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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Hahahaha beat me to it He is literally Jarvis Landry part 2. He had one season opposite an elite WR in AB and then hasn't done squat since while other WR's on their team have played better than JuJu. Send him to KC, I would MUCH rather see them get slower at WR than see more of their speed guys.
  2. Williams couldn't see anytime in Buffalo because there was Devin and Moss ahead of him, plus Brieda for a different role and Taiwan for ST. There is no guarantee he sees time in NY either, but bringing in guys who might compete for playing time and that are cheap are always great moves by a new GM, especially guys you are familiar with. But some people here seem to think this suggests AW is gonna just walk in and start and be excel or something. He hasn't even made their roster yet, so that is quite premature.
  3. I get where you are coming from, and don't get me wrong, I totally agree Mack is still most likely an upgrade. It's not like I would be upset if Mack ends up on this team. My main takeaway is that we invested a lot in 3 young DE's already in the last 2 years, and it takes time for players to fully develop. We don't have a ton of cap room this year, so I am just of the mindset we might see a bigger improvement spreading around our draft capital and cap space over more positions than overly investing back in the one DE position again. I guess I am just more concerned about our interior OL and DL and depth at CB. We definitely need to add someone on the OL, and we have 2 key pieces this year at CB (Levi) and DT (Phillips) who are free agents that I assume will be high priority to try and resign unless the market for some reason is too high to keep them. Plus we have White coming off a bad injury, we don't know how well he will be able to play next year, it can sometimes take a year of playing before a player gets back to close to what they were. Not to mention, I think its time they look for a replacement for Star given his age and how often he has missed games. Personally...if we make a trade for a name...I would like to see us go get Saquan Barkley, and I think that may be more likely personally. We can offset some of the acquisition cost by including a player or two that make sense for them, like Moss as a potential replacement and maybe a slot guy like Cole to help Jones or what ever other QB they have in there. Send them and a late pick for Barkley then redo his contract here. Barkley here could share time with Devin and not be over used and run into the ground while also training in the NFL's most state of the art facilities to get himself fully healthy and hopefully stay that way. Having a healthy Barkley behind a revamped OL with Josh Allen at QB could be stupid good if he can stay healthy. And we still have Devin for insurance.
  4. I think its more you guys didn't actually read the full story. The $13 was originally to go to MAHOMES charity. Bills fans would have done the same for Allens charity if the role was reversed. BUT...the person who started this suggestion noticed that Bills Mafia often does this thing for opponents charities in their home towns, so he decided that was awesome and wanted to do the same here for Josh Allen after his unbelievable performance giving the fans and NFL one of the best games anyone has ever seen. He openly admitted it didn't dawn on him to then change the $13 to $17 instead and wished he would have. But the $13 was never intended to be a sign of disrespect, it was originally chosen to honor Mahomes for Mahomes own charity. So, no disrespect, but there is nothing bad about this at all. It wasn't intended to be a jab, they literally said many times how they respect Bills Mafia and the absolutely sensational performance by Allen, and its because of that they gave to Allens favorite charity instead of their own hero Mahomes. To take it any other way is misguided IMHO.
  5. I know you are not and just asking a fair question...and its a good question. We tend to run this bend don't break style of defense. Keep everything in front of them. I would like to see us be more aggressive at times, not saying on every down or completely change our philosophy, as I get a lot of it is McD's defense and I know he knows defense. Wouldn't mind us bringing more heat to the QB too, we were about middle of the field in Blitz % this year. And while the bend don't break defense can often be effective over the length of a game, it can also let you down when it needs to stop a team from scoring on an important drive. I would like to see a defense that is capable of stiffening up at the right times. Honestly, how we use Edmunds is a prime example of where I would like to see some new things inserted into our defense. We tend to lean on Edmunds athletic ability to bank on him making up ground and getting to the play. His primary role feels more like a 3rd safety or floater than it does a dominating MLB. And I think this is why he is so polarizing around here...fans want to see stats and big plays...but he isn't being used that way. I would like to see us use his athletic gifts more to penetrate and disrupt plays. Watching how Dallas used Parsons this year just made me really wonder how Edmunds could do if they used his athletic gifts in the same way.
  6. If I could hit the awesome emoticon a 1000 times on your post I would. Well said...and its disgusting to be honest. Like grow up, stop being a whiney little child. The Buffalo Bills lost, get over it...the KC fans did something classy to help the BUFALLO community and they literally said it was because of the respect they have for BILLS MAFIA doing the same for players on other teams too. The fact another teams fan base is taking notice of how impactful Bills Mafia has been in charity and wanting to do the same is amazing. Someone has a problem with that, they should probably get therapy because they have other issues going on inside them.
  7. Yes. Massive over reaction. Things like: Fire McD - So stupid its barely worth mentioning. Fire Beane - Even dumber. Fire Farwell - Also dumb, we had one of the best ST units in the NFL this year. Do whatever it takes to get an elite DE - Our defensive pressure was not why we lost to KC, we got plenty of pressure on Mahomes but he was just on another level Sunday (like Allen) where it didn't matter, he was too elusive. We had the same amount of Sacks as KC did, and yet they have three high end pass rushers on their team. And we were 5th in the NFL in defensive pressure and 10th in sacks. So its foolish to now kill the cap and invest more draft assets again into the same position we just used 3 picks on in the first 2 rounds the last 2 years. Let the young guys play and use those draft picks and whatever cap space we having on bolstering weaker areas like OL, CB Depth, and DT. If our young guys are not getting the job done this year, then we know it may need to be addressed again the following offseason. But you have to allow your guys time to develop, this instant gratification nonsense that fans have is ridiculous. The most ridiculous are the cries to fire McD, Beane, or Farwell. As if making our team worse somehow makes us better just to satisfy some blood lust for someones head after the loss is ridiculous concept. Hard to take anyone serious who feels like they are the weak link here. Some fans just have this "I need blood" mentality when something doesn't go right, but all that does is LOWER our odds in 2022 to make another run because its VERY hard to find guys on the level of McD and Beane and much more likely to be not only a downgrade, but a significant one. Not to mention, we are already likely losing Daboll and Frazier, to have a full staff turnover right now would be beyond stupid. Yes, there seems there was a mistake made, not clear where, but a call for a squib quick was made and it didn't get to Bass. But the players know Bass wasn't in the huddle and warming up, they should make sure he knows the call when he enters the game. And I assure you that will be forever the case from here on out by both the coaches and teammates. But to blow up the staff that built us QUICKLY into a perennial SB contender over it is just absurd. And to now over react
  8. Agreed...I guarantee that most the people begging for Mack don't realize he hasn't had double digits sacks in 3 years. Yes, he is going to be an upgrade, but how much of an upgrade at this stage of his career is questionable given he is over 30 and coming off that injury. Is it enough to warrant weakening our selves else where through the cost to acquire and pay him? Buffalo was 5th in NFL in QB Pressures, 10th in Sacks. Its not like its our weakest part of our team, and thats with us playing a bend but don't break style and not blitzing that much (we were middle of the pack in Blitz %). Just having Tre White against KC likely changes the outcome...not to mention simply not having a miscommunication on the final KO of regulation changes the outcome. And we have youth we have been developing to take over a more prominent role at that position anyway that cost a fraction of what Macks $17.5M would cost us, not to mention the trade compensation. I say, let our young guys play and go bolster the OL, CB depth, and DT positions with our draft assets and cap space as the top 3 priorities.
  9. Honestly, I get the Rodgers to Denver connection makes sense on just about every level. However, if I am Rodgers and looking at that murders row of QB's in the AFC who are all elite or rising stars, I am thinking twice about joining Denver. 2 of those guys are in their own division...and Rodgers with a loaded Packers team just lost as the #1 seed to Jimmy G and a 49ers team that didn't score an offensive TD at home. Denver should look like the favorite, but if I am Rodgers I don't see that Denver roster as any better than the Packers, but being stuck in a division with Mahomes and Herbert and a conference with Josh Allen and a loaded Bills team. So I would have my eyes set on an NFC team, or at the very least a team in the AFC thats in a less lethal division. But I get it, Nathaniel hire makes it even more likely Denver is the front runner...but I think Rodgers ego is going to want to win a SB to kind of shove GB's nose in it, and I am not sure going to Denver gives him the best path to achieve that having to face Mahomes and Herbert 4 times a year battling for the division.
  10. I hope Frazier gets hired by the Giants. If not, I don't think he gets a HC gig anywhere this year and I for one would like to see a different defensive coordinator come in and see what he can do with the pieces we have. I am especially interested to see what a more aggressive DC (hopefully thats the direction we go) can do with a couple particular guys: Edmunds - The TSW whipping boy, mostly because I think people around here fail realize what they dislike most about him is how he is used. Its why the coaches and opponents have such a better opinion of him, they see him doing what he is asked while the fans expect him to do something that he is not being asked to do out there. So before we have to make a decision on him next off season, I would like to see a DC turn him loose and let him play a more aggressive style like Parsons. Frazier has predominantly used him more as a safety valve (playing further away from the ball) and letting his athletic ability help him get to the ball in a true bend but don't break approach. Its like he is a 3rd Safety out there most the game. Oliver - This guy had a break out season this year, and I think its only the beginning for him if we can bring more aggression to our defensive play style. Our DE's, especially the young ones - How much more effective could they be if our defensive style was more aggressive? So nothing against Frazier, he did a great job while the was here for the most part, but I think we have the pieces now to be more aggressive instead of relying on the bend but don't break approach most the time. I think it has its moments, and can still be used, but we need to be able to turn up the heat too at any point in the game we want. And that is something Frazier just isn't that great at doing, making those in game adjustments to make those game defining plays on the defensive side of the ball. Its more like we all just hold our breath and hope this isnt the time we bend and then break (like KC OT).
  11. Ridiculous reply. Congratulations on focusing on a name and not actual on field production.
  12. Last 3 seasons: Mario Addison: 21.5 sacks Khalil Mack: 23.5 sacks Since Mack didn’t finish 2021, the last 2 full seasons for both players 2019 + 2020: Mario: 14.5 sacks Mack: 17 sacks Mack is the better player, but he hasn’t had a double digit sack season since 2018 and is coming off season ending injury and past 30 now. And despite being seen as one of the best, he has barely outperformed Addison despite Addison being over 2 years older. So I am not seeing how he makes us better enough to make sense using both draft capital and $17.5 million in cap space on him. Use the picks on holes and cap space to improve weaker areas of the roster.
  13. Except you are referring to me and that’s NOT what I said. That’s how you took it, but that’s not what I said. What I actually said is stop over reacting to an elite player playing elite. You can’t mortgage your future over one game, but if you guys were the GM you would do just that in response to the best player in the NFL playing out of his mind Sunday. Our last rushers were just fine when we played them and beat hen in the regular season. You seem to think magically a different player makes another tackle or two, but there is literally no evidence to your assumptions. And you want to add one “game wrecker” while the Chiefs had three and didn’t slow us down despite us having the worse OL. So sorry, this “game wrecker” cure all theory is not something I am buying. You think the Chiefs now are gonna go add a fourth game wrecker pass rusher now because Allen popped off? No. Reactive personnel decisions like that are what kills franchises futures. This isn’t Madden. Besides: We were the better team Sunday, won the game, and then gave it away over a miscommunication error between our ST Coordinator and Bass. And that was WITHOUT our best defensive player in Tre, who would have been much more impactful than a different DE that got like one more sack. Fans tend to grossly over value sack statistics. So let’s get better where we really need to. More speed in the secondary, get Tre White back at full strength, bolster the OL and interior DL. We were already better than them as is, now do those things and we will get past them decisively. Which is also why I don’t expect any big splash at DE. We have 3 guys in the first 2 rounds who are here to take over as our older DE’s rotate out. And Groot is 100% starting again next year after his promising first season. I really don’t anticipate another DE in the draft in first 2 rounds either this year.
  14. You may be correct on that, but if he does, I would expect it will be through the draft though if he went after another DE. However, I think it’s unlikely we go DE in the first 2 rounds unless someone surprising falls into their lap they covet and was BPA. Can’t see him making a big trade taking a lot of draft capital and a lot of cap space. Now that we have extended Allen, cap management becomes critical to continue fielding balanced and talented teams. So we need those draft picks (especially since we should be perennially picking late) to keep infusing young affordable talent into the roster, especially to help our efforts to retain our own that we want to keep each year. All that being said, I do know and respect Beane is a wizard, so nothing is ever out the question. I just think it’s a very low probability we make a big splashy move for a premiere DE in a trade.
  15. Again, Chiefs have 3 of these guys…they still weren’t finishing the same sacks on Allen against a worse OL. Your assumption that a different DE finishes the sacks on the pressures we got on Mahomes is just that, merely an assumption, and an overly optimistic one I might add given the level Mahomes and Allen were playing at Sunday. We likely aren’t making a big move for some top end DE, so might as well not get your hopes up. We invested 3 picks in the first 2 rounds the past two years at DE. We aren’t giving up a fortune in draft capital to get one, nor is Beane shelling out some cap choking contract either when we have other holes to fill and coming off a season where we were among the league leaders at pressuring the QB.
  16. Again, I respectfully ask what did the game breaking pass rushers the Chiefs do to stop Allen? They have 3 of them and Allen had their way with them and looked like a video game out there. They didn't fare any better than our guys did on Mahomes, and our guys were getting pressure on Mahomes all day. I think at some point, people need to just take their hat off to greatness and realize it didn't matter who we had at DE that game, Mahomes and Allen were playing on whole other levels and thats why they are the two highest paid players in history. Like I said before though, I am not opposed to a "game wrecker" at DE...but this isn't Madden where you can make that happen easy. 1 - One of them has to be available. 2 - The compensation to get him has to be acceptable by both parties. 3 - The contract has to be absorbable in our cap or reworkable. So, this really isn't even a realistic expectation IMHO. What game wrecker is even available? I can't think of one that fits that description that is for sure available, and if one was, unless they are old, its going to be expensive in terms of draft capital, especially how late we are drafting. And how could we fit a player of that calibers contract into our cap and still shore up all the other holes we have adequately too?
  17. I wouldn't call AJE a bust yet. With Hughes and Addison still playing at a high level this year and the surprise of how much Groot played and excelled as a rookie after sitting out a year, it limited the role for AJE. But, all his teammates rave about him and I think this next year will be a potential breakout year for him. Wasn't that long ago (last year) that people here were calling Oliver a bust...now he is a "no brainer" to pick up his option and seen as a long term piece here. My expectation going into next year is that week 1, Groot and AJE will be our starters at DE. I think Hughes comes back, but will be a rotational guy. Exactly why I keep telling people its too early to give up on AJE too.
  18. In the game I watched, our guys were pressuring Mahomes a lot, but like Josh he is incredible at getting away. And those game wreckers the Chiefs had arguably had an even worse day trying to get Allen. And we got that pressure mostly rushing only 4 and not blitzing. We beat them in the regular season blitzing zero times too. I just think people need to stop over reacting when elite players play elite. We didn't lose that game because we didn't have a game wrecker at DE is my point. I just cant see what a "game wrecker" really changes the last game the way Mahomes and Allen were playing. We got a lot of pressure on Mahomes throughout the game as it was, many of which would have been sacks of other QBs not named Mahomes, Allen, or Lamar. Mahomes and Allen were just on a different level Sunday. Having Tre White there would have been something that would have had a bigger impact though, like Hill probably doesn't get that long TD if White is in the game. So I just don't see that being where we need to invest our limited cap space. Boost the OL, depth at CB, beef on the DL are where I would focus. Plus we have 2 second round picks and a first round pick at DE to get on the field this year. Look at how Oliver finally broke out this year, we need to keep grooming and developing the talent we have here who were all showing good things this past year.
  19. Bills are a fast track to a HC gig. Career wise, staying here statistically will give him better odds of getting a HC gig in the next 2 to 3 years. Doesn't mean he cant do that somewhere else, but he will have a lot better shot at shining and being in demand working with Allen and this offense than starting somewhere during a rebuild. Look at Daboll, much longer and more impressive resume...took him a long time to finally get real consideration as a HC because they had to build the offense up first then show it wasn't a fluke too. Lot of people thought he would get it last year, and that didn't happen. Yet as you look around the league, you see guys step into coordinator spots with great offenses and start getting HC buzz and mentions much quicker.
  20. What did the Chiefs multiple game wreckers do against Josh Allen? Nothing. This is being over exaggerated. Everyone fan wants double digit sack numbers, but thats not even equal to one play a game. Getting pressure is what matters the most consistently and we did plenty of that and have a stable of young guys who need to see the field. I am not against some big time talent at DE, but those are also NOT readily available and also come with cap choking contracts we can't afford. Fix the OL, add some depth at CB, and bring in another beefy DT. All of that is much higher priority and I will bet money the front office sees it that way too.
  21. Im not sure what happened to some people here who are some how taking this negatively. How can something so positive thats going to help so many be seen as a negative? If that is not a sign you take being a fan way too seriously than I dont know what is.
  22. Hard hard hard disagree. I’m not weakening our team over a miscommunication. Everyone in this thread would have been fired from every job they ever had or currently have if you got fired for a single mistake. Sorry firing him would be a huge emotional over reaction. And how do we know it wasn’t a player that was supposed to tell Bass? Or maybe someone shouted at him and he didn’t hear with crowd noise? Not to mention we still had multiple chances to not lose that game after the kickoff in both regulation and OT. Just would be foolish to fire him after our ST unit was among the best in the NFL this year. This season is over. Stupid to lessen our team now over it going into next season where we are on a new quest to win it all just to satisfy some fans appetite for blood as if that changes anything.
  23. Why does some need to take the fall? It doesn’t change the outcome. Our ST unit was one of the best in the NFL this year, so why do you want to weaken it for some sort of personal gratification over a miscommunication?
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