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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yeah, I mean to be fair, Mitch is no lock to rebound if he was to go there, but he did get a lesser team with a terrible coaching staff and terrible FO to the playoffs twice. There is reason for optimism to put him into a better situation and see if he is ready to take a next step. And Mitch is still young but was in a poor environment to develop properly in Chicago. He has now spent a year with a very respected coaching staff that did wonders with a raw kid in Allen, so I think the potential is there, where as with Wentz, his best days seem to be behind him.
  2. Welp, guess that seals this threads fate to be no more than 1 to 3 pages max hahaha. Threads are only active and long around here when they are full of nonsense and are off the rails. Hahaha
  3. I could see Trubisky and Daboll pairing up somewhere. But the Broncos I think are going to first go after one of the potential big name guys that could be available like Rodgers, Wilson, or maybe Watson if his legal stuff gets cleared up like it seems like it could. I think Daboll is more likely to land in Miami though, assuming Daboll believes in Tua as a legit guy who could become a franchise QB. And if he does go to Miami, Trubisky likely doesn't follow for that reason.
  4. Let me be clear from the start, I have no evidence of any Trubisky interest by the Colts, this is just something I am personally speculating on as I think it makes a lot of sense personally for both the Colts and Trubisky. Admittedly, I hope it does NOT happen, as I don't want to see the Colts get better lmao. Why it makes sense to me: Trubisky isn't going to draw a lot of interest from rebuilding teams IMO unless its on a cheap deal to hold a seat warm for a rookie because those teams are likely turning to the draft for a QB. There is also still Watson and of course possibly Rodgers that could be available too, not to mention the speculation that Wilson could be someone to keep an eye on. With the Colts run game, they don't need to try and pursue cap choking big ticket QB's like those guys. Someone like Trubisky, who was able to get the Bears into the playoffs twice despite little offensive talent around him, a bad OL, and a terrible Coach and front office could come into Indy and help right the ship immediately. And, it wouldn't likely need to be a big financial or cap risk either as the market for Trubisky isn't going to be expensive giving them flexibility to go in another direction quickly if its not working out. The case against Carson Wentz is pretty clear Eagles: 1. Gets hurt, Eagles go on a run with Foles and win the SB. 2. Eagles last year with Wentz…no playoffs. This year without him…in the playoffs. Colts: 1. Made playoffs without him last year. 2. This year with him (and an 1800 rusher and MVP candidate in Taylor)…miss playoffs. And in a must win game to make the playoffs, his QBR was a pitiful (and Nathan Peterman like) 4.4 lmao...yes 4.4 out of 100. Reich also apparently declined to commit to Wentz a day after the loss too. Which is telling given they had history before this season that led to him wanting Wentz there in the first place. So what do you guys think...created poll asking if you thought Wentz would be the starter next year or not, and what you think the chances Trubisky ends up there to either start or at least compete with Wentz to start.
  5. Singletary. The last 4 games he’s averaged 19 carries, over 80 yards rushing and has 5 TDs. If they used him that way all year, his season total projection would be almost 1400 yards and 21 TDs. He averaged 4.6 YPC again this year too. He has been the engine keeping the offense going down the stretch in points of the games where the Passing game has been out of sync. Also, chewing time off the clock to keep guys we might face like Mahomes, Henry, Rodgers, Brady, in playoffs and super bowl is also going to help our efforts. 2nd choice: Davis. I think he’s going to have some chances to make some big plays for us.
  6. 23 pages huh? Welp, that gives me the hunch this is not worth the read and a lost cause. Usually the only reason a thread like this goes 23 pages is because it’s gone on off the rails. So even though I’m curious if there is any more info on what the OP posted, I’m gonna trust my instincts that there is likely no additional substance to be found here and move on to another thread. Looking at the most recent comments only seems to confirm that further lol
  7. Its pretty good and the finale sets up a crazy season 5
  8. Gaines drafts Tua over Hebert. Keeps job. Flores this season, with a QB whose hurt as often as he’s healthy, has a 7 game win streak and beats Belichick twice but gets fired. Dolphins are the new Jets.
  9. Unrelated: But just finished season 4 of Cobra Kai this morning haha.
  10. Ditto. Rams offense was figured out a while ago, and now it doesn’t matter who the QB is, it’s more of the same. I was at the Rams vs Niners game Sunday too and watched another collapse by a McVay led team. My fiancé is a big Niners fan, so we were there rooting for them and the game was epic. Part of her Xmas present, although I insisted I was still wearing Bills gear and watching the Bills game from time to time on my phone hahaha. Rams stadium is unreal though, so sick. I live like 7 miles from SoFi, but that was my first game there.
  11. I would rather have McD over McVay anyway
  12. If we get an opening on our defensive coaching staff this year he would be top of my list.
  13. Wow didn’t see that coming, I think that was a mistake. Makes no sense
  14. Haha cheers 🥂 Also, Devin deserves the recognition too. He’s been what I said he could be if they just trusted him as the feature. His last 4 games projected over a full season would be 19 carries a game, almost 1400 yards rushing, and 21 TDs. He played a significant role in our 4 game win streak to clinch the division, especially when our pass game was struggling at times.
  15. I bumped it cuz it was a year long prediction, and now the season is concluded. So now it has an answer to it, right or wrong, still need to conclude it. And I acknowledged it as wrong. Don’t just get to take victory laps when you’re right, only fair to bump it and acknowledge when wrong too. You make a season long prediction, you own it, right or wrong. But even though it was short on the yardage total, the substance and rest of my OP ended up being pretty spot on, just came short on the yards because it took Daboll 13 weeks to figure out for himself what i said in week 1.
  16. If you project Devins last 4 games over a whole season it projects to be 1374 yards rushing, 21 TDs over a 17 game season. And that’s with Devin averaging just 19 Carry’s a game. You don’t think that’s impressive?
  17. Sooooo…Devin did eclipse 1000 total yards, but came up a little over 100 yards short on 1000 rushing yards. But that is only because Daboll didn’t pull his head out his back side until the final 4 games where they finally both featured Devin (71 Carry’s Over final 4 games) and ran the ball. But everything I said in my OP and thought mostly ended up being accurate, just Daboll didn’t realize it until 4 weeks ago unfortunately otherwise Devin would have gone way over 1000 yards had he been used like this past 4 weeks all season. So still feel good about this thread. Maybe Daboll should follow me on TSW🤣😂🤣 PS: Maybe now people will give Devin more respect and the props he deserves. He’s clearly our best RB and a weapon for this offense. Project his last 4 games (average if 19 Carey’s a game) over a full season: 1374 yards rushing and 21 TDs.
  18. True…Yet so many of those same people didn’t want DK even in the second round where we took Ford, or trading up when he fell to bottom of second. I was campaigning for DK all off season and screaming all draft night to take DK, couldn’t believe we didn’t. Although at the time I had no issue with the Ford pick either as we needed to address the lines and he was graded to go in the first. But I was praying we would trade up back into the second after that. For me, Ruggs just had speed. He didn’t have the production or size to indicate a must have guy to be a #1 WR. And we needed a number 1 WR, not just a speed burner. I wouldn’t have hated us picking him if he fell to our draft slot, but I absolutely hated the idea of trading up for him. I would have taken both Jefferson and Higgins over Ruggs if all 3 were on the board with our pick. Nothing about Ruggs said he was a number 1 WR to me. But like just about everyone, I thought the top two were Jeudy and Lamb going into the draft. I had Jefferson and Higgins as my next two. I didn’t know much about Davis heading into the draft, but liked what I read about him after we picked him. He has been a gem and even better than advertised so far with the potential to be very good still.
  19. If Davis becomes a full time starter next year, he could get into the top 5 WR of the draft convo, maybe even top 3. Jefferson is the jewel of the class and likely always will be, and Lamb and Higgins round out the top 3. But Davis is capable of putting up similar seasons or better as both Lamb and Higgins did this year if he is featured like them as a true #2 WR. I mean they both only barely eclipsed 1000 yards with 6 TDs. I can easily see Davis break 1000 yards as a number two opposite Diggs all year and probably hit double digit TDs. Fun facts: Remember when so many here wanted to trade up for Ruggs (who was a bust before he was kicked out) and had no interest in Jefferson and Higgins? Lol. Never understood why people loved Ruggs and couldn’t understand why people were so down on Higgins and not into Jefferson. Both were great prospects too. Despite the success of Jefferson, if we had to do it again, I still 100% trade for Diggs, he was exactly what this team and Allen needed and perfect for this team.
  20. My bad, I forgot they lost to Bengals Yeah I forgot the Bengals won that game
  21. I agree the cap situation is definitely a factor, but I also know for sure that Levi loves playing in Buffalo. I became friends with his good friends from College when I met them at the home opener. They kept talking about how passionate he was playing in Buffalo and wants to stay and we still keep in touch and they still say the same thing. Of course money changes things for a lot of people, but I also don’t think we will have to over pay to keep him. I think he would even sign for a little less here over someone else’s offer because this is where he wants to be. So unless he gets another team throwing a big over pay contract at him, I think his return is close to a lock. And I don’t think he’s going to get an egregious contract offer we can’t compete with personally that still makes sense for the team and cap.
  22. Levi Wallace is a practically a lock to be here next year. He’s had an excellent season, Beane and McD have been very glowing in their remarks about him, and we already have question marks on how Tre will look coming off a major injury. I have no doubt Beane sees Levi as a major priority resigning this off season after the very good season he just put up opposite Tre and in Tre’s place. Levi proved to be a good starter in this league and valuable member of this defense despite what the haters try and say around here. If anyone still thinks he isn’t a good starter and needs to go, then they either don’t pay attention to his play enough or they have no idea what good CB play looks like.
  23. You said we need to extend 2 maybe 3 of them (Levi, Phillips, and maybe Taron) and then say every single player you listed will sign elsewhere? I also think there is a couple more in there that are not locks to be elsewhere next year who have a chance to be back, like Hughes, Zimmer, McKenzie, and maybe even Obada for depth.
  24. Guys like Fred Taylor, Frank Gore, Matthew Stafford, etc were all once labeled injury prone with a bunch of injuries in a short window. They went on to prove to be able to say healthy rest of their careers. So I dont like writing guys off due to injuries if they didn't have injury problems prior. And EMC has had a healthy college and early career, so I wouldn't just dismiss his ability to stay healthy yet. Sometimes injuries are just a slew of bad luck. That being said, his recent bout with injuries must still be factored in and considered. If Bills can swing a trade and a reworked contract then I could get behind this. But compensation on the trade would have to be reasonable and there would have to be some kind new deal involved. Maybe we can package Moss and a mid round pick or something. Not sure EMC is going to have a big market with the injury bug and contract.
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