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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. So how does one tailgate there? Do you just show up? Or is there a ticket needed to get into Hammers Lot?
  2. Im most likely doing it at Niagara. We both absolutely love The Office as I mentioned earlier and her favorite is the wedding at Niagara. She even wants to take the same boat tour of the falls they did when they got married. So May do it on that boat or somewhere else around the falls. Was going to take her to a helicopter tour of Grand Canyon and have it land in a remote spot only the helicopter can reach and do sunset dinner and propose then. But after this surprise trip, I think Niagara Falls will be even better. She is in baby mode, definitely wants one. We were talking about maybe starting to try beginning of 2022…but now she’s been running around today saying she wants me to get her pregnant during the game at the stadium though hahaha. So maybe I’ll give her that at the game hahaha
  3. Hahahaha, I don’t think she will sign off on me going to the game with someone else instead of her. She’s already bought a bunch of Bills gear too and she wants to go through tables lol She’s a die hard Niners fan, born and raised in the Bay Area originally. But she roots hard for the Bills now too and is all in on this trip. She’s got her Bills gear already that she bought and wants to go through some tables even as she said she wants to show Niners fans can hang too. She loves Bills Mafia and has become a big fan of Josh Allen too
  4. My girlfriend…soon to be fiancé…just turned 27 in May. And when she was getting her masters at UCLA she waited tables and would bust balls about the blue cheese. And it’s not even a Buffalo thing, she was born in the Bay Area and is a die hard Niners fan (Now Bills fan too, but as her second team). She just knows wings and blue cheese are the proper pairing in her mind. She asked my friend who used ranch a couple weeks ago while we were at a bar “So how long you been a little b***h?” I was dying hahaha and so was he.
  5. I hear ya man, and valid question. Ive been to many Bills game out in the west coast, but every year I am always like this is the year I go to Buffalo. But I would either have friends flake, money or work get in the way, or even my girlfriend (not this one, past girlfriends) flake. It’s been a major item on my list right next to a trip to Portugal (I’m half Portuguese and found my family tree when my grandma passed showing where we are from) to see where my family started on my Portuguese side. My current girlfriend though is all about doing the things that mean the most to me. And wow, did she come through with a big one for me. This is why I’m gonna marry this one!
  6. Thousand Island dressing…hahaha just kidding 🤣 Only blue cheese of course and she actually mocks those who don’t use blue cheese. She likes em hot and covered in blue cheese dressing
  7. As some of you know, I’m California born and raised, and been a die hard Bills fan for about 35 years. I’ve never actually been to Buffalo, let alone a game in Buffalo. Well that’s about to change! Just turned 45 today and my girlfriend just surprised me with tickets, row 9 seats on Bills side for opening day vs Steelers! I’m so f-ing stoked!!!! This will be an even more meaningful game for me as I just had a friend pass away 3 weeks ago from complications of severe permanent damage COVID did to him a year ago and he was a die hard Steelers fan. My girl bought the tickets before that happened, but couldn’t be a more perfect game for my first time in Buffalo to see the Bills play. I’ll have a patch in Steelers colors with his name on it sewn onto my Josh Allen jersey as well. Anyway, looking for some suggestions to do while there or places to eat. I know we are hitting Niagara Falls, but any other suggestions would be awesome!!! PS: She doesn’t know it yet, but I already bought an engagement ring too. Now that this came up, I think I’m changing the plan I had and going to do it at Niagara Falls. We are both huge fans of The Office too, and her favorite episode is the one at Niagara Falls where Jim and Pam get married But shhhhhh don’t tell her 🤣 PPS: However, if anyone has connections to the team that could maybe help me set up the proposal at the game too, hit me up as that would be huge too.
  8. Bryant Johnson and Laverneous Coles say hi too and want to be in the convo for best Bills Career
  9. To be fair, Harry was either top rated or one of the top rated WR's on just about everyones board that draft. To further be fair, he was hurt his rookie season and got stuck playing on one of the worst passing offenses in the league last season. So I would say its quite premature to write off Harry at this point, doesn't mean he wont prove to be a bust, but it's definitely premature to call him that now IMHO. Going into that draft, I was very high on all those WR's you listed, but the guy I was screaming for was DK Metcalf all through the off season and on draft night. Terry McLaurin was another one I was very high on and really wanted once DK was off the board.
  10. Yeah, that is why I said he wont be featured here like Philly, we just have too many weapons. The key value of Ertz is to be a reliable target when called upon, not to put up Kelce like numbers. Knox has not been reliable and made too many key mistakes, and most importantly he isnt a guy that draws a lot of attention from the defense. Ertz being on the field alone will help the overall offense as the defense still needs to respect him. He also can be a key mentor to Knox to try and help him reach his potential. Plus, Knox and Ertz on the field at the same time will create some matchup issues. Ertz value is going to really be a red zone threat, chain mover, and mentor to Knox development. I am on board for that, especially in a year we are expected to challenge for a Super Bowl. But I also don't want to over pay for that either and I trust Beane to make smart decisions around the compensation to get Ertz (if we get him)
  11. I am skeptical Sanders gets 6 targets a game. While he’s a good addition, he’s also not as productive anymore and has no experience with Josh or Daboll complicated offense. I expect Davis to start over him personally. Ertz won’t be featured like Philly when he was a key focal point, we just have too many other weapons. The importance of Ertz is to have a reliable guy who makes plays when called upon. He is also a great mentor for Knox too. End of the day, Ertz will be a fantastic add to this team giving Allen another weapon who can be counted on that the defense has to respect and that can contribute to Knox reaching his potential too. His year end totals don’t matter, he makes this team better by just being on the roster. I would 100% prefer to have Ertz at TE when we face teams like KC, Cle, or Titans in the AFCCG with a Super Bowl birth on the line. Get it done Beane.
  12. 68 pages of most people missing the point here. This has NOTHING to do with vaccinations. its his right to get one or not, and not everyone needs to get one for a team to be compliant. So nothing wrong with him opting to not get one. This is 100% about the stupid stance he took about NOT following the required protocols to better insure he doesn't expose others. Regardless if he gets COVID or not, just him breaking protocols alone will be enough for him to get quarantined along with anyone else he was around, especially those unvaccinated. And based on what was out there prior, I am not sure Josh Allen is going to get vaccinated. To have a player blatantly posting on social media that not only is he not going to get vaccinated, but he's flat out not abiding by the protocols the NFL has put in place is a massive problem. The fact he doesn't see how stupid is public comments are at this point is crazy to me. NO ONE, literally NO ONE is forcing him to get a vaccine. They are requiring to be considerate of the safety to his teammates and staff not only in protecting them from getting COVID, but contributing to them remaining OUT of COVID quaratine/protocols. We saw a lot of people miss games last year because someone else on their team had been around them after either breaking protocols or testing positive. Denver played a game with not a single QB dressed. For him to be this stupid is shocking. Given how much he has loved his teammates and playing in Buffalo. If he doesn't publicly back track this part of his comments, I don't know how Beane keeps him on the team. And I love Cole on this team, so I really hope he backs off the narcissistic stuff about being rich enough to do what he wants. I would have never thought for 1 second that Cole would not be on this team in 2021...but if I am Beane, I cant see how I can keep a player who is willfully and boastfully going to break the safety protocols for his own selfish desires and basically say that his teammates, this team, our staff, our pursuit of a Super Bowl, etc don't matter. The best "ability" is "availability"...and if you have a loose canon jeopardizing not only his availability, but the rest of your rosters, especially Diggs and Allen, then your job is in jeopardy in my book.
  13. The Vaccine does NOT prevent you from getting the virus. It mitigates the damage on it. You can NOT eradicate a virus. Influenza killed like 50 million people...we still have the flu, just a very small percentage of people still die from it compared to before we had vaccine and herd immunity to it. I dont understand why this is so hard for some people to understand. There would be a lot of suicide watch on TSW lol
  14. Chris Paul is vaccinated. Chris Paul is out indefinitely during the NBA playoffs in COVID protocol now. The other players being vaccinated does not protect them from Cole if he violates protocols and then comes in close contact with his teammates. While I respect Cole having his own opinion, the thought of Josh Allen or Diggs, or really any other players for that matter missing time because Cole broke protocols and also exposed them to where they miss a game or more from being around him is what really concerns me. If Cole just chose to not get vaccinated but still respected the protocols and obeyed by them it would be one thing. But publicly declaring he won’t follow any rules or safety protocols for himself or to protect his fellow teammates from being exposed or missing time is just pretty concerning. Beane said he wouldn’t cut someone for being unvaccinated, but he NEVER said he wouldn’t cut someone refusing to abide by the protocols and rules. I love Cole on this team, but this public rant I think puts him at risk for a trade or cut for that reason alone. I don’t want him gone, but I also don’t want our star QB or others to miss time due to Cooes rebellion against rules and protocols mandated by the league either. I mean what if Diggs or Allen or both had to miss a playoff game because something Cole did the night before?
  15. I did address that point where I said it’s also about scheme fit and opportunity. Just because a player excels in one scheme doesn’t mean he would of in another either. But also, mainly my point about opportunity. A lot of players need in game time to really start to develop, but when said player is buried on a depth chart that’s not really possible. But then said player goes to another team where the opportunity for reps are there and that helps hone their development and expedite it. For example, I’m not sure anyone outside Buffalo knows who Wyatt Teller is today if he remained a Bill. He wouldn’t have gotten the reps to unseat anyone and would have struggled to shine behind our depth last year just like his rookie year. But going to Cleveland and filling a hole have him the opportunity to fully develop and earn playing time.
  16. No. Wasn’t a miss. You can’t always wait 3-5 years for a player to “break out”. He was a former QB, it took time for him to bust out and he wasnt very important in Detroit either. You only have so many roster spots, if a guy isn’t earning the playing time on the practice field or in games, he’s not going to stick around very long. Wyatt Teller was a developmental player, there are only so many spots for that type of player. When you cut or trade one, most go on to do nothing, but some will breakout at some point, that’s just the nature of the game. Coaches and GMs can’t see the future, it’s not like Teller was playing anywhere near the level here that he’s playing at now. We had good players on the OL and he was buried on the depth chart. An opportunity came to move him for something rather than cut him for nothing or risk losing him for nothing on the PS. No GM in the history of any sport has ever approached being right on even just half their personnel decisions. That means there will be guys they didn’t draft that go on to be better than guys they drafted instead…they will cut guys that will go on to be good players on other teams…they will trade guys that exceed the trade compensation at some point. What makes a great GM is not batting a thousand, it’s consistency and hitting home runs on big swings with key players. They are still going to be a .350 batter, but that .350 will likely be the best or among the best in the league. Also, the NFL is heavily driven by scheme and scheme fit. A guy like McKenzie is a fringe player on most rosters, but in our offense he’s a valuable cog. And also, opportunity is a major factor as well. Sometimes players are stuck behind entrenched veterans who they just weren’t ready to unseat, then go to a lesser team where they have more opportunities for lesser established players and that extra playing time allows them to finally break through. So again, the answer is Nope, we didn’t miss the boat. We added plenty of other valuable players during those time frames too.
  17. Thats why you let his play on the field speak for itself, it was clear as day that AJE was coming on strong down the stretch last year and was also earning the trust of his coaches as his snaps dramatically increased. People keep forgetting AJE got 100% short changed as a rookie in camp and was also behind two veterans who have had very good careers in Hughes and Addison as well as some new FA additions too. Yet by the end of the year, he had battled his way into a regular rotation and was making plays. So yeah, talk at this time of year doesn't mean a whole lot, but how he developed last year certainly does and there is a ton of reasons to be optimistic about his sophomore year. I picked AJE a while ago on this board for a breakout season and I still think that will be the case now. He is one of those guys I am the most excited to see get on the field this year.
  18. Totally agree with you, but to clarify didn’t say “best rapper” said best career given Hammer was one of the biggest stars in all of entertainment at his peak. Funny side note...McHammer actually lives next door to my Uncle in Tracy, Ca. Well like 4 doors down actually lol. Supposedly a pretty good dude.
  19. McHammer has a better career than J Cole, doesn’t mean he’s currently putting out better music or is a better rapper than J Cole. Just saying... J Cole latest album > Nas last album. That’s all I was saying.
  20. Media just wants click sound bites, love the teams reaction to keep it internal and not give them what they want. Our media in our society is just obnoxious at all times.
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