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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. What are you talking about? I wanted to fire Daboll last year and this year. Stop trying to make stuff up per your usual ways. Daboll for all his genius is fundamentally flawed at the same time. I’ve had a love hate relationship his whole tenure here. I prayed he got a HC job last year just like I did this year.
  2. Bengals OL is trash. I mean they have been sacking Burrow all postseason like his entire OL was made up of clones of Bobby Hart. So I don’t think that he, or anyone on that OL, gets a “reliable” designation right now. And I don’t think it makes the front office look bad at all, quite the opposite. They resigned him originally based on what he did PRIOR to resigning with certain expectations from him. He wasn’t meeting those expectations and sounds like was also not happy having to compete to get back in favor and they decided to cut him rather than just stick with what was no longer working. That’s the sign of a great front office, not worried about fan perception, and making the right choices for the team at all times.
  3. Still disagree. Our OL was an issue until it was finally healthy and stabilized, especially when Bates entered the starting lineup. Down the stretch and playoffs this offense was definitely better. I’ll take the team that entered the playoffs THIS year over LAST years team 100% of the time. And you know you would too if you’re being honest about it.
  4. Step forward. Not everything is in a vacuum, so comparing stats, w/l records etc lacks context. End of the day, you play for the post season. And the team that was in this post season was significantly better than last years team even with the loss of our best defensive player in White. It took a coaching blunder by our ST coordinator not telling Bass the squib kick call and a poor response by Frazier after to end our season. The better team lost in KC, and IMHO we are the best team between Rams, Bengals, Chiefs, and Bills right now. This is NOT directed at you, but since you mentioned Jax…people need to let this go. Upsets happen like this all the time to the best teams. Bengals lost to the Jets and are in the SB. It means absolutely nothing. It meant nothing in our post season either where our offense that had 6 points against Jags, was other world’s dominant against its two post season opponents. I assure everyone Bengals fans are not obsessing over the Jets loss right now. Again, not pointed at you. But there are still a bunch of people who need to read this.
  5. 1. This made me laugh out loud. 2. I’m literally sitting here trying to answer this very question for myself when I read this (I am PST) before it hits noon. 👏
  6. No way. I get why you’re proposing it, but this type of trade doesn’t make sense when we look at the reality of our situation. 1 - Salary Cap. Next year, Josh’s contract kicks in and we are going to have to keep injecting young talent into this team. Giving up 3 young players (Greg, 1st and 2nd) for one doesn’t make a lot of sense for us. Especially since Rousseau showed a lot of upside at the same position you are suggesting we trade for. 2 - Rousseau. Why him? Not only did he show a lot of promise as a rookie, he did it after sitting out his last year of college. He also is a very unique build that can cause a lot of havoc in ways other players can’t. There is no guarantee this other rookie will be any more promising than what we saw from him. 3 - Win now. While some rookies can make an immediate impact, others can take a year or two to hit their stride (Like Mario Williams for example). And Rousseau already knows our defense and has a year under his belt. 4 - Other holes. We really need immediate help at other locations. CB is super thin with Tre coming off injury and Levi a FA. We have questions on our interior DL like Phillips who is a FA and also need to upgrade our interior OL. And if McKenzie isn’t back, they probably will look for some speed at WR too. 5 - We were 5th in the NFL in QB pressure and 10th in sacks. We aren’t nearly as bad as people think at this. We run a heavy rotation, so sacks are spread throughout the D, but we get pressure and sacks. So no way I do this trade. We have 3 picks over last two years in first 2 rounds in our DE position. It’s time to turn them loose and see what they can do while we upgrade other bigger holes.
  7. I don't personally take it that way. I don't think there is a bigger motivation in life than your family, I don't think it means said player is just a money guy and once he gets paid he doesn't put in the same effort. The way that whole article is written, it comes across to me that he is out there fighting every day to do his best, help his teammates do their best, so they can do the most for their families. I mean it speaks of Star being hurt, but still went out and practiced so the other guys weren't forced to take all his reps and can get some rest. He seems to go all out for his team and teammates. And any coach or teammate that ever speaks about him always says the same. I totally agree with you its different for every player, like the guys you named. I just don't think it rings true specifically with Star and that its a journalists quote that was really just trying to emphasize how important family is to Star that has created this sort of inaccurate belief about Star's motivation. Yeah, I am also not opposed to Bills trying to move on if they have a better plan in how to replace him that makes sense. My guess, is he is likely back (given the cap savings isn't that much) and they look for a young guy in the draft as someone to groom to replace him eventually. If the Star that was playing before COVID hit him is the guy they get back this camp, then our defense will be better off for it. But he also isn't getting any younger, so its hard to say what kind of a player will be this camp.
  8. Rodgers wouldn't go top 3 or top 5 and probably not top 10...because of his age. First 5 picks would be some combo of Allen and Mahomes for one and two. 3 and 4 would be some combo of Herbert and Burrow. The 5th pick would probably be either Murray or Lamar, Aaron Donald, or maybe Trevor Lawerence if they still believe in his hype and potential despite a rough rookie year. Rodgers is a guy you get to win now, but having 0 players on your roster, you have no idea if you are gonna be good enough to win now, so they will draft for sustained success in the top 5 by taking one of young studs.
  9. I think there is some misunderstanding quite a few people have about this article. I think its a bit misconstrued in how its applied to Star and he gets a bad rap for something he didn't actually specifically say. I know a lot people think the same thing: "He's said flat out that he doesn't love football." But Star didn't actually say he doesn't love football, and it gets mistakenly contributed to him all the time. If you read the full article, and its a good article overall, its a comment that the journalist makes...an observation where the journalist actually says that to emphasize how Star's first love and motivation is his family. Star plays to provide for his family and to help his teammates provide for their family, and I don't see anything wrong with that and I am sure thats why a lot of people go through the pain and abuse it takes to play a long time in the NFL. But the article goes on to talk about how great of a work ethic and drive that Star has, and how he has always put his teammates first and out there fighting for them and their ability to provide for their families. Its full of examples by coaches and former teammates talking about him helping other teammates out, playing hurt so others could rest, etc etc. I don't think there is anything wrong with a player loving his family and teammates more than the game itself, but Star has this inaccurate label as if he just doesn't care at all about football. And its always this article people cite, the same article praising his worth ethic and passion and love he has to for his teammates and their success too. So I think a journalists comment to emphasize that Star loves his family over everything else (which he should) gets taken out of context and gives Star a bad rap as if he doesn't love football and doesn't give it all, but thats really not what this article states and thats definitely not what his coaches or teammates believe either. Yeah, I think its plausible that COVID impacted him that way, I mean I had it over Xmas and I still feel some of the effects when I am doing something physical like basketball or even a light workout. Yeah, I agree its up to McD and Beane to determine what his value is to the team as both a player and locker room guy and weigh that against cost to keep him or cut him. I think its plausible they could look to replace Star this year, but the healthy Star was still a pretty good player and important in how our defense is played. So this will be an interesting story to watch this offseason IMHO. Personally, if I had to guess, I would lean towards him probably being back this year since the cap savings are not that great. But hard to say for sure right now, especially before we see what happens with some of our FA's and what kind of cap space Beane creates elsewhere.
  10. Not surprised you are spouting nonsense here, but let me help correct you anyway. First, totally agree its foolish for anyone to compare Kupp and Cole, they are not even the same type of WR, let alone on the same level. But your assessment of Beasley is just as bad as someone comparing him to Kupp. Cole has been more than just a guy...hes been the best or one of the best slot and 3rd down WR's in the NFL a lot of his career. If you think that is something anyone can do, then you don't understand football enough to even discuss it. He is an exceptional route runner, he is almost impossible to cover 1 on 1 out of the slot, and he has excellent hands. Not to mention, he is a tough player too despite his small stature. He is a third down conversion waiting to happen. He has made so many critical 3rd downs for us its almost impossible to count. Plays other guys couldn't have made, including a lot of incredible catches, YAC where he fought his way to the first, etc. This is the NFL, this isn't fantasy football where the only WR's that matter are the ones with the most gaudy stats. Cole plays an important role for the Buffalo Bills and has always produced when called upon. People want to dump on him because they incorrectly think he "lost a step" this year because his stats were not as big as last years. Well neither were Diggs...why...because our recieving weapons were much deeper this year and Josh spread the ball around. Not because Cole suddenly wasn't as good. Cole is no where near a JAG player. McKenzie is a JAG, Cole is one of the best slot receivers in the game period.
  11. I mean not really a fair comparison considering Lovie was in an house promotion. Dont get me wrong, I wish Frazier got the job as I would love to see what a new DC could add into this defensive unit myself. But, I don't think Lovie getting the job really has much to do about Frazier or how he is perceived.
  12. I would like to see us make a change at DC, but at this point I think there is no chance at this point.
  13. Lol, you are just trying to be argumentative. I literally stated over and over the assumption would be a new deal in place if we were trade for him. I didn't refuse anything, I just started ignoring your attempts to argue your way into validating something I didnt say.
  14. Yeah, I mean nothing else really makes sense right. Unless there has been this well kept hidden drama inside the locker room or something. But, still think its more likely a non story than anything. Ive seen a lot of these look at who they followed, unfollowed, or removed from their social stories, and despite everyone always trying to make it mean something, it has most the time ended up meaning nothing.
  15. Barkley is almost a lock to be traded IMHO (even though some posters here said I was crazy and that he isnt going anywhere) and I think Bradberry likely could be out of there this year too. I also think they will try and move Golladay, but they will have a harder time finding suitors for him and his contract. Toney on the other hand, I really doubt he goes anywhere. 2nd year player, kid can be electric, and he is cheap in terms of cap space. He wasn't able to stay on the field, so who knows, maybe they just want to clean house and get value for him now (he would actually have by far the most trade value of these 3 in terms of compensation back between youth, explosiveness, and attractive contract situation) and invest in other parts of the team first like the trenches. But, still seems a lot less likely than the other 2.
  16. I feel like this has happened with other players and it then turned out to be nothing more than someone on their media team getting ready to refresh their social accounts. I won't read anything into this until something comes out that confirms something like Murray actually wants out of AZ for some reason or wants to go back to baseball. In regards to wanting out of AZ, I honestly don't know what he could possibly be unhappy about. The Cardinals have gone all in to support him and build a team. Went and drafted and traded for weapons at WR and TE, signed guys being sought after by others in Free Agency, etc. They have been 100% behind getting him in position to compete for a SB title since he got there. So that seems less plausible to me. And I don't recall hearing or seeing any other drama around him or the team to suggest somethings wrong. Doesn't mean nothings wrong of course, but until something more concrete comes out, I am not going to read too much into this yet. So I agree with others, IF...and that is still a big IF...there is something to this, maybe its a desire to go back to baseball. But, he has been pretty successful so far in the NFL and is seen as one of its best young players, so seems odd he would give that up already and go try to start over in a sport he hasn't played in like 4 years.
  17. Brawl was yesterday, got arrested today after Pro Bowl
  18. Shows how little you read. I said in the ORIGINAL POST and MULTIPLE replies to you that I would assume it would come with Beane doing a new deal ahead of the trade. Not my fault you can’t read or refuse to read so you can claim the same inaccurate nonsense
  19. Just have them all compete in the Squid Games. Problem solved. Money goes to their charity.
  20. Yeah I agree with this, and Beane is one I have faith in to keep us in the convo the bulk of Allens career.
  21. It’s not that black and white though. Our defensive style doesn’t match up well with the Chiefs offense. It’s not always about whose O or D is better, it’s also about matchups. Its why the Rams lost 6 straight (and would have been 7 straight if Tarrt doesn’t drop that gimme INT) to an up and down Niners team. Its why I was hoping Frazier would leave.
  22. No offense, but you literally said “forget this defense wins championshiop nonsense” like one post ago. So no surprise that people took you as not being in favor of prioritizing some defensive issues. Facts are this: All of our starting offensive skill players are already coming back next year. Same unit that allowed Josh to throw 9 TDs in just 2 playoff games with over 700 yards passing too. On defense, our #1 CB is coming off a severe injury that usually takes a year of playing to really get back to form, our other starting CB is a free agent…at DT, our starter Phillips also a FA and Star could be gone too, our best run stuffer. I mean it’s crystal clear we have bigger issues this off-season on defense, multiple starters need to be addressed. Not to mention, we still don’t know how the FO sees Edmunds future either. Plus we need new starters on the OL too and could look for a bell cow RB. With our core offense coming back, we are talking about essentially a 4th WR here whose probably our 5th option in the offense (Diggs, Davis, Cole, Knox). So for me, that doesn’t seem like nearly the priority of those other things.
  23. Just about about everything in your reply here is inaccurate. Par for the course I suppose.
  24. Oh yeah, we definitely need to add someone, but I just don’t think we need some crazy move at WR that some suggest. I disagree about Cole though. He stepped up every time he was called upon, stats were down because last year him and Diggs got more targets with Brown being hurt most of the year. This year, Sanders, the emergence of Knox, that surge of Davis, and the use of the RBs more led to just less targets to go around. I think we are solid at the top 3 spots and I think Stevenson is set at the returner. Be interesting to see if he can contribute as a WR, if so, they may only add one guy and keep just 5 (assuming McKenzie doesn’t come back). If he is just gonna be a return guy, then they likely keep 6 WRs, meaning we add 2 (unless McKenzie comes back, then one more). Wildcard would be if Cole gets traded, but unless that happens, he will be back for sure.
  25. Levi will have more attention and suitors this year, that’s just a fact. He was #2 corner on the number 1 rated passing defense and overall defense. Defense still played at that level even after losing Tre White and forcing Levi into the #1 CB spot. He’s had 2 good seasons back to back as a starter, including this past season that was arguably very good. News Flash: Levi is definitely better than a lot of people give him credit for around here. Now, doesn’t mean he will get $9M, but I am confident he’s going to get a lot more interest. So I would be shocked if his best offer was $4M a year as the OP suggests and think he will see offers starting at $6M+ personally and wouldn’t surprise me to see a team consider $8M+. I do however believe he wants to stay in Buffalo (I’m still in touch with his best friends from college, and they say his heart is in Buffalo and loves it there and wants to stay) and Beane wants him back. So I think a home town discount is certainly in play and can see him taking less money to stay. I don’t think Beane will go any higher than $5m to 6m with the contract Tre already has and the other holes we need to fill.
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