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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Let me tell you who clueless most of you are. THE ONLY REASON we came back was because McD inserted himself over Frazier on the defensive adjustments before the end of the half. Even Romo pointed it out. It amazes me how out of touch people are around here about what the real problems are.
  2. Got it...so Josh Allen isnt good because he lost his footing on the sneak against Tenn. Diggs sucks too because he didn't haul in the TD against the Pats. Great analysis there chief *sarcasm*
  3. Your poll is completely wrong. It doesn’t have the ONLY actual reason. None of your choices are correct. Player execution with self inflicted mistakes. That’s the answer. Untimely penalties, a slip, a drop, etc.
  4. Forced 6 punts on 9 drives. 7 drives were 5 plays or less. Allowed less than 50 yards in the 2nd half. Gave up 1 TD. Allowed only 240 yards. So why are people still complaining about the defense? They did their job and put us in position to win that game. Our poor offensive execution lost us this game. Penalties, terrible play calling, and drops lost us this game, not our defense or anyone on defense.
  5. Honestly, our RB's are not as big of a problem as our run blocking an scheme are. That being said, Ive lost enthusiasm with Moss, he missed big runs multiple times recently where instead of breaking one way where he has an obvious big gains, he cuts back into the wall of defenders. I don't think Moss has the vision that Devin has, who I have frequently turn what looks to be losses or short gains into nice positive plays or big gains. So, I would be fine kicking the tires on either AW or Wade as an active RB over Moss. See if they can spark anything. That being said, I would say its probably not likely and even if they did get a shot, expectations should be kept in check because agains, our OL has not been good at all in opening lanes and holes. Better move to me: Fire Bobby Johnson now. Get someone in there to change things up and get a spark. I am not a "Fire Em" guy during the season by any means unless absolutely necessary. I feel like Bobby has just dont a very poor job with our OL, and I know part of that is on Daboll too who I think is on a host seat over the rest of the season. I dont expect Daboll to get fired during the season, but if he doesn't get a HC job next year, then I think his job here could still be in jeopardy if the offense doesn't bounce back to close this season out.
  6. I have no words for who ridiculous and dramatic this post is...yet I am gonna try anyway... You clearly forget what it was like before McD. And what you said here is not only in accurate, its just out of touch with reality to suggest his coaching ceiling has been reached. Shouldn't your anger be directed at Daboll? First off, Bills defense gave up 1 TD...forced a punt on 6 of the Pats 9 drives...and held the Pats to 7 drives that were 5 plays or less out of 9 drives. So where do you get this false notion "the Bills could do nothing about it" from? We held them to 240 of total offense and 1 TD. How is that a bad outing for the defense? Anyone blaming the defense for this loss has no idea what they were watching or talking about, they did their job well enough for us to win that game. You cite the offensive line issues, which are a real problem, but you somehow lump that on McD as if he is the one coaching the OL or designing the scheme. Our OL woes are a definite issue, and it falls on Daboll and Bobby Johnson. Most of our execution problems stem from the OL from bad run blocking, bad pass blocking, and bad penalties. Again, nothing you have said here has anything to do with McDermott. For sure, Bobby Johnson needs to be fired. And I would fire him now actually if I was McD, send a message ASAP. Daboll for me is on the hot seat big time...he either needs correct these issues his offense is having in the Redzone and with execution, or he needs to leave next year either for another job or just flat out replaced by McD. But as far as McD goes, he has done an excellent job since his arrival here, and losing a couple games we shouldn't have lost this year doesn't change that. He is a great leader. He has some game day things he could improve on like Challenge choices and such, no doubt, but overall, hes a great leader for this team IMO. They have also done a great job developing our own and managing personalities too.
  7. IMHO...0% chance Johnson is back. If less than zero was a thing, I would say less than 0% chance he is back. Daboll I will put at 25% chance to return. I think he leaves via another job or is flat out replaced if he doesn't figure out how to bounce back from this the rest of the season. I have always had a love hate relationship with Daboll. There is a lot to love, but there is a lot to loathe too. He has no idea how to build a schematic for running the ball, he is overly gadgety, he gets too cute too often in critical moments, he often does the opposite of what he should do, and is terrible OC in the red zone. That being said, he has also had some bright moments and been key in Allens development. So I cant say he will for sure be gone like I can with Bobby, but he is without a doubt on a hot seat if we continue to struggle to close when in the red zone and struggle to run the ball.
  8. No it does not what so ever. That is not even remotely true, I mean come one dude, this isn't fantasy football. 1 yard equals 1 yard. 1 point equals 1 point. If we gave up 222 yards while also giving up 200+ yards passing, then those 222 yards rushing would be a problem because thats over 400 yards of offense. But when you hold an offense to less than 240 yards of offense, guess what...thats pretty good outing for your defense that likely means they didnt give up a lot of points, which they didnt.
  9. They why did 7 of their 9 drives end in 5 plays or less? Why did they punt 6 out of 9 drives? Its the NFL, you WONT stop a team on every play, every drive. The guys on the other side of the ball are paid to make plays too. So to see people in here claiming we cant stop the run when we stopped the run most the night outside a small handful of runs is what the issue is here. Defense gave up less than 240 yards...1 TD...forced 6 punts in 9 drives, etc etc....thats a good defensive effort that should be enough to win most games.
  10. TOP difference was more because our lack of execution, those stats dont tell the story and are a misleading stat for last nights game. They run the ball every play, clocks keeps ticking TOP keeps climbing DESPITE actual production. They punted 6 times and 5 or fewer plays on 7 of their 9 drives. We were throwing a lot and clock stops on incompletions which makes the TOP looks worse than it was for our defense. End of the day, offensive gameplan and execution, penalties. drops were the culprit here.
  11. So suddenly 222 yards of offense in a game is bad? What would you be saying if they passed for 222 yards? Probably not much. Defense gave up 2 drives over 5 plays all game and 1 TD. They had a strong outing.
  12. Overly aggressive? I wasn't being aggressive at all. Just saying this notion we couldn't stop the run last night needs to stop. Our Defense didnt cost us this game. Self inflicted mistakes, poor Redzone play calling, and Dabolls inability to adjust again are our biggest issues.
  13. But they did stop the run. They only had 2 drives over 5 plays long the whole game. To expect more than that is unreasonable. We gave up one TD on the day, and outside that one TD we held the run game in check almost the entire game. So OP is right, its inaccurate to say we couldn't stop the run when we stopped the run all game outside one big one. If they passed the ball 50 times and only gained 225 yards passing with one lone long TD play, literally no one would be saying we couldn't stop the pass. But they run nearly 50 times and gain 222 yards rushing with one fluke TD and now we cant stop the run? Makes no sense.
  14. First off, everyone needs to stop about the 222 yards rushing...If a team rushes that many times and throws just 3 times, guess what, the rushing yard total is going to seem high. End of the day, we gave up less than 250 yards on the day, forced 6 punts and only allowed 2 drives over 5 plays. Thats a good defensive effort. To fault the D here and point at something like "total rush yards" in a game they threw 3 times is just bad analysis.
  15. I have been saying it over and over...and will say it again here...Every loss we have this year was due to self inflicted mistakes. We have an uncanny way of shooting ourselves in the foot with untimely penalties killing drives or extending opponents drives, unforced turnovers, dropped passes, etc. Our defense was not why we lost last night, I mean outside the one TD run, they held up pretty good considering.
  16. Maybe he been struggling in practice too with fumbles or decision making. Just seems like McD comments strongly suggest it was more than a fumble.
  17. We had multiple screens blown up last night for losses or no to short gains.
  18. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe its more than just the fumble with the Colts game? For all we know, McKenzie might have been making mistakes in practice and muffing balls. Also sounds like its more than just a fumble, he said "good decisions", so could be McKenzie has made some poor decisions in regards of when to return or not to return. I have a feeling he is mad at McKenzie for more than the fumble.
  19. To name a couple of my faves: Phillips’s and also Coles, both in Downtown LA to name a couple. Both places claim to have created the French Dip actually. To give perspective…if I ranked them a 10 then the beef on Weck we had at Bar-Bill would probably be about a 6. Not trying to be a downer, we loved everywhere we ate in Buffalo, just the beef on Weck didn’t like up to the hype for us. I was expecting one of the best roast beef sandwiches we had, and it just wasn’t anything special. Another fave of mine is my local dive bar in my beach community called MO’s. Funny story, the owner Mo is who “Moe” from the Simpsons is based on. Also same place they filmed the first Sharknado haha although it being waterfront was CGI, it’s actually like 200 feet from the ocean. Honestly…Beef had no flavor. Not bad, just forgettable. Star of a roast beef sandwich should be the beef IMHO.
  20. Elmo’s was our favorite when we were there week 1. Our list of wing stops was Bar-Bill, Elmo’s, Duff’s, and Anchor Bar. Elmo’s won. For an unpopular opinion: Buffalo does NOT have the best roast beef sandwiches, nor is it even close. Beef on Weck is meh, pretty bland and boring. We were a bit surprised and disappointed at how over hyped it was and honestly probably would not order again when back in Buffalo over other many delicious options there like wings, pizza, etc. And for the record, we love roast beef sandwiches, but even though we allegedly had one of the best at Bar-Bill, we just found it to be a let down. Buffalo had the best wings for sure, and a lot of other delicious food. However, the Beef on Weck would be like a 4 or 5 out of ten compared to many places here serving Roast Beef sandwiches that are 9’s and 10’s all day long.
  21. Oh I agree...just was letting the OP know there is someone who does it he can take a look at
  22. Kevin Kelley pretty much never punts, always goes for it on 4th down and won 9 Arkansas State Championships in 18 years. He also frequently onside kicks too. https://www.si.com/college/2021/05/21/kevin-kelley-high-school-never-punts-presbyterian
  23. Why isnt Mahomes an MVP candidate? There are still several games left and Chiefs and Mahomes seem to be heating up and his stats are on par with all other candidates. Mahomes may not be the favorite today in terms of betting odds, but hes very much capable of still winning the MVP this year. There is no one with any kind of sizable lead on him. Allens place in the MVP race will be largely determined by this next game against the Pats and the Bucs game against the other top candidate in Brady. Allen wins both those games, he will start to pull away from Brady. However, if KC and Chiefs offense can keep rolling and they stack wins, Mahomes will still be in that convo himself.
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