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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. In fairness…he is not wrong in pointing out we did lose 4 games to teams in the playoffs (Pitt, Tenn, Bucs, Pats) than we beat (Chiefs and KC). And also had 2 embarrassing losses to Jags and Colts. So to me, this isn’t like Nick Wright kind of click bait, just seems to be a guy not sold on us against better teams. However, he is NOT consistent in how he assesses teams. He claims he doesn’t want to be pinned down about saying Pats were good earlier in the year. Now claims it’s about what he sees now, that they aren’t good and that they collapsed after bye and there is a story there we don’t know yet. But at the same time does NOT do the same for the Bills seeing what they have now done in their last 5 games. Bills have demolished Pats twice and also found consistency and balance with an emerging run game while playing outstanding defense. If he is going to adjust his assessments based on how teams are playing recently, there is NO WAY he can look at the Bills and say they aren’t that good. But he is holding on to his bias until he is utterly forced to change it. And that won’t happen until we beat a proven threat like KC next week.
  2. Also… Josh Allen had more TDs (5) than incompletions (4). Allen first player to ever have 300+ yards 5TDs and 60+ yards rushing in a playoff game. Bills had more TDs (7) than 3rd downs (6) Bills had 100% 3rd down conversion rate. Bills had zero punts (for second consecutive game against the Pats) Boys that’s utter dominance!!!!!!
  3. IMO, its the impact the obscene amount of penalties had on the NFL this season. The officiating this year might be the worst I have seen in any sport. From terrible PI calls giving teams big chunks of yards that dont count as offensive stats, or phantom holding calls erasing plays and stuff like that. I have no proof this is the reason, but it sure feels like it played a part. Because if you look at the rushing stats, there were not many 1000 yard rushers despite the extra game, and almost all of them barely went over 1000 yards. So offense was down overall while defense was nothing special either. It would be one thing if there were a slew of punishing defenses, but there weren't. Just a few good ones, and the rest were either decent all the way down to bad. PS: One other possible impact could be the rise of how many QB's use their legs to some degree. Feels like this is the most we have ever had where QB's can pick some yards up with their legs. So could also be a factor why the passing yards dip a little bit too.
  4. Ok, you need some props...not only was this one of the funniest posts I have seen recently, you managed to get this as the first reply to the OP. I applaud you, well done 👏
  5. Lol...says the guy still "wasting time" in the same thread telling people he is not wasting time posting nicknames in said thread. PS: They are first 1st in almost every category that matters. Im not into nicknames either, but its getting old watching people complain about a defense that has mostly been great all year, even after losing its best players for the season a while ago. its like you people are upset they aren't the greatest defense in history, like thats the bar you set.
  6. Yeah it doesn’t happen a lot, but without thinking about it much, I can think of a couple like Ryan Tannehill (Mia to Tenn) for example, Alex Smith (SF to KC). Going back further, guys like Rich Gannon and Steve Young are other great examples. That being said, you are correct that teams don’t cover reclamation projects and it’s real common it works out when they do. And this is why I said in my OP that I don’t think any of the rebuilding teams are going to show much interest in Mitch. And that is more reason why I think the Colts make the most sense. They used a first rounder to get Wentz already. Mitch is a guy who can come in cheap and at least push or challenge Wentz. Worst case, they upgrade their backup QB position which is something they badly need. Best case, he comes in and wins the job and becomes an upgrade over what Wentz did this year.
  7. Dont forget, we still faced some tough opponents too like KC, and beat them. So yeah, I don't get some of these people who want to discredit what the Bills defense did this year. I swear, if you read the shout box during a game, its like the expectation is that the Bills should never give up a point or first down. Every time a team gets a first down or scores, the shout box loses it and calls the game a loss already. The "I hate this defense" shouts start flowing or the "our defense sucks, dont care what the stats say". Its crazy at times.
  8. I agree, you don't really ever hear this spoken about much. I will add one more to it that involves this as well...Beane trading up to get Allen while possesing 2 first round picks and not having to give up the 2nd first rounder. I never imagined we would get up to 7 in that draft and still have a 2nd first round pick still that year. Honorable mention: Same draft year...getting the first pick in the 3rd round for Tyrod Taylor from Cleveland. Blew my mind someone gave us such a premium pick for a guy everyone knew we were likely going to cut.
  9. I get that, and honestly you are making fair points. My counter though would be that its not as cut and dry as it seems on the surface. Niners have had some absolutely horrific injury luck the last couple years, especially with a lot of their best players being hurt during those times too when Jimmy G was out. So not only were the backup QBs mostly atrocious, they were coincidentally without a lot of their best players at the same time Jimmy was out which played a big role in that win loss record when he was out. The bigger take away...he has only been with the 49ers 4 full seasons plus 6 weeks. Yet he has missed 33 full games and parts of 4 other games out of a possible 71 games. That means he has missed all or part of 52% of the games he has been a starter for since going to SF.
  10. I agree, Jimmy G is prob better than Wentz. But I think you suggested Colts sending a 2nd round pick In trade to get Jimmy G, which is where I would just never do that. I mean you can bring in Mitch to challenge and/or push Wentz without giving up a valuable draft pick nor handing out a big contract. I reccognize Trubisky is no lock to go somewhere and shine, but he at least comes with some unknown and potential upside given he wasn't given a lot of help in Chicago in terms of personnel around him or coaching.
  11. Well to be fair most teams lose more when their starter is out. And its not really fair to give Jimmy G all the win/loss credit on a team that wins around defense and the run game. Jimmy G has also only twice played in double digit games in his career too, never thrown for 4000 yards, and never surpassed 27 TDs. This year he had 3800 yards and just 20 TDs with 12 INTs. So he isn't out there lighting up the stat sheets and the Niners struggle when they need to rely on him when the run game isn't going. So the YPA as a stand alone stat is good, but its not like that tells the whole story.
  12. Colts used that first round pick to trade for Wentz, so they dont have the ability to draft one. And yeah, that is part of the problem with Wentz, he seems mentally weak. He doesn't seem to do well mentally with competition, which for me is all the more reason to bring someone in to compete with him. Because if he cant handle that pressure, he sure is heck not going to handle the pressure of a big game like the dud he laid against the lowly Jags with the playoffs on the line where he had a total QBR of 4.4
  13. My fiance loves the 49ers...so I have seen a lot of Niners games, was even at the game Sunday when they beat the Rams. Jimmy G, regardless of statistics, is not very good to me. He makes a lot of terrible throws and decisions. He is flat out soft too. Most Niner fans, including her, can't wait for the Jimmy G era to end, although they still feel he gives the team the better chance to win today as Lance is not ready. He lacks mobility, his arm isn't very strong, and he can be delusional with an utter lack of accountability when he doesn't play well. He also just seems to lack that drive to be great and isn't known to be a student of the game type guy.
  14. I can answer that question...2 things are at play: People tend to take a short stretch of a persons career, over exaggerated it and try and believe thats the real them while ignoring the vast majority of their career data. His 2017 continues to be a thing of lore and over exaggeration. Its not as special as people seem to want to believe. Good season, yes...but wasn't that special. It was more about him being a 2nd year QB doing that then it being some unmatched season. In 13 games, he had 33 TD's putting him on pace for 40. He only had 7 INT's at that point, putting him on pace for about 10, BUT he had 9 more fumbles too, something he has been terrible at his whole career. He was also only completing 60.2% of his passes that year and only had 3296 yards passing, putting him on pace to barely reach 4000 yards. Based on his averages up to that point...his final season would have been about 4100 yards, 40 total TD's, 10 INT's, 15 Fumbles (4 or 5 lost), with a comp percentage of 60.2%. Not only would that NOT have even been contention the last 2 seasons for MVP, if Josh Allen had that same season it would have been labeled a down year and regression. It was literally one part of a season all the way back in 2017 and he is still living off that reputation despite his play not backing it up. Its not about what happened, its more about he was playing above his mean (compared to his career) for part of a season and that stretch being remembered as more than it really was. I mean, honestly this has happened many times before, and not just for QB's, players at various positions having great success for a stretch of a season, a playoff run, even a full season but never duplicating that again. Eagles alone have seen this...Foles had one crazy season as good or better than Wentz, went on to be the QB of the Rams and never was good again...except for one brief stretch again with the Eagles where he took over for Wentz and won them a SB where he out dueled a 500 yard Tom Brady in the SB...and then went right back to sucking again. Carr also had an MVP like season before getting hurt 2/3rds of the way, was never that good before and never that good again either. So for me, anytime anyone brings up that one stretch all the way back in 2017, I just kind of sigh because he has more time on the field both before and after that stretch suggesting that was more of an anomaly than than who he really is.
  15. But did you see where Reich declined to commit to Wentz the day after the loss? I mean, if this is as strong and true as some suggest, he would have immediately squashed any possible speculation right then and there and gave Wentz a vote of confidence. That is telling to me, especially given Reichs history and bond with him. Reich to me is too good of a coach to blindly hitch his horse to one wagon no matter what. And its not only up to Reich either, the GM can still bring in competition regardless as well as they really have nothing behind Wentz anyway.
  16. I get what you are saying, and honestly, that first round pick they spent is why I asked if Wentz would be the starter instead of would Wentz be on the team. But, at the same time, the first round pick is gone...to just default Wentz as the starter over it, regardless if its not working out, would be unnecessarily foolish with a roster as good as theirs. So for me, what they paid to get Wentz makes someone like Trubisky is an ideal candidate for them because he can won't cost a lot to bring in to at least challenge Wentz for the job (and I think MT would win that battle personally).
  17. I dont know, he didn't look good in DC this year in his brief time before getting hurt. With his age and stuff, I am not sure the market is going to be much for Fitz this year.
  18. Yeah, if Colts sign MT, I think it will be more likely to compete with Wentz to start next year more so than just getting rid of Wentz all together.
  19. I think the only way Mitch follows Daboll to Miami is if he has no other opportunities to start. And honestly, I think Mitch is going to get interest from several teams this offseason, so I don't think its likely he goes to Miami regardless if Daboll does or not.
  20. All of those scenarios are certainly possible for Mitch, so yeah I can see any of that happening too. And honestly, what Colts spent on Wentz adds more reasons to why someone like Trubisky makes a lot of sense to come in and either start or compete to start with Wentz, because it would not cost a lot to do so and be of very little risk. I would think the only thing Indy cares about is winning at this point. The first rounder is already gone, nothing they can do about it. At this point, all that matters is that they get better, not just trying to force something (if its not working) because of what they previously spent to try it.
  21. Statistically I would say that Trubisky wasn't as bad as some make him out to be while in Chicago. And the Bears, having made the playoffs twice with him, were certainly a lot worse without him. Keep in mind, his OL was terrible there and he had little to work with in terms of weapons around him. Add in how bad the coaching was, and even Trubisky has spoken out about just how little effort was put into developing him there compared to the kind of coaching he was already getting in Buffalo just as a backup. He is no lock to go to a better situation and be even better obviously, but there are legit reasons to see him as a guy that could really benefit from a change of scenery (from his former starting gig in Chicago). And honestly his career in Chicago was better than what Wentz was in Indy this year, again on a lesser team with inept coaching staff.
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