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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I dont have an issue with calling designed runs, its the designed runs that Daboll specifically calls that are terrible and never net us more than 3 or 4 yards while Josh takes big hits and is a fumble risk. It is the RPO or designed run where Josh immediately goes right up the middle before the LB's or anyone has cleared out in coverage. I think designed runs are smart and should be part of the game plan because Allen is quite dangerous with his legs...but Allen isn't Lamar or Murray, the best designed runs for Allen are the ones that at least give the illusion of a pass by letting Allen either roll out or first drop back then take off once our receivers have cleared some space underneath. Allen is an open space threat, he isn't the guy you want to run into the teeth of the defense unless its down and 1 or down and 2 and you want him to sneak it where he has like a 99% conversion rate over his career. But for some odd reason, Daboll is calling runs like Allen is a full time RB or FB out there, and given Allens fumbling issues at times, thats a risky call given he is going to take some hits, not to mention adding to injury risk with those up the middle draws. So I don't disagree with you about using his talents like his legs as an additional weapon, I just disagree with Daboll on the specific run plays he keeps calling up the middle that never gain us much and force Allen to take a bunch of unnecessary hits.
  2. Yeah, and honestly if there is a LB they see in the draft they could land that they covet, it might influence their decision on Edmunds, especially if Edmunds play hasn't convinced them they must keep him.
  3. 0% chance he will be released...the only way Edmunds isn't in Buffalo next season as @GunnerBill alluded to if he doesnt get his extension this offseason is by trade. Edmunds will have plenty of suitors who will look to trade for him and Beane will get value back before outright cutting him. And quite frankly, he could easily get a 2nd for him right now, and maybe even more like multiple picks or even a first. He will have multiple suitors bidding on him. Doesn't matter what people on this board think, he has value across the league as a young 2 time pro bowl MLB who is the captain of his defense. Beane would shop him saying we can't afford to retain him next year and easily get good value in a trade for him if he decides Edmunds is not in our future plans. And I kind of agree with GunnerBill on this that if Beane has decided to NOT extend him as soon as this season ends, I think Beane makes a move to trade him this offseason rather than risk losing him for nothing given he will get some good value for him. Now its possible before now and end of the season Edmunds could lower his value if he has a rough year, but today, easily get a 2nd and possibly more for him.
  4. Well thats what the coaching staff SHOULD think...but for some dumb reason Daboll has been treating Allen like he is Derrick Henry out there calling way too many bad calls where Josh takes the snap and runs right up the middle off the snap before the box has even had a chance to clear out. Its the worst play call in our playbook. Josh is dangerous as a runner extending plays and rolling out. The only up the middle run calls he should get are QB sneaks only in short yardage where he has nearly a 100% conversion rate. I do think his rushing TD's and overall yards will go down because we just have so many weapons at his disposal though
  5. I honestly don't know, I think its really just too early to know. New cap is coming, contracts are going to start to shape the market, and his play this year and next will start to shape his value as well. So for me, I am not really focusing on putting a value on his contract today, there are just too many unknowns including his own play between now and then.
  6. And honestly, I am 100% in agreement with you. I do NOT want to over pay him or any player for that matter. As far as Edmunds goes, don't get me wrong, I don't see him as irreplaceable, and I dont even take exception to criticism of him because he has earned his fair share of them. I do think he has more untapped upside as well still though. The only thing I am taking exception to is the claims by others he is "terrible", "a bad player", "worst LB in the NFL" that I have seen others claim all of which he clearly is not and is a gross exaggeration. Not to mention a thread claiming picking up his option was a mistake by Beane.
  7. That's a fair point in terms of the opponents and overall good post. I will say that at the time we played each of those 3 teams, they were considerable formidable and expected playoff teams. We dismantled the Dolphins and knocked their QB out, we pretty much dominated them from start to finish, and were up 14-0 already if not mistaken when we knocked Tua out of the game. And I don't think the Dolphins are as bad as we made them look either, I think we just are that much better than them. But still, the quality of QB play we faced doesn't scare anyone really, and those 3 opponents strengths were defense anyway, so still a good point you made of how our defense hasn't been tested yet like it will be against the better offenses in the AFC. That being said, our defense has at least been dominant in all 3 matchups, which is what you want to see when playing offenses like we did in these first 3 weeks. I don't disagree about the lack of major splash plays either about Edmunds, I would also like to see more from him in that regard. But I will say this...his draft slot is irrelevant. Draft slots matter on draft night and negotiating the first contract...after that its pretty meaningless how you got to the team or what draft slot you were taken. When it comes time to make a decision on resigning him, where he was drafted will literally have zero factor in the decision. The only thing that matters is 2 things...do Beane and McD agree they want to try and keep him, and then does the value they are willing to pay to keep him align close enough with what Edmunds and his team are willing to take to stay.
  8. I totally respect you as a poster, so no disrespect here...but why are you hung up on this over pay thing in so many threads about Edmunds? No one has over paid him, no one has offered him a contract. Why are we jumping all over Edmunds about this before anything has even remotely been discussed? I get the stance of being concerned he could get over paid, but its a bit premature to focus on that. I heard the same panic about Milano, and then Beane brought him back on a great deal. And now, all the people who were saying NOT to resign Milano are running around about how good he is and how much more important he is than Edmunds. Not saying you did that, I don't remember your specific stance on Milano before he resigned, just others are. I think at this point, Beane has more than proved himself to be smart about contracts and has avoided over paying in both free agent signings and retaining his own players since arriving in Buffalo. So I just think its way pre mature now to harp on Edmunds getting over paid by us when the probability of that happened based on Beanes well established track record is low. IMO, Beane is going to evaluate Edmunds play this year and next and then come to a conclusion if he still fits our defense and what his value is. If Beane wants to retain him, and the value is close enough to what Edmunds and his team are willing to take to stay, a deal likely gets done. If they are far apart, Beane wont hesitate to let him test the market or even walk like he did with Milano. And more importantly, if Beane knows ahead of time he isnt going to resign him, I promise you this, Beane will absolutely trade him because he will have significant trade value on the open market and would fetch us a premium pick in the first 3 rounds depending on his level of play going into the trade.
  9. Disagree. I argued here all over the place how important and good Fletcher was and a LOT of people on the board said the same garbage over and over again just complaining that he makes the tackles too far down field and he sucks. Then we all watched him go on to have a continued stellar career in Washington. Preston Brown was constantly trashed here too because he wasn't dynamic enough and couldn't play coverage to save his life. Now I didn't disagree with the fact Preston wasn't very good in coverage and was better playing in the box, because that was true. But people said he was terrible overall and over exaggerated to a degree there. But, end of the day, Brown criticism were at least more fair as he was not very good in coverage and I felt we needed a rangier LB to man the middle too even though I never thought Brown was "terrible" as some said. Really...go pull the plays up where he whiffed tackles all day every Sunday. Funny, how a man who leads the team in tackles every year by a considerable margin somehow in your flawed view also whiffs on every tackle. You literally have not only not provided any kind of actual analysis, but you are just spewing non factual non sense at the same time. Then have the audactity to complain when somoene like myself calls out your baseless posts as if its unfair to you? Geezus man, post some substance. Criticism is all fair game, but you are providing nothing in that regard or any statements based in reality. Again, no one is claiming Edmunds is the best MLB in football, but we are disagreeing at your baseless and grossly over exaggerated nonsense is an accurate picture of what Emdunds is to this team.
  10. LMAO...this from someone saying Edmunds is "bad at his job" and disregarding any value our 2 time pro bowl MLB who is the captain of our defense has to our team. You didnt even provide any criticism, you just made a utterly ridiculous statement of flat out saying he is bad at his job.
  11. Wow what a terrible take. The drives on Pitt were incredibly important and needed as we still had a shot in that game at that time. Second, I utterly hate when people say "take away this and then its this". You can do that with any player in the league and substantially change their stats. Its such a foolish statement, especially when you don't do that to any of the comparable players. Bottom line is Devin as a rookie splitting time with Gore was just a few rushes behind the league leader in most carries over 20+ yards, and he only had like 150 carries. He has a career rushing average near 5 ypc, so this nonsense of wiping out one play to paint a different picture than what his career has shown is utterly ridiculous and has not value what so ever. Despite your clearly biased opinion, Devin has done a great job the first 2 weeks and one could argue he should have been given even more work in the Steelers game while our passing game was struggling instead of throwing 51 times, he was literally our best player on offense that week while everyone else, literally the entirety of the remaining 10 guys on the field were all struggling. Moss and Devin compliment each other well and they will both get plenty of touches this year, especially since Daboll seems to be trying to get the run game more established after the week 1 game.
  12. Devin is better at creating space when none is there as he is a lot shiftier and I think he fits Dabolls system better beause Daboll is terrible at designing run plays with clear holes. Daboll might be the worst run game OC in the NFL, and one of the worst I have ever seen. If we ran more from run formations, I wonder who would be the better back, Moss or Devin because Moss does hit the hole hard too. But given the way we call run plays, I think Devin's ability to be shifty and find the lanes has more consistent value from a running perspective and why he has a higher YPC career average IMO. Moss on the other hand is better suited for our system than Devin as a receiver out of the back field and also for the tough yards. So I think they compliment each other well. But, this is another example of "hot takes"...Devin ran great the first 2 weeks, and McD also said he would go with the hot hand in a game to game scenario. So just because Moss was more productive this week doesn't all of a sudden wipe out how effective Devin was the previous 2 weeks, including a 45 yard TD run. Devin was arguably our best offensive player week 1 and then he had another strong game week 2 when our passing offense was still fluttering a bit with another poor showing by the OL week 2. Personally, I think Devin will function as the "starting RB" all year, and will get his 12+ carries a game with Moss still getting 8-10 carries and probably a little more action in the receiving game than Devin has his hands are more reliable. Both are going to be good players for us and I still think Devin hits 1000 yards rushing by years end as I think its clear Daboll is at least trying to get the run game more established this year even though he still runs too often from funky formations to really get that ground game consistency.
  13. I will bet you any amount of money that no GM in the NFL would label our 2 time Pro Bowl LB "Bad at his job". The only people here bad at their job are the people claiming in this thread and the other Edmunds thread that he is terrible, bad at his job, one of the worst in the NFL, etc. Edmunds is not the best MLB in football, but he is far from the worst and far from being "bad". And our D is playing at the top of the NFL right now while he is the starting MLB...but some of you talk like our Defense isn't any good and he is the reason. The amount of egregious over exaggeration is comical at this point about Edmunds. I have a feeling this is mostly the same crowd that has been mistakenly complaining about Star also not being any good and needing to be cut because they really don't know how to evaluate him properly. Its like the Edmunds hater crowd sees a play or two a game they feel like he should have made a better decision on or a better play and then decide that represents 100% of his play while they completely ignore all the other positive things he has done. To see evidence of that, just go to the 20+ page Edmunds thread where they are trying to disregard any positive play and just refocus on some other play they didn't like from him and paint that as the only true representation of him.
  14. Maybe use TR or ED for him so its not confused with Tight Ends. Not a big deal, just would eliminate any confusion if you are referencing him or a TE. Just highlight that at the top of your post that Tremaine Edmunds will be abbreviated as what ever abbreviation you choose. Personally I think either of those work just fine.
  15. Excellent work, and pretty much spot on with what the rest of us non-haters have been saying about his play. Not the best in the NFL at his position, but pretty close to top 10, and probably top 10 still, and the Bills can do a lot worse than Tremaine. ONE NOTE on your analysis: Maybe dont use "TE" to abbreviate his name as it makes it confusing considering there are also a lot of references to Tight Ends where you are also using the same "TE" to identify them given he is frequently covering tight ends in the passing game as well.
  16. Star has always been a very good part of our defense. Stat sheet analysis disagree because they have no idea of what his role or actual value to this defense is. But every single player in that front 7 and our coaches absolutely appreciate and treasure Star's value to the team up front. The people who spent all this time whining about him and wanting him "gone" are just puzzling to me. Its like they ignore everything the coaching staff and players say about him that makes our defense better and just see if he got any sacks or something. TBH...the Edmunds thread is starting to remind me a LOT of the Star complaining too. Its like they finally paid attention to Star the last 2 weeks and realized they cant pick on him anymore and decided the new whipping boy is going to be Edmunds and his imaginary contract that isn't happening yet until 2023.
  17. Lol, ball wasn't even hard pass, it was lobbed even. But yeah, his arm is a cannon.
  18. I don't understand why Mahomes keeps getting put on this list of best deep ball throwers. Its like no one watches him play or something. His deep ball is not as good as his overall passing production indicates. If you watch him play, his receivers are constantly making excellent adjustments to get the balls that are off target, especially Hill. And a lot of other times he has guys running wide open too where its like playing 7 on 7 drills. Mahomes is an excellent QB no doubt, not knocking him, just saying his deep ball accuracy is not the top of the list. The top 3 best deep ball throwers in the league in no particular order are Rodgers, Wilson and Brady. Brady does not have the arm strength as those other guys, but his deep ball accuracy down field is still excellent. I am not saying Mahomes is a bad deep ball thrower either, I just think it gets completely over exaggerated with him because he has so much production, but if you watch him play, you will see someone like Hill frequently adjust to an off target pass down field and make the catch, even in crowds, double coverage, etc. Hill IMO (no disrespect to Diggs) is the best deep ball WR in the NFL, with Diggs and Hopkins IMO being the other 2 in the top 3. Hlll has an uncanny ability despite his small stature to find a way to the ball no matter the coverage and somehow make the catch look easy at times. As far as Allen goes, there is NO WAY I am going to say he can't ever be in this category right now. We are talking about a QB who has taken massive steps forward each year in the league, is still growing as we speak further, and has the strongest arm in the NFL and is paired with one of the top 3 best deep ball threats in the league in Diggs with some other good deep weapons too in Sanders and Davis. To stand here today and say he can never be one of the best at it is mind blowing to me given the tools he has and the growth he has already shown in all facets of the game. In conclusion though, it doesn't matter if he does or doesnt become one of the best deep ball throwers in the league. That is in no way the barometer for being an elite QB in the NFL nor an indicator of future Super Bowl success. But I am also not even going to consider saying Josh can or cant be anything at this stage of his career and I am utterly shocked anyone would dare make any final conclusions about any part of his game today while he is still ascending as a player.
  19. Come on...baiting him now is the prerequisite, and on a play where Heineke DID throw an interception forcing the pass when no one was open? You just keep moving the goal post on Edmunds to down play when he does something that is counter intuitive to your "he sucks" agenda. I mean you comments here are amongst the worse takes so far.
  20. Well we had some missed sack attempts too, something they need to fix as well
  21. You clearly missed the sarcasm in using the same extremities that I was countering. And he executed that play perfectly, and NOT all LBs do that, Beasley makes LBs look silly on the same route regularly. And he did this on more than just this play. Sorry, you’re still downplaying good plays for the purpose of exaggerating bad plays to confirm your opinion of him. There isn’t a GM in football who wouldn’t have picked up Edmunds option just like Beane did. This is IMHO the worst thread of the year full of over exaggerated hot takes and non sense. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a thread with more blatant confirmation bias attempts as this one.
  22. So Edmunds executed his assignment to perfection and you somehow have a problem with this or think it doesn’t matter? Lol come on, you’re literally just trying to discredit an excellent play by him for the purpose of confirming your negative opinion of him overall. Menawhile, you want to mention a fumble recovery by Milano which was just luck and chance the ball was fumbled (and fumble was caused by someone else) in Milano’s vicinity. It literally has nothing to do with how well Milano played or didn’t play. Milano played great yesterday, so not taking anything away from him, just pointing out its silly to boost up a luck play while discrediting Edmunds perfectly executing his responsibility on another. Your post, like the other I mentioned, is again more evidence aid the attempts in this thread of confirmation bias to discredit anything Edmunds does well as “routine” and no big deal while over exaggerating other plays he didn’t do what you expected.
  23. Almost no effort? Geezus this is way past being a terrible take, it’s approaching absurdity. There was nothing “routine” about a MLB blanketing his coverage like he was a Tre White clone. Not a lot of LBs can make that play. And it wasn’t the only time he did it in the game. It’s just the one someone posted that you now want to disregard. Your post alone shows why this thread is so over blown and grossly exaggerated. It, along with many others, lack any real football analysis what so ever. Bunch of stat sheet checkers in here instead of people who actually understand how to analyze his play. He is NOT the best MLB in football, but he also isn’t in the bottom half of the league either. He’s arguably top 10 at his position, but all of you who apparently hate him want to use extreme confirmation bias style “analysis” (I loooooosely use this word “analysis” because most of this stuff is nonsense rather than analysis) to try and paint him as negatively as possible. And your post here is poster child for that trying to turn his good plays, even very good plays into things like “routine” and no big deal while you instead over harp on one or two other plays to make it appear worse. This might be the worst thread of the year TBH.
  24. Simple, was a fluke bad kick that went high and short. Ball is live on a kickoff once it goes past 10 yards, no has to touch it and no one did. McKenzie ran to get it but it was well short of him and ball literally bounced back upfield away from him right to the kicker. Was a fluke really, bad kick that got a very lucky bounce and they benefited.
  25. Agreed, he’s very athletic in that way and it’s best part of his game. He doesn’t have ideal arm strength, but the kid has some potential. Plus, I heard from Nick Wright he is even better than Josh Allen 🤣
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