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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. LMAO...you think that is a direct correlation of the stadium rather than the quality of the team...or Rodgers over Wentz? LOL it has nothing to do with what kind of stadium they plan in. Packers are a MUCH better team than the Colts.
  2. 100% they should switch roles. I said it after the Bucs game...we are a better offense without Sanders. That is NOT a knock on Sanders who is a great dude, great teammate and still can play. Its about the rest of our offense. Our OL struggles to hold up on pass pro this year, and getting guys like Cole and Knox more touches on shorter quicker routes because they can often win their matchup is key. Davis fits in better on the outside because he brings something different to the table. He is more physical of a receiver than Sanders, can still go deep, and plays bigger. So he compliments Diggs more than Sanders does. So now you have a more layered offense on the field that is harder to defend. What I love about Davis is that he is deceptively fast too, he is a guy who can beat you deep when you are not expecting it, just like he is a guy who can use his body to create space on a quick slant. Sanders at this stage is more of a finesse receiver and can be taken out of the game too easily by physical corners. Absolutely should still get some snaps, but I think the snap count should flip flop between what Sanders was seeing and what Davis was seeing. Davis should be the starter, he has earned it the last game and a half where he was finally getting the touches. Him and Josh seem to have a great connection too.
  3. Here we go again...lets take out a bunch of his production that was IMPORTANT to the outcome of the game as he effectively ran the ball to chew down clock when the game was still not decided yet. Just so someone can make a false counter point? Come on, thats ridiculous. The game is 4 quarters...the plays, yards and points matter the same throughout the game. Not to mention, he hit a great TD run that finally gave some life to the offense that had been sputtering. PS: You are also missing the point here overall...its about giving one back the lions share of the touches instead of a committee. Not about when and where they were productive. Its about making the offense more cohesive with more consistency in the lineup. And like someone else said, that should include Gabriel Davis continuing to be more involved in the offense as well.
  4. There is a reason our players LOVE LOVE LOVE playing for McD and this team. The locker room culture is a massive part of that. McD holds them accountable, but he also treats them with respect. He won't tolerate that stuff, which is why he pulled him and coached the kid up and talked to him to get his head straight versus just screaming at him and embarrassing him in front of the team and home town fans. I don't care what others on this board say, McD is a great HC and leader. He has some things he can be better at in game, but overall, he is the right guy for this job IMHO.
  5. Agree, Devin moves piles more than Moss. There is this myth that Moss does around here for some, but its just factually not true. I mean just this past game, numerous times Devin is being gang tackled but still managed several more yards after the fact just moving the pile. Devin is short, but he has powerful legs and a low center of gravity, so he doesn't get the credit he deserves for how hard of a runner he is.
  6. The point was, we stuck with ONE back. And those carries were important, he was chewing clock down. I acknowledged the late game carries in the OP. And Devin could have easily been a 1000 yard back this year if not for Daboll's stubbornness. Surprisingly though, Devin still could get to 1000 yards this year over the next 4 games if we commit to running the ball these last 4 games. He needs 377 yards to get there, and he is averaging 4.7 ypc. He needs to average 95 yards per game (admittedly, not likely given our OL and our OC allergy to running). Based on his ypc, he needs 20 carries a game. And while he got 22 this game, I do seriously doubt he will average 20 the next 4 weeks. That being said, all it would really take is one breakout game where he got say 125+ yards rushing. if he did that in one game, then suddenly he just needs to average about 75-80 yards on the ground the other 3 games which is doable. So, we will see...I have not given up on the fact he could be a 1000 yard back. But clearly, if they had just committed to giving him the bulk of the carries, he would have EASILY been a 1000 yard back this year. And my preseason post predicted he would be the guy getting the bulk of the carries. Sadly, it seems to have taken Daboll until week 15 to realize that is what he needed to do all along. Yet Devin still has a shot at 1000 yards.
  7. Question: Why? I ask because Moss lacks the vision Devin has. I have seen have wide open lanes and then cut back into traffic away from them to a 2 yard gain instead of what would have been a big gain had he taken the lane right in front of him. Moss is slower to the hole, doesn't find the creases, and often misses huge lane opportunities too. And with an OL that doesn't provide a lot of lanes, you must be able to take advantage of those when they come.
  8. Moss has no vision, that is his biggest issue. Slow to the hole and misses creases that Devin sees. Our line isn't good enough to make Moss a good runner. He might do well on a well blocking team, but we aren't that.
  9. Our OL needs help for sure, but we were also missing 3 starters this week weren't we?
  10. Well no one is coming in to replace this year...so I am referencing featuring him rest of the season, stop this committee nonsense they did all year.
  11. I made a case earlier this week that if we are going to be able to run the ball we must commit to one feature RB, and that back clearly should be Devin Singletary. Our OL and RB's cant find a rhythm if they aren't seeing enough carries. Use Brieda as a third down receiving back more and few runs to spell Devin, but without question Devin is our best runner. Daboll finally pulled his head out of his back side this week and ran the ball 22 times with Devin...a handful of that came about because we were chewing clock the second part of the 4th quarter protecting the lead. But its what we needed to do, and it benefited Devin and our run blocking today allowing us to run the ball more effectively when it mattered. I realize Devin had a 3.9 ypc, but that was more due to late game obvious runs. And this was behind a patchwork offensive line with several guys hurt and playing out of position. I hope they stick to this featuring of Devin as the primary runner and keep getting him 15+ carries per game min.
  12. I personally think we are in good shape at CB2 as Wallace has had a very good season and Dane has thus far played well too. Of course, that’s assuming a full recovery from Tre too though
  13. To be fair to McD though (in terms of Defense), we still do need to figure something out at DT given Star is struggling to stay on the field and is vital to our run D with the lack of size outside of him. And there is still the Edmunds wild card...is he in our future plans or do we need to draft one too? So I am all on board the OL early strategy, but I also won't be upset if they are on the clock and take a DT or LB that is higher graded on their board either. I have a feeling our first 3 picks will be some combination of a two offensive lineman and a defensive player, likely a run stuffing beef cake at DT. Then again, Beane stays pretty true to his board, so all depends who is on the board still while we are picking. Also won't be shocked to see him move around the draft this year either.
  14. The only one that matters is also the most egregious one...the 3rd and 2 fade at end of regulation, he was being mauled and it was close to as bad as when the Rams screwed the Saints in the playoffs that caused a rule change. It was that blatant. I am not a blame the refs guy, but this is without question a inexcusable missed PI call as they were one and one with no one around them to obscure the view of the CB pulling Diggs jersey neck collar to near his belt line on that route. He was also interfered with on the first drive of OT, but that was less egregious than the one in the end zone.
  15. I gotta be honest...it still baffles me why people think the bigger issue with our run game is the running backs themselves. Our OL is not opening lanes, and its both an issue with personnel and scheme. Look at Tenn, any scrub off the street keeps coming in and putting up 100+ yards behind that OL, including 2 in one game since Henry went down. Henry was a so-so RB for Tenn for a long time before they built an elite OL. He was no where near the player the first part of his career there that he has been most the more recent years. Dont get me wrong, Henry is very talented...but even his talents were being squandered before they fixed the OL. We need to address the OL first...and maybe most importantly, make a change at both OL Coach (fire Bobby Johnson) and possibly OC (Daboll has no idea how to build an offense that has an effective run game). Im not against upgrading the RB spot, but for me the OL and coaching issues around the OL and run scheme are a bigger priority this offseason.
  16. Although, we fall out of playoffs when we win this week, it will because Pats lost meaning the rematch in NE will be for the divisional lead. So in that case, it means we would have won the AFC East by winning out and gotten a playoff spot. So in a situation of “winning out” we still make the playoffs in the scenario you posted because that scenario involves the Colts beating the Pats giving us the AFC East when we win out.
  17. You just linked this thread into this thread hahaha How do you say "doh" in Italian? Come on paisan... I already explained it in the thread I linked in the OP
  18. I have a hard time taking anyone serious who actually thinks McD or Beane needs to be fired. It’s one of the most illogical rants I’ve seen around here since last year. I mean we went 13-3 last year and after losses some people were foolishly saying the same thing. It’s hilarious…we win, they are great. If we don’t go undefeated then they should be fired.
  19. Agree all day about the 3rd down call. But given how well our offense and defense were playing, I stand by McD taking the FG there after both Daboll and the Refs blew the 3rd down play. We dominated both sides of the ball in the 2nd half. Honestly, if he goes for it there on 4th and we did not score the TD, everyone would have been yelling for McD to be fired for going for it there when our O and D dominated the 2nd half. It was a lose lose for McD, no matter what he chose there fans were going to hate the decision if we ultimately lost, and praised the decision if we won. But the football fundamental correct call was take the points given our dominance and momentum in the 2nd half. I think just about any and every coach takes the 3 points there given the circumstances.
  20. The issue wasn't the 4th down decision (McD made the correct based on how dominant our D had been playing the second half), it was the once again awful call by Daboll on 3rd down. You have Diggs, Cole, Knox, Allens legs and Davis...all excellent Redzone weapons. So what does Daboll do? Call a 50/50 ball where the ball has to be thrown before even knowing if the WR will win the fade route. You want to call that on first down, fine...but come on, everyone in the world knows 3rd and 2 you MUST call your BEST play period. Thats NOT our best play. Daboll continues to make unbelievably stupid calls in the Redzone and takes points off the board for us so many times. Granted, there was blatant PI on that play and refs screwed us...but still was a terrible call to begin with. As far as 4th down goes, when your defense is shutting down the opponent for an entire half you ALWAYS take the 3 points and force OT. We did NOT lose this game because we kicked a FG. We got the ball first in OT and another missed PI cost us our drive. So really, it was two bad PI misses by the refs that lost us that game...however, it was DABOLLS fault for putting us in that position in the first place with such a stupid call. The moment the fade was apparent I yelled NOOOOOO STUPID CALL before the play even completed.
  21. Let me tell you why you are wrong. Bucs were 7-5 last year before going on to win the SB. So that alone disproves your unwavering negativity
  22. We got run on hard in TWO games. Titans, with a RB who runs over all defenses and also we were missing Star and Edmunds, and Star is especially important to our run D. More importantly, we got run on so much because we would hold them on 3rd down and then give them free first downs with penalties shooting ourselves in the foot and allowing Henry to keep wearing the D down. Colts, with a RB who runs over most defenses too, again missing Star who is key to our run defense. And once again, we contributed to Taylors production by giving them free first downs on third down holds and also gave Taylor even a free TD thanks to McKenzie fumble. Not to mention, the bone head offensive penalties that would quickly kill drives and give them the ball right back. Im sure you will FALSELY bring up the Pats game like so many others mistakenly do. Pats game yardage total looks bad because they ran the ball almost FIFTY times...any team is going to compile a lot of TOTAL yards on 50 runs. We had one really bad play where our safety Poyer left one side of the field wide open and they broke off a 48 yard TD run. However, for the most part we kept them in check...allowed just 50 total yards in the 2nd half, and held them to 240 total yards on the day. We forced 6 punts in 9 drives and only had 2 drives we gave up over 5 plays long. We struggled in the first half against the Bucs but then shut them down in the 2nd half as well after McD got on Frazier toward the end of the first half and we made adjustments. Again, missing Star. Sorry, but some of you...and you are one of the notorious ones...grossly over exaggerate our run defense struggles. And you people also LOVE to overlook that in the games we struggled, we were both missing Star and also hurting ourselves on 3rd stops by giving them free first downs to extend drives that shouldn't have happened.
  23. In every loss but one, you can point to literally a single play that was the difference in losing or winning. The other common theme, is the tendency to leave points on the field through out the game thanks to holding or other offensive penalties. We have managed to shoot ourselves in the foot from #1 seed down to 7-6. If we can reduce this we can beat anyone. Its hard enough to beat one opponent...and this year, at times its like we have 2 opponents...them and our selves. Add in the wildcard 3rd opponent, the refs, makes it pretty hard to win close games. Only solution, eliminate ourselves as one of those opponents. Feels like the 2nd half they found their identity again. I said before and I will say it again...McD inserted himself before the half into the defensive plan over Frazier. And everything changed. Second half they made major offensive adjustments too, and having Sanders leave the game allowing Beasley to be more involved is also something that was needed for the offense. I think its finally something we can build on and carry over the final 4 games and be fine tuned come playoff time. Then, we wont be a team anyone will want to face like you said
  24. What? We traded first rounder for WR, drafted multiple RBs, TE’s, signed OL and other WRs, drafted Allen, drafted more OL… We have one of the most potent offenses in the NFL 2 years in a row with an MVP runner up at QB whose again in contention for MVP this year. But you’re suggesting we haven’t made a push previously to build the offense? This makes no sense on any level. OL will be a point of focus for sure this off-season, but to suggest we “finally make a push” to address the offense is just way over the top. And mind you, we did all that while also having to build up the defense as well.
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