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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I started a thread on this a month ago and proposed sending Moss and a pick so the pick wouldn't have to be as high. We have some players that I believe Giants could have interest in like Moss or Singletary, for obvious reasons where one of them can be looked on as a guy who can come over and compete to start in his place. Or even Cole Beasley, also on a one year deal so he is off the books next year but gives them a value piece to help Daniel Jones (or whoever starts this year) in Dabolls system that can be an underneath safety blanket and 3rd down ace who knows the system already. And if we trade Cole, then the salaries almost wash each other out too, so makes it easier to take on Barkleys salary this year. Or of course Beane could try and work a new deal ahead of the trade, a short term one thats good for Barkley to try and reset his market in a better situation and gives us a talent at a price we can afford as Josh's deal starts to kick in next year. I thought then, and still do now, that Barkely to the Bills is a realistic scenario.
  2. Even further, he somehow managed to throw multiple picks in a half speed no contact Pro Bowl as his playoff encore in terms of recent bias. LMAO how anyone threw multiple picks in that fake game is beyond me.
  3. Nothing wrong with wanting to get paid, its how he is going about getting that accomplished is the issue. Remember he wiped all references and photos of the Cardinals from his social media recently too before all this began. He is the one that decided to make his unhappiness public, and there was nothing to be unhappy with yet. They had not submitted a contract extension yet (that was just sent in week and a half ago) and they had not had any counters yet from the FO, even as of now. Yet, he preemptively decides to make this standoff public with his social media cleanse of everything Cardinals. Now he is further pressuring and negotiating on social media? Absolute worst thing he could have done IMHO.
  4. Actually, the real reason why is because Kyler started all of this himself by scrubbing all references to the Cardinals from his social media out of nowhere long before that. Had he not done that, which immediately made everything he was about to do public, then no one would be clamoring for any info on Kyler, his status with the team etc. But because he did that, its been non stop speculation and people trying to get info on what's going on putting him and his agent under pressure to make an official statement of some sorts to clear up the unknown after those actions. And the Cardinals didn't immediately jump all over a response, they decide to begin negotiating further in the media through their statement to clarify what is going on. Which was a total mistake. Now the Cardinals went from weighing doing the extension this year to deciding if they are going to publicly cave to this Kanye West level diva tactics in the media setting a bad look and precedence for the team. The lack of patience and respect they have for the Cardinals given its only his 3rd year is astounding.
  5. What there is nothing wrong with is him and his team desiring to get a long term contract done now. What there is something totally wrong with all of this is being an entitled diva and without warning scrubbing all references to the team you are under contract with still from your social media accounts causing distractions for the team and then publicly submitting a total LAMP letter to the public that gives off the douche level of something Antonio Brown would do demanding to be paid now. So yeah, nothing wrong with him wanting the contract now, but how he is going about trying to get it is absolutely stupid and another red flag. And I promise you it won’t sit well with a lot of people in his locker room. And this is after there is already a bunch of negative buzz of how poorly he handled the playoff loss as well. The QB position is the leader out on the field, the guy who gets more credit or blame each week than they usually deserve, and has the biggest spotlight on them. It’s one thing if a WR like AB takes his baggage to social media, it’s a whole other thing when the face and leader of your team decides to do all this in the public eye. Kyler and his team made a big mistake with this, and he is getting torched everywhere because of it.
  6. Hahahaha I thought the same thing. I feel like Kyler and Mariah Carey have the same team behind the scenes. I wouldn’t be surprised if in Kylers contract demands he wants only red M&Ms in a bowl in his locker every morning.
  7. All I’m gonna say is thank god we got Josh Allen. Can’t believe that they put this Diva statement out lmao.
  8. We don’t have a desperate need. 5th in pressures, 10th in sacks. We aren’t desperate by any means. Would he be an upgrade, sure…just saying people who keep saying we are desperate are grossly over exaggerating the situation.
  9. I see a lot of flags in the NFL in these highlights. He is nasty, but also a lot of this stuff is flag city. I want to know what his fundamentals look like more than see him be nasty while be flagged constantly.
  10. Without question, the topic I was committed to and totally wrong about was thinking CJ Spiller could be a full time RB after he had over 2000+ total yards the year before. Wasn't so much a "hot take" though, I mean he did put up 2000+ yards with over 6 YPC, so it was more an entire offseason take lmao. Yeah nope.
  11. Yeah, a probably a lot more times than you. In the meantime, lets agree to disagree because I can already see this isn't going anywhere productive.
  12. Too bad thats not remotely what happened...I mean not even a tiny bit close...but you keep sticking to that over exaggerated version. If you are gonna call someone out, you better know the facts, otherwise maybe just don't say anything at all. I am very anti violence against women, so don't try and take my character there ok bud. Thanks.
  13. Hunt is a heck of a lot more than a timeshare RB. This dude would be a legit potential top 5 RB as a starter. If we can get him here it would be huge. His off field stuff was way blown out of proportion too and he has been a model citizen since anyway. I am all for bringing Hunt here, in fact he would be my number 1 target if he was someone we could truly land. He is better than every RB on that list in your post, and exceptionally better than most of them.
  14. I agree with most of this. My only note would be that I suspect Beane and McD might feel a little better about Edmunds play than a lot of the fan base does. I don't know if they like him enough to do what it takes to keep him or not, but Edmunds is better at his job than he gets credit for around here. A lot of what people don't like about Edmunds play is in how he is used a lot in our defense. Its one of the reasons I was hoping Frazier would get a HC job so we can see how another DC might be able to get our of Edmunds this next season.
  15. Yeah, I already agreed its best to pay him now. I was talking if they don't agree to an extension and he becomes a free agent. I didn't compare his situation to Kirk, I compared the lack of money he made to Kirk. And the reason I mentioned that is the OP talked about a home town discount, which is quite plausible unless the gap for his open market value and what we can offer gets too big. All the more reason to try and work an extension this year, but of course Knox and his agent would have to be interested in that this offseason. Im confident Beane is gonna try and get it done this offseason for all the reasons we have all been mentioning
  16. And on this, well said. Its exactly why Gronk will be the greatest TE in history in my book over say someone like Kelce. Gronk was an excellent blocker and true complete TE where Kelce is more that big slot guy.
  17. I agree with this, and I suspect Beane does too and wouldn't be surprised at all to see Beane at least try to this offseason (assuming they see him in their long term plans, which I suspect they do right now).
  18. Full disclosure: I am not convinced that either Wilson or Rodgers changes teams this year. I think with Wilson, he most likely stays in Seattle and the odds of him leaving are slim. With Rodgers, he obviously has a higher chance to be on the move, but if I had to put odds on it, I would probably say its probably 60-40 he stays in GB right now. But lets assume they do both leave...I am not that worried about Rodgers in Denver either, I mean I don't see Denver really as an upgrade for him, and one could argue its a down grade situation, especially given the heavy hitters in his own division with Mahomes and Herbert there. And I don't fear Rodgers in the post season either. Russell would be more concerning in Pitt than Cle IMHO, I just don't think he makes the same impact in Cle given their receiving options are underwhelming and they are run first team. But even if he landed in Pitt, I don't know he brings much more to the table than what Big Ben was doing for several years prior to his 2019 injury that cost him most the season. And Pitt arguably had a better roster back then with prime Antonio Brown and stuff too, but still weren't a SB team. While Wilson is still a very good QB, I don't see him in that top tier which he was in for a while. The guy I am MOST worried about is Watson. He is IMHO is legitimately in the same tier as Mahomes and Allen. Rodgers is obviously elite, but he wont be around as long. If Watson lands with an AFC foe, he will be trouble for a long time along side the other young AFC stud QB's like Mahomes, Herbert, possibly Burrow (he isn't on their level yet). And I expect Watson to be back this year on the field.
  19. He sent me a Valentine. Sign him at all costs. 🤣 All kidding aside, we are going to have several tough decisions with our own in house talent as we move into the new world of Josh Allens contract. Right now, I think its plausible Knox stays here long term, but if he goes out and has an even bigger year this next one, his price tag might get too big. I think one of the great things about Beane though is he really has been a master at contracts and managing the cap. If his value to the team matches what we will have to pay him to keep him, I think Beane will find a way to get it done. But, this is another situation like I discussed about Christian Kirk. Knox has not made much money thus far in his career. He is a guy that likely has just 6 figures in his bank account at this stage after taxes, agents, managers, etc. If he comes out and has an even bigger year this year...say he puts up 800+ yards and double digit TD's...then what we can probably afford and what the open market could offer him might end up being a large gap. And thats when retaining him I think might get our of reach because the hometown discount could mean leaving a lot of money on the table. But truthfully, I think in this offense the way we spread the ball around with so many mouths to feed, Knox (or any TE for that matter) is more likely going to be that 400-600 yard guy and be more of a Redzone threat with 8 to 10 TD's. If that stays true this year, then I think there is a higher probability we can keep him here as the gap may not be as big to what the open market dictates and what we can afford.
  20. Count me in that camp...I was so disappointed when Daboll got the Giants job instead of Miami because I knew NY was the only possible way Frazier was going to be somewhere else next season. I don't hate Frazier, but I also would love to see what another DC could do with this group, especially in using Edmunds differently.
  21. Tre White doesn't get hurt, we would have been Super Bowl Champions this year. I firmly believe that. We don't lose that KC game with a healthy Tre White. And I am confident even without Tre we would have beaten Cincy and Rams, and supremely confident we do with him. Good post OP...anyone looking to tear down last years D doesn't know what they are talking about
  22. We will add at least one, maybe two guys at WR for sure. I just don’t see us spending on a premium free agent, we don’t need to commit that much cap space to the WR position. It’s another deep WR draft. So I think it’s more probable we keep Cole (Beane already said he expects him here this year meaning he’s likely here unless a trade he likes comes up) with Diggs and Davis, then keep Stevenson as well as our returner. They will then draft a guy and maybe add a budget friendly free agent possibly too. But spending $40m+ on a free agent WR isn’t happening IMHO.
  23. Im more concerned about CMC injury history than say Barkley because CMC has a lot of soft tissue issues which can be chronic. Barkley had a couple unlucky injuries that would have hurt anyone. Im not against CMC coming here, but the injury issue is a legit concern given the types he has had and frequency the last 2 years.
  24. How do you figure that’s extreme? He is gonna get offers likely in the $40M range over 4 years. Beane likely wouldn’t/couldn’t offer more than $24M to $28M ($6m to $7m a year). If Beane offers $7m per for 4 years, that would be in the range of $12m less than he’s likely gonna get other offers for. And if someone pays a premium for his services as we often see in FA, that gap could be even bigger. And honestly I doubt Beane even offers more than 3 years with Allen’s contract coming into play next year and Diggs extension coming soon too. So it’s not extreme because we aren’t going to get close to the $10m+ a year he’s gonna get offers for. We can’t afford to, nor do we need to. We still have Diggs, Davis and Cole, we aren’t desperate at WR by any means. Beane will add either a cheaper FA, address WR in the draft, or maybe both. He isn’t committing double digits annually to another WR at $10m+. WR is a deep position in this draft, so I don’t expect any pricey WR free agent additions this year, especially with Davis seemingly ready to emerge and start.
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