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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. To me, the issue isn't about whether a player is vaccinated...its more about guys like Cole intentionally boasting how he wont follow protocols away from the facility. And I hope now that they are all together at camp, preseason, practices, etc...that the staff and his teammates have at least gotten through to him in that regard. They have the freedom of choice, so now just be responsible and follow the safety protocols laid out that come along with that choice, and make no mistake about it, those responsibilities are still important. There is a go fund me account to help a woman I knows recovery who yesterday just got out of the hospital after being there 6 weeks and even on a ventilator after getting COVID. She was also already vaccinated, but the Delta variant hit her hard. Sad part is, the only reason I know her is because she hosted the funeral reception at her house for my friend Brian back in June who died from complications and damage caused by COVID that he had a year earlier and had been on life support for 19 days before passing. Brian was a die hard Steelers fan and I will have a patch on my Allen jersey in his honor when I am in Buffalo at the game week 1. A few members of my staff in Denver right now have COVID, and all of them are also vaccinated, but they are still pretty sick at home for several days and now feel like crap despite all being under 35 years old. Someones kid brought it home from school they think is how they got it. Point is...vaccinated or unvaccinated...COVID is still dangerous. So if you are choosing not to get vaccinated, thats is 100% anyones choice and I support that. But don't be irresponsible towards your staff and teammates by completely disregarding the safety protocols put in place to help protect the team and support their goals of winning a championship. And again, hoping that side of Coles attitude towards it has improved now that he is around his mates and the facility.
  2. Yes I do think there is going to a large gap between number of carries of Singletary and Moss. And the Packers 2 backup RBs last year, Williams and Dillon are better than Moss and Brieda...and they still had a wide split in GB. Moss will get touches, as he’s a good RB too, but I think Singletary is going to play much more of a lead back role than people think with Moss handling more inside running and down and short stuff. Brieda I am not convinced is going to see a lot of gameday action now that they kept Taiwan Jones just because I am skeptical they will keep 5 active RB's on gameday. They only kept 4 before, and Giliam I expect will definitely be active given he is also the emergency TE. I get it, people are hung up on last year. But I think the Singletary we saw as a rookie is a MUCH better representation of who he truly is as a RB. Coaches flat out said last years lack of camp and preseason hurt some players and specifically referenced Singletary and the impact it had on his conditioning. And Singletary responded and came back to camp in the best shape of his life and seems determined to put up his beat season yet and prove he’s a starting RB. He knows this is his year to do it given they considered taking yet another RB early this past draft and signed a Vet in Brieda too. So yeah, I can’t see them taking him out of games constantly if he’s playing great and hitting near 5 ypc again.
  3. Im a math guy, and this is exactly how I think about this situation and what spurned my post. Good post!
  4. I wasn’t comparing them talent wise, I was referencing the amount of carries it took to get to over 1000 yards. You said you can see Devin getting 200 carries, and Jones got 190 and eclipsed 1000 yards. And Aaron Jones YPC last year was the same as Singletary rookie year. Not about whose better, it’s a simple math equation based on the numbers you just said.
  5. Aaron Jones had over 1100 yards last year on 190 carries And yeah TDs may get vultured
  6. QB is hands down the most difficult and complicated position in all of team sports to play.
  7. To be clear, I also expect us to have multi score leads a lot this year with how explosive our passing offense is and how much better I think our defense will be compared to last year. So I just think we are going to see more carries than people are expecting, not because our offense changed or isnt working correctly. Beane and McD have both discussed the need to improve our overall rushing attack as well, so I can see us starting to chew clock once we get up to keep the D fresh as well. To be clear, Devin only needs like 12 carries a game to reach 1000 yards based on his career average. Its not as far out as I think some think it is.
  8. I know, I know…we are a passing team and have a RB by committee type approach on paper. But…I think we are going to see Devin actually be used more as a lead back than people think. Moss will also still get touches, with Brieda likely being peppered in some too. But I think Devin will average around 15 carries a game. And with his career YPC of 4.8 YPC that would put him at 1152 yards on a 16 game season, and 1224 on a 17 game season. Ive been drafting Singletary late in FFL because he’s been available in every draft I’ve done in the later rounds with Moss always going ahead of him too. But barring injury, I think that Devin is going to out touch Moss by a bigger margin than many expect. And to be clear, that’s not a knock on Moss by any means, I just think Singletary is going to be a break out player for us this year. People forget in his rookie year, despite splitting carries, he was in the top 10 in most 20+ Yard runs, and averaged over 5 YPC. Last year, coaches talked about how lack of camp hurt him, especially conditioning. Well this year he’s in the best shape of his life and I think he looks substantially better so far than he did last year and is going to be our most effective RB with Moss working more to spell him or down and short situations. Brieda, if active on game days (skeptical you they will have 5 active RBs on game day) will be more of a receiving back in passing situations.
  9. From what I have seen, they don't seem to be too concerned about McKenzie or Phillips availability week 1. My guess is they are both on track to be ready week 1.
  10. Is there a way so each level isn’t just the same rocket? Like the icon literally is what indicates what level you are versus Having to click it and go to their profile to see what level they are? Maybe us HOFers get like a gold ring around our profile pic or something
  11. I don’t think it was about Hollister so much…more like they just seen Knox struggle with consistency catching the ball and liked the idea of a vet to push him if he didn’t improve with that.
  12. Just listened to it live, don’t have any links to it yet, but it was quite telling in2 areas. 1. We made no waiver claims and will not be making any waiver claims. In other words, roster is pretty much set unless a trade comes up or injuries. 2. Ferguson is the only one being brought back, Stevenson to IR, meaning he’s out at least the first 3 weeks of practice. So, that means McKenzie can’t be in to serious of a situation and also Hollister was a legit real cut, not to just make an IR move. Doesn't mean he cant make it back still, but it wasn't a cut to make a move with the intent of coming right back. So some questions have been answered, and unless there is some undisclosed trade he is working on (which seems highly unlikely), we are set at TE with Knox and Sweeney and Gilliam as an emergency TE.
  13. McD said that not having a camp last year affected some players more than others. And Devin was one of those players where it affected his conditioning. Now he’s in the best shape of his life, and we are seeing the difference on the field. Im calling it now…Devin will lead this team in rushing and by a decent margin. Moss is talented, he will get touches, but don’t be surprised to see Devin be the clear lead back throughout the season (barring injuries of course). Devin for me is also a late round steal in FFL drafts, landed him in all leagues as Moss always got drafted first.
  14. I feel like Hollister is coming back to, but its going to require 2 to IR given Ferguson is already reportedly coming back. My guess is its Sweeney and Harry potentially too.
  15. Looks like I missed 3. Technically, on my roster Taiwan took the spot I had assigned to Ferguson. Ferguson however is reportedly coming right back, didnt really miss on him per se, but Taiwan replaced him in my mock from a numbers stand point. Obada took Daryl Johnson's spot at DE (had Obada as the one getting traded in my last mock) Sweeney took Hollister's spot. Didn't see Hollister not making the final 53, but he could just be someone the cut to bring back after they make some IR moves. So not bad, 3 off really, and one may be back too (Hollister). What I am curious about is who goes to IR to make room for Ferguson and will there be another to make room for Hollister or is he just perm cut.
  16. I mean waste he a 5th rounder? Not a shock a former 5th round QB didnt make a roster with Allen and Trubisky on it.
  17. Is that the final cuts then, are we at 53? If so, stoked to see Stevenson officially made it
  18. My expectation is that Hollister was a move to keep someone for IR, then add him right back after putting them on IR. He was one of the few they could do that with and not go through waivers and also was the cheapest to do it with if I am not mistaken.
  19. And after watch Bobby Hart become the next Wyatt Teller hahaha NOTE: He wont, he sucks. Hahaha
  20. I wrote "Emmanuel" didnt I? Ha. Anyway, yeah Davis looks really good and I think he gets plenty of reps too. Honestly, I expect Diggs and Coles stats to dip a decent amount this year, not because of anything other than Josh definitely can spread the ball around and we have a lot of capable guys who should get their own looks this year too. Last year, with Brown hurt most the year, Josh leaned a lot more on Diggs and Cole. This year, both Sanders and Davis should see plenty of action and passes, so naturally I think Diggs and Coles numbers take a small hit just from spreading the ball around more.
  21. Wondering if the delay on announcing the final cuts is related to maybe not having a chance to talk with each player first or maybe related to PS plans or something.
  22. Seemed like a foregone conclusion when they traded Daryl Johnson, and glad too because he looks good. I actually thought because he had looked so good but was still behind some other guys, he could be the one traded and get the better trade value from. But my preference was always to keep him, so glad it worked out. I had the same question haha
  23. Par for the course!?!? Such disrespect for Nathan Peterman, I mean he has clearly turned a corner! I mean thats a huge improvement from his 3 TD 12 INT career in Buffalo! I mean he went from 1 TD per 4 INT to now 1 TD per 2 INT...he is now TWICE as good as he was here! 😂🤣😂 #MVPsleeper
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