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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Ha yeah literally any time we are in red zone they mention it. It’s like the announcers are obsessed with trying to jinx him in that scenario every time lol
  2. Just my opinion...but...A guilty man pays in that scenario, especially only being 6 figures given what Watson has made in his career. Which is why Trump paid the porn star. He wouldn't risk not taking the easy way out for 6 figures, Watson can easily afford it. His reputation and his current situation is too valuable to risk it becoming public if they have evidence against him. So while I see your point, and I know you are saying just a speculative example, still feels like its unlikely for the reasons I stated.
  3. Yeah, I have friends who work at NFLN, NFL, etc and its not exactly a secret, yet its never really come out either because its never been forced out via an incident. Its also believed his wife is fully aware and they have an open relationship.
  4. I still remain skeptical of all these accusations more based on the fact that the lawyer filing these suits to me has a bunch of red flags and seems to be on a mission focused on his personal fame and also money. I will say this though...I have seen a lot of people say that Watson is innocent because he has been such a good person image wise on and off the field. Yet...squeeky clean image guys like Peyton Manning are sex addicts with all kinds of regular sexual transgressions outside their marriage. Peyton even has apartments set up in different places for his side girls and stuff. Just like how Tiger Woods had a squeaky clean image too until all his sexual transgressions came to light. Bill Cosby in the publics eye was a saint until he wasn't. So while it definitely seems out of character for Watson, thats definitely not a reason to just assume he is innocent either. I am still waiting to form an opinion on his guilt or innocent until I see more evidence from the accusers. The first batch of text messages were an absolute joke and in no way proved any wrong doing by Watson.
  5. Biggest red flag for me though in this specific case is this: Lawyer's first statement insisted this "wasn't about money" but that was only AFTER he first offered Watson a 6 figure cash settlement that he turned down. Its clearly 100% about money and not justice from the get go if you are going to allow the accused to just settle with a financial settlement and not even file the civil suits. So thats not a good look for the accusing lawyer IMO. And this lawyer forcing this issue into the court of public opinion on social media is another red flag. So while I agree with your point above about why some women will be intimidated to come out against a celebrity, there is a lot to be suspicious of in this exact case.
  6. Cam has exactly 2 good seasons on his resume in 10 years. His rookie year and MVP year, hes not sniffed that kind of production in any other year. I think its time for people to accept Cam Newtons MVP season was an anomaly and not close to his normal output. And his arm looked completely shot last year, not just struggling, like throwing balls in the dirt regularly. And the only thing that comes to mind about the $200M spent in FA is Washington and Dan Snyder spending big bucks regularly to get no where. Its much scarier to say "$200M spent" then it is to look at who they spent it on. I mean they are paying Neslon Agholor the same as Diggs. This guy literally, without joking, would be at best 4th on the depth chart for the Bills and he is being paid to be there #1 WR. This guy struggles to catch balls from Wentz and Carr, you think hes gonna drop less with inaccurate Cam throwing him the ball? I mean Nelson is at best a low end #2 across the league, if that. Now getting paid to be the lead dog for the Pats. Jonnu has never even reached 500 yards receiving in 4 years in the league, including the last 2 with a very good QB in Tannehill. Hunter with Rivers his first 3 years and Herbert last year has never once hit 700 yards in a season. Yet both Jonnu and Hunter are now tied as the 3rd highest paid TE's in the NFL behind only Kelce and Kittle. Combined, they average literally 900 yards a season. Lets not forget, one of the key opt outs for that Pats Defense last year was Chung, and now he is again not coming back and retiring. They over paid a bunch of guys on defense too. So what they did was spend a lot of money to replace guys with other guys who are now over paid and marginally better than what they had last year. I am not saying the Pats wont improve some, but I mean maybe 8-8. This roster is not going to contend for 11+ wins this year, and our division winner will be amass 11+ wins. Dolphins are clearly the biggest threat. Jets I am not too worried about this upcoming season. If the Dolphins get Watson, we will have a dog fight for the division title as I think both us and them (with Watson) finish with 11 to 13 wins next year. If they don't get Watson, we should decisively win the division again.
  7. Pats invested $38m a year in 3 offensive weapons (Agholor, Hunter, Jonnu) that combined average 200 less yards a season than what Diggs put up by himself last year alone. So why are people so enamored with the Pats signings?
  8. One of the absolute worst calls of the season by the refs. It was 100% without a shadow of a doubt a TD. How that was not in the refs eyes is as puzzling to me as the made FG by Bass in week 1 they said was no good.
  9. No its not. The fact you think ST impact is minimal is comical to me. Especially watching terrible ST here in the past continuously give up good field position for easy scoring while consistently providing ourselves with terrible field position. This whole thread tells me you dont know nearly as much about the fundamentals of football like you want to portray. Very deep...its what he does.
  10. Nothing I said is wrong. I gave you facts and you ignored them. You’re absolutely incorrect in everything you’ve said so far.
  11. We already had the top offense in 2020. The Chiefs offense did nothing against Bucs D. The greatest offense in NFL history, Manning led Broncos who broke every offensive record got blown out in the SB 43-8 by the Legion of Boom. The second greatest offense, which was at the time the greatest offense in NFL history, undefeated 2007 Pats, lost to the Giants because of the Giants defense in the SB, something the Giants would do twice to the potent pats offense. Sorry, nothing you said is really accurate or true. Our defense looked like we had only 9 guys on the field against KC. KC was then shut down in the very next game by defense and easily defeated in the Super Bowl.
  12. I agree with you on those points too. I was more referencing these types of cases, especially with the number of alleged victims now. And also, my opinion in this such case is influenced by an attorney opening with "Its not about the money" who actually first just demanded money from Watson before filing suit. If it wasn't about the money, they wouldn't have tried to cash settle it before filing. But good reply, and youre right, my comment (while still true in a lot of accounts) isnt a fair blanketed one to people who first choose civil.
  13. Yeah, the stats kind of go out the window when it comes to celebrities who are more vulnerable to these types of accusations. Private citizens are a different animal, but when you have a high profile person in modern day society where you can be convicted in the court of social media without evidence, it gives more temptation for people to go after a cash grab. Look what happened to Kobe. His accuser willfully on her own went to his private room. She shows up at hospital to accuse him of raping her yet has 3 other mens in her underwear and not Kobes. Then drops the case to avoid having to testify. I mean, there was literally not one shred of evidence to her claim...but when a celebrity is in this position, it can often just be one persons word vs the other. And to to this day, people who dont like Kobe still refer to him as a rapist despite not a single piece of actual evidence remotely suggesting that rape was involved. Court of public opinion with social media is a major weapon for accusers against high profile individuals. None of this means Watson is innocent either...just for me, this all seems highly suspect given the lawyer opens with "Its not about money" after he first unsuccessfully just asked Watson for money before filing suit.
  14. The texts the lawyer released were a joke. I mean nothing about them remotely suggests wrong doing. He claims to have more...so until I see something concrete that shows some sort of wrong doing by Watson, my suspicions of this Lawyer will remain in place. Its always suspect to me when a lawyer opens with "Its not about money" yet immediately led with proposing a cash settlement to the accuser from the get go. And people can be pretty s***ty in general and like to pile on to cash grab opportunities. So the extra cases and women coming forward doesn't make Watson more guilty either automatically. I am not saying he is innocent either, just saying this is all suspect in how its coming about. So I will hold my judgement until more is known. Its also always a red flag when the accuser goes straight to CIVIL suit vs CRIMINAL when an alleged crime has happened. Usually means they want money and also usually means they lack the confidence in actually winning in criminal court where the burden of proof is higher. If they really had something on him, and REALLY wanted to get JUSTICE...they would go after him criminally first, then come get money after he was convicted in a civil suit.
  15. I mean its literally a trade of just 9 spots from a late 2nd round pick. Thats not a big deal to get an upgrade for a SB push at TE for the next couple of seasons.
  16. My trade down scenario: Bills send Eagles: 61st pick (late 2nd round) and 175th pick (our second 5th round pick, we also have the 162nd pick in 5th). I’d even be willing to do the 162nd instead of the 175th if need be. Eagles send Bills: 70th pick (3rd round) and Zack Ertz. We trade back 9 spots and pick up Ertz giving up one of our 5th’s too. I would do this all day long to be honest.
  17. Correction, he now has 2 years football experience actually I think he’s got a legit shot to make the roster, assuming he’s been showing the staff he’s picked it up enough thus far. Problem is, we don’t really have any information on how far along he is, so it’s all speculative really.
  18. Like I said, it’s all good. Wasn’t trying to attack your opinion or anything. But...I will add, you and others have said “Moss was the more effective runner” yet statistically Devin beat him every single category except TDs where Moss had 2 more, because he got more goal line carries. And like I said, I’m all for bringing Lindsey in. I’ve just been surprised a bit by how much Devin fell out of favor around here. For me, Dabolls run schemes and game plans were the bigger issue for our run game. Not to mention how prolific our passing offense was. I do agree they don’t compliment each other well enough though, which is why I would be excited too if we signed Lindsey who I think could be a good third down back for us.
  19. All good man. I’m just trying to understand the reason Devin’s fallen so much for some people. I like Lindsey, and would be excited if we signed him. I just don’t feel desperate either at RB. And yes, that was a big drop, but it’s also one play and he’s made a lot of very good plays for us. He’s not perfect, but he’s also not remotely close to the reason we lost that game. So while I was also pissed when he dropped it, I’m not gonna also disregard all the big plays he’s made for us too. Just think Devin has been getting a bit of a bad rap this offseason, and honestly I think it mostly stems from that one play as the main catalyst for that.
  20. But the league leaders in that do it a couple times a year. Are you only going to count runs over 20 yards if they are TDs? That doesn’t really seem like a relevant stat IMO. I mean Devin has a career avg of 4.8 YPC which is pretty good. Im not saying it wouldn’t be good to get a speedy back, I just don’t get why people are so down on Devin. He’s still a pretty good RB
  21. Devin actually was one of the top RBs as a rookie in 20+ runs despite not being a full time starter the whole year with Gore here. This notion around here that Devin can’t break big runs is pretty inaccurate.
  22. Lmao...Desmond Howard was Super Bowl MVP as a ST player. Another priceless but useless TSW hot take 🤣😂🤣
  23. This makes sense so they can now trade Josh Allen straight up for Ertz
  24. And let’s not forget both Jonnu and Henry are now tied ($12.5M per year each) as the third highest paid TEs in the league behind only Kittle and Kelce. Yet they combine to average just 900 yards a season with Jonnu averaging 350 yards a season and Henry averaging 550 season. Jonnu has never even reached 500 yards while Henry has never reached 700 yards. So they committed $25m a year to these guys after also paying Agholor (who can’t catch, who would be 4th on depth chart here, averages 568 yards per year, and has never reached 900 yards in a season) at WR the same as Diggs. That’s $38M a year to 3 guys who combine to average 1368 yards a year, which is significantly less than Diggs by himself totaled this season. Lmao at the Pats.
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