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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I am ready to move on from Daboll. Too inconsistent in how he calls games. Like the first half I was cursing at him constantly. What he has done here and with Allen has been great, but for us to take the next step, I think we need a change at OC and DC personally. Frazier needs to go, he lacks situational awareness in how he calls game and is poor at adjusting in game. Both have to be commended for what they have done to get us here, but I think we need to evolve now and take a further step and some new blood at the two key coordinator positions I think are whats best for us. Also...I still hope we replace Bobby Johnson too.
  2. Yeah, he wasn't overly productive overall outside of TD's...but to be fair to Knox though, he also can't catch what isn't thrown at him as he wasn't getting a lot of targets either. Also, with our struggles to pass protect and run block, Knox became important in those areas too which is why I think he wasn't a focal point as much in the offense as he maybe could be. Feels like he really played a bigger role in the Redzone. He still needs to clean up the easy drops though. He will make a catch that makes your head turn then drop a 6 yard pass right in his hands. But I do think this was the start of his emergence this year. I think if they further improve the OL this offseason, we could see them unleash Knox more often as a receiver next year.
  3. Well said Gunner, I feel the same for the most part. McD and Beane have been one of the best tandems in the league over their time. You would be hard pressed to find a duo that has accomplished more than what they have in the same time period. Took the franchise from obscurity and made it into one of the best teams in the league in short fashion. I am fully confident our time will come while Allen is our QB too. Now...on the other hand I think I am done with Daboll and Frazier personally. Daboll is too inconsistent in how he calls games. He was driving me crazy in the first half, even my fiance was screaming at him in the first half. With Frazier, I think we often make good halftime adjustments (like the Bucs game), but I think that has more to do with McD having input on those adjustments more than Frazier. Where Frazier has been a liability is he has bad situational awareness in how he calls his defense, and is terrible at adjusting in game on the fly when things are not working. I think for us to take the next step, new blood at OC and DC are what this team needs (assuming they get the hires right as it can definitely also end up worse too). Allen is at that point now where he is an elite player, I think bringing in some new ideas and schemes will benefit him and this offense, especially the defense.
  4. I almost laughed out loud when I read this it was such a bad take. Like might honestly be the worst one I have seen yet and that is saying something around here. Find me a roster that is good enough to win in the playoffs WITHOUT their top 3 QB...lmao. Yet without our #1 defense in the league carrying us in various games this season while our offense was out of sync, we not only would NOT have won the division, we may have not even made the playoffs. But hey, since all of our success and wins were ONLY Allen...why not cut or trade away all the guys Beanes signed and drafted to help Josh. According to you, they add nothing and its all Josh anyway. Get rid of Diggs, Cole, Davis, Knox, the OL etc...save that cap space and just get some JAGs off the street for vet min. All of our success was ONLY Josh anyway, so we shouldn't miss a beat right? Geezus.
  5. Why is it fair one team by default has to beat the other team on TWO drives (first defending, then scoring) and the other only has to beat the other team on ONE drive (get the ball first and score)? 2 drives to win is more than 1 drive to win...therefore not equal. Everyone saying its fair and equal is mathematically incorrect.
  6. Points win games. Both teams should get a chance to score points in OT. Not...hey you get a chance BUT ONLY if you do this first ever though the other team gets to try and get points without having to do that first. The team that won the coin flip did NOT have to play defense first to get their chance to score points.
  7. Yet he wasn't the reason why we lost and he made some other important plays last night too. But he is the focus and target today anyway. Look, your criticism on resigning him is fair, you think he will get a big pay day (and he might just get that from someone) and you feel if its us then its a bad use of cap. I don't have an issue with you feeling that way, its a legitimate question with him when it comes to what he is worth. But, I take exception that he is taking the blame for yesterday when he is so far down the list of what the biggest contributors to the loss were. Thats like blaming your ex girlfriend for your bad day just because you had a missed call from her. Like I said before, its going to come down to what kind of deal he gets. If he gets what fans fear he will get, I can't see us being the team to pay him. Beane values and covets his cap space, I can't see him over paying if Edmunds isn't doing on the field what they expect him to do. This FO has literally never done that once, and there is no reason to believe they just will blindly give him what ever he wants. I personally would like to see him under a new DC and see how he is used. I feel like they have Edmunds floating too much and too far away from the LOS and forcing him to make decisions on the fly way too often as things develop. I would like to seem them use him in a more aggressive and decisive manner and see if they can really tap into all that explosive athletic ability.
  8. not sure I have seen a worst take on this subject...honestly.
  9. Its absolutely fair and warranted to debate, ponder, or question the resigning of him from a cost to cap point of view. Thats true with any player really that has a reasonably sized contract. But Edmunds takes a ton of blame for losses, even in games where he played stellar or was not even the problem...this thread comes back up and all the blame goes to him. I am just saying, raging about Edmunds TODAY about YESTERDAY is a waste of time, he is no where near the top of the list of why we lost yesterday. Does that mean that he should be a lock to comeback or a lock to be gone...no, his future his a worthy one to evaluate and question, especially before we really know what it cost to retain him if they wanted to. But thats not what happens with him, everyone here is mostly piling on him and praying he is gone as if he was the reason we lost, even without a real solution to replace him. This board wanted a lot of other players gone too like London Fletcher blaming him for things that were not always on him either. Just to see him go on to continue to be great elsewhere and finish 2nd in NFL history in tackles. But people here said he sucks and only tackles guys 7 yards down field...sound familiar? I personally would like to see how Edmunds is used by a new DC as I think a lot of what people have an issue with in terms of Edmunds is how he is used.
  10. Well said...its absurd. Same people wanting fire McD for wasting what they see as a sure fire SB are also complaining in other threads Beane sucks. So if the roster is a SB worthy team, how could Beane suck if he built this team? LMAO. Its going to be a LONG offseason of insanity and ridiculous threads. Like what Knox said about Allen..."anyone still doubting him doesn't seem to know a lot about football". I say the same thing...anyone looking at McD and Beane as having done a bad job and needing to be fired, doesn't know as much about football as they think. Not only would McD and Beane both be the top candidates for every open position in the NFL right now if we fired them, but I bet you there are some teams who did NOT fire their HC or GM that would fire them to hire McD or Beane if either suddenly came available tomorrow (which neither is going anywhere obviously).
  11. I see Edmunds is back resuming his Donte Whitner level whipping boy status and shouldering the blame for things that weren't his fault after a loss. Hill burned the secondary for the TD, not Edmunds. Kelce beat Milano for the TD, not Edmunds. Our secondary gave up both passes in the the 13 second FG set up. But, the focus is on Edmunds? I am not saying he is a future HOF guy, but all this "get rid of him" with no one to plug in for him is getting old. Could we upgrade, sure...but that is WAY easier said than done, and the amount of crap he gets for things that had nothing to do with him is mind blowing. He is not even remotely close to why we lost yesterday against the top QB and top team in the league. Heck, Dabolls wussy first half is substantially bigger reason to our loss...the 13 seconds decision to kick out of end zone...Fraziers defensive calls...etc etc. But here we are again, all about Edmunds.
  12. No disrespect, but that is a silly argument and you can say that for either team. If you want to use that logic, then I ask again, why even play OT at all and just give the coin toss winner the victory right away if its each teams fault for plays each other didnt make in regulation. You are treating the coin flip as a punishment that is fitting due to plays one team or the other didn't make in any part of regulation. Literally none of that has any impact on what is a "fair" way to determine the winner of a game. Josh played a near perfect game, but you still want to justify his punishment by saying we could have scored even more points than we did back in the 2nd quarter? What is fair is not blaming OT for WHY we lost. You can always point to something in regulation that could have happened different to avoid OT, that is true for 100% of all OT games that have ever existed for both teams in that game. But it doesn't matter...once you are in OT, its about what is "fair" at that moment to determine a winner. And for some reason, you think chance is fair to both teams as if one teams deserves to be punished because of something that could have done earlier in the game.
  13. But why is it fair? That is what I don't understand how some say it is fair. Two teams work their tails off for an entire year to get to that moment. Both teams lay it all out on the line for 4 quarters and battle to a tie. They are matching each other step for step. So now its fair to take all that hard work, all that effort, all great play and those great players and leave it up to chance to determine who wins? Why even play the OT then, just award the game to the coin flip winner if its best to leave it up to chance. I get it, everyone is entitled to their opinion and thats all good, so I mean no disrespect at all. But as a competitive person who loves competition, I honestly just can not wrap my head around why on the biggest stage, in the biggest games, where its win or go home that its fair for these players and coaches to have a chance play such a big role on all that work. These are people who have sacrificed their bodies, time with their families, dealt with pain and the insane level of commitment to get to this moment, leaving it up to chance just feels like youre stealing something from them. I guess I am way too competitive to see that as fair, and its why I have hated the NFL OT rules since I began watching and loving football as a child.
  14. This. What is with all the sleuths on here today trying to read something into every comment or action by a player to determine their future? I don't think anyone knows anything right now other than that rosters have churn 100% of the time no matter what. The only thing we know is that these players love one another and playing together...and they know not all of them will be back...but doesn't mean they know who or that they themselves are not planning to be back.
  15. Hard disagree. I have been complaining about OT for as long as I have watched football. Anyone who has ever watched one college football game already knows how bad the NFL rules suck. The OT rule is atrocious, always has been. I would have been beating the same drum if we won last night and Mahomes didn't get a shot to be on the field again like in 2018 when I was also screaming the OT rules need to be changed when it happened to Mahomes in the playoffs. I think if you did a poll every year with the fans for the past 25 years...every single year the poll would be in favor of changing the OT rules. I don't know a single person who ever thought an OT game should end on a FG without the other team touching the ball (before they made the rule change) and I don't know a single person today who still thinks its a good idea to let a game end when only one team touched the ball (after a TD in the current rules). Let the great players have their chance to be great. Its the playoffs. I dont have an issue if they keep it the same in the regular season, but just like how there are no ties allowed in post season, the OT rules should be different to allow both teams a chance to win. POINTS win games, so how is it fair that only ONE team gets a chance to get points? And this whole nonsense when people say "well play better defense" is stupid too because had WE won the coin toss, there was a good chance we get a TD too and win the game...meaning the TRUE decided of the game was the COIN FLIP...who ever won that was most likely going to win the game when you have two QB's paying at that level.
  16. I don't mean any disrespect, but if anyone takes this loss harder than a player then they probably need to examine some priorities in their life. Look, this was a devastating loss...but its a game for entertainment, should not change your life one way or the other. But the players are the ones putting in all the work, going through all the pain, fighting for every inch out there. Trust me, as a competitive person myself, nothing is worse than taking place in the loss. As a fan, I sat there in stunned disbelief and disappointment for a couple hours while my fiance graciously cleaned up after our get together while I was just sulking on my phone dealing with hundreds of text messages and on TSW. But then when she was done, we cuddled up and watched a movie and went to bed together and woke up to another day beginning as it always will until it doesn't. Life is too short to over attach oneself to the outcome of a sports game and let it drag you into a dark funk for an extended period of time. As a competitor, I can tell you that I take losses in games I personally play in harder than any sports team I cheer for, and I am not even on the professional level. For example, it eats at me more when I have a bad outing at our regular Saturday basketball game or if I am off in my weekly corn hole game here on Thursdays with friends. Being a competitor and losing always sucks more than cheering for someone and they lose. I am way too competitive, and so are most the players in the NFL, so I am certain those players and coaches are taking it harder than most the fans. At least that should be the case...again if you are taking harder than them, then I think you should take a break as you might be taking fan hood to seriously in this short trip called life.
  17. What is the absolute dumbest part of it...people are raging about McD and the coaches demanding they be fired for wasting what they felt was a sure fire SB birth and probable victory had we beaten the Chiefs. YET: The same people starting threads or in threads saying Beane sucks and is the problem. So we are a SB worth team and roster in one thread...in the next our GM sucks and cant build a team (even though this SB worthy team was literally built by him). Like make up your mind and stay in one lane lmao Its funny how many people around here don't even understand how little sense they make.
  18. I think this is a case of trying to read to much into something where we have no context. This could be him just saying that to Josh after all he did on the field, leaving it all out there for the team. Doesn't necessarily mean he is saying good bye. I mean if he was saying good bye, why would he only do that to Allen and not others he is close with on the team or to the Bills or Bills Mafia in general? So for me, this is nothing other than a show of gratitude for the warrior Allen is. I seriously seriously seriously doubt that anyone in the organization has gone up to McKenzie and told him already he wont be brought back. My 2 cents: Nothing to see here but respect between teammates.
  19. Yeah, I mean at times during games you just sit and wonder if he is about to be benched. Then all of a sudden he will hit someone who makes a big play like Deebo who is amazing after the catch guy. If the Niners had a better QB, not even an elite one, just a better QB, they would be dangerous. Wouldn't surprise me to see someone like Matt Ryan end up there this offseason. I know they drafted their future, but Lance is clearly not ready yet and has actually been worse when filling in for Jimmy so far. Then again, if Lance is showing he is close, maybe they just move on from Jimmy then go sign a FA like Trubisky who is fairly mobile himself to compete with Lance or back him up that can run similar offense to what they would install with Lance (factoring in QB mobility). Either way, Niners fans are counting the minutes until the Jimmy G era is over. Even if they somehow win the SB with Jimmy G, they are ready to move on because like you said, they are winning in spite of him, not so much because of him.
  20. Beane built a perennial SB contender from scratch in essentially 2 years. Guess y’all missed that. He is one of the best GMs in football, it’s stunning how some people forget life before Beane and have such a lack of appreciation for what he’s built. PS: All the same people criticizing Beane saying he hasn’t been good enough are the same people saying our coaches blew a SB this year at end of the game. So Beane builds what you call an almost certain SB champion if not for 13 seconds, but then come in here and say Beane isn’t good enough now. Only on TSW does that make sense.
  21. I badly want Flores for DC, but I think it’s possible he could get a HC offer still. But if not, I would take him at DC in a heartbeat.
  22. Don’t worry about it, you did nothing wrong. Was maybe the best playoff game in decades, possibly ever, and someone had to lose. It is what it is. Congrats on the win, two best QBs in the NFL were on the field last night. I leave that game confident in the fact that Allens time is coming and coming soon. Which is more than we have had for 20+ year stretch. That loss stings and sucks, but we are built to be around a while, and with Allen only 25 we have a lot to look forward to. Mr fiancé is a Niners fan, so now I have to root for them. I told her going from rooting from Allen to Jimmy G is like trading in your Ferrari for a used Honda stick shift with a bad clutch that slips. She agreed haha.
  23. Only laughing stock is absurd posts like this. Utter non sense
  24. One of the worst takes I have ever seen.
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