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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Well I mean our biggest holes and question marks are mostly on defense this off-season. Also…What part of our offense do you think was the issue in the playoffs? I mean Josh threw 9 TDs in 2 games didn’t he? Pretty sure our season ended because our defense gave up 2 TDs and a FG in like 3 minutes to end that KC game. And don’t forget we used our first on Diggs. So we waited until the third just one time to address offense, and that was last year. Not like it’s been every year.
  2. Yet Diggs is still the only WR to go over 1000 yards the last 2 years and even when we lost our #2 for most the season, Diggs still was only person over 1000. Sorry I just don't see a 5th year WR who has made just around $6M so far in his first 4 years giving up anywhere from $10M to $20M to come here because Beane isn't going to offer him anywhere close to the offers he should get in the $40M range. Compounding it further, he is a sub 1000 yard WR here, meaning his next contract will be smaller too. Too many mouths to feed here. Coming here, between this contract and his next, could cost him $40M to $60M in lost earnings. Because if he goes somewhere and becomes a perennial 1100+ yard guy, he could see a big extension or big FA contract when he is 28 or 29 still. He wont get big money if he spends 3 years here being a sub 1000 yard guy. So, for me, I would love to see him here, but its not realistic IMHO.
  3. And he knows that if he can go put up good seasons on this contract as a key player in an offense, he can potentially get an even bigger pay day on his next deal while still in his twenties.
  4. Nobody feasts as the third or fourth option in any offense. It’s simple math, not enough balls to go around. So while I agree the Bills and Josh Allen will be a top end offense, possibly the number 1 offense, for the foreseeable future, that doesn’t mean every player on the offense will have individual statistical highs. Look at how much Diggs and Cole stats dropped off just by having a healthy #2 most the season in Sanders and both Davis and Knox emerging too. We spread the ball around here. Barring injuries, Kirk is going to remain a sub 1000 yard receiver here with all the mouths to feed. Plus, we may run the ball a bit more too next year with Daboll gone and the success the ground game was having down the stretch. We are not a good fit for a 25 yard WR who wants to be a full time starter and focal point in an offense. And not only that, Beane won’t be anywhere near the highest bidder. What you and others keep describing is what players deeper in their career would want who have already made some good money already. Take less money and reduced individual production to be on the best team to win a title before their career is over. Kirk has not made a lot of money thus far, and is young enough he doesn’t have to take less money to chase a ring. So, I just don’t see it. I’d love him here, but I think people are getting their hopes up over something that’s unfortunately unlikely to happen. I’d love to be wrong about this though.
  5. I am all for signing Kirk, but unless we trade Beasley, I am not sure we are going to be a desirable destination for Kirk. Safe bet we wont be the highest bidder, projections suggest he will get anywhere from $8M to $10M a year this free agency, and cant see Beane paying that much. Especially since Davis seems poised to become a full time starter. And if Beasley is still here, there just wont be enough touches for him. He is 25, if he goes somewhere as a role player, he will never get a chance at a big contract in a few years when he is a FA again. So I think he is going to look for a team with a good QB where he can be more of a focal point of the offense. Now if we trade Beasley, Kirk might find us more interesting given he has played a lot from the slot. But this kid Burks is certainly interesting. Its hard to know what they might do right now at 25 before Free Agency though. Looking at the roster right now, it seems much more plausible they go CB, DT, or IOL in the first round. But, we won't really know what makes more sense in the draft until we see who we bring in or resign (if any) in free agency at any of those positions or WR.
  6. I am not comparing Tre, you clearly misunderstood the point. I mean I literally wrote "of course not" right after that because that would be such a silly notion. And I am not telling a story to myself. Star played most the season, our defense was better when he was on the field, and Beane literally stated COVID hit him hard and affected his play down the stretch compared to before he got COVID where he was playing quite well. No disrespect, but you need to get over him sitting out 2020. The amount of people hung up on that is just ridiculous. And its even more ridiculous to complain about the "voluntary" mini camps when Star came into camp in incredible shape and played at a very high level from his first game (week 2) until he was knocked out with COVID later in the season. The mini camp skip literally had nothing, not one ounce of impact on Star or his ability to play. To keep whining about it is so pointless I dont know what anyone wastes the time. And it doesn't matter what anyones stance is on COVID, the fact remains, everyone is affected differently. To hold it against Star, when Beane himself literally stated that COVID hit him hard and had lingering issues that impacted his play, is just unfair to him. And he wasn't the only Bill that happened to.
  7. No disrespect bud, but when you say things like "production" it makes me question if you really understand his role here, especially in McD's defense. Any time someone brings up stats with him, it makes me think they don't understand what he is asked to do in our defense because its not a role that will ever pile on the stats. His role is to clog the middle, eat space and double teams so others can penetrate. And its no coincidence that Oliver had his breakout year (after struggling in 2020 a bit) with Star back. Star being out there played a big role in our team being 5th in QB pressures and 10th in sacks too. He eats space and double teams, thats his job. Not to mention, our run D is better when Star is out there on the field. And I dont understand why people are hung up on the opt out of 2020, it was not his fault we were "unprepared at 1-tech" as you put it, the roster wasn't designed by him. IMHO, to criticize anyone for prioritizing their health at a time when it was really a much scarier and unknown time in relation to COVID is just unreasonable. I don't blame him for skipping, COVID was quite serious and unknown still when he opted out. As far as 2021 goes, Tre White wasn't available for a large part of 2021 either, should we hold that against him that he got hurt? Of course not. So why is Star held to a different standard? He still played in 14 games this year, so he was available a lot more than he wasn't. And he only missed one game with an injury (week 1 toe issue). The other games he missed was from COVID and complications from it. He wasn't the only Bill that happened to, but you don't see threads on here thrown them under the bus for it. Its just such an unreasonable and overly exaggerated amount of hate Star gets, yet all his teammates and coaches gush about him as a player on the field and off it. Given Star's age and last year of his contract, its not unreasonable to start looking at ways to replace him. But there is no doubt about it, our defense was better with him on the field. He gets more hate than he deserves. My expectation is that Beane looks towards the draft and targets a DT in the first 3 rounds. Its a legit question on whether Star is on the roster this year or not, especially with the cap stuff. But I expect him to finish his final year just given the cap savings are not much. Could see Beane doing something creative too like you suggested.
  8. Who cares. Bye Felicia. Like why does anyone really care about this dude at this point? He wasted everyones time last off season, I am over hearing about this dude. Could care less about his relationship status, what team he plays for, or if he is retiring or not. Wake me when he does something meaningful on the field as I am over his off field shenanigans.
  9. Thats because "most of us" here don't know 1% of what our coaches know and understand about Star, his play, his value and impact on the team. The fact people are still focused on getting rid of him while Phillips is also still a FA is even more puzzling. I am all for finding a big space eater to replace Star, given his age. But we have been a better defense when Star is on the field. Just getting rid of Star with no plan to replace him will degrade this teams interior defense overall. And if it turns out we don't/can't resign Phillips, we will already need to replace him. But Star is getting up there in age, so I think there is a good chance we will draft a potential heir apparent in the first 3 rounds of the draft at DT. PS: People need to get over him sitting out for COVID. A lot of people chose to do that, it was their decision during a scary and unknown time.
  10. I dont think you guys read the article. His cap hit is almost a wash with Beasley in trade according to the article. Says he has $8.1M cap hit and Beasley in trade clears over $7M in space.
  11. It honestly wouldn't surprise me to see either Barkley or EMC in a Bills uniform next season. Given our connection to both teams/front offices, the trade lines here are there for something to happen. I think both guys could benefit from a change of scenery and better training facilities. In terms of health issues, EMC is more concerning. I would be less concerned about Barkley health issues, as EMC seems to have a lot of soft tissue issues which can be more chronic. Barkley were a couple bad breaks more than something that seems chronic. But I think either of these guys are potential candidates to land here in trade in this offseason. Not saying its a sure thing, but I think its possible Beane at least checks in on both these guys availability.
  12. Agreed. SB appearances are team accomplishments, only stupid media pundits like to give all the credit or blame to a QB. Burrow is a nice up and coming QB, so not trying to take anything away from him. But he is without a doubt the worst of these big 4 QB's of Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, and Burrow. And there is still Lamar to enter into this conversation of best QB's in the AFCE. Time will tell if he leap frogs anyone, but right now the other 3 are all better, and Mahomes and Allen are significantly better. Burrow throws a lot of prayer balls that his receivers bail him out on. Nothing wrong with that, but he isn't carving up defenses the way Mahomes and Allen can...at least not yet. PS: There is another AFC QB that is also better than Burrow...and his name is Watson. So not only is Burrow NOT the best QB in the AFC, he may not even be in the top 5 when you add in Watson and Lamar too. Personally I would rank them: 1 Allen - no issue with Mahomes being 1 and Allen 2, but I think Allen can do everything Mahomes can and a little more 2 Mahomes - See note above 3 Watson - Easily #3 IMHO outside of the off field stuff, and he will be back on the field I expect this year for someone 4 Herbert - I think he is firmly entrenched himself ahead of the guys below him. 5 Lamar - I cant put Burrow ahead of Lamar yet given how much Lamar has produced with pretty weak supporting cast around him. Admittedly I would probably draft Burrow ahead of Lamar just because I am not sold on the sustainability of Lamars style of play. 6 Burrow - Up and coming for sure, but he hasn't become better than the 5 guys ahead of him...yet. He could leap frog some of them as time goes on though.
  13. I think so. Is Davis really inconsistent though or just a guy who had been stuck with a reduced role until Sanders got hurt? I think Davis proved he needs to be a major part of this offense during the final stretch and playoffs. And with a new OC, new OL coach, etc...I would think keeping as much continuity around Josh as possible will be a priority. Allen and Davis have a lot of chemistry, and he is home grown and entering his 3rd year. And lets be real, what has Kirk done to even indicate he would be a better #2 than Davis? I mean, its not like Kirk would come in here as a #2 and grossly out produce what Davis could do as a #2. I would argue Davis likely would have the better season here as a #2 than Kirk would give his chemistry to Allen and knowing the offense. So why would Beane spend a lot more money on Kirk to be the #2 over Davis on a 4th round rookie deal? Still baffles me how concerned people are about our offense...the same offense that passed for 9 TD's in 2 games in the playoffs.
  14. While this list is obviously one that any of these players would consider, you have them out of order and left out that the Bills do NOT check the 2 most important boxes of them all. Money and Role. 0% chance we are the highest bidder. 0% chance we offer him the biggest role. Coming off 77 rec and near 1000 yards, he knows this is his shot at taking on a bigger role and setting himself up for a bigger contract 2 to 3 years down the road. He wont ever get that big contract just going somewhere as a role player again. Coming here he knows he is behind Diggs and Davis, and unless traded, there is still Cole too. Then Knox and the RB's take targets as well, plus the run game and Allens legs. If he signs here, he knows he probably ends up in the 500-700 yard range like hes been in most his career in AZ unless injuries happen. Cant see a 25 year old WR who has yet to make much money in the NFL give up playing time and money (both now and later) to come here. Bills are not the only good team in the NFL, he will have interest from teams who can offer him at least a bigger role, if not both more money and a bigger role. So to me, I like Kirk and would be great to see him here, but its a pipe dream. Makes no sense for him, and I assure you his agent is going to be trying to get him somewhere he can walk into a starting situation. We wont be signing an in demand WR in FA...it will be a lesser signing or we will draft one, just from a cap perspective.
  15. I find it hard to believe Kirk will want to come to Buffalo. One, it would have to likely be for less money than he would get elsewhere. Two, he is going to want a bigger role where he can start as at least a #2 WR. Coming here, he would be 3 on the WR depth chart and would be a role player rather than a major contributor. Who ever fills that WR 3 spot, assuming everyone stays healthy, they are likely going to be a 400-700 yard receiver at most. Too many mouths to feed here between Diggs, Davis, Knox, RB's and Allens legs. So, not a knock on Buffalo as a destination, its about opportunity and he won't get a lot of those here compared to going to a team where he can step in as one of the main targets right away and likely for more money too. So I just don't see Kirk as a realistic option for us because we as a team do not make a lot of sense for him. He is young enough that he doesn't have to ring chase, and he is going to want an opportunity to prove himself and earn an even bigger payday on his next contract. He will have plenty of suitors too.
  16. But they don’t have to even make that decision this year. DK makes peanuts next season, they are under no cap pressure to get rid of him and yet he’s easily one of their 3 best players. Trading DK makes no sense what so ever unless they are giving up on the season for a full rebuild and trading Russ. There is just no way they keep Russ and then trade DK. Russ isn’t staying in Seattle to start a rebuild by trading off young cheap talent that are vital to his own performance. If Seattle sticks with Wilson, which all indications thus far is they are, it’s to be competitive and try and retool. Seattle is not that far behind in that division. If they can improve the OL and get some defensive upgrades this off-season, then with a healthy Russ they can challenge again for the divisional title.
  17. I’m confused. Why are the Seahawks trading DK Metcalf? I mean he is still on a rookie deal, is a stud for them, and they need more playmakers not less for Russ. So if Russ is staying in Seattle, why would Seattle trade one of their 3 best players who still has another year on his rookie deal and isn’t a cap issue right now? Cant see them moving him unless they trade Russ and go all in on a rebuild.
  18. No way we can pull this off. Only reason Bears did was because they had Trubisky for a while on a rookie deal. They made that trade hoping Trubisky would pan out too. Bills already paid Allen, they can’t afford to part with a bounty of picks too get one guy, especially one coming off a major season ending injury like his that can take a full season of playing before you really know what kind of player they are after the injury. And like I’ve had said in other threads, we were 5th in the NFL in QB pressure and 10th in sacks while not blitzing a lot. We are no where near as bad as people think in our pass rush and also have 3 picks the last 2 drafts in first 2 rounds to get on the field more as it is. We won’t likely be making any kind of crazy big trade like this for any DE, nor do we need to. CB, DT, and OL are more critical off-season needs.
  19. This thread didn't go the way you thought it would now did it? 😂
  20. You must be fun at parties. Legit question: How many years did you study and go to school to get your PhD degree in “Perennial Loathing? Lol
  21. Dawson sent a follow up text asking about you though 🤯😂
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