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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Josh was 3rd in the NFL in passing yards on passes behind the LOS with over 800 yards from that. This worst YAC is a fable. Watch the games, we run a lot of plays where the receivers curl, sit down in an open spot, or come back to the ball. We run a lot of crossing playa to the sidelines. And most importantly, because Josh extends plays so much, receivers are often coming back to him or running to the boundary to give him a target. People watch the Chiefs and think we need players who can do that while failing to realize it’s not the players, it’s the offense. Chiefs offense is built on short passes with gains on the run. Mahomes led the league on yard gained on throws behind LOS by a lot. Again, our offense is not the problem, nor do we need to change it to be short strikes for YAC. We have a beast of a QB, it’s more important to support him with more protection and a consistent run game.
  2. I don’t get this reference “let Josh Allen carry the offense” when what is being discussed is adding more WRs. Who throws the ball to the WR? Allen right, so how does that take some responsibility off of Allen? If you want to take some pressure and weight off Allen, invest in the OL to give him more protection and a better run game. And yes, you need to invest into your weakness if you want to get better. I agree though, coaches, specifically our coordinators, let this team down. Daboll called a weak first 35 minutes of that game, Frazier muffed the defensive scheme down the stretch, and don’t get me started on how a professional ST coach fails to tell his kicker what the kick type was called.
  3. My friend is there and took a pic with Josh’s girlfriend and said she was super nice. He has great pics and videos right there on tee box of Josh teeing off. So jealous, he’s also a big Bills fan.
  4. Yet offense is not why we aren’t in the SB. Josh Allen had 9 TDs and almost 900 total yards in 2 playoffs games with a near perfect QB rating. Yet people still saying forget defense we need more offense? No disrespect…but…How can you say defense is nonsense? Did you miss the part where the Bengals only allowed THREE points to the Chiefs in the entire second half AND OT? Or maybe you missed that part where we gave away a game in 13 seconds? Or how about the part where we gave the Chiefs 2 TDs and a FG in a total of like 4 min to end that game. Not to mention the Rams only made it to the SB because the 49ers safety Tarrt dropped what likely would be the game sealing total gimme interception while Rams were down 2 scores deep into the 4th. I mean we had one of the best 2 playoff game stretches of offense and QB play in history…literally. And our season ends because we gave up 3 scores in like 4 min to end the game. And people still complaining we need more offense and forget the defense. How does this even make sense to anyone?
  5. Geezus. When does the season begin again?
  6. I’ve been saying he will be the first QB taken in the draft and Josh Allen comparisons will be aplenty because of the rawness, big arm, and mobility. Doesn’t mean he will be the next Allen, just saying for those 3 reasons he will get a lot of comparisons, fair or not. Just like Trey Lance did last year. He is likely going to go in the top 10, and don’t be surprised if the Giants draft him.
  7. I don’t disagree, with the Allen connection. I was more just down playing the relevance of them previously being high on him before he played a down
  8. That board is long been in the trash lol. He’s got 4 years of tape to rethink that ranking
  9. For the last time, no HC goes for it there on 4th down...none. Heck I know people who would punt that in Madden. I can't even fathom how anyone can say with any seriousness that the best choice is to go for it there. We were only down 3 with nearly a whole half to still play. Ball on their 32 yard line too. Utterly stupid to attempt a 4th and 2 there, especially since our offense had not yet really hit their rhythm. The funniest part to me is that I know 100% you would be calling for McD's head had he actually gone for it and didnt get it and gave KC easy gimme points there. You know that is true too. You are only playing this hindsight game where you know that the Chiefs did get a score anyway on the next drive to now cry he should have went for it. But had he done it and failed, you would still be screaming how stupid it was (which would be correct, it is stupid to go for it there) and that it cost us the game giving Chiefs quick and easy points. You wouldn't be on here going bravo coach, love the ballsy play call. And honestly, why are you hung up on this one play that isnt the reason we lost? We beat the Chiefs, plain and simple. It took an unbelievable error by our ST staff and players plus a foolish defensive scheme over a 13 second period to undo the victory. Then the loss was cemented by a coin toss. This fabled missed opportunity by you isnt even on the list of why we lost.
  10. Well I think the collapse with 13 seconds was two fold...one the mess up by our ST unit (coach and players) to not make sure Bass knew it was a squib kick in play called. And two, the confusion and panic that led to terrible defensive alignments called. And Frazier calls the defense, so I have to believe it was Frazier who made those calls for the formations at the end of the game. So, I can't say that McD is conservative based on what happened in those final 13 seconds. Now, if we want to say he failed to get his team to regain composure after a stunning kick out of bounds threw everyone for a loop, that is fair criticism. Still think Frazier called the D, but everyone on the field looked frantic and unsettled. Sorry bud, normally seem to be on the same page on most things, but on this I can't fault McD for trusting our defense to get a stop versus putting the ball Nathan Petermans hands, in a blizzard, throwing to scrubs who are slow and cant catch (even when the weather is good). Still, you had to go all the way back to 4 years ago when McD was saddled with no playmakers and bad quarterbacks to cite that example. So I think that says more about how he is not conservative than it says he is.
  11. A ways to go? You do realize he is amongst the league leaders on 4th down attempts right?
  12. No disrespect here...I like you as a poster, so really mean no disrespect. But this is a puzzling example for me. I mean, did you really just bring up a game where noodle arm Nathan Peterman was our QB. Zay Jones and Kelvin Benjamin were our WR's. And the weather was an unreal blizzard? A game we won too. A game where the Colts were doing nothing offensively either, an important caveat as to why you punt. Come on bud, how can you criticize a head coach as "conservative" when his offense is being led by the statistically worst QB in NFL history with an arm weaker than Mac Jones throwing in a blizzard to the fattest and laziest WR in KB and terrible route runner with hands of stone Zay Jones? Especially since his decisions still led us to a win. Football is about putting your team in the best position to win. No one thinks putting the ball in Nathan Pickermans hand in a blizzard throwing to trash is a good football decision. I mean the wrong decision there would have meant we did not break the playoff drought that year. It was that important, and his decision worked out for the win.
  13. Sorry about the condescending tone, but it comes from the irritation of having the constant witching of McD after not just this loss, but any loss. We went 13-3 last year, and there were fire McD and Beane threads during the regular season after losses. There were several this year too. And one of the most annoying complaints about him is being falsely accused of being conservative. Which is so unbelievably apparent he is not by simply watching the game or looking at it statistically. This isn't Madden, no coach in the NFL has the pedal to the metal no matter the risks at all times. It doesn't happen and its never happened at the NFL level. They still complain even when the so-called "conservative" decision proves correct and we win the game. Like the poster I replied too...McD played it right, we did what we needed to do to win the game. A kickoff miscommunication and 13 second defensive brain fart by Frazier changed the outcome. So, yeah...I admit, condescending tone was present in my post, but that was to prevent me from getting a warning point for really venting the way I want to about the ridiculous claims he is conservative. Its just factually incorrect that its almost insulting having to read those claims.
  14. But is that really fair to say about him or any coach? I honestly can’t think of any example of where he played scared or overly conservative. I remember a game where we punted late with 3 timeouts instead of trying a 4th and long and people freaked out even though we got the ball back (as intended by the punt and timeout count) and won the game. Wasn’t conservative was making a decision to give us best chance to win. The NFL isn’t Madden, sometimes you have to make choices to help your team win that aren’t always seen as the “aggressive” choice. Being all throttle all the time is not the correct approach. Honestly, every Coach in the NFL will be seen as “erratic” in peoples eyes here. In fact, can anyone name one that isn’t? All coaches make choices in game that they believe that give them the best chance to win that are not the more "aggressive" choice. Lets be real, "aggressive" and "gambling" are cousins of each other, its real easy to cross the line and take unnecessary chances at the wrong time. Its mathematically incorrect to always choose the "aggressive" choice in every situation.
  15. Your posts on here tell me one of three things: 1. You party too hard and socialize too much during Bills games and don’t pay enough attention to know what’s actually going on. 2. You don’t even watch Bills games. I know it has to be one of those 2 because that is the only way to explain why anyone in their right mind could see McD as conservative or “wanting to win by 3”. That is such an utterly absurd thing to say about one of the most aggressive coaches in football who goes for it on 4th down a lot and just fielded a team with the largest point differential in the NFL. A coach who INSTEAD of tying the game on the last play against the Titans went for it on 4th and 1 to try and win instead. And why do you say this? Because he wasn’t a moron and didn’t go for it on the Chiefs 32 yard line in the early part of the 3rd quarter only down 3? Seriously? Up til then, our D had been getting pressure on Mahomes and held them to two FG attempts in the previous 2 drives. No reason to risk giving them the ball back already in scoring position. You are literally categorically wrong and not a single coach in the NFL goes for it in that situation, and no one in the NFL considers McD conservative by any means.
  16. Have you ever made a single post that wasn’t hated, laughed at, ridiculed, etc by like 99% of the posters on TSW?
  17. This is going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnng offseason.
  18. Bahaha you want to compare that to this? Wow, you’re off the deep end.
  19. No offense, but this comment is ridiculous IMHO. Seriously? Davis had over 200 yards and 4 TD’s because they focused on Diggs. Allen only had 120 other yards that were spread between Diggs, Knox, Sanders, Cole, McKenzie, Singletary, and Gilliam. What did you want to happen? Allen stop throwing passes and TD’s to Davis to force feed Diggs? There is only one ball. If someone has 200 yards and 4 TDs by themselves, then the byproduct is that others around them aren’t going to see much production. But Diggs being out there is a big reason Davis got those opportunities. He was still out there drawing attention, making key blocks, and other things helping this team. Not to mention an incredible clutch catch on the 2 pt conversion. Diggs is not even close as to why we lost. Not his fault Davis had a monster game torching the Chiefs D.
  20. Please let him poach him. I've been calling for his head all year.
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