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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I get the Marcus Peters comparison, but I would add that Marcus has changed teams multiple times and Rams D made a significant improvement when they traded him and brought in Ramsey who makes a more consistent and bigger impact throughout each game. I don’t disagree he is a talent, I wanted to draft him even. Remember, my original comment you responded to was that I said he would not win MVP. And the reason was because he gets burned more than he gets interceptions. If he had these crazy INT totals and was a shutdown corner, maybe he would have shot at MVP. But reality is that he is giving up a lot of big plays when not making an INT, and there are just more people who make a bigger impact to their team and overall outcome of the game then his one play a game where he intercepts a pass. It’s no doubt an amazing accomplishment, and I like him. My stance is his season is not MVP worthy, and while I know he definitely has a case for DPOY, I really don’t think he deserves to win that either. I would vote for either Watt, Garrett or Donald before I’d vote for Diggs this year. One could make a case Diggs isn’t even the most important person on his own Cowboys defense and that Parsons is.
  2. Dont get me wrong, I like him and his INT total is crazy…but I don’t think his style of play is sustainable. Yeah, the INTs are exciting, but he won’t ever be able to keep that pace or volume in terms of frequency. At some point to be an elite corner he’s going to have to adjust. When the turnovers stop happening so frequently, he’s just going to be a another guy who gives up too many plays or TDs that teams don’t fear like they fear a Tre White for example. There is a reason why teams keep throwing at him. There is a reason teams don’t throw at White. Don’t get me wrong, his INT total is insane right now, and a major accomplishment. And I agree him and Parsons are really impacting that D between his interceptions and Parsons overall play. But I think his style is gonna catch up to him and we will see then if he can adjust and start becoming a guy teams avoid. Parsons has been phenomenal for them and I think is headed to becoming an elite player for a long time.
  3. That’s why I said it was ironic Yet you seem to overlook the impact the guys upfront have on the secondary.
  4. Lmao. What a ridiculous thing to bring back up. Ironically, our defense gave up more points today without Edmunds than our #1 NFL leading average with Edmunds. But here we are, this nonsense again. How does Edmunds suddenly become the scape goat again when he didn’t even play today?
  5. I will give you that, don't disagree there. I was more referencing his ability to get open
  6. 1. Knox I think has been the bigger factor of less red zone opportunities for Davis. He has become more of a focal point down there. 2. We have an OL problem and offensive scheme problem in terms of the run game. We run way too much from gimmicky formations or off RPO's, all of which are slower to develop preventing the backs from hitting the hole harder and faster. 3. The bigger issue on deeper plays has been our pass protection. Far too often we have defenders running free at Josh causing him to scramble and people to improvise and break off routes...or he gets sacked, or has to take a quick shorter option. And we have also had way too many situations of down and very long thanks to bad penalties, stupid first down calls, sacks, etc. This allows the defense cheat deep and focus on taking that away. 4. I think the issue is more centered around the OL struggles. 5. I agree, and I think this is where Daboll has been terrible. He isn't adjusting to what the defense is doing in how he calls a game. 6. Sanders has been very good, our woes are not in relation to him. 7. I think McKenzie has been subject to his expanded ST role, and just having a lot of weapons to get involved already on offense. Harder to call specialty plays for someone like him who never sees the field much until those plays are called, makes them easier to defend too. 8. I don't think there is any "souring" of any kind. Josh is a fiery player, and I think that was more him trying to wake everyone up and fire them up.
  7. Im just saying all I keep seeing is the over fixation on one game as if the past season and a half never happened. Clearly, the Jags game is FAR FAR FAR more likely to be an "outlier" than the majority of the past season and a half from Allen being the "outlier". Teams/Players lay duds from time to time, its the NFL, every player in the HOF has done it many times. Mahomes has done it many times this season alone, not to mention the SB last year. Its part of the game. But if you read TSW this week, you would think we are winless and need to find a new HC and GM, and look for Allens replacement. And my comment was more directed at the general overall panic by so many around here and across the board, than just you specifically.
  8. Not sure who all needs this...but putting here just in case. https://didihirsch.org/services/suicide-prevention/ Or call: 800-273-8255
  9. If he TRULY is about winning, he will take the minimum and sign to play with Rodgers for rest of season and chase a ring. They by far are the best team interested in signing him right now and have the best QB of the teams interested in signing him. If thats all BS, and money still matters...he will go to a middling team that is probably no better than a lower seed playoff team likely to get bounced early...like the Raiders or Seahawks.
  10. You remember that game where Tom Brady threw 4 INTs? Yeah, nobody else does either even though its happened more than once. The fixation on one game erasing an MVP candidate season this year and last year is beyond absurd. Hey guys, we have what was the overall favorite to win the MVP...who was the runner up last year to the MVP and who is still the second most favorite to win the MVP after a rough outing...lets throw all that out the window, act like none of that happened and just fixate on one bad game. That makes more sense. Clearly we drafted the wrong Josh. Cut him and start the NVP and begin the Trubisky era.
  11. Im delusional? You started a thread about him NOT throwing under neath when he probably threw UNDERNEATH more in this game than he has all season. Sorry, your thread is ridiculous in that nature as many others have already pointed out to you and showed you the actual facts of how much he did throw underneath. Funny a lot of them are people I have never even heard of or rarely see around here (not saying the OP here, but in general). Suddenly they are in like 100 threads whining about all this doom and gloom nonsense, McD and Beane suck, Allen sucks, our receivers suck, our DL sucks...and so on and so on. Just say something negative in the thread title and these ghosts will post 100 times in that thread. Once we win again, we wont hear from them until the next loss.
  12. Huh? You literally started a thread and poll about who to blame, Beane or McD and been ranting in this thread about overall things not just one game. So no, you’re making it a bigger season long and even over both McD and Beanes overall time here. Beane didn’t play on Sunday, so you’re literally making it season long issue or more just including him in the poll. Lol You realize the secondary benefits from the DL correct? Our secondary struggled last year with our DL issues. Star is back and we added more youth and talent upfront and suddenly we lead the league in takeaways. The fact you don’t seem to see the correlation is puzzling. And again, we have the number 1 defense in the league, the fact you keep complaining about any part of our D is even more puzzling. And the OL you’re upset about this week was missing 2 important starters. Most teams don’t have starting caliber backups on the OL, it might be the single most talent deficient position in the overall NFL right now. I heard all the subpar nonsense about Beane not being able to address WR. Then we wound up with one of the best WR groups in the NFL. Rousseau already won some rookie accolades thus far and our DL is much improved from last year, and you’re trying to sell this story now that he can’t address the OL. Sorry man, nothing you’re saying makes a lot sense and seems rooted in post loss anger more than facts.
  13. Not a true deep threat? I am not sure where that comes from, Diggs is one of the top 5 deep threats in the league. Sanders is also a deep threat and gotten open on several times where Josh just missed him or was under duress and couldn't get the ball there. Both are better deep threats than Brown, its more that the defenses have been scheming to take away the big play and our OL also has not been able to get Josh the kind of protection he needs to let deep plays develop and hit the pass. So, respectfully disagree it has anything to do with Brown. Especially since Brown was almost non existent last year and barely played when we had the top offense in the NFL.
  14. All I can say is watch the games more closely. Because if you did pay attention you would see our 3 losses were close games where we left MULTIPLE scores EACH game on the field thanks to drive killing penalties. Every time our team gets momentum, we shoot ourselves in the foot. Yes the OL is also a problem with its protection, no doubt. But we have the personnel we have at this stage of the game. Getting our 2 starters back will help a lot, but even after we do, the frequency at which they make critical mental mistakes with false starts and holding calls has to drop. If it does, we will be much better as an offense. No one said the OL didn't struggle. I said, despite the OL struggles, we are undefeated right now literally if we eliminated the drive killing penalties that left a lot of points on the field during all 3 of our close losses. Does it mean we suddenly blow out the Jags or Titans if we just correct the untimely penalties plaguing our team? Nope. But it means we win the game. Scoreboard is what matters. Josh Allen is so athletic he can make things happen with the OL breaking down enough times to keep us in games and win games. But he can't over come both the OL struggles and the penalties that kill our drives and scoring chances. Eliminate the penalties and we are the only undefeated team in the NFL today. Part of that is also on utterly terrible calls by refs in what might the single worst season I have ever seen for refs across the entire league. I don't know what is up this year, but overall the refs have been a total mess this season league wide.
  15. How about this...why dont you go look at the regular season of every past SB winner for the last 25 years and tell us all if they had any losses during the regular season. Then let us know how many were upsets losses. I can save you some time and tell you that plenty of them experienced losses in the regular season they should have won in upsets. It happens. Your insistence that the Jags game defines our season is not only ridiculous, but absolutely undeniably false logic.
  16. Its amazing how many of you possess extreme selective memory. Manhandled? LMAO...we weren't manhandled by Tenn. We dominated most the key metrics of that game. The issue was once again self inflicted wounds that cost us that game. Its that simple. The single biggest contributor for this team right now in all 3 losses is one thing and thing only. Penalties. Every time offense was gaining momentum in key moments of the Steelers game, Titans game, and now the Jags game we would have a really stupid penalty on the OL that would take us back. Then the OL with down and long wouldn't hold up in protection. Take away both bad penalties and the absurdly terrible calls by refs in those 3 games, we are undefeated. Our OL is struggling both in blocking and penalties and its killing our momentum constantly on offense. But Allen is athletic enough to counter the blocking issues enough times to still put enough points up to win. The penalties though, they are drive killers. They are the primary cause of leaving points on the field and creating wayyyyyyy too many down and very long instances which is also contributing to the lack of run game involvement. So sorry, we were not manhandled by the Titans, we killed our selves, just like in the Steelers game and just like in the Jags game. Clean that up, and we can handle the other obstacles a lot better.
  17. Not sure why anyone would be shocked. Upsets happen every week, lots of them happened this week and even the week before. I mean the Bucs lost to the Saints with Trevor Simien playing most the game. Bills are clearly the best roster in the AFC...we are still the number #1 defense in the NFL and #4 scoring offense. Doesn't mean its a cake walk to the SB, but we clearly are still rightfully the favorites, at least until we see how we rebound from the upset next week. This board is just utterly bipolar with wins and losses. Bills could win 8 in a row then lose one. After the one loss, the season would be declared all but over. Its ridiculous.
  18. We lead the league in takeaways. But you want to paint the whole season over one game. One game does NOT define a season. One game does NOT define a coach. One game does NOT define a GM. Come on man, you’re better than this.
  19. Every big win its the same thing...McBeane are the best tandem in the NFL or among the best. Every disappointing loss is the same thing...McBeane is an issue, who is more at fault and who should be fired. Rinse and Repeat. Welcome to TSW. We gave up 9 points. Please explain to me how the defense had anything to do with this loss?
  20. Its amazing all these posters I never see around here much like the OP here all of a sudden come out of the woodwork after a loss to wallow in ridiculous and horrible hot takes that are beyond baseless. If you are level headed, understand football, and not suicidal then TSW is not the place for people like that this week. Its like the insane asylum was let loose and all decided to post in the past 24 hours.
  21. Are you really this weak minded? Seriously? I don’t really see you on the boards that much when winning, but here you are in every panic thread freaking out the sky is falling and the season is all but over. ITS THE NFL. Teams get upset every week, we weren’t even the only major upset of the weekend, as there were four big upsets. I swear this board is at its worst state yesterday and today than I’ve ever seen it. It’s one game. You are obsessed (as are others) on focusing on this one game and ignoring the rest of the season. Coming into this week: Number 1 offense. Number 1 defense. We came out flat and got punched in the mouth. Never seen Josh hit so much and so hard in a game. It happens, stop trying to make it a snap shot of our ENTIRE season to satisfy one’s need of wallowing in misery. If this becomes a trend, fine you can panic. But Geezus Christ, let’s see how they respond before we hit the nuclear panic buttons and stand at the edge of a cliff wavering on jumping.
  22. This is the worst state of TSW I have seen in a long time. Never seen so many useless, fact-less, uniformed, absurd and completely wrong hot takes like this in forever…heck maybe ever. Funny, I have a bunch of private messages from long standing sane posters all talking about how we may need to avoid this place the rest of the week as it’s getting worse by the hour.
  23. Still wondering where the evidence is that our DL is bad. All the facts and evidence seem to say otherwise.
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