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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I mean they had 3 starting caliber TEs too in Brate, Gronk, and Howard. Let’s not forget that either, they can’t all get snaps and get the ball
  2. Despite what anyone thinks of Baker, I have to say the Browns handled this whole situation terribly, and basically in line with how the Browns always do dumb things. Not meant in any type of defense of Baker, but I don't blame him for wanting out the way the Browns handled this whole ordeal.
  3. And not only is he headed there, but I guess they still want to bring OBJ back too. Not sure how OBJ is gonna feel about being in such a crowded WR room after already winning a ring, or how the Rams can pay so many WR's...so that seems unlikely to me. But Allen Robinson joining Kupp and Woods gives Stafford a pretty dangerous chest of weapons.
  4. This is a great signing, good defender against the run on the edge.
  5. I think Settle will be in there for the pass rushing group myself, with Phillips rotating in with Oliver.
  6. He ended the press conference with "Shaq sign the contract"! Sounds like he has a deal in front of him now, should be in bound at some point it would seem.
  7. I mean the moves youre touting here were all pretty obvious moves that everyone most assumed were going to happen for the most part. The issue is you proposed something that was just insanely impossible. I mean you have us trading for DK...which takes at least one premium pick...then somehow still having enough ammo to trade up for Davis...and then yet again having enough ammo to somehow trade up and get a top CB prospect too. I mean come on lol. Then there is all the money you were spending on top of that to sign Chandler and Gronk, pay DK, extend Edmunds and Oliver now, etc. And yeah, you mentioned "fantasy" but after said all this is "doable" and then followed it with "but hear me out" which by default is going to get heavily scrutinized after those infamous TSW words.
  8. Our DL is so sick right now. Wonder what the amount is for the 1 year
  9. Saw this live, he killed his press conference. Mafia is gonna love this guy. Ive been saying that Settle might end up being our sneaky best signing of the offseason. I think the kind is poised to emerge this year now that he isn't buried on the depth chart. He is someone who can get in the backfield, and I think he will start at 1T opposite Oliver and play most passing downs with Jones coming in on shorter yardage and run downs. We should have a nasty DT rotation this year, especially if we sign Phillips like he alluded to on his social media.
  10. This kid is killing his interview! Love his energy. He is fired up to be here and still cant believe it. Mafia is gonna love this dude. Ive been saying, he might be the sneaky best signing of the off season. I think this kid is poised for a potential emergence now that hes not buried on the depth chart. I feel like he is going to emerge as the starer at 1T next to Oliver and will be a guy who is going to get into the backfield and wreak some havoc.
  11. While the logic makes sense, its not Beanes style to look into a position as must draft at this spot, he is a strong believer in BPA on his board. Now...that being said, people take BPA way to literal around here, its clearly not ever purely BPA, I mean we aren't taking a QB if that is who is BPA at our pick. Needs are always baked into their grades on their board, and when they say BPA, its based on their board grades, not peoples mock drafts or anything. But if Jameson is graded higher than what ever DB they have the highest grade on at that spot, I have no doubt he would take Jameson. HOWEVER: Beane has also said (what should be common knowledge, but again people take BPA way too literal) that if there are 2 players that are "closely" graded, then things like depth of that position in the draft can come into play too. So if Jameson is the top guy on their board, but the CB had a similar grade, then the draft being very deep at WR could influence them to take the CB instead if they felt the fall off was greater in the next rounds at DB.
  12. If you click on it you can see it on twitter. Clarifies that it was Beasley and his agent that asked the Bills for a trade, which the Bills agreed to grant them permission to seek one out. It wasn't the Bills who first put Beasley on the trading block. Beasley wanted out, could be because Beane approached him about a pay cut...could be he was frustrated (as he vocalized during last season) of getting booed and heckled in his own home stadium by fans near the bench...maybe a lack of commitment by Beane beyond this season...could be something totally different. There has been no leaks to allude to what prompted his trade request, so anything is just 100% pure speculation. But I think its a safe guess its likely something to do contractually (like us wanting to adjust his deal or something) or him just wanting a change in scenery after falling out of favor with his own fan base last year after things he kept arguing in the public eye. Maybe a combo of both. Who knows, but it was Beasley's side that requested a trade. Also: Beane publicly said more than once he expected Cole to be here for his final year of his contract when asked in the off season about his future prior to Cole's trade request. There is really no doubt whose side decided to seek a trade, and once he did, I am sure Beane was now of the mindset to cut him and take the cap savings if they don't find a trade given the player seemed to want out.
  13. Nothing against Mack, but dude, to devalue draft picks we SORELY need right now is crazy to me. We still have to address CB and WR early and would much rather do that with a 2nd round pick in hand than without it. McBeane era (one just Mcd, the other with McBeane) they have used 11 picks throughout the first and 2nd rounds to draft and trade (Diggs) for players. They netted a top 3 QB...a top 3 WR...and a top 5 CB in Allen, Diggs, and White. One of which is a perennial MVP candidate, another led the league in receiving already since being here, and the other is a perennial all pro CB. Additionally, they added other guys that have resulted in multiple pro bowlers and key starters such as Ed Oliver, Edmunds, Dawkins, etc. That second round pick is valuable to us, and that is probably the leading factor here is that we did not have to give up any draft assets. I mean if we were going to trade, the better trade would have been Hunter not Mack. Plus not sure why they are saying Miller is more likely to miss games than Mack when Mack has had more injury issues. That doesn't even make sense. So yeah, there is a big reason why and its cost to acquire was more than just cap room.
  14. They already lost players, including on defense, and likely at LT too. People keep assuming both Kamara and Thomas will be there still, but there is chatter Kamara may have to be included in the trade for compensation and cap reasons. So no lock he is still there once the trade would conclude. Just saying, this will not be the same roster as last year plus Watson. And they will continue losing guys each year in salary cap hell they are already in, and will still lose more this year even after the trade to get under the cap. And they wont have the draft picks to replace that talent either. So while the Saints will be better with Watons than without, they are no where near a lock for a SB birth, let alone a SB win. In fact, it can be argued he had as good of teams in Houston at times (not his last season where they got rid of guys, but the years prior) yet he never got anywhere near a SB and has just one playoff win (against us where we got screwed multiple times by the refs or he losses that game too). No one knows if Thomas can even hold up for a season at this point or what kind of player he will be at this point. They don't have a lot of other weapons on offense besides Kamara, who also has started dealing with injuries. The defense already lost a key player and now the OL is gonna take a big hit too. So, once again, Saints have consistently been in cap hell for a while now and have zero SB trophies to show for it during that time, not even a SB birth. They are not the "blueprint" for anything but how to have cap problems at this point. And it is going to take a monster rare trade to try and bail them out. If they miss out on Watson, they are still in cap hell with no QB and a weaker team still. That is what my point is, they are not some success story to follow like people keep touting here on how to manage the cap. They suck at it actually and one of the worst examples of cap management in the league. And I still think he is going to Atlanta if you ask me, I don't care what the "reporters" are saying...I think he is going there and teaming up with Allen Robinson and Fuller personally. But hey, I could be wrong...either way...
  15. its a shame he is leaving the Bills in a weird divided state where some are grateful for his time here and bummed to him and go, and others are excited to see him go and can't stand him. Coles deserves some appreciation for what he truly did for this team: Played his heart out on the field, played tough for his small stature, and made a LOT of critical plays that led to us winning a lot of games. Played hurt, on a broken leg, for this team in the playoffs leaving everything on the field. Was instrumental in Josh's development, said by Josh himself, by always being in his ear non stop analyzing plays in practice or games, what Josh was seeing, what Cole was seeing, etc etc. Was a great locker room guy and teammate according to just about everyone in the locker room. I get there is controversy around him because of what he decided to be vocal about and how he went about it on social media. But putting that aside, he was a great signing and played a key role for this offense and for Josh. And for that, I will be forever grateful to you Beasley despite hard disagreements with a lot of your personal opinions and beliefs. Best of luck to you where ever you land.
  16. To be honest, I didnt know a lot about him in college. I am basing my curiosity from the potential he has at times flashed on the field in limited opportunities in camp. By no means is he someone to depend on taking over, more so that they have liked him enough to keep bringing him back even though he had no real shot at the roster with Cole and Mckenzie here. Like I said a couple posts ago though, I fully expect Beane to draft or sign someone now that Cole is officially gone that can be a guy that can play that slot role regularly. So Hodgins IMO is just someone I am curious about, but still a long shot to ascend to the 53 man roster.
  17. Good post, I will put my responses below each point below No disagreement from me, McKenzie has improved and why I really liked bringing him back. I was just comparing the skills to Beasley, who is one of the best route runners out of the slot in the NFL with great hands. That being said, the one thing that concerns me about McKenzie is the sample size of said improvement too though. I mean, there are a lot of guys who don't say have the most reliable hands have big games or make big catches here and there. But is that what you would see if they were relied on regularly is the question. But without question he has improved and I am still quite happy he is back in general. Good analogy and assessment here, agree with this too. This is maybe the only thing we weren't quite on the same page on, and probably my fault for not better defining what I mean by "tough". I wasn't referencing the ability to stay healthy or take a hit, I was talking more in style of play. McKenzie has been a finesse type player his whole career. Cole is a guy who can lay a big chip block on a run play despite being small. He is a guy who can catch the ball short of the first down, take contact and still get the first down. He is small, but he plays tough and strong despite the small stature. McKenzie just isn't that type of player, and I think thats a part of Coles game that goes under appreciated lately. And while McKenzie is certainly a lot faster, which is great, I think Cole is shiftier in making guys miss to get to that first down marker. He was great in that Pats game...however...I caution at putting too much stock into that. Its one thing to catch a team off guard and have an unheralded guy they weren't expecting and didnt game plan to stop come in and go off on them one game. Its an entirely other thing to be a main fixture week in and week out where teams are ready for that and create a plan to try and limit the damage that player can do. Also a very good point, just how cerebral and intelligent Cole is. I remember Josh Allen talking up how important Beasley was to him and his development off the field because Cole would be in his ear non stop every day going over plays, what went right or wrong on even a practice play, what he was seeing, etc etc. Im excited to see what Dorsey brings, and excited to see if we get 2 TE sets more into the offense with OJ Howard here as well. But I do feel like Josh has had such a dependable outlet at the slot position and took advantage of it in so many key situations the past few years that they will still try and have someone there that can be reliable for Josh. Especially since its been such a big part of his reads.
  18. He wasn’t looking good in camp or preseason. It was questionable he should even start week 1 as Heinieke outplayed all preseason and camp. And that was before a serious hip injury cost him his season. His future likely is in broadcasting at this point.
  19. Fitz didn’t look good before getting hurt last year. I think he’s done
  20. Yeah I would prefer Beasley was here this year, but if we believe the reports it sounds like it’s just not in the cards. And yeah, they can get banged up which is why I am confident Beane isn’t banking on McKenzie as the full time slot WR given he’s pretty small. Beasley wasn’t big either, but he’s built pretty stout for his size and played physical because of it…plus we always had McKenzie as a backup when he did get banged up. Assuming the reports are accurate and Cole is as good as gone, then I would be interested to see if someone like Hodgins can ascend from the PS and finally grab an active roster spot as a slot option too. I wouldn’t say bank on any PS squad guy stepping up, but he’s flashed potential and been stuck behind Cole and McKenzie.
  21. I love the two TE set potential with OJ Howard here. I’ve been advocating trying to get him for the past 2-3 years from Tampa. I think pairing his athletic ability with Knox own athletic ability is going to put a lot of pressure on defenses. But that being said, Cole wasn’t on the field for just 4 WR sets, he was a key component if this offense, even as just a guy the defense had to pay serious attention to on 3rd and 4th down which helped other guys as well. So I still think Beane is going to look for another guy to add at the slot position, and likely in the draft. He was also reportedly interested in Barrios before he signed elsewhere already.
  22. I agree to an extent here…I agree in trusting and believing in Beane to make the moves necessary and in a way that’s best for the team and it’s future. But fans that “worry” about the cap are usually not really worrying about the cap, they are usually countering some outrageous and ridiculous approach or expectations by other fans here who would NOT do it the right way compared to Beane. I mean if it was up to the fans here, not only would we make this big signing, we would make 2 more and then also trade all our draft picks for another. So, I think the people you see most often advocating for not being stupid about our cap are usually countering ridiculous things people want done that are to the extreme.
  23. Beasley > McKenzie in the slot and it’s not even close. That being said, I have full confidence Beane knows this and has no intention of heading into preseason with McKenzie as our starting slot WR for the season. I feel like the whole social media and vax stuff has caused fans to lose sight just how valuable Cole has been to Josh, how many huge third or fourth down conversions Cole made that were vital in a lot of games and wins. He is one of the best 3rd down WRs in the league. McKenzie isn’t as good of a route runner, isn’t as tough (people forget how many tough plays Cole makes too), and doesn’t have as good of hands as Cole. Don’t get me wrong, I love bringing McKenzie back, he’s a weapon, he’s just not on Coles level out of the slot. So with Cole seemingly done here, my expectation is they will look for a slot guy in FA still, or more likely in the draft…and possibly both. Josh loves hitting that slot guy on critical 3rd and 4th down plays, they will give him another weapon there before camp begins.
  24. Funny thing is Saints haven’t won anything, are a total mess, and future is bleak and depends on a trade that may not happen to save their future. Yet people citing them as if they are the model to follow hahaha. Only on TSW
  25. Cap is important, more important than fans want to admit. The difference is that we have a GM who is a master at managing the cap. Most teams don’t have that luxury and it blows up in their face. People want to cite the Rams, but over look the fact that while they did win the SB this year, it’s also the first time in history it’s actually worked. It’s not suddenly the blue print to throw away all your cap and draft picks to push for a 1 year SB run. It’s historically not worked a heck of a lot more than it has worked. Let’s put it this way, more teams have won a SB with a crappy QB than teams have won by mortgaging their future to buy one. And neither is an ideal choice on how to get one. Saints keep getting brought up, but why? They haven’t won anything. Why are they the poster child for why you dont need to worry about the cap? They have consistently had cap issues and had to lose players because of it, going all the way back to Brees favorite target Jimmy Graham. Saints lost players already this year and still don’t have a QB. They aren’t winning anything this year unless they land Watson (which I don’t think they will). And if they do get Watson, key players will have to be sent to Houston in trade as part of the deal too for both compensation and cap reasons. So no guarantee they can still win a SB even after the trade. This won’t be the same saints roster of last year with Watson. Bottom line is the cap can be manipulated, we all know that. But how well you manage that manipulation will determine if your SB window is 1-2 years or 5-10 years. I would much rather be the Patriots dynasty than what the Rams just did. Not only will the Rams likely not make it back to the SB this year, but they won’t likely win another one any time soon. Yes still they got one, but again, it’s the first time in history that has happened, not historically a sound strategy to get one. But again, the good news is we have Beane who understands maybe better than anyone in the league right now in how to balance aggression and intelligence when it comes to the cap. So we are in excellent hands and our future is bright.
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