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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. 86 for and 84 against now in the poll as of now. Honestly Barry Sanders is the only RB I can think of that excelled to greatness behind a weak OL. It’s pretty important to the success of a RB. Priest Holmes for example was pedestrian in Baltimore and then was other worldly the moment he landed in KC. That being said, if our OL performs next year the way he has the last 7 games (or even better) then Barkley could be a monster here IMHO. It reminds me a LOT of the Priest Holmes move out Baltimore in fact. Barkley has seen stacked boxes his whole career, he won’t get that here. And if he does, Allen will eat them alive.
  2. Plus Beane already said he expects to have Cole back. He’s only gone if there is a trade that make sense.
  3. Draft for sure could be where add a playmaker at RB too. No argument here. But Mack would cost $17M against the cap in the best case scenario. I don’t think it’s plausible. Bucs also said their top priority will be Godwin. Now no guarantee he wants to go back without a QB to there, but he will not be cheap, and can’t see us paying Godwin what he will get elsewhere when we already have Diggs and Davis. We won’t have the cap space for that, he’s going to be in double digits annually and Allens new contract kicks in next year. So I think both have almost no plausible path to get here. I say almost cuz Beane is a wizard, so you never know, but I seems highly unlikely to me.
  4. Poll is close, nearly split right now. 68 against, 62 for in various trade scenarios.
  5. But he has no leverage to ask for that kind of money. Zero percent chance anyone gives him that until after he shows on the field he can be that guy again on a new team. So I can’t see any possibility of that happening (Aaron Jones money). He is going to have take a short term prove it deal before he gets into that conversation or just play this year on his current deal and have a big year to try and get it next year. Any reworked deal now would be far from Aaron Jones money.
  6. What scares you about a $7m contract that has one year left on it though? Allens deal doesn’t kick in until next year. And there is still the possibility Beane does a new deal with him ahead of the trade to give us some assurances and cap relief and him more upfront money to try and pop off on a SB caliber team next couple years and have a shot at another good contract before it’s too late. This makes more sense to all parties than I think some realize.
  7. And his QB play was awful too. It usually takes a full year of playing before a player find his form again after tearing an ACL. Not to mention, defenses play it differently and even stack the box to defend Barkley, they dont defend the Giants the same for the other RBs on the team as they aren’t anyone they worry about in the same way. Which is why I keep cautioning about Tre Whites return and why CB is by far our top need.
  8. Hey, I’m there with you. I’m always a “protect the cap” motto person myself. I just think Barkley contract situation isn’t a risk as it’s one year anyway, and Josh Allen’s new deal doesn’t hit for another year. So worst case we are not stuck if it didn’t work out. But I do think Beane would work on doing a new deal ahead of the trade as you mentioned to at least assure that if he does work out he could be here a couple seasons at least.
  9. Where is the language that says player can’t agree to a new deal or an extension? Lmao. No one is arguing what is current contract is. Why do you keep bringing this up?
  10. We can’t afford Kamara IMO, he will cost too much to acquire and too much on the cap. I wasn’t referencing you, which is why I replied separately directly to you and didn’t bring that up. Lol. My point with the post you replied to is that people always think we can maneuver the cap when it’s a player that poster wants, but when they aren’t a fan of a different player the cap is suddenly a bigger issue.
  11. But keep in mind, it’s only $7M and Allens new deal doesn’t hit til next year. We could swing this even if we didn’t do a new deal. This would be the year to do it. But I would expect Beane would do a new deal ahead of the trade anyway if he made this move.
  12. I do find it interesting to see some of the same people complaining about not being able afford a $7m contract (here and some other threads this came up) are also ones advocating to trade for Khalil Mack, who in best case scenario would be a $17M contract to absorb. Saquans contract isnt that bad, and it’s for this year only. Allens new deal doesn’t kick in until next year. If there was ever a year we could take a chance on a player who has shown to be an elite play maker and is still young, this is the year.
  13. That’s why I mentioned in my post that the caveat would be a new contract here. I wouldn’t say he hasn’t lived up to his promise, he showed it. The Giants team has been in shambles ever since though. I named them specifically because of their standing as top end RBs. I am not saying a change of scenery is automatic he stays healthy, just saying it’s not fair to just say he can’t. Any player in the league would have had the same ankle injury if they rolled it as nasty as his was this year, and it’s argued he made it back sooner than most would have. Not every injury is a sign of persistent injury issues. It’s not like he had ticky tack soft tissue issues. He had a couple bad luck plays where things got bent the wrong way.
  14. Because Josh cant keep this pace up and expect his body to hold up. The guy leaves 110% of himself and his soul on that field every Sunday. His body takes a pounding running the ball. Great he is 25...but at some point that beating is going to catch up with him, it always does. We need to take some of that weight off him literally.
  15. They said the same thing about Fred Taylor, Frank Gore, Matthew Stafford, etc too. Sometimes you just have a run of bad luck, doesn't always mean its a permanent issue. And like I said, Buffalo has the best training facilities and program in the NFL to help him to get and stay healthy. Then there is having another RB and Allen here to take a lot of the load off of him too. So, its a gamble I would take, especially if only costs us say Moss a mid to late pick.
  16. That is why I think Moss and a 4th gets it done, and I would do that in a hearbeat You clearly did NOT read the post. If you had, it had the caveat or redoing his contract as part of the acquisition.
  17. Beane always says what he means and does what he says. And he said to expect Cole back, he has one more year on his contract. So I really don' there is much chance of him being cut, unless Cole does something stupid. I do think he is a possible trade candidate though. But barring a trade, he will most likely be our slot WR still this year. I did just post a thread about Saquan and how we might use Cole in a trade with the Giants. Makes a lot of sense on both sides given Cole comes off the books after this year and could give immediate help to Jones to see if there is anything there to work with. And could bring us back draft picks or someone like Saquan.
  18. Why I think it makes more sense than ever, and why I would actually like to see this happen. And I am a fan of Devin, not a knock on him at all, but Barkley just brings more to the table. Schoen just studied under Beane's masterclass on how to rebuild an organization. Clear the cap first, asses what you have, and start rebuilding. Giants have a terrible cap situation, first things first will be to start fixing that. Barkley doesn't make them better, that OL is atrocious and the QB position isn't settled. He IMHO is almost a lock to be traded somewhere, I really don't think he will be on the roster week 1 in NY. Plus, Daboll just came from an offense where he didn't lean on the run game. Bills are in a unique position to be able to offer the Giants something in return that can help them try and remain competitive (they want to instill a new culture from the get go) and pieces they are familiar with. We could send them back a RB that could come in and immediately compete to start for them in Moss or even Devin that are cheap on the cap too. And then we redo his contract like when we acquired Diggs. Additionally, if we needed to, we could include Cole in a package as well which would be a great piece for the Giants to get because he comes off the books after this next season and he would be an immediate on field help to whoever is QB this year as a move the chains specialist. There are going to be a bunch of disagree emoticons and quick replies hating this idea because people think Saquan is done, especially with the injury history. But I would not write him off so fast. There have been a long list of guys where a change of scenery to a better situation allowed a player to flourish. And the talent was there with him, but he has been saddled with an atrocious OL the whole time and even worse QB play. Plus, we have the most state of the art training facilities and team in the NFL, if there was ever a place for a guy to go and try and put the injuries behind them its here. And its already proved to be effective as we have had some guys who cant shake the injury bug elsewhere come here and stay healthy at multiple positions. Additionally, we will still have either Devin or Moss at RB and Allen at QB...meaning we wont need to run Barkley into the ground like they kept trying to do with him in NY and EMC in Carolina. This will help keep Barkley healthy as well, and a healthy Saquan in this offense could be explosive. Trade ideas: Put these and more in the poll too Package A - Moss and a 4th. Package B - Cole, Moss, and a 6th. Package C - Devin and a 5th. Package D - Just draft picks...but I think both teams will be interested in one of our RB's being included.
  19. 2 biggest holes: DB (Tre coming off injury, Levi FA) and DT (Star winding down, Phillips FA). I think they will make a strong push to bring both Levi and Phillips back which will help shore up those holes if they can, but they still need to add another young corner (we have terrible depth) hopefully with speed and someone with size at DT. Next up...IOL. I don't expect any big moves at WR given Cole is still here one more year (unless they trade him) and Davis is ready to start opposite Diggs. Probably bring in someone in FA or mid rounds of the draft.
  20. Tremaine Edmunds is doing what he is being asked to do. I would like to see a new DC use him differently. Unfortunately, Daboll went to Giants which probably means Frazier now wont get a HC gig as that was his best shot.
  21. That’s actually not accurate. Brees for example struggled to make the playoffs for a while in NO for example. Same for guys like Matt Ryan, Phillip Rivers, Stafford, and Wilson. And guys like Goff, Foles, and young QBs on rookie deals still have made a lot of recent SBs the past 10 years.
  22. Disappointed. I wanted him to go to Miami so Frazier would leave and go to the Giants. Now I don't think he is in the running for any other jobs. I don't want Frazier back personally, and its not just because of the Chiefs game, I just think I am ready to see what a new DC does with the pieces we have here.
  23. Mahomes led the NFL in yards gained on throws at or behind the LOS. Allen was like third. So we do pretty well at this too.
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