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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. How is our D Line bad? We have the number one defense in the NFL and lead the league in takeaways which all start up front.
  2. Yes, exactly. It’s one game, great teams lose to bad teams ALL THE TIME in the NFL. There were several today alone. You are obsessed with the bleak. We win, not a big deal. We lose a game the world is ending and we are the worst and everyone should be fired. Rinse and repeat around here.
  3. Its literally exactly what you said. LMAO, you are the one pouting and all doom and gloom. You literally just put the expectation that we now need to put up a ton of points on the Jets just because the Patriots did. And you said it in a way that suggests if we don't score a ton of points like the Pats, it somehow means the Pats are the better team over us. Geezus, this board is utterly absurd right now full of the worst hot takes I think I have ever seen here...and thats saying A LOT considering this is TSW and bad hot takes it what this board does best.
  4. You mean the 90's teams that were 4 time losers and won nothing? Thats. a low bar you set. I could care less how they measure up to a 4 time loser...all 4 of which I still have on tape. I care how they measure up come playoff time to the team on the opposite sideline. Thats it. Anything else is a waste of time.
  5. Guess the Pats are the best team in the NFL then considering no other teams put 55 up on the Jets either this year. You are full of terrible hot takes today.
  6. It’s just a game. It’s just one week. Its a long season. Back away from the ledge.
  7. Insult to the fan base? Geezus some of you are delusional about the NFL and overly entitled. There is a reason only ONE team in NFL history has an “undefeated” season, and why it’s never happened in the modern era of longer seasons and might never happen again…It’s an anyone can win on any given week league. Upsets happen every year and practically every week. To act like they owe you something as if they aren’t out there laying it on the line every play for your entertainment is incredibly vain and arrogant. Josh Allen got the beating of his career today trying to win that that game. I promise you every player out there and coach wanted to win this game more than you wanted them to win, and they are risking injury every play to try and get those wins. The reaction on this board today is more embarrassing than the loss.
  8. No it can’t. If that was the case, you could pick any of our dominant wins and use that ONE game as the one that sheds light. This is a myth. You just want to choose this game and make it the “light” because it fits your gloom and doom mindset right now. We would smash the Jags 9 straight if we played them 10 times. We had an off game with 2 starters out on the OL. It happens. Cowboys got rolled by Denver today. Denver isn’t good either.
  9. Geezus, it’s a game. Relax. I hate losing as much as anyone, but once it’s over it’s over. How anyone let’s a sports team losing drag them down so much emotionally is puzzling to me. I was in Buffalo for the first time ever to go to opening day and first Bills home game. We lost. I still had an amazing trip and amazing experience. Friday my parents called to tell me that my stepdad has lung cancer and begins radiation treatment soon. That’s the kind of stuff to worry about or stress over, not a sports game. I won my suicide pool today thanks to the Cowboys, so I’m still in a good mood even though Bills crapped the bed and my phone is full of mocking text messages from friends. Go outside or do something fun with your kids. Who cares about the loss, it’s over, it’s one week, it’s one game. On to the next game, it’s a long season.
  10. Or maybe this fan base is obsessed with making things more bleak than they are over one game.
  11. Its one game. Missing two starters on OL. Probably over looked them a bit. We came in with number 1 scoring offense in the NFL…so suddenly one game erases that history? Come on, it’s the NFL, every team has weeks like this from time to time. To panic and over react is premature. Let’s see how they bounce back
  12. Here come the over reaction hot takes
  13. Me: Sanders loves Allen. TSW: Arguing about Cousins and Diggs. 🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
  14. Love to see this, and very high praise considering he’s played with Big Ben, then Manning, then Brees.
  15. I don’t think he lands in Buffalo either. But I learned a long time ago that nothing is off the table with Beane.
  16. How the heck is this 9 pages long (now 10 pages)? It’s not rocket science. Ball is being spread around, that simple. The fact their is 9 pages of debate on this is mind blowing. PS: Last year our number 2 WR missed most the year and our TE wasn’t much of a factor. Therefore Diggs and Cole got fed the ball a lot more. Diggs I believe led the NFL in targets even. This year we have Sanders and Knox playing big roles, plus throwing to our backs more too. Again, not rocket science. To be concerned about this would be foolish. It’s so much better to be spreading the ball around than force feeding one guy.
  17. I’m curious if he clears waivers or if someone claims him off waivers to make sure they get him. I bet he clears waivers though. I think the most likely landing spots (in no particular order) are going to be: KC (so desperate for a WR they signed Gordon) Saints (only team to at least inquire about a trade before deadline for OBJ) Raiders (just lost Ruggs) Ravens (Still need more help at WR) Patriots (Need better receiving weapon) Packers (obvious need at WR). Outside chance teams: Niners, Colts, Bills, Eagles. If I had to place a bet, I think it’s the Packers. He wants to win, they want to go all in on Rodgers likely last season in GB, and they are a clear favorite in the NFC. Not only do they need a WR, but they just their starting TE for the season in Tonyan.
  18. Yeah that was me The only one we saw was a very small bar, basically just the wait staff use it and hostess.
  19. Rams are NOT an example of going all in working. They have zero Super Bowls and only reached one where they scored 3 points and they got to that SB BEFORE they decided to mortgage their future. “Working” means accomplishing the goal set forth in the strategy. Rams not only haven’t accomplished their goal under this all in strategy, they haven’t even had a chance to as they have not even reached the SB again since mortgaging their future to get there again. They are literally an example of it not working, at least not yet. They built that team up to be a contender and reached a SB without going all in. Then they went all in and have not even reached the same success they had yet BEFORE going all in. Now, they could win it this year, but if anyone really watches the Rams games, their defense isn’t a s good as people think (hence them making a trade for Von Miller to try and bolster it), and the offense and Stafford can be rattled still. They are far from a lock to even make the SB, let alone win it, in a tough NFC with Cowboys, Packers, Cardinals, and of course the defending champion Bucs. This year is their best shot at it, but it won’t be an easy path to get there and if they don’t do it this year, the all in strategy is a confirmed failure and they will start seeing that window close quickly on that roster.
  20. Also lots of Khalil Mack to the Bills chatter and speculation. Seems to be unsubstantiated for the most part and more or less happening because Bills, along with the Cowboys, also inquired on Von Miller which seems confirmed. Seems people assume with the Buffalo connection we would also be calling about Mack. I can’t see how we could even trade for him though given his contract size though, so doubt there is much to this. Not to mention he’s not healthy right now either.
  21. Lots of chatter on Twitter that Bills and WFT discussing Trubisky trade. Trubisky is trending in my Twitter feed over it too. Also chatter that Saints have inquired too on Twitter.
  22. I literally said this would happen to him and Beasley prior to the season starting. We have too many weapons now, especially with the emergence of Knox. Last year, with Browns injury and Davis a rookie, Allen leaned heavily on Cole and Diggs, especially Diggs. This year, just too many mouths to feed. So no, nothing to see here, it was absolutely inevitable and expected based on the loaded offense
  23. I dont know why this is so confusing for some of the Fins fans and even some of the Bills fans in the other thread about this. 1. Bills could not take a knew and run the clock all the way out. 2. Bills had to score or get a first down to essentially officially end the game. 3. Bills need to keep clock running, so only a run will be called. Allen rolling out can simply go down on his own if no lane is there for either the first down or the score. 4. As far as the 2 point conversion, how is this even confusing for anyone? Without it, the score is a 2 score game still. If dolphins run the kickoff back or score fast on a big play, they could still kick an onside and try and score again. Converting the 2 point conversion made it a 3 score game and unofficially ends the game. There was nothing classless at all about the Bills decisions. Anyone who cant see that just wasn't actually paying attention to the final details of that game or doesn't understand football.
  24. Is this thread for real? Are these children on the field or grown a** men literally playing a game for a living? Come on, this is absurd. Don’t like it, play better. That simple. And we couldn't end the game on kneel downs either. Had to score or get a first to unofficially end the game. And end of the day, it was a safe play that puts the game away and score impacts tie breakers. No lane, Josh just goes down and keeps the clock running.
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