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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yeah seems like it, especially since he showed promise when he did get on the field here as well
  2. I like this singing a lot. But the value of this signing will come down to one thing…snap count. And to get snaps, he needs to be active. I mean he’s being signed to be what they kind of signed Brieda to be last year. Speedy guy who can catch passes. But they consistently didn’t use Brieda or even have him active. They rarely had Devin, Moss and Brieda active in the same game. So, for this signing to have any real impact, he is going to need to be active each week. Makes me wonder if one of our RBs like Moss is going to be traded or cut so they can commit to a regular dosage of Devin and JD.
  3. One of my best friends discussed something way more sensitive than this info about Phillips, I mean the guy is in my wedding party. And it was just out of excitement about it all after he had some drinks, but it happened. I didn’t drop him as a friend over it. I think your first mistake here is you are wayyyyyy over exaggerating the seriousness of the information about Phillips. Players chat all the time loosely with friends about their free agency plans, it’s not like it’s some national security issue that no friend ever dare mention. You’ve made this some major unforgivable thing to mention, which it clearly is not anywhere near that level. And with me meeting Levi’s 4 college best friends, their Instagram is full of all 5 of them together (with Levi) everywhere, out an about doing normal stuff. These are just people dude who all live in the real world. Not that hard to meet them or people associated with them. And back to the OP, I mean he literally just said it was nothing more than a rumor, cited the unverified source, and then shared what he said and showed him. This need to pile on him for that is unnecessary, he presented the information the right way for people to take it or leave it as such…just a rumor…which proved to be correct too. And to be honest…I can give a long list of celebs or friends of celebs I’ve met and had info shared with me over the years across all types of sports and entertainment. So, I just think the ridicule the OP got was way over the top and unnecessary.
  4. Hahaha those already exist believe it or not. Right industry, but this is a brand new product and category that doesn’t exist. We had to engineer and build our own machines to make it. It’s gonna be huge. We have patents on the machines and designs, and full trademarks on both our branding and the new categorical terms too.
  5. I mean there were 4 of them, and yes, they told us a lot about Levi. But they have since messaged with me on IG about how much Levi loves Buffalo, the mafia, the team, etc and his preference would be to stay in Buffalo. On another note…I have a brand new product coming out this summer that a few close friends know about who also know it’s hush hush and top secret. Yet one of these fools was telling everybody at the bar about it Saturday because he thinks it’s so cool and gonna be huge. And he’s one of my groomsman in my wedding. And trust me, that info is wayyyy more sensitive and secret than a mediocre nfl players FA plans. So yeah, it happens.
  6. Why is he a JAG? Just because you don’t know his name? Lol
  7. I vouched for him too given I met Levi Wallace’s college best friends at the home opener sitting next to them and still keep in touch on IG. Why people here always find it so hard to believe is always puzzling to me.
  8. Saints are hit on Watson trail, I wouldn’t be so sure. Saints with Watson are legit contender in a weaker NFC with a much better defense than the Chiefs too. If they get Watson, they jump into immediate contention.
  9. He had 5 sacks while playing only 33% of the teams snaps in 2020 when injuries ahead of him got him more snaps. I like this signing from what I am reading. Was not that familiar with his NFL resume but remember liking him coming out, just didn’t follow how he did or where he went. But I like what I’m reading about his time in Washington.
  10. Whose the second? The 32 year old DE with injury issues that hasn’t had a double digit sack season since 2018? Names do not equal “top defensive player”. Is JJ Watt a “top defensive player” still too? Because he’s a free agent and was once the best defensive player in the league. Chargers whole defense was bad, all 3 levels, so one top 5 corner and an oft injured 32 year old DE isn’t going to turn them into the 85 Bears. And this is a team that didn’t make the playoffs last year after losing to the weak Raiders to get in. Now they have to contend with Wilson and the Broncos too on top of Mahomes and the Chiefs. Odds are they won’t even win their division still.
  11. Jimmy G is going to be traded, Jimmy G has even already said goodbye. 49ers have a win now roster, no assurances Trey is ready. It’s why 49ers are looking at Mariota too. So yeah, Niners were definitely a spot he made sense. No indication if they were interested or not, but they are also stuck with Jimmy G right now because Watson trade will hold up Jimmy G. By the time he gets traded there may not be a lot left to pick from.
  12. Hahaha you were! Schefter just said on ESPN that it’s $18m per year ‘along his deal $72M, but with incentives he can hit $84M.
  13. Turns out giving up $10M-$20m to come here for a discount was “extreme” after all…as in extremely low 😎 🤪 Turns out he would left up to $60M on the table to take the kind of deals people were suggesting here. Lol
  14. True, seeing talk is $18m per year on Twitter, but nothing official yet. Still, $18m per year is rich for him too.
  15. I told y’all he was never coming here, total pipe dream because he was gonna get paid. But I was thinking more like $12m-$14m…but that’s way more than expected, that’s a lot of dough he just got. Deal said to be $18M per season with incentives to reach $21M. So his floor is $72M but deal can reach $84M. I’m still confident we work a good deal for both parties with Diggs, but geesh these other receiver deals are blowing the WR market way up.
  16. Holy **** he got more than Mike Williams! I told y’all he was never coming here and would get big money, but even I didn’t think it would be this big. Wow!
  17. Yeah, given the talent at WR in FA, especially Adams who Diggs is considered to be in same tier as, I’m sure his agents were in no rush to get it done. Especially knowing full well guys like Williams, Robinson, Kirk we’re gonna set a very high floor for his deal, meaning Diggs is worth more than those guys. But Diggs loves Buffalo…whose taken care of him financially since the day we got him…loves the mafia, loves the locker room, loves winning, and most importantly has an absolute bromance with Allen. So I expect they are gonna look for the right deal for him, but still give Buffalo some sort of discount and also make sure it’s team friendly because Diggs is driven to win. So I’m not that worried to be honest, I’m sure it will get done and Beane will work some magic with it too.
  18. I was speculating $14M when I saw the Williams re-up, but the fact they went out of their way to say “large deal” in the tweet makes me think it could be up there in higher teens range like you just speculated which would be crazy to me.
  19. Foster will have a hard time making that roster. Wish him well, but it’s an uphill battle there for him IMHO.
  20. Makes sense, I figured them, Colts, or Niners were the most likely places. Wish him well, except when he plays us haha
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