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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I think this seals the deal on 2 things: Saquan will not be a Giant next year. Giants will draft or trade for a QB. Jones will either be traded or kept around and compete with the rookie to start week 1...or start until the rookie is ready. If they acquire someone via trade, Jones will either be the backup or moved. New GM has no allegiance to the old regime, he’s gonna clean house and reset the foundation. If we can get Saquan cheap, I’d definitely would be willing to kick the tires on him. Only if this can be down cheap though.
  2. Here’s the thing…who cares. Seasons over this weekend, and we are in the new season…playoffs. What’s happened up to now means nothing anymore. End of the day, they did what they needed to do get into the playoffs and Sunday they can do one more thing to also lock down second consecutive divisional title too. I’ve watched so many teams that were not dominating in the regular seasons go into the playoffs and win the SB. Including 3 times one of them beat Brady led Pats (Giants twice, including Pats undefeated season and Eagles). Also Flacco and the Ravens, Seahawks smashed the greatest offense in NFL history, and the Bucs last year who had the same record at the same point in the season when we played the Bucs this year (which is the game things seem to spark a turn around for us). All that matters now is what this team took away from those struggles and adjustments we have made heading into the post season. If not for a ref screw job against Bucs at end of regulation, Bills would be talked about more right now as a team rolling and one of the most dangerous teams in the NFL. And I really do think we are going to reach at least the AFCCG again this year and have a really good shot to win it and head to the SB.
  3. I get that, but because of the extra game there are more teams alive than there would have been based on last weeks results.
  4. Hahahaha duh that makes more sense, not sure how that didn’t register when I read it haha.
  5. For the sake of Ridley, hope he gets what he needs if he is dealing with mental health issues still. And if that means a change of scenery, then so be it. And for those making a case for him to come here...thats a big NO from me. And not even really because of the mental health struggles. Its because Davis has been very good opposite Diggs, we don't need to invest heavy in another WR. We need to focus cap space on other weaknesses on the roster.
  6. I mean your case is kind of dead in the water based on what you said. There are a TON of playoff implications this final weekend in both the NFC and AFC. I would say the NFL got exactly what they wanted out of this. I still think it should have stayed the way it was for player safety reasons, continuity with the record books, etc. But hard to argue what you just said given the playoff picture is still so unsettled and is going to make for a lot of final week drama.
  7. Here is the thing though...draft slot stops mattering the moment the draft is over. After that, its just about what you do on the field. There is this fanbase notion that if taken in the top 10 said player needs to be elite to avoid being seen as a bust, at least in relation to their "draft slot". But I don't see it that way. For me, if a player becomes a good starter, then thats a hit regardless of where they were selected. And I think its safe to say he has grown into a good starter this year and would start on more teams than he wouldn't in the NFL right now. I think he had some unfair expectations (lots of Aaron Donald comparisons) when he was drafted, and sure, maybe he hasn't hit those, but he has still become a very important part of our team and looking like a long term player here. And I think he is still going to keep getting better too.
  8. I always enjoy watching that...loved the pick on draft night, and love that he is locked up for a long time here even more! I was blessed to live through the Kelly era, and I can say Josh is already my favorite Bill of all time to watch play.
  9. This is an interesting series of statements and information. I think if I had to guess...given the statement that went through AB's legal team made claims that text messages exist showing some prior knowledge the ankle stuff, that the Bucs had to have some awareness of it regardless of what they say. But, I think its most likely a case that AB gave no indication that there was anything significant with his ankle because he did not want to risk being held out because he wanted his bonuses. And that would make sense as to why AB's people wanted to get his bonuses guaranteed, so AB wouldn't instead try and play through it. With all thats been said on both sides so far...if I will do my best Detective impression and form a theory of the series of events hahaha: AB had something wrong with his ankle, but didn't disclose how much it may have been bothering him because he didn't want to miss any more games as he wanted his bonuses. Bucs had prior knowledge of the ankle, and there are probably text messages that show that...but I bet they also don't suggest or show anything that would indicate the ankle issue was anything serious because AB didn't disclose it was anything that should hold him out of the game so he could make sure he played to go after his bonuses. AB's team attempted to get the bonuses guaranteed for the purpose of him not having to play through the ankle stuff to get the bonuses. And because AB wanted to insure he got his bonus, that intent was not disclosed to the Bucs, only that they wanted to get his bonuses guaranteed. AB willingly played against the Jets with his ankle not being 100% in pursuit of his bonuses. He grew frustrated given the Bucs struggled the first half and wasn't touching the ball enough and apparently was vocal about that in the locker room at half time. Realizing he will probably need to play and play well in the final week to reach all his bonuses based on how the Jets game is going, now decides to himself its not worth risking playing more against the Jets and refuses to enter the game. He doesn't alert the trainers or medical staff probably because he doesn't want to jeopardize his chance the play the final week to get his bonuses if he tells them his ankle is worse than hes let on previously. Arians, fresh off AB complaining about touches at half time, and unaware of any significant ankle issue, sees this as more selfish AB (which it really still is) and has enough. Now AB probably really has ankle damage, but is trying to spin it as if he was the victim as if they forced him to pay hurt to mask that the root of all of this was his selfish agenda around his bonuses in the first place and handled everything as bad as one could handle it. Haha, my best sleuth attempt to decode all thats come out. End of the day, regardless of what the turn is...AB is still nuts...and the Bucs (and Brady) still get to deal with this distraction heading into the post season, which is great
  10. I am kind of in the same camp as you on your opinion of what happened. Although I have a couple of other layers to it. I suspect AB may not have been as forth coming about his ankle pain in order to keep them from holding him out longer because he wanted to hit his bonuses. I definitely don't buy AB's attempt of painting it like they made him play hurt, I am sure he was a willing taker of the injections. So I think he probably aggravated it some more in the Jets game, and with the game not going well already, he decided to then go into self preservation and not risk missing the next weeks game for another shot at his bonuses. Arians I am sure was pissed given he had no reason to believe AB had any significant ankle issue at that point, and the rest is history. If I was a betting man, I would say there is some truth from AB's camp (about there being some knowledge prior to the game of ankle discomfort) but that it was also likely downplayed by AB up to that point because he was more focused on maximizing his chances at his bonuses over being fully recovered. I of course have no more info than anyone else, just my personal theory
  11. Yeah thats a good point, and I am sure that played a part in that, everyone has to follow the proper processes. My original point is more about I think if this whole ankle-gate wasn't happening right now, I think they probably wait until their post season was done to officially release him just to block the possibility, albeit admittedly slim chance, that another potential playoff foe could sign him. I mean thats at least what I would have done if I was the GM. I just love seeing the Bucs and Brady dealing with turmoil though heading into the post season hehehe. And if a lot of what AB claims checks out, its gonna be an ongoing distraction for the Bucs throughout the playoffs. Fingers crossed haha
  12. I don't follow him that closely anymore, so not really aware or familiar with those other incidents to be honest. For me, I just appreciate when a player calls out reporters in general, who have less and less accountability in sports reporting and get to hind behind alleged "sources" all the time. Media always looking to manufacture stories for clicks with these athletes. So its less about Baker I suppose and more of me not being a fan of the lack of accountability in sports reporting with things like this, so I generally enjoy when someone isn't afraid to call them out in those cases.
  13. I like that he’s back, he still has potential which is what you want on your PS. But he isn’t sniffing the field without injuries. Daboll finally seems to get Devin is our best RB and needs to touch the ball more. Only took him until the second half of the Bucs game for the light bulb to go off in Dabolls stubborn mind finally.
  14. One thing I have always respected about Baker is he tells you like it is and doesn’t pull punches. Applaud him for calling out the medias flimsy stories all the time
  15. Yeah I agree on that, it’s definitely a fair criticism of Hebert and I have no issue putting Burrow at 3 instead even though I would personally narrowly go Herbert at 3 just more because he has some ability with his legs too. Tee Higgins has really blossomed this year for sure, and I also think he is a #1 WR too even though I think Chase is the better of the two. But it’s not a wide gap by any means and Higgins would be the best WR on a lot of teams in the league right now himself. I liked Higgins in the draft when so many here were knocking him. If memory serves me, I believe you liked him too. I was comfortable if the Bills would have taken him in the first with their pick had they made that pick. I was also high on Justin Jefferson too despite a lot of people not wanting him. JJ was my target at 22, Higgins was my second choice. I was not high on Ruggs and didn’t get why so many were. But I did expect Juedy, Lamb and Ruggs to all be gone before our pick too. Of course, I loved the Diggs trade both then and now still, and would still make the trade for Diggs as I fully believe his experience along with his talent played a big role in Allens ascension. And his contract is still a tremendous value. But had we not made the trade, I was good landing either of those guys that draft.
  16. Actually, I agree with you on that as that’s my one criticism of Burrow this season. I have watched a lot of Bengals this year as I had Chase on a couple fantasy teams and have 3 TVs In my living room to watch football haha. He throws a lot of prayer balls where Chase has made a lot of insane plays. Reminds me of Culpepper to Moss days in some cases. I am definitely not comparing him to Culpepper, I certainly think Burrows future is a lot brighter and he is better than what Culpepper was. But that’s why for me I think Burrow falls outside those other 3 guys currently because he makes less wow throws and has more wow plays by his receivers. But it’s a small criticism, he obviously has had a big breakout season and has still been overall impressive. I agree with @GunnerBillthat he is more of that classic pocket passer compared to the more overall athletic 3 in Mahomes, Allen, and Herbert who have an extra layer of danger to the defense because they can make plays with their legs too…and Allen obviously being the one who can be considered an elite runner to go with the arm talent.
  17. Lets be real here. They are only releasing him now because he needs ankle surgery. Had he been healthy, they would not have released him to insure he couldn’t sign with a potential playoff foe. Otherwise they would have released him when they said they did, not 5 days later.
  18. Yeah agree with that. In this make believe scenario too, Burrow has the rookie contract still for 2 more years which if we are being truly true to the factors of this scenario would give him an added value over Allen. My only small knock on Burrow is his tendency to throw prayer balls, and he throws a lot of them. When Chase makes the plays, their offense explodes, when they aren’t completed, the offense struggles. While he’s quite impressive still, I think for me I want to see more great throws versus great plays his receivers make on toss up balls. But that is nit picking, he’s still very impressive and clearly IMHO ahead of guys like Murray and Lamar in the young QB conversations and not far behind Allen and Hebert.
  19. Fair point, however I have a counter point simply because this convo is fun haha. I would think if a team is starting from scratch and making their first roster addition in the first 4 picks, it’s pretty hard to take someone like Rodgers and almost impossible to take Brady over those young studs given you have no idea yet what the rest of your roster is going to look like to know if you can go all in on a SB push over those first couple seasons. So I don’t think Brady even goes in the early rounds given he has maybe one season in him left, and their signs this second half of the season that he might finally hit the cliff this next year. Rodgers has likely another 2-3 elite play left in him you can probably bank on. So he would be a guy that would still go round 1, but I doubt he would go before those 4 who can potentially set your team up with an elite QB for the next decade.
  20. Yeah, I agree, he certainly would be taken in top 3 by some GM’s. I just think right now there are more GMs that would take Allen and Hebert top 3 than Burrow. I think if you watch tape on all 3, the other two just make more throws and plays that few can make and both are more of a running threat. Burrow is closing the gap for sure, and big post season would further close that gap. But I think it’s pretty clear, these four of this next generations Brady, Manning, Brees, and Rodgers right now. They will be tough to knock from the top 4 assuming they all continue their current trajectories.
  21. Huh? You don’t think Allens contract is justified? Allen has been in the MVP conversation the entire season. Crapped the bed against Falcons? You mean the game we won by double digits and Allens use of his legs were a major contributor to that as well? I don’t get the statement either of saying he’s done nothing other than reaching the AFCCG. Well that was just last season, we are still playing this season, so he hasn’t had a chance to do more yet, we haven’t reached that point in the season yet. But he’s also finished 2nd in MVP voting, 2 straight divisional titles (likely as we should smash the Jets), 3 straight playoff births, and back to back MVP candidate seasons with over 40 TDs each. Not to mention all his other accolades, NFL records, and Bills team records. And none of that includes what he brings to the table in terms of leadership, competence drive, and physical attributes that can’t be coached. 40+ TD seasons suddenly aren’t elite in your eyes? He will be elite whether we win the SB this year or not. If the league was to wipe all the teams rosters clean and draft all over again this offseason, Allen is a lock to be drafted in the top 3 which would be Mahomes 1, then Allen and Herbert would be some combo of 2 and 3 depending on the GM drafting. Burrow would likely go fourth, although he can close that gap with a strong postseason.
  22. Why do people continuously ONLY state passing production when discussing running QBs? You know that’s short sighted and skewed to just try and confirm your negative opinion of him. Lamar’s ground game is 100% part of what you get with him, ignoring it or disregarding that production is a completely inaccurate way to evaluate his value to his team. To say Huntley is flat out better at this stage like you did in the post before that seems extreme and not based on known facts yet. Personally, I don’t think Lamar is going anywhere and will get a long term deal to stay in Baltimore. Mayfield is not so clear and somethings gonna likely change there between Baker, HC, or GM. I have a suspicion that not all 3 will be back next year the way it is now, seems like something is gonna give.
  23. Niners/Bills Chris Berman thing is a big part of my story in how I became a huge Buffalo Bills fan being born and raised in CA, so that does add to the fun factor for me if by some crazy chance it was a Niners vs Bills SB.
  24. First choice Niners vs Bills. My fiance is a die hard Niners fan, so this would be fun for me. Second choice Bucs vs Bills. I would love nothing more than to take our first Lombardi trophy from Brady. After that, pretty much anyone other than the Packers.
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