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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Star has always been a very good part of our defense. Stat sheet analysis disagree because they have no idea of what his role or actual value to this defense is. But every single player in that front 7 and our coaches absolutely appreciate and treasure Star's value to the team up front. The people who spent all this time whining about him and wanting him "gone" are just puzzling to me. Its like they ignore everything the coaching staff and players say about him that makes our defense better and just see if he got any sacks or something. TBH...the Edmunds thread is starting to remind me a LOT of the Star complaining too. Its like they finally paid attention to Star the last 2 weeks and realized they cant pick on him anymore and decided the new whipping boy is going to be Edmunds and his imaginary contract that isn't happening yet until 2023.
  2. Lol, ball wasn't even hard pass, it was lobbed even. But yeah, his arm is a cannon.
  3. I don't understand why Mahomes keeps getting put on this list of best deep ball throwers. Its like no one watches him play or something. His deep ball is not as good as his overall passing production indicates. If you watch him play, his receivers are constantly making excellent adjustments to get the balls that are off target, especially Hill. And a lot of other times he has guys running wide open too where its like playing 7 on 7 drills. Mahomes is an excellent QB no doubt, not knocking him, just saying his deep ball accuracy is not the top of the list. The top 3 best deep ball throwers in the league in no particular order are Rodgers, Wilson and Brady. Brady does not have the arm strength as those other guys, but his deep ball accuracy down field is still excellent. I am not saying Mahomes is a bad deep ball thrower either, I just think it gets completely over exaggerated with him because he has so much production, but if you watch him play, you will see someone like Hill frequently adjust to an off target pass down field and make the catch, even in crowds, double coverage, etc. Hill IMO (no disrespect to Diggs) is the best deep ball WR in the NFL, with Diggs and Hopkins IMO being the other 2 in the top 3. Hlll has an uncanny ability despite his small stature to find a way to the ball no matter the coverage and somehow make the catch look easy at times. As far as Allen goes, there is NO WAY I am going to say he can't ever be in this category right now. We are talking about a QB who has taken massive steps forward each year in the league, is still growing as we speak further, and has the strongest arm in the NFL and is paired with one of the top 3 best deep ball threats in the league in Diggs with some other good deep weapons too in Sanders and Davis. To stand here today and say he can never be one of the best at it is mind blowing to me given the tools he has and the growth he has already shown in all facets of the game. In conclusion though, it doesn't matter if he does or doesnt become one of the best deep ball throwers in the league. That is in no way the barometer for being an elite QB in the NFL nor an indicator of future Super Bowl success. But I am also not even going to consider saying Josh can or cant be anything at this stage of his career and I am utterly shocked anyone would dare make any final conclusions about any part of his game today while he is still ascending as a player.
  4. Come on...baiting him now is the prerequisite, and on a play where Heineke DID throw an interception forcing the pass when no one was open? You just keep moving the goal post on Edmunds to down play when he does something that is counter intuitive to your "he sucks" agenda. I mean you comments here are amongst the worse takes so far.
  5. Well we had some missed sack attempts too, something they need to fix as well
  6. You clearly missed the sarcasm in using the same extremities that I was countering. And he executed that play perfectly, and NOT all LBs do that, Beasley makes LBs look silly on the same route regularly. And he did this on more than just this play. Sorry, you’re still downplaying good plays for the purpose of exaggerating bad plays to confirm your opinion of him. There isn’t a GM in football who wouldn’t have picked up Edmunds option just like Beane did. This is IMHO the worst thread of the year full of over exaggerated hot takes and non sense. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a thread with more blatant confirmation bias attempts as this one.
  7. So Edmunds executed his assignment to perfection and you somehow have a problem with this or think it doesn’t matter? Lol come on, you’re literally just trying to discredit an excellent play by him for the purpose of confirming your negative opinion of him overall. Menawhile, you want to mention a fumble recovery by Milano which was just luck and chance the ball was fumbled (and fumble was caused by someone else) in Milano’s vicinity. It literally has nothing to do with how well Milano played or didn’t play. Milano played great yesterday, so not taking anything away from him, just pointing out its silly to boost up a luck play while discrediting Edmunds perfectly executing his responsibility on another. Your post, like the other I mentioned, is again more evidence aid the attempts in this thread of confirmation bias to discredit anything Edmunds does well as “routine” and no big deal while over exaggerating other plays he didn’t do what you expected.
  8. Almost no effort? Geezus this is way past being a terrible take, it’s approaching absurdity. There was nothing “routine” about a MLB blanketing his coverage like he was a Tre White clone. Not a lot of LBs can make that play. And it wasn’t the only time he did it in the game. It’s just the one someone posted that you now want to disregard. Your post alone shows why this thread is so over blown and grossly exaggerated. It, along with many others, lack any real football analysis what so ever. Bunch of stat sheet checkers in here instead of people who actually understand how to analyze his play. He is NOT the best MLB in football, but he also isn’t in the bottom half of the league either. He’s arguably top 10 at his position, but all of you who apparently hate him want to use extreme confirmation bias style “analysis” (I loooooosely use this word “analysis” because most of this stuff is nonsense rather than analysis) to try and paint him as negatively as possible. And your post here is poster child for that trying to turn his good plays, even very good plays into things like “routine” and no big deal while you instead over harp on one or two other plays to make it appear worse. This might be the worst thread of the year TBH.
  9. Simple, was a fluke bad kick that went high and short. Ball is live on a kickoff once it goes past 10 yards, no has to touch it and no one did. McKenzie ran to get it but it was well short of him and ball literally bounced back upfield away from him right to the kicker. Was a fluke really, bad kick that got a very lucky bounce and they benefited.
  10. Agreed, he’s very athletic in that way and it’s best part of his game. He doesn’t have ideal arm strength, but the kid has some potential. Plus, I heard from Nick Wright he is even better than Josh Allen 🤣
  11. Yeah too many stat sheet checkers around here who apparently don’t pay attention in the live games. Our DL constantly made Heinieke uncomfortable and we dominated this game. The only reason they scored when the game was relevant was because of one screen and one ST mistake. Outside of that, our defense had their way with them and forced turnovers off the pressure they got on him too.
  12. I’m just saying, he’s not nearly as bad as some in this thread are making him out to be. He didn’t make 2 pro bowls in 3 years because he’s the worst MLB in football as someone foolishly called him. The people who really KNOW football don’t see him as terrible by any means. He’s going to get paid, and how he plays for Buffalo this year and next will determine what Beane thinks he’s worth. If the numbers are close enough, he will likely remain a Bill. If Beane doesn’t see him as worth what the market is dictating for him, he will leave in FA. It’s really that simple. All the over exaggerating and freaking out in this thread but some people here is just unnecessary. The title and OP of this thread is about the most ridiculous thread that’s been on this board all season. He isn’t the best at his position, but he’s probably top 10, which means we could do a lot worse. And he still has upside as well.
  13. Disagree. Edmunds has had some very good games and these people don’t show him love in those moments. This thread is pretty ridiculous considering we have a top 3 defense and Edmunds hasnt done anything to hurt us while this thread talks like we are 0-3 and Edmunds is the main reason why. Meanwhile opposing players and coaches constantly talk up Edmunds and how he’s a beast they must account for.
  14. Clearly they aren't afraid of Allen running given how many RPO's Daboll calls and treats him like a RB way too often with draws right off the snap into the teeth of the D, which is so stupid IMO. Allen is most dangerous with his legs when extending plays or when there is no one open and there is an open lane. It baffles me that Daboll hasn't figured this out yet.
  15. I never said he was perfect, I said the OL has been atrocious. Most of us acknowledge there are some things Josh can do better, while others are saying it’s all Josh. Watch the games. The OL has been the worst unit on this team for 2 straight weeks, and it’s not even debatable.
  16. So instead of watching the game to form your own opinion you took your analysis from what someone else said on the radio, who are also not known for their astute analysis. Got it. I watched the full game twice, and your post above is not in tune with the reality of what I saw during the game.
  17. Again, because he’s been under constant duress and pressure he hasn’t been able to get comfortable and in a Rhythm. Why some of you keep blatantly ignoring this is beyond me. And he’s also delivered some incredible throws and plays none of you are mentioning.
  18. I don’t disagree with that, I was more objecting to the amount of blame you’ve previously put on just Josh. End of the day, he’s been under constant duress and pressure both games against 2 stout defenses on a consistent basis. It’s literally the worst I’ve seen this group play in terms of pass protection and disciplined play. Im not worried at all about Josh, but I am concerned about our OL right now. Come playoffs, defense plays a big role and if our OL is hot garbage it’s going to put a lot of pressure on Allen and our own defense if we can’t sustain drives due to dumb penalties or blown up pass protection. Josh has a tendency to press too much and try and put the team on his back when that’s going on, and that’s not when Josh is most effective. OL is gonna have to get their s**t together so our offense can find their groove and rhythm.
  19. You seem to have over looked, forgotten, or flat out disregarded that the vast majority of those balls you are referencing he was throwing under duress from the terrible blocking of the OL
  20. Im not worried, he’s never had a fumbling problem before. And all of those were as he was going out of bounds and prob just wasn’t holding it tight at that point for that reason
  21. 6.4 YPC and on pace for 1309 yards 😎 And a 45 yard TD run already too. Trending the right direction.
  22. Geezus this take is so bad we are all actually dumber now for having read it. STANDING OVATION for the mod @Hapless Bills Fan for banishing this unbelievable hot garbage of foolish posts to its own thread. Best move I’ve ever seen a mod do. 👏
  23. I’m so confused…How did you list Milano ahead of Tre as a “no brainer”? That might be the worst gaff I’ve seen on here all season. I love Milano as much as the next guy, but he’s not even close to Tre’s level. This is the same Milano people here weren’t even sure they wanted to resign or not whose not even in the top 10 at his own position while Tre is not only one of the best at his position, but one of the best overall defensive players in the NFL. Allen, Diggs, Tre are the only indisputable locks on this team. Dawkins, Hyde, Poyer, Beasley, Hughes, Milano can all make a case for the final 2 spots. And if we want to base it on the first 2 games…Rousseau and AJE are beginning to make their own cases for this list.
  24. Like I said, fine if people want to talk about his future and next contract, but to flat out call picking up his option a mistake is beyond ridiculous. There isn’t a single person professionally linked to football who would ever for one second call his option a mistake. That is so egregious it’s mind numbing. Does it mean Bills should automatically give him some huge contract next? No, it does not, they will weigh his performance and value and make a decision. But it’s beyond foolish to suggest the option was a mistake as it’s foolish to be starting a thread after a 35-0 win suggesting he’s the problem.
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