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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Who said we are drafting a DE? But we need a CB given we don’t know Tre’s recovery or Levi’s future as a FA…possibly a LB if they don’t intend to extend Edmunds, and Star’s likely replacement. We also need OL help too. Plenty of pieces are higher on the list than WR and DE.
  2. I am honestly hoping Frazier moves on for the same reason. Guy I really want is Flores, but I would be happy with Fangio too.
  3. But why would we waste a first on another WR? We have Diggs and Davis set as the top 2 guys next year. Our offense is not why the season is over right now. Sign another FA if need be at WR, or take one in another round. Can't see any reason why we would take one in the first when Davis is heading into his third year and looking like he is about to be a major breakout.
  4. IMHO, I think its possible a lot of what people don't like about Edmunds has a lot to do with how he is used and what he is asked to do. I would like to see Edmunds one more year but under a different DC who would use his athletic talents in a more aggressive manner, similar to how Dallas uses Parsons. I would think a new DC would salivate at creating schemes to utilize his speed and size. I feel like Edmunds is more used like a third safety more so than an anchor at MLB. Like they bank on his speed to be able react and get to the ball as a second line of defense instead of him being a main guy up front getting to the RB or QB. Which is why a lot of people talk about "where" he makes tackles (too far down field), but thats also where he has been tasked to be or play on those plays too. The way they use Edmunds is the definition of the bend but don't break approach. They aren't asking him to blow plays up, they are asking him to prevent the bigger play. And this is why I think there is such a disconnect with how players and coaches feel about Edmunds value and performance vs how fans do. Fans fixate on stat boxes and splashy plays. But if the player isn't being used in a way to put him into position to make those types of plays, then even though he is doing what he is asked well, they will see it as something different. So, honestly, I think Edmunds is a lot better than people give him credit for, he is not perfect, but he is not the bum some make him out to be. But at the same time, I think whether he stays in Buffalo or not will come down to what an extension would cost. Beane has never broke the bank in an unreasonable way. Even Josh Allens contract was quite a good deal from the team stand point as well. I don't foresee him over paying Edmunds, so its going to come down to what the market dictates and what Edmunds prioritizes to see if there is a deal that makes sense for both sides.
  5. I cant take any thread or mock seriously that doesn't list Levi as a priority signing. He will be a high priority free agent signing, and probably the highest priority in our FO to retain. Especially with Tre White recovering from injury. Levi had a very good year...its time people give him his credit.
  6. Yeah I think the same. From what I have seen and heard, it seems the only place that really had any traction was Chicago in terms of interest in Frazier. And now it seems the GM they are bringing has his eyes set on those other 2 like you mentioned. I would like to see a change at DC personally, but if Frazier doesn't get the HC offers, I assume he is going to be back unfortunately. I want to see what another DC can do with Edmunds this year as well. We have some decisions to make, and I think a lot of the issues with Edmunds could be tied to how he is used. I would like to see him used in a more aggressive role, the way Parsons is used in Dallas, and see how he responds.
  7. Yeah I am not opposed to adding more speed by any means, I was only highlighting the offense scored plenty as built, and the higher priority is to shore up the OL. Honestly, I think Devin can be a good full time RB for us if we just commit to him and the run game. However, I am not opposed at trying to upgrade their either. I think there will be a lot of talk of Barkley to the Bills this offseason. Schoen knows he needs to fix the cap before he can truly fix the roster like Beane did here. Would not suprise me at all to see Barkley land here in a trade either for draft asset(s) or maybe players and a pick. Cole an Moss plus a day 3 pick could be something I see happening. Bills bring back Mckenzie and Hodgins to compete for the slot role and have a backfield of Saquan and Devin. Cole becomes a safety blanket for Jones (or whatever QB becomes the starter there) and Moss can compete to start on the cheap. Allows the Giants cap relief and still put some quality pieces back on the field. Frees up cap space for us to bring in Saquan and gives a potential upgrade with Devin still here as a safety net if he doesn't get back to his old self or gets hurt again. Not to mention, Saquan would not need to be over used and run into the ground here.
  8. The fact you think only the first 2 rounds matter tells me I don't even need to discuss football with you again. Especially on a team that has Milano, Knox, Davis, Singletary, Levi, Brown, etc on it all playing vital and impactful roles who did not come here the way of the first 2 picks. Literally you have not said one factual or relevant thing in this discussion...just whining about a handful of early picks in the draft as if that is the only thing that matters to building a team.
  9. See now this is a fair assessment, good post. I do have a few counter points that need to be considered though: We have invested more picks on offense than you guys have tallied. We used multiple picks on Allen, Diggs, Ford, and Knox to trade up get all of those players. Those have to be accounted for as part of the investment into the offense, especially since some of them were premium picks. Fans still over emphasize the first 2 rounds. Rosters and championship teams are built through out the draft. The OP I objected to seems to only count the first 2 rounds as how we address positions. Yet our day 3 selected players in Davis, Singletary, Knox, Brown, Milano, etc have all been vital parts of our team and some of our best players this year. We have hit bigger on key offensive additions, meaning less holes to fill, in both the draft and free agency signings. Allen and Diggs are grand slam additions. Cole Beasley was a tremendous FA grab. When you hit on your first try with some of the best at their respective positions, it means less needs to be addressed. So for me, I think it can be argued we have invested more into the offense in terms of draft picks when you factor in the cost to move up and get some of those guys, and there has been a balance of building and addressing needs on both sides of the ball. End of the day, some people like the OP I think are just still salty we went DE back to back last year, because there are not real merits to his actual claims that we have prioritized the defense for 5 years. I mean we are also the top offense in the league over the last 2 years, that didn't just magically appear. Again, those comments not directed to you at all, but back at the OP I responded to. Your post was a fair and well composed counter point.
  10. Yeah, but they also do not know what happened on those plays, and will hear Fraziers side of it still. We don't know if it was Frazier or if the players poorly executed what was intended. Just saying, they are not going to give up on Frazier over that if they felt he was the right guy. Anyone in the NFL knows its never a single persons fault.
  11. Lol…No it’s not gonna affect his chances. Did it cost Kyle Shanahan his shot when he choked away the SB with a 28-3 lead? They aren’t going to sit back and say it was Fraziers fault. Mahomes and Kelce are special and the D was gassed. Plus the squib kick didn’t happen, which is seen as the main reason. Doesnt mean he was ever getting a job, but nothing has changed in terms of teams interest in him. If they wanted him before that they will still want him now.
  12. Allen, Diggs, Devin, Knox, Moss, Ford, Brown. Guess you missed those. Also missed the fact that teams are built all over the draft, not just first two rounds. Also missed all the offensive free agent signings. We have actually addressed offense as much or more than defense. You just want to cherry pick certain picks while ignoring other draft picks, free agents, and trades. You are literally factually incorrect. Not even opinion conversation, there are literally no facts that support your case we have only addressed the defense for 5 years.
  13. Im not saying to address only one of the other. I’m saying it’s utterly ridiculous to come on here (not you, the poster I quoted) and claim we have only focused on defense the last 5 years and therefore it’s a mistake to give any attention the defense this off-season. We absolutely need to also address the OL. I disagree we need more speed, our offense was plenty explosive. I’m all for more speed, just saying the Achilles heal on offense was always our OL more than anything. Fix that and we are all the top offense in the NFL next year. We have needs to address on both sides of the ball this off-season.
  14. I mean this makes sense to me based on what we saw and what’s been said by McD
  15. Daboll may intend to, does not mean Dorsey accepts if the Bills also offer him the OC position here. I will bet Daboll told Dorsey that he would take him with him, and told the Giants the same. And Dorsey probably said he would because Daboll hasn’t left yet and the Bills haven’t offered yet. I would seriously doubt he goes to NYG if the Bills offer him to be the OC with Allen. That puts him on the fast track to a HC gig if he stays here and has continued success and possibly even a SB win.
  16. Lmao. Really? We traded a first for Diggs, traded up twice for Allen, traded up for Ford, drafted Devin, Knox, Davis, Brown, etc. But please, tell us all again how we only focused on defense the last 5 years. Offense was unstoppable in the playoffs and defense didn’t get the job done against KC. Yet you’re somehow opposed to addressing the defense? Geezus this place is off he rails right now
  17. If I could hit the “awesome” emoticon to this post a hundred times, I would. Post of the day! Perfectly said. 👏
  18. Weird, we were all hoping the same from you when you posted this
  19. I don’t know honestly, but I notice they always have Edmunds playing further back a lot. I’d just like to see a DC look at Edmunds and focus on turning him loose in a more aggressive manner like they use Parsons in Dallas.
  20. I think what you hate is really how Frazier uses Edmunds. They have him floating and roaming way too much off the LOS and bank on his speed and acceleration to get to the ball. Which is why it seems he gets there later than he should. I would like you to see Edmunds under a new DC who tries to use those gift he has athletically and let him play a more aggressive role.
  21. For one, they rarely use Edmunds as a pass rusher. It’s amazing how many people don’t seem to understand this around here. You can’t sack what you’re not chasing. I would like to see another DC use Edmunds differently than he is being used. It’s like they trust his speed so much that they have way off the he ball almost roaming and reacting instead of using his gifts to let him play aggressive.
  22. Patterson makes sense, but hard pass on Ridley. Davis has earned the spot, Ridley doesn’t have his head right.
  23. Well assuming Daboll gets the job and then both Daboll and McD offer him the OC position, it will come down who he chooses to go with.
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