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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. If either Kumerow or Brieda dont make the final roster, absolutely I see Taiwan being a guy who does, especially if its Brieda who is left off. But where I disagree with you on is on just that. Kumerow not only seems destined for the roster now, Beane alluded to considering keeping 7 WR's during the game last night. And I don't think that they see Brieda as a guy to run plays they would run for McKenzie. They have repeatedly said they want someone with some wheels specifically at RB, and my experience with Beane and McD is they mean what they say. So for me, I think Brieda is a guy they are planning to use on gameday, not just an emergency RB. And I think Kumerow is they guy who actually kicks Taiwan off the roster because he is also a good gunner. Im not arguing Taiwan isn't excellent at his job, I am arguing that Kumerow is still good enough at the same job that it doesn't warrant cutting a player who contributes more at another position to keep a little bit of an upgrade at gunner. Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong, just how I see it personally right now.
  2. While I dont disagree, they kept 6 LBs last year and 5 DBs running this same defense. I think Wildgoose has a legit shot to be on the roster, but I only kept 6 LBs because of their value on ST's as well as showing well on the field too at their respective positions. But yeah, totally possible and reasonable to see them keeping 5 at LB to hold onto another DB. I just think Wildgoose might also be easier to sneak onto the PS as well.
  3. Valid counter point, but IMHO, I think they know that the low sack numbers were a direct result of being so undersized in the trenches. They have been singing Addison praises all camp too and saying this is they guy they expected last year. I mean if that was the case, Hughes would be just a vulnerable and I think there is almost no chance they trade him.
  4. I want to keep Obada, dont get me confused with what I want or what I think will happen. But, no chance Obada fetches a 2nd round pick IMO. It really could still be Addison, I just think Addison knowing the defense, leading the team in sacks last year, and a push this year for a SB run gives him the slight edge given how young the rest of our DE room is outside Hughes.
  5. The old he didnt start counter argument again. Sorry, I do not agree Taiwan is so vital he is treated with bubble wrap while substantially more important starters played not only last week, but the week before who are already locked into their positions. IMO, Taiwan has nothing to show...he is one dimensional, and they want to see other guys on the roster fill in on ST to see if Taiwan is vital to keep or not. And more importantly...show me the roster spot not only on the 53, but the active gameday roster where Taiwan has a spot. Do you really think that Devin, Moss, Brieda, Gilliam, AND Taiwan will be active on game days? Taiwan will not see a single snap at RB, and they are intent on Devin and Moss, and they brought Brieda here to be out there on game days as a home run threat. So, very easy to say "he sat last week so he is a lock", but its a lot harder to actually find a roster spot on the Active game days rosters given Brieda seems safe. Unless you don't think we keep Brieda. And if he is not active on game days, he has zero value to the team. Conclusion for me, Kumerow is the new gunner and Taiwan doesn't make the final roster.
  6. Addison would be a move for this years SB push. And with 4 young DE's on the roster in AJE, Groot, Boogie, and DJ...the need to keep youth over older vet isn't as critical. So for that reason, I think Obada may be the odd man out. Still, wont surprise me to see them trade Addison either, just think his experience in the defense, leading the team in sacks last year, and the push this year for a SB title is what narrowly gives him the edge to stick. Agreed, and I had Wildgoose on this final 53 until the very end where I took him off to keep a 6th LB. And the reason was also Beanes emphasis on ST contributions, and all our back end LBs are important on ST. So I am not going to be shocked to see us keep a 6th DB, but I narrowly gave it to the LB's in this final mock solely on ST contributions.
  7. First, what a preseason! Not only did a lot of our young guys, especially our young DL players, shine...but wow did Allen and the first team offense come out and make a statement. Granted it was against backups, but the throws Allen was dealing were just perfect and they were dialed in. Congrats to the whole Bills organization on an impressive preseason! Ok, so this is my final stab at this, as we all know there are only really a few roster spots that are likely unsettled, so not a whole lot going to be different with this final mock, but here goes: Offense: Total 24 QB Allen - Trubisky RB Singletary - Moss, Brieda FB - Gilliam (not in bold because we wont ever "start" a FB in this offense, but Gilliam will be the only FB on the roster) TE Knox - Hollister WR Diggs - Kumerow, Stevenson WR Sanders - Davis Slot WR Cole - McKenzie OL: Dion, Jon, Mitch, Cody, Daryl - Ike, Bates, Brown, Doyle Defense: Total 26 LDE: Hughes - Rousseau, Johnson RDE: AJE - Addison, Boogie DT: Star - Butler, Phillips DT: Oliver - Zimmer WLB: Milano - Klien, Smith MLB: Edmunds - Dodson, Matakevich LCB: Tre RCB: Levi - Dane NCB: Taron - Neal SS: Poyer - Hamlin FS: Hyde - Johnson Specialists: Total 3 K: Bass P: Haack LS: Ferguson CHANGES from 3.0 - ADDITIONS DE Johnson - Beane during the game spoke about how he has been getting trade calls along the DL, and especially at DE. And with how well both Rousseau and Boogie have played, I think Beane feels more confident in being able to move one of the DE's to create a roster spot to keep DJ. I think its going to come down to Addison or Obada, and if I had to guess right now, I think it will be Obada. DT Phillips - I added him back into the fold once his injury seemed not as severe as first thought. I haven't been able to find anymore clearer information on it, so under the assumption its not a significant injury, I have him back on the 53. And I think they end up keeping both Butler and Phillips, at least initially, until there is a clear timeline on Phillips. CHANGES from 3.0 - SUBTRACTIONS TE Sweeney - I have had him on and off my roster projections now, and I think with the emergence of Stevenson and Sweeney getting another injury, that its more and more likely we keep 7 WR's this year and Sweeney is now the odd man out. DE Obada - He had (reportedly) one of the strongest camps of anyone this year, but he hasn't done a whole lot during preseason compared to some of the other guys. I think they really want to keep DJ, and right now I think Obada may be the odd man out. He is still running 3rd on the depth chart as well. So in this final stab at the roster, I have us trading Obada. It could still be Addison as well, and think its going to be one of those 2 guys if a trade is made. But right now, I think its Obada given Addison led the team in sacks last year and knows the defense. NEW TE STARTER - KNOX: In version 2.0 I started speculating Hollister might emerge as a surprise starter. But given Knox ran with the ones this game, and did a good job, I think the job is safely Knox's to start the season with Hollister likely getting decent amount of snaps as well. But I do think Knox could see Hollister push him for the starting role throughout the season if Knox shows inconsistency catching the ball and blocking. NOTES: AJE vs Addison: I am even more confident AJE is locked in to start, Addison seems to have been running mostly with the two's this preseason as well and actually think either Addison or Obada will be a trade before week 1 at this point. (more on that below) 6 Linebackers: I had us keeping 6 all the way, and its still possible we only keep 5, but I still think its going to be 6 given how well Smith and Matakevic have played and how much they contribute to ST. Potential Trade: I think a trade is in the cards here at DE, especially after Beane's comments during the game. I think it's pretty clear the top 2 candidates are Obada and Addison. Wouldn't surprise me to see someone like Butler get moved, but until there is more clarity on Phillips availability I think its unlikely. OL Addition: I think there will be an OL potentially added once cuts happen before the season begins. Taiwan Jones doesn't make my final roster again: Welp, guess I am dying on this hill. I think Brieda sealed his spot and role on this team, meaning on game days, all 3 of Devin, Moss, and Brieda will be active. Gilliam will likely be as well, so I just do not see them keeping 5 RB's active on game days just to get Taiwan on the field for ST. And I always felt they would keep one of either Taiwan or Daryl Johnson here their primary role would be ST this year given their positions on the depth chart. And with the potential of a trade at DE, I think its DJ that gets kept over Taiwan.
  8. 10 pages on something that has a 0% chance to happen...priceless
  9. All good…my view of it is: Throwing an unnecessary tantrum over something trivial is what I associate it with. And to me that is what they are doing, hence my association. I mean first tantrum is not wanting to get the shot. Cool, league made it so they could have that choice. Second tantrum is not wanting to follow the necessary safety protocols that come with making that choice and put all the goals and everything your teammates and staff are working hard for in jeopardy because you don’t want to be inconvenienced. Not cool.
  10. Couldn't disagree more. Has he been team first in certain situations, sure. But this is NOT about him getting the shot or not. It’s his very public and very literal refusal to abide by safety guidelines and responsibilities that come with being unvaccinated. He refuses to wear a mask indoors, he publicly said he WONT follow any requirements at or away from the facility. Thats is one million percent a “me first” attitude and not “team first”. He is not only jeopardizing the health of those players and staff around him, but he’s also just flat out risking their overall availability for each weeks game. So no disrespect, but you’re wrong in saying he’s a team first guy right now, he couldn’t be further from that. He may be team first ON the field, but he is not remotely team first on his childish tantrum of refusing to just wear a mask so he doesn’t impact his teammates and staff. He’s turning into the ultimate “Karen” right now, and sounds like he’s enrolled McKenzie into Karen University.
  11. Under no circumstances do I want to Cole and McKenzie off this team… …is what I keep telling myself. But damn, I honestly can say they are approaching cut candidacy for me. If we weren’t a major SB contender, maybe you can risk it more. But the season is shortest in all of major professional team sports, you can not afford to give away any games. Not to mention it’s one and done in the playoffs. The idea a flat out refusal to comply with a simple rule such as just wear a mask indoors can seriously impact our odds of reaching our goals as a team is something I find unacceptable. You don’t trust the the shot because it’s not FDA approved, fine…except it is FDA approved now. You still don’t trust the shot because a new reason you came up with, once again fine, that’s your choice. But not complying with the mandated SAFETY PROTOCOLS that are there so those can have a choice of not getting the shot is unacceptable. This isn’t about not trusting a vaccine anymore, this is about throwing a tantrum because you don’t like rules and won’t follow them. No one is making them get the shot, so just follow the damn protocols that come with that freedom of choice. Seriously over this nonsense.
  12. Very interesting point, and yeah I think its possible it could entice them further to keep 7 at WR, especially given how pass heavy our offense is.
  13. Define surprised...I mean were you expecting him to make the active 53? I mean we already have 5 must keeps, plus Kumerow and Stevenson fighting for 6th spot, maybe even to force the Bills keep 7. He just didn't really have a shot to make the roster due to numbers
  14. 100% agree that could very well be a path for him. Its hard to predict the IR trick stuff, so until I see them do that, its hard to find another player to cut. I could see us doing that with like Sweeney, Doyle, etc...and that would open up a spot for Taiwan. But until they do that, its hard to project. I also think Wildgoose could make this team the same way.
  15. I am not sure I follow your post here. Neither JOK or Samuel were available at our pick, so not sure how Boogie being selected has anything to do with those guys. And Boogie has been getting praise from both his coaches and teammates throughout the offseason and looked good against the Bears. So, I am not sure what more you wanted to see from him given he is buried on the depth chart behind Hughes, Addison, Rousseau and AJE, not to mention Obaba reportedly had one of the strongest camp of any player on the roster. I have actually been quite encouraged by Boogie and impressed with his versatility
  16. Here is the thing...yes, totally get your point, and that certainly can be viewed as a strong vote of confidence in him making the roster. But playing devils advocate for a second, is Taiwan Jones really so good he needs to be protected by sitting him? I mean we played substantially more important players (that we did not have to play by any means who are locked into their starting jobs) both games. Guys they treat with bubble wrap are usually the ones they can't afford an injury to. And I am just not convinced Taiwan fits that criteria. It could also be he is so one dimensional that they don't need to see anything from him and they are using this time to look at the guys who would have to fill his spot if they didn't keep him and see how they fare before making a decision on Taiwan. I have nothing against Taiwan at all, and if he makes the team then great, means he is so good on ST that our unit is stronger. And honestly, in most cases I would have projected him to make the team. BUT...I am still just having a hard time finding someone to cut to make room for him. Every time I find a way to free up a spot, its to make room for someone that seems to fill a bigger role/need. For example, in this version I dropped Hart again, but I also needed to make room for Stevenson who I think is making a late push here for a roster spot. That pushed us up to 7 WR's (which truthfully I still think is unlikely and we keep 6, meaning its probably a battle between Kumerow and Stevenson if so). Well if we keep 6, then I have an open spot again I can see for Taiwan, which very well might happen. That being said, there are some developments that definitely increase the odds he makes the team (assuming he wasn't already locked in, which he might be). One that stands out for me is Sweeney in a walking boot. If Sweeney doesn't make the 53 either due to being cut or put on IR, well there is Taiwan Jones spot right there. If say Kumerow or Brieda doesn't make the team, there is also a spot for Taiwan. So I totally agree that Taiwan still has a good shot to make the team, and maybe it already is a foregone conclusion.
  17. Could be a cut elsewhere, maybe Sweeney or something...then add him back once they move Phillips to IR. But when I wrote this, it sounded like Phillips might be out into the season...if its more likely he will be ready week 1, then I have him still making it over Butler. So just depends when more is known about his timeline.
  18. Agree they both get a lot of snaps this year between the two, regardless who starts. Interesting, thanks for the update. When I wrote it, sounded like it might linger into the season. Agree on the safeties I originally had him on my 53, and wanted to put him back on this one. But struggled where to find the room. But overall, I think he has a real shot at the final 53 Brown I think is looking quite promising too. Beane has become the best GM in the NFL for me. I get he wont get the recognition without a SB trophy, but he is hands down top 3 at the very least. I think Kumerow could potentially be a surprise cut at this point. I am not calling it, and I do still have him on the roster, but I think he is more cuttable than some think. McKenzie fumble...Stevenson return...and Kumerow dropping 2 passes all in the same game actually all worked against him. If Stevenson secures a spot, good chance we only keep 6 and Kumerow would be the odd man out.
  19. So what two players are you cutting then to make room based on the rest of the 53? Its a lot easier to say they keep them than it is to actually go cut 2 more players to make room for them. I dont disagree they have legit shot at roster, but I am having trouble cutting somewhere else to make the room.
  20. This is how I felt too in version 2.0, but Hart had another poor showing again I felt in game 2 and nearly gave up a safety when he gave up a sack near the goal line. I thought he needed to at least have a solid performance to have a chance to be a back up tackle here. With the report that Brown and Doyle injuries dont seem serious, I just think Harts chances have run out. However, that doesn't mean we wont add one once cuts start happening though, which is obviously also still a possibility
  21. Yeah, Sweeney isnt locked in by any means, but the staff and team really seem to just love this guy and hes done well when on the field. But the one thing working against him is that Gilliam is versatile enough to where he could be an emergency TE 3. In the past we have kept 3 TE's and a FB though.
  22. First, what a game! Amazing to see the vast majority of our starters on offense sit and still have their way with mostly the starting unit of an NFL defense! Not to mention the greatly encouraging showings of our young DL as well, as they have all through camp and the first preseason game. Lets just jump into it...obviously there are not going to be significant changes with each one of these are there are not a lot of roster spots really up for grabs. But this is also about predicting the starters and depth chart too. Offense: Total 25 QB Allen - Trubisky RB Singletary - Moss, Brieda FB - Gilliam (not in bold because we wont ever "start" a FB in this offense, but Gilliam will be the only FB on the roster) TE Hollister - Knox, Sweeney WR Diggs - Kumerow, Stevenson WR Sanders - Davis Slot WR Cole - McKenzie OL: Dion, Jon, Mitch, Cody, Daryl - Ike, Bates, Brown, Doyle Defense: Total 25 LDE: Hughes - Obada, Boogie RDE: AJE - Addison, Rousseau DT: Star - Butler (Phillips will INITIALLY make the final 53, but solely to be put on IR so he can return, but Butler will be here at least to start the season with the injury to Phillips) DT: Oliver - Zimmer WLB: Milano - Klien, Smith MLB: Edmunds - Dodson, Matakevich LCB: Tre RCB: Levi - Dane NCB: Taron - Neal SS: Poyer - Hamlin FS: Hyde - Johnson Specialists: Total 3 K: Bass P: Haack LS: Ferguson CHANGES from 2.0 - ADDITIONS WR/KR Stevenson - Admittedly, I am still quite skeptical we keep 7 players at WR, but they drafted Stevenson to return kicks, and he did just that and made a nice offensive play too in the first preseason game. But I am wondering if they could successfully stash him on the PS at this point, and for that reason may tempt them to keep 7, especially given McKenzie muffed a punt in the same game. They could cut Kumerow too, something I felt likely wouldn't happen, but dropping 2 passes this week didn't help his case. DT Butler - The injury to Phillips now I think makes Butler safe. Harrison will initially be kept so he can be put on IR with the ability to come back in season, but come week 1, Butler will be the backup to Star in the meantime. CHANGES from 2.0 - SUBTRACTIONS OT Hart - I briefly added him to the roster just skeptical we would run with our 2 backup rookie tackles, but at this point its really hard to say what will happen at OL with the injuries. But Hart I just think isnt worth keeping and think we will add someone available before we keep Hart. If the injuries are no significant, I think we just roll at this point with our 2 rookies. DT Phillips - He will make the initial 53 before being moved to IR. This thread is a roster prediction for week 1, so I left him off it as Butler will fill that reserve role behind Star come week 1 now that Phillips has another knee injury. NEW TE STARTER - Hollister: In version 1.0 I listed Hollister as the starter before quickly making an update mid week when McD gave pretty strong praise to Knox overall camp. In 2.0, stuck with Knox. But after watching Knox again drop a pass he easily should have caught and watching Hollister play so many snaps and make a lot of plays, I am now reverting back to that I think Hollister might surprise and start at TE. I am in no way saying its a lock, but I have to believe the staff is frustrated to see the ball again hit the ground, and Hollister has impressed IMO since returning to the field. NOTES: AJE: I had him as the starter out the gate, and I feel like all he has done is validate that prediction thus far and is a near lock to start opposite Hughes week one. That is not even a knock on Addison, its just how good AJE has looked thus far. Addison I still expect to remain on the team and play a good amount of snaps in a rotation to keep our guys fresh and constantly bring pressure, but I am growing more and more confident by the day that AJE will be the week 1 starter. 6 Linebackers: I had us keeping 6 all the way, and now I think we are nearing a lock for 6. Smith and Matakevich have I think sealed their spots here and both are also very good on special teams. Taiwan Jones and Daryl Johnson: I am still struggling to get them on the final 53 without injuries coming into play. Not sure who gets cut to make room for one of them, and currently I still have neither making the team. And barring more injuries, I can't see a path where we keep both. I still think it seems to be a stretch we keep 7 WR's, so that would open a spot up if we keep 6 only...but then who is the odd man out, Kumerow or Stevenson? Both have a made a strong case to make the roster. I think Stevenson is trending up hard, and Kumerow stock might be a little down after dropping a couple passes this week. He did make up for it with some nice plays too, but the margin of error to make this final roster is razor thin. McKenzie muffing that punt actually hurt Kumerow more than it did McKenzie as his role on the offense is secure, but it opened up the chance for Stevenson to challenge again for KR/PR duties and a roster spot. A trade of Addison would open a spot, but I still dont think they intend on doing that. He is worth more to our SB run than we will get back in a trade at this point. He likely backs up AJE but will see plenty of reps in rotation still. And there just isnt any financial incentive either, so I think given we need to throw all we can at Mahomes, Addison will be here this season.
  23. I am not comp pick expert, but it seems plausible
  24. Why is this a topic? Not a chance in a year we are expected to challenge for a SB we are entering the season with Webb or Fromm as our backups. And our offense is too complicated to add another QB after a proposed trade of Mitch. Nothing is ever 0% chance, but this is as close to 0% chance as I can think of. It makes literally zero football sense. We already have a stacked roster, its not about adding more pieces later, its about winning this year.
  25. McKenzie with ST major blunder…Stevenson with the big ST play. Gonna be interesting to see if this tempts the Bills to keep 7 at WR, something I just didn’t think we could do just because of needing that extra roster spot elsewhere. But Stevenson now making that at least seem like a possibility again
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