lately where I saw something the said and felt he said or did something that was worthy of being banned. Ive always been pretty certain (based on when he first arrived) that Zerovoltz is really Jeffismagic who rightfully got banned under that name for his antics here. Is that what you are referring to as well?
  9. Bahahahahahahaha. You win. The award for most ridiculous reply of the off season. Yes I know the off-season still has like 7 more months left, but no way someone tops the absurdity of this reply.
  10. What a ridiculous comment, easily worst of this thread. I guess you missed the part where our receivers were blanketed most the game and how our defense let Kelce and Hill run free the whole game. Somehow you attribute all that to Josh for the game not being closer. I guess them dominating the trenches both sides of the ball is all Allen’s fault too. Ive been following your posts and man, you really don’t know what you are taking about in this thread. You will say anything to just try and discredit Allen. He had a excellent season. He finished 2nd in MVP voting. He set all kinds of records. He did NOT have 2 “terrible” playoff games. Baltimore game the winds were a horrendous problem and made even the greatest FG kicker of all time have a bad game, Lamar had poor stats too. I mean it’s utterly absurd to call Josh game terrible when he led us to a a double digit win in really bad winds affecting the ability to throw for everyone. And against a tough defense. This is why people call you a troll. You provide no logical insight and ignore stats and facts and just keep pushing your narrative. You are crazy if there are many QBs you would trade Josh for. He’s straight up top 5 right now and if there was a redraft of whole league he would certainly be drafted top 5 and likely either 2nd or third overall.
  11. Let’s look at the key factors: 1 - Browns season can’t be fairly judge by the stats sheet, he battled injuries and as a result all of our guys in Diggs, Cole, and Davis had career high years making up for his absence. And when he got back, those guys were already in rhythm with Josh and the offense. He is a lot better player for this team than what the stat sheet would say. 2 - Davis had an impressive rookie debut and there is reason to have optimism of him starting opposite Diggs. That being said, we also don’t really know if him or Brown would make the bigger impact opposite Diggs over a full season. 3 - Bills will need to look at ways to get some cap relief this season to make some moves to make upgrades necessary to take the next step and knock the Chiefs off. And Brown does offer them an opportunity to do that and at a position we have 2 studs at (Diggs is stud outside and Cole is stud in slot) and Davis who looks like he is going to be a good WR too. 4 - In 2019 Brown stayed healthy mostly and in 2020 his injury history reared its self again. At 31, the odds of getting hurt aren’t going down, so his cap hit is an even bigger risk next year as that’s a lot of money on a team with a tight cap hit to be sitting on the sidelines if he struggles with injuries. For me, looking at the key factors, I do see it as a real possibility they could cut Brown for cap reasons, but it’s also not a lock either. Brown and Diggs together is something we didn’t get to see enough of with Brown slowed by injuries. I could see Beane restructuring Brown as much as I can see them making him a cap casualty. And if they offered him a chance to stay on a lesser deal, I have a feeling Brown would be quite interested in staying here with Josh and a chance to challenge for a Super Bowl. Brown > Stills: So I hope they find a way to keep him. But I also have confidence in Davis, so I won’t panic if they had to cut him for cap reasons.
  12. Well dont leave us all in suspense, what is this other topic? This mystery is the most interesting thing about this thread here lol
  13. I didn't say they would have had to target a QB. I mean they reached the SB with Goff already once before. And this year Goff was hurt and played hurt in the playoffs too. With a healthy Goff next year and some focus on improving the OL in the draft and FA, they could have got right back into the SB hunt again. Don't get me wrong, I am not defending Goff here, I have long said I don't believe in him and think he is soft. So I get Stafford is an upgrade over him and agree with that. The question is, will Stafford be enough of an upgrade to have paid that much. And Stafford has his owns risks...dealt with some injury issues, his not far from his mid 30's, and under his time in Detroit they haven't won a lot, even when Detroit had good defenses. They also frequently blew games where they had 2 score leads, etc. Not all of that is on Stafford by any means, the point is this isn't a slam dunk, and if he turns out to not be enough, Rams are going to be one of those poser contenders at best for the next several years as they have a tough cap situation moving forward. Don't forget, the Rams OL isn't great and part of the reason Goff regressed some from those first 2 break out years that led to a SB birth. I am not condemning Stafford, as a Rams fan (my 2nd team...albeit a distant second) I would love to see this work for them. And it very well could work out great. Just saying they mortgaged their future for the next 2 years...how many times has that worked in the past for teams in the NFL? Not often, so it was a big gamble still.
  14. Couple of things: Its true, first round picks are grossly over valued by just about everyone, especially around here. In every draft, more than half the picks will most likely miss and its not uncommon to see 2/3rds or more miss. However, grossly missing from the above argument is cap implications between a first round pick and an established star worthy of a first round pick or more. Rookie deals are going to be substantially cheaper for the first 4 to 5 years on those picks. Where as an established player worthy of a first round pick is either going to be nearing a new expensive deal or already in one and take up much more cap space. Established stars are not a lock to equal their production on the new team either yet come with a substantial bigger hit. Stafford for example...this guy has never proven to be an Elite QB. He very well could enter that conversation and be the best version of himself with the Rams, but there is no guarantee of that. While I will concede that Stafford is better than Goff, there is a legit question about whether or not he is enough of an upgrade to shed 2 firsts and a third from a team already with cap issues. There are plenty of times big name players got traded for a lot and then never lived up to that compensation. All that being said, 2 obvious things stand out for me in this trade: Lions got about as good a package possible for Stafford landing 3 quality picks including 2 firsts along with a young QB whose at least been to a SB and put up some stats previously for the Rams. And the Rams are all in for trying to win in the next 2 years a Super Bowl and are gambling their future to do so. The question is, will it work for the Rams...and its not really been a winning approach for teams in the past to essentially try and buy a Super Bowl by spending big on FA's and trading away all their premium picks for players. For me, the biggest concern for the Rams is their forward looking cap issues and not having quality draft assets to try and land talent on cheaper rookie deals. If Stafford ends up being the missing piece and enough of an upgrade to get them a SB, then its all worth it. If not, then the Rams may flail in that "SB contender...but not really" category every year for the foreseeable future.
  15. As a massive fan of football, I have an appreciation at the marvel of what a 43 year old QB has accomplished this year and over his career for that matter. We are witnessing history that’s not likely to ever be repeated and for that I have respect and appreciation for what is unfolding. So yeah, I’m all for Brady winning, but I also don’t really care much about the outcome of this game, and way more interested in wining my squares pools and bets. I will also take pleasure in remembering BB face and posture in the post game interview after we curb stomped the Pats the second game and take pleasure in picturing him slouching and sulking in his lounge chair at home the same way watching Brady win the SB without him while he didn’t even make the playoffs. I’ll always hate the Pats more than I hate Brady. So anything that makes the Pats look worse is A-OK in my book.
  16. Anyone know where we are currently at heading into the offseason with our cap space? How much cap space do we have right now?
  17. Dude for real. People complain and just want to be negative around here. That moment of him on the field was special and should have everyone even more amped about him. Yet people were peeing in his cereal saying he was grandstanding was such a bunch of BS. This team and staff couldn’t love Diggs more as a teammate and the feeling is clearly mutual. He will not be holding out for money after Beane just immediately did right by him renegotiating him already when he got here to give him more money and us more cap flexibility to put the best team around him. To speculate this holdout is just silly to me.
  18. This ☝️ Football is such a violent game and a risk, I seriously doubt players want to risk injury heading into their offseason for a meaningless game they don’t care about. The last thing a player wants to do is spend their offseason recovering from a serious injury.
  19. I was one of those people that have been on the Josh Allen bandwagon since draft night. Ridiculed many times for pointing out all the significant improvements in short bursts. I never understood why others just didnt want to see what was right there in terms of all the significant improvements Josh kept making in short windows. The jump just in the work he put in leading up to the draft made a dramatic difference. His second half of rookie year was leaps and bounds better than his first half before he got hurt. Last year, his deep ball was atrocious first half the season but started to significantly improve second half. And if not for so many dropped passes he would have been a 60% passer last year, not to mention the early season deep ball woes had not been there when he was like 1-30 on deep passes. The kid just kept getting better and better in front of our eyes, but some wanted to hold on to the doubts to the bitter end I guess. I mean his accuracy took a big jump all over the field last year except for his deep ball. This year shouldn't have been a surprise, many of us said all off season he was going to be well into the 60's this year, especially after trading for Diggs. At least I am $100 richer as one poster bet me he wouldn't break 60% this year and he paid it a week early even with enthusiasm as he was thrilled Josh proved his doubts wrong. The kid is just special...cant wait to watch his career blossom even more next year and every year after!
  20. No offense, but 0% chance we sign a top end WR. First, we dont need it. And 2, we cant afford it. Not even sure why anyone would even speculate on this, has almost no chance of happening. Also, not sure why you would call it the "Marquez-Valdez-Scantling role"...why would you want to sign someone like Kenny to play the role of a less talented and less used WR? I do see us adding a TE, someone like Ertz makes a lot of sense for the right price. WHAT!? Lol, who in their right mind would think we would cut Beasley, let alone want us to? Never happening.
  21. You didn’t really address my points at all and just resorted to your blanket statements again. Since you cited Steelers first rounds only, McBeane has had just 4 drafts (Beane specifically has had 3). Well McD/Beane have parlayed 4 first round picks into: Tre White - (elite DB) Josh Allen - (MVP finalist and Pro Bowler) Tremaine Edmunds - (2 pro bowls in first 3 seasons) Ed Oliver - (starting DT) Stefon Diggs - (via trade, first team all pro and number 1 WR in rec and yards first year here). You’re not impressed with the use of our first round picks during the McBeane era? Sorry but someone would be crazy to dissatisfied with that and I can’t think of any organization that has had a better 4 year run in using their first round picks during Beane’s time here. Tre was finalist for DPOY, Allen and Diggs put up MVP level seasons, Edmunds has made 2 pro bowls. Oliver is only one who hasn’t truly broken out yet, but he still has a ton of upside but badly needs some more beef next to him before we know what his ceiling can be.
  22. Where do people come up with these statements? Are you kidding? Most of our AFC East champion and AFCCG team was built through the draft. Find me a team that has had so many draft picks come in and turn the team around in the last 4 years than the Bills. Just one. I mean first year we drafted guys like Tre, Dawkins and Milano...one draft. Thats 3 studs. Not to mention following that up with Allen and Edmunds to go with Phillips, Taron, and Wyatt Teller in that draft (who has become a top end OL even though its not on our team anymore). Then in 2019 we add Oliver, Ford, Singletary, Knox...all 4 of which are starting for this team. In 2020 we flipped a first round pick for Diggs, and added Moss, Davis, and Bass who all played big roles on this team this year as rookies, not to mention flashes from 7th Rond pick Dane Jackson and the potential still of AJ Espenesa. There is a reason Beane is a front runner for GM of the year, hes earned it by building a team through the draft mostly (last 3 drafts) and finding good values in FA to plug other holes and also having the guts to make a big trade for Diggs. If you think that draft history above is weak, well then I don't know what to tell you. I promise you any team in the NFL would LOVVVVE that draft history result over the past 4 seasons.
  23. Hmmmm...seems to me that if you take Rodgers off of GB and Mahomes off KC that neither makes the playoffs. Saying an elite QB is the difference between being one of the worst/best teams in the league is kind of a pointless statement. Our roster is actually better top to bottom than GB's and probably as good as KC's top to bottom. There is a reason we won 13 games and made it to the AFCCG. This whole notion that our roster somehow sucks now because the game didnt go our way is just over exaggeration. End of the day, the game was decided on just a handful of plays. Not allowing our TD at end of half forcing us to take 3, the missed XP played a big factor, and again not converting in the 3rd on 3rd and short in the Redzone. The gap was not as big as people are making it out to be. To be honest, our OC was out played by their DC and also our DC was outplayed by their OC. Talent to talent, we are not that far apart from top to bottom on the roster.
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