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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Stock up/Stick Down notes first half: STOCK UP: Trubisky showing he can be a starter in this league and we have the best backup QB and best overall QB room in the NFL. Kumerow locking in his roster spot Hollister stock way up and making the TE1 battle look a lot closer than perceived prior to this game. Rousseau stock soaring proving to be ready for a major part of the rotation this year. AJE showing he is ready to start (something I projected in my roster mocks). Singletary again showing he’s the best RB on this roster right now and will open as the week 1 starter. Gilliam I think locked down his roster spot, one I felt was already safe, but I think now it seals his spot for those who speculated he be cut to make room elsewhere STOCK DOWN: Knox with a drop again, TE1 becoming more interesting position battle Brieda another game showing nothing, starting to question his roster spot in my roster projections. I think he may be becoming a guy who might be near the bubble going into final preseason game McKenzie (as a returner) with the muff…doubt it changes much for him, but definitely a big no no. Made nice offensive plays to make up for it though
  2. Stock up/Stick Down notes first half: STOCK UP: Trubisky showing he can be a starter in this league and we have the best backup QB and best overall QB room in the NFL. Kumerow locking in his roster spot Hollister stock way up and making the TE1 battle look a lot closer than perceived prior to this game. Rousseau stock soaring proving to be ready for a major part of the rotation this year. AJE showing he is ready to start (something I projected in my roster mocks). Singletary again showing he’s the best RB on this roster right now and will open as the week 1 starter. Gilliam I think locked down his roster spot, one I felt was already safe, but I think now it seals his spot for those who speculated he be cut to make room elsewhere STOCK DOWN: Knox with a drop again, TE1 becoming more interesting position battle Brieda another game showing nothing, starting to question his roster spot in my roster projections. I think he may be becoming a guy who might be near the bubble going into final preseason game McKenzie (as a returner) with the muff…doubt it changes much for him, but definitely a big no no. Made nice offensive plays to make up for it though
  3. He certainly is over rated by some around here, but Beane and McD were very vocal about having someone who has that break away speed, so I expect him to make the final 53 mostly on that even though he had a pretty meh first preseason game. His spot is by no means secured yet though, he certainly is someone who could get cut if he doesn’t show well the next two outings.
  4. Ha, I didnt even know he was in Tampa Bay at all...even worse then.
  5. I dont feel bad for him, few people I know here in LA that know him said he is a total douche. More importantly...QB needy AZ gave up on him right away after investing so much in him. Then Miami uses a 2nd round pick to acquire him as a QB needy team...gave up on him right away. SF Forty Niners with a blatant and obvious interest in exploring other QB options not named Jimmy G brought him in and didn't see much in him to even let him compete for a back up spot. I mean even Nathan Peterman, with the worst TD to INT ratio in NFL history in his appearances still has a job and has stuck with his second team. Its time Rosen faces facts...there is only one common denominator here, and its him. 3 teams who needed a QB didn't give him more than 1 season, and two of those teams used valuable resources to get him to their respective teams. So to me, he is clearly not doing his job well enough either on the field, study room, or locker room...or maybe all of the above. Thats on him, and so I don't feel sorry for him personally. .
  6. I agree for the most part with that too, it’s his to lose. I’m just projecting a final 53 in which he narrowly loses, but by no means guaranteeing it or anything. Just really depends on the back end Depth chart battles at a couple other positions. They have been as much, or even more, complimentary on Daryl Johnson too, but it’s gonna be hard to keep both without a surprise cut or some sort of trade IMO unless they want to run thin at another position to make it happen. Main reason I don’t have him making it is because I think someone like Kumerow will fill his role and we just have too much youth at DE and OL making us maybe keep an extra guy or two there. But like I said, Taiwan is essentially right there with Daryl Johnson as essentially the 54th guy in my roster projection, meaning if they keep one less anywhere I projected I think it would be to go to one of them.
  7. With only 3 preseason games and knowing the starters likely play 3 of the remaining 8 quarters of football this preseason, that first game was much more important to evaluate the other guys, especially deeper roster guys that would play heavy on ST. So I dont think Jones sitting necessarily means anything as they aren't going to use him at RB, and they already know his full capability on ST. So IMHO, I think they sat Taiwan because there isn't anything they really need to evaluate on him and gave the reps to guys who need it and they need to see more of. Taiwan isn't so valuable they need to sit him, I mean way more important players who are roster locks suited up for the game and played. So I highly doubt it was to "protect" him more than it was to get more ST reps for guys they need to evaluate further. Just my 2 cents though
  8. Dude I just sent that play to a buddy of mine like last week that was talking about Clay lol. I was like yeah, this is what I will remember hi for...this and never reaching his true potential. Didnt have a terrible career, but he had the tools to be more, just lacked the mental focus and passion to be great.
  9. I will admit, I personally have high expectations for not only the front 7 but also the defense as a whole this year. If our front 7 plays up to its potential, the combination of its depth, youth, veteran experience and a talented secondary gives us the potential to be special on defense this season. I am expecting a big season from Edmunds, especially having size upfront again and him being healthy. I think Oliver has his best season yet, and I expect a breakout season from AJE as well. We may not have a league leading type sack player this year, but I think that will be more about being so deep and rotating players a lot. But I do think we can be one of the leaders in sacks as a team this season.
  10. I think you are referring to Josh Thomas maybe? They said some nice things about them too, so he seems to be in the mix as well.
  11. Very well could be a cut once Dion is back, fair point. My main reason for him on this version is simply I am not sold they will be comfortable with 2 lower drafted rookies backing up both tackles this year, just hasn't been their style to lean on rookies that much. Then again, Hart hasn't exactly "won" himself anything either lol. So he is someone I can still seeing being cut if they feel good enough about Brown specifically.
  12. But 20 total TD's and lets not forget he missed a little over 4 games as a rookie too. So his rookie stats look worse, I mean his final 6 games he already looked like a completely different QB after returning from injury. So the 12 passing TD's definitely lack context and paint a worse picture. I always felt Allen takes more crap for his first season because no one looks at the context of it or his development down the stretch (speaking media and non Bills fans, not about you). I mean he missed 4 games, turned it on down the stretch and was working with WR's who are either out of the league now or barely hanging on to a roster spot. He finished with 20 total TD's, and based on how he played those final 6 games, he probably reaches 25 to 30 total TD's as a rookie had he not got hurt in that Houston game despite a bad OL and terrible weapons around him. So I always say his rookie year wasn't as bad as its made out to be.
  13. I definitely agree with you on that, and I would have a hard time seeing 7 and 3 respectively. Personally I think its going to be 6 and 4 with DJ the odd man out. If a trade happens at DE, then I can see DJ on the team. I still don't think we are moving anyone though. Addison makes no financial sense, and they have had high praise for him. Hughes is our best pass rusher and a team leader and major locker room guy. Our 3 youngsters are locks, and Obada has arguably had one of the best camps of anyone on the team. I just struggle to find a move here that lets us keep DJ.
  14. In the first preseason game, Frazier rotated in some of the DE's into the DT rotation. At one point our DL was Rousseau, Obada and Boogies at DT, and AJE on the other side. That just made this puzzle more intriguing, especially with Frazier saying he thinks they could add value there and wanted to get some looks at it while also giving heavy praise to Daryl Johnson. I mean would they consider 7 DE's and 3 DT's??? Seems less likely than going 6 DE and 4 DT, but then again they are getting looks at our DE's at DT at the same time, so who knows at this point.
  15. There was something interesting going on in the first preseason game where we had Obada and Boogie getting snaps at DT as well. Frazier talked about their versatility and being able to do that potentially and seeing what it looks like. At one point our DL was AJE, Boogie, Obada, and Rousseau on some snaps. Wonder if that means we keep even on less DT...could maybe both Phillips and Butler end up off the 53 if they feel they can get some backup support from some of the DE's? The DL situation is by far the most interesting thing still unresolved right now. I think ultimately 10 will be kept, but the makeup of that 10 is quite interesting to figure out. I mean we have 12 guys worthy of a roster spot along the DL where we have mostly kept 9 guys at previously.
  16. Sweeney seems to have enough positive momentum and is certainly trending towards upwards, so I added him back in this round. Hollister I think is a good player and should make the roster, so I think 3 TE's is slightly more plausible at this point than say 2 with Gilliam and emergency third. But they do have tough decisions at other spots too, so its not a lock they keep 3 official TE's either. But they have I believe kept a FB and 3 TE's the past years though. You could be right about Butler and Phillips, they are hard to predict right now for me, feels like one of them is likely going to be gone via cut or traded just on a numbers game. I leaned Butler more just on the fact he has been hurt and I would think he would be an easier player to trade and get some value back on for Beane. I would be a little more surprised to see Zimmer be the odd man out, I think he is a safe bet to make the final roster. In my scenarios I listed for Taiwan to make the roster in my OP, that is the first and most plausible one. So I would agree with you there and still think there is a good chance he makes the roster. Right now, he and Daryl Johnson are essentially my "54th" player, so as soon as I can identify a sure fire place to shed one more player, I have him or Daryl Johnson making the team. The one caveat for me though is the only way its DJ is if they trade away a DE or make a surprise cut at DE. I think if the roster spot comes from anywhere else, it would be to keep Taiwan as I just don't think there is anyway they would keep 7 DE's.
  17. Well if its during a game, I am sure they would have someone else designated to return kicks in that situation and then would activate Stevenson from PS for the next week if McKenzie was to miss time. Could be a DB or another WR. Just needs someone who wont fumble the catch really. I severely doubt they will keep Stevenson on the active 53 and suited up for gameday as a backup KR/PR. I do expect Stevenson to be on the PS. But this regime has never kept 7 WR's, even when our group wasn't great and was easier to make the roster. I dont see it happening now when we are already short on roster spots for guys who would at the very least play every ST play like say Taiwan or Daryl. Stevenson only shot at the active 53 was if he flat out won the starting KR/PR duties, but he didn't seem to do much in camp at all and fell well behind McKenzie for that role according to reports. So that seems unlikely.
  18. I feel the same, but thats what they kept last year, mostly the same ones too and 3 safeties.
  19. Based on how many we have kept in the past at various positions, I think Taiwan would be kept before DJ if we kept one less OL though, just dont see us keeping 7 DE's. I think the only path for DJ is a trade or surprise cut at DE personally, even though I like DJ and would be happy keeping him. And totally agree, if Doyle shows better than Hart, they very well could roll the dice on 2 rookies as our backup OT's. And yeah, I feel the same at DB. Originally had us keeping 10 in my 1.0 version, but I was shocked to see we only kept 8 last year in total. So I made some cuts there. I think Wildgoose or Lewis could still potentially make the roster, or even Josh Thomas too. But right now, I cut down in the defensive backfield to make room at some other spots, again based on what they have done in the past in terms of how many they kept at respective positions. Maybe they keep 5 LB's instead of 6 to add one more DB, who knows. I just know 2 of those backup LB's are heavy ST contributors and good ones.
  20. I have learned one thing from the McBeane era...they and the coaches always mean what they say, so I don't take Frazier's praise lightly. When I started writing 2.0, I had him making the 53. It wasn't until I was done did I realize I still just cant find a spot for him without a surprise cut or some sort of trade at DE. Just cant imagine us keeping 7 DE's, and right now, all of them have a more significant claim to a DE roster spot than DJ. But the next 2 guys I have being kept, essentially spots 54 and 55 on the roster for me right now are Taiwan and DJ. DJ is the better player IMO, but he is utterly buried on the depth chart with 6 guys ahead of him who could literally start on different teams around the NFL. Taiwan is true specialist adding very little offensively, but we have kept 4 RB's every year under this regime (well 5 if you count the 1 FB we seem to always keep too). So it just seems more plausible for him to make the final roster before DJ IMHO without some sort of trade at DE.
  21. Oh I agree fully. His roster spot by no means is guaranteed, and I had him off my original 53 first draft. The only thing was just having a hard time seeing the only reserve tackles on the roster being 2 rookies given that hasn't really been McD and Beane's style. And quite honestly, no one on the back end of the OL depth chart right now is really standing out. Could also be someone not currently on the roster we trade for or sign one once cuts start happening too. So yeah, but. no means is Hart locked in, but I penciled him in given he is still slated as the backup at RT.
  22. That was a typo mistake...thanks for catching that, I just fixed it as obviously Taron is the starter at NCB. I originally didnt list a NCB specific position and just included them all under DB moniker. Just cut and paste typo error Hart isn't one I am married to, I think the 9th and 10 OL spots are very much up for grabs still to be honest.
  23. I am leading off with this tweet and quote of Frazier because this certainly does put a possible wrinkle into the DE depth chart scenario. Pretty heavy endorsement from Frazier, although he isn't making the final call, but still with 6 guys ahead of him as an actual DE essentially in Hughes, Addison, AJE, Rousseau, Obada, and Boogie...this just got a little more interesting then I was expecting in regards to DJ. I just cant fathom the idea we would keep 7 DE's, so I think his roster slot is going to ultimately depend on one of Rousseau or Boogie really making a strong case to be a significant part of the DE rotation. And Rousseau especially is off to a good start between camp and first preseason game for sure. However, pass rush was the focus point this offseason, and Addison (the most talked about trade candidate) has gotten a lot of praise so far, including a big endorsement of them saying he has looked great and they expect big things from him this year. And Obada has reportedly had one of the best camps of anyone on the roster too. But this is a strong endorsement for Johnson, and our coaches and FO usually mean what they say. Its not Fraziers final call, but this certainly peaks my curiosity on ultimately what the DE depth chart will look like week 1. Could they cut Obada? Seems unlikely given all the buzz around him. Could they trade either Addison or Hughes? Maybe, but seems like they wouldn't want to given the SB aspirations and the need to pressure Mahomes to get there. Offense: Total 25 QB Allen - Trubisky RB Singletary - Moss, Brieda FB - Gilliam (not in bold because we wont ever "start" a FB in this offense, but Gilliam will be the only FB on the roster) TE Knox - Hollister, Sweeney WR Diggs - Kumerow WR Sanders - Davis Slot WR Cole - McKenzie OL: Dion, Jon, Mitch, Cody, Daryl - Ike, Bates, Brown, Hart, Doyle Defense: Total 25 LDE: Hughes - Obada, Boogie RDE: AJE - Addison, Rousseau DT: Star - Phillips DT: Oliver - Zimmer WLB: Milano - Klien, Smith MLB: Edmunds - Dodson, Matakevich LCB: Tre RCB: Levi - Dane NCB: Taron - Neal SS: Poyer - Hamlin FS: Hyde - Johnson Specialists: Total 3 PR/KR: Mckenzie (already counted above to the 53 total) K: Bass P: Haack LS: Ferguson CHANGES from 1.0 - ADDITIONS OT: Hart - I had us keeping 9 in the 1.0 version, but ultimately 2 of the 4 backups were Brown and Doyle, 2 rookies. And it just doesn't seem to be our FO style to lean so heavily on a couple developmental rookies, and I think Hart will make the roster, even if we keep only 9 (where Doyle would be the odd man out if we keep 9). I think they are very intrigued by the sheer size of Doyle and focused on improving our size upfront, so for this version I have both Hart and Doyle making the final 53. NOTE: I have Taiwan Jones essentially as my 54th player right now, so I could see us cutting Doyle (PS candidate if so) and keeping 9 potentially to open up a roster spot for Taiwan too. TE: Sweeney - I had him in until the very end of doing my last mock, but after seeing how much praise and love the staff and team have for him, and showing well in first preseason game in limited reps, I decided he gets kept. CHANGES from 1.0 - SUBTRACTIONS DT: Butler - Numbers game, and honestly it could be either Butler, Phillips or Zimmer. I agreed with a lot of people who commented and chimed in on the first attempt that it will be hard to keep 11 DL this year. I feel like Butler might have more potential trade value in terms of maybe a late round pick, and Beane has proven to be able to get value out of guys like him in the past. Being dinged up, not really standing out, etc I think makes him at this stage slightly more likely to be cut or traded than the others despite him being listed as Star's current back up on the first depth chart. This is a hard one to call, feels almost like a toss up here between him, Phillips, and Zimmer. CB: Lewis - I feel like he has flashed some upside, so I had him on my original 1.0, but at this point, I just think they can't justify keeping him over some of the other guys they seem poised to keep. And we only kept 8 DB's last year as well, so just can't validate him on here any longer. NOTES: TRADES: I think a trade is a possibility at DE still even though I do not have it here. Main reasons I do not have a trade here is simply because all of the DE's that could be a potential trade candidate have been receiving high praise from players, coaches, and Beane. The most important focus of the off season was blatantly stated and shown in our actions of beefing up the pass rush. If Rousseau keeps showing up like he has done so far, then trading one of the vets (most likely Addison I would guess) becomes more plausible. But its still a bit early to start trusting Rousseau and Boogie to be capable rotational guys to lean on in a season we are expecting to challenge the Chiefs for AFC Supremacy and a SB run. McD and Beane have both shown to not want to rush rookies into too heavy a role early if possible too. Maybe Obada could be traded (or cut) too, but he has also reportedly had one fo the best camps of anyone on the team this year. Daryl Johnson despite the praise still didn't quite make my final 53, but clearly isn't out of the equation by any means. Just think its going to take a surprise cut or some sort of trade at DE for him to truly have a path to the 53 as I don't see anyway they could ever keep 7 at DE. ST SPECIALISTS: We have a couple of guys who have very strong ST value, and backup, very limited, or non existent roles at their respective positions. And this is shaping up to be one of the more interesting battles...those ST guys fighting for roster spots. Making the final 53 LB Andre Smith - to me he has so far made a very strong case for the final 53 given he has shown quite well at LB and is a core ST contributor and currently have him making it. WR Jake Kumerow - Camp darling coming into preseason full of buzz with a strong trend towards the final 53. First preseason didn't present him a chance to show anything as a receiver per se, but my guess is his roster spot is going to be heavily evaluated by how he did on ST more than anything. From all accounts I have seen, he has had as strong ST camp as well, which is why I think right now he is on the final 53 given potential value at his position as a WR. Not making the 53 currently: RB Taiwan Jones - He is my next man up once a clear roster spot opens, he very much could be on the final 53, but right now, I think Kumerow ST ability is the main reason I don't yet have a spot for him. But there are still multiple ways I can see him having a spot still despite not in my final 53 in version 2.0: One: They decide to keep him over a 10th OL (likely odd man out would be Doyle in that case)...I think this may be the most plausible road to the final 53 for Taiwan. Two: We move one of our DE's and keep only 5 at DE. Although Daryl Johnson would also still be in the mix if that was the case too and will come down to who they prefer between the two of them. We keep only 5 LBs instead of 6. We kept 6 last year, and two of them are also very good ST players as well, so I still have us keeping 6 LB's. Three: In a bit more of a surprise move, we keep only 5 WR's and Kumerow was the odd man out. Just feel like Kumerow overall brings more right now than Taiwan who has no positional value at RB and only is a ST player. So I still think keeping a 6th in Kumerow is more plausible. DE Daryrl Jonson - Already covered him earlier...he wont likely sniff many snaps this year at DE regardless of the depth chart, and he is definitely currently 7th on that depth chart, and 4th at his side of the ball. So I have a hard time adding him into a final 53 without first seeing some sort of a trade or just flat out surprise cut at DE. But ultimately, I think only ONE of Johnson or Taiwan (below) will be kept, and I think Taiwan has an easier path to the final roster given there are more roads for him to get there. Daryl to me has only one shot, and that is moving on from one of the other DE's.
  24. Cowboys were a failed miracle comeback against the Falcons away from being like 0-4 to start the season with Dak last year. We were a 13-3 team last year with the best offense in the NFL and a runner up MVP that went to the AFCC game. Yet Madden thinks they are on our level? Come on now. I am not saying Cowboys won't be better this year, but come on...they have had mostly the same roster for a few years and struggle to win in a bad division, including missing the playoffs the year before with a healthy roster. They should be in low 80's IMO and we should be above Cleveland and Baltimore. Part of the problem is blatant disrespect of Allens rating...he was 88 last year...puts up a MVP caliber season...enters this year STILL 88???? And Lamar is rated higher? Come on. NOTE: In Madden, where a fast QB is almost like having god mode, sure I get that Lamar may be the better VIDEO GAME player to use. But there is no way in hell that real life ability that Lamar should be rated higher than Allen. I would have Allen after last year at 94, and Lamar at like an 88. NOTE 2: Allen wasn't the only one who got disrespected at QB...how on earth is Rodgers not a 99??? Like what else does he need to be better at to get to a 99? I mean that was absurd.
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