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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yeah, but wouldn't you agree thats also skewed heavily by our defensive shutouts against bad teams giving us constant great field position? We are still explosive and can score no doubt, but those stats above, sexy as they may be, are a prime example of how stats lack context. I think its fair to say its been influenced by facing some really bad teams, bad QB's, and bad defenses so far. I am in no way trying to be a Debbie Downer here, I love this team and think we are the best team in the AFC right now. However, we are vulnerable to upset losses if we can't get better in the Redzone and stop leaving points on the field. Especially need to fix the penalty issues by the OL.
  2. To be clear, I am not making a big deal about it, but just pointing out 1-2 against 3 teams we could potentially see in the playoffs gives some concern none the less. Especially since both losses were self inflicted losses due to dumb penalties and red zone inefficiencies. My point is, we don't get a "next" game come playoff time. Coming up a few inches short means you go home until next year. We need to solve this issue of shooting ourselves in the foot. Or we will let teams like the Titans or Steelers steal wins...and regular season is one thing, but playoffs you go home. And the main reason I am concerned about red zone efficiency, its still an issue this deep into the season and was even not all that good in some of our blow out wins against bad teams. Make no mistake, I am not in panic mode and I am still fully confident in our team and believe it this team can win the SB this year...but saying that, I would be foolish to not see the Redzone and penalty issues as somewhat concerning given its contributed to going 1-2 against better teams.
  3. I obviously think the Bills can beat any team in the league too, I even said I think they can both make and win the SB this year. But red zone inefficiencies need to be correct, and so far its been a struggle both in losses and blow out wins even. Come playoff time, those can be death nails in a season. Im still supremely confident in this team overall, just saying we only had 3 solid or better opponents on the season and we are 1-2 in those games. And Redzone issues are largely responsible for that.
  4. No offense, but thats an absurd response to my post. I literally said in my post I still believe we can make and win a SB this year. But in the post I responded to, he listed 7 games on our schedule that represent the most challenge on our season schedule this year, at least on paper. And we have played 3 of them...we are 1-2 in those games. Granted we were an inch away from probably beating Tenn. However, there were a lot of issues in that game still like our inefficiency in the Redzone, something that has plagued us this whole season, even in some of our big wins against inferior opponents. Also our defense allowed the Titans to score on like their final 6 drives too. I am about as big of an optimist as there is on the Bills this year, however, our poor Redzone efficiency cost us both of our losses against Pitt and Tenn. If that trend continues, its going to be tough to beat the Bucs. We aren't beating them with FG's. And regardless to how close we were to winning the Tenn game, if thats a playoff game we go home. There is no "next games" in the playoffs. And with teams like the Bengals, Ravens, Titans, Chargers, and even still the Chiefs possibly in our path to the SB who an all score in bunches for the most part, continued red zone miscues could end our season on any given week come playoff time. I care a lot less about blow out wins against weak opponents than I do about close losses we should have have won but killed ourselves against the better teams on our schedule.
  5. Well one concerning thing on your list of who we face...we have only played 3 of those teams, and we lost 2 of them. Pitt (loss), KC (win), Tenn (loss). We still have TB to face too. I am as big of an optimist on the Bills this year as there is, I mean I truly believe we can make and win a SB this year. However, it is a little concerning that of the 7 teams you listed, we have played 3 of them and are 1-2 in those games.
  6. I dont think they are that good to be honest. I think we will beat them by double digits and fairly easy. I mean they got a ton of yards off PI penalties last game. They struggled to beat a bad Niners team missing 2 of their best players on offense. They are one of those pretender teams to me, they will beat mediocre teams but struggle against the real SB contenders.
  7. First of all...has anyone looked at our schedule? We may not lose another game, only tough game is Bucs. And we can beat them. We will be the number 1 seed in the AFC, you can book that.
  8. We are the best team in the AFC right now. The same AFC that has Mahomes in it. I wouldn't change a thing. Mahomes walked into a Super Bowl roster day 1. Allen walked into the NFL raw with a bottom third roster. It took longer for Allen and the team around him to get the same level as Mahomes and the Chiefs, but we are there now and we are better than they currently are. In fact, we are built to be better for a sustained period of time. Until we win a SB too, the case will always be able to be made for Mahomes. Even though its ridiculous to even suggest Mahomes would have won a SB as fast as he did with the roster he would have had here during that time. But once we win a SB, and mark my words, we will. This topic will never be a valid question again. Allen finished ahead of Mahomes in the MVP voting last year, and certainly will again this year...he is already on his level. Now throw in one of the best defenders in the league in Tre, and its clear Allen + Tre > Mahomes in terms of the team build. Not to mention, we also wouldn't have Edmunds had we not made those trades.
  9. You took my post completely wrong. I was asking for clarity.
  10. To be clear, there are currently zero names and zero trades the Bills are actually linked to correct? Or did I miss something?
  11. Oh I’m not saying he’s getting traded, I was talking about what he would be worth in trade if it happened. I agree, I don’t think Barkley is going anywhere before the trade deadline
  12. Honestly, I have been good with our RB's this whole time...however, I think Miles Sanders would flourish here. I wont be upset if we didn't as I do like our RB's, but Miles Sanders is the most wasted talent in the NFL IMO. Its mind boggling why they dont use him more. I would be excited to add him to this roster, say send Devin and a pick or something.
  13. If Barkley is traded he would probably only get a 3rd at best, and more likely a 4th. Fans ALWAYS grossly over value players in trade. RB's are have the lowest value of them all. And Barkley had one great season, his rookie year and a good 2nd season. He has done nothing in 2 years and been injury prone. The NFL history it littered with the bodies of RB's who came out the gate and made a big impact and then never lived up to that production again, and thats WITHOUT injuries. Barry Sanders played behind one off the worst OL I have ever seen...still dominant. Barkley has struggled behind that line and hasn't shown anyone he can get stay healthy or even get back to form once healthy.
  14. This was amazing! A well deserved honor for an outstanding player and person. Loved this
  15. He has done well this season against physical WRs too. And to be fair, physical WRs are hard for any CB to cover I don’t get the Eagles. Every week they treat Miles as if he doesn’t exist the entire game until the final drive or two. Complete waste of talent, I would be all over a trade for him if he was available. And I don’t think we are even bad at RB, just that Miles is one of the most under used guys in the league and super talented
  16. Levi is having a great seasons, what’s this obsession everyone has with trading for a CB2 still? He’s been very good
  17. Sorry bro, it’s indisputable. Let it go, he was short 100%.
  18. Actually, at no point as he ever really been conservative. People tried to label him that when he didnt have the proper players to be more aggressive his first year, but if people paid attention he was always aggressive in his decisions his entire tenure here. And thats only ramped up even more since the first day Josh stepped on the field. So I do not understand how people seem to think he is suddenly now more conservative when he has been coaching this way most of his tenure here and certainly since Josh became the starting QB.
  19. How many threads to we need about the same play? I mean this is being discussed in several other threads
  20. How is this 4 pages. There is indisputable evidence he was down short of the first down, its not even up for interpretation. What could possibly be discussed on the matter for 4 pages lol
  21. Yeah if true it certainly is a mistake with Barkley on the other side
  22. Hes only ever NOT converted just one or two times on down and 1 or down and 2. I say "down" instead of 4th down because we have run the QB Sneak to pick up a first or TD on other downs as well. Great choice to go for it, and I love McD saying he will go with Josh 10 out 10 times there and has his complete trust. The mistake was by Dabol trying to be cute and tricky with the play rather than just lining up and running it with Josh above center. Neither him nor the OL really seemed dug in as a result of the attempt at confusing them. They didnt even give Josh a chance to hard count them. Line Josh up over the center from the get go and I believe they absolutely convert or get them to jump. Dabol needs to STOP trying to be slick in these moments and just run their best play.
  23. No he didnt, he was down before the ball went past the line, you just took a freeze frame after he was down prior to this and ball was on the other side. There is no disputing this, he was 100% down before the marker, they got that call right, the camera was exactly on the line and it was a legit half a foot short.
  24. The call to go for it I love and was correct. But this was Daboll fault to be honest on how he tried to be cute and tricky. He needs to stop being cute on the 4th and 1, it’s the ONLY time it doesn’t work for us. Allen has like a 98% success rate over 3 years on the sneak. If you’re gonna sneak it, then lineup and sneak it. But because Dabol had Allen in shotgun and walk up, he never really got his feet and set to push. If we lineup and just snap that ball with Allen under center from the get go, I guarantee we convert.
  25. Does it matter? I mean he’s either 3 or 4…but Allen and Lamar are 2 tiers higher than both Baker and Darnold. I mean they are a distant third regardless who you put at third. I would still take Baker over Darnold personally, Darnold doesn’t have the balls to be good. But again, it doesn’t really matter. Neither is remotely close to the top of the class of Allen and Lamar.
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