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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I cant buy into any mock draft that has us waiting until the 3rd round for a CB, its by FAR our biggest hole right now. So unless we sign a vet before the draft, I have no doubt CB is coming round 1 or 2
  2. Ha, it was the strategic work of my fiance lol. We "fostered" in September, but I knew and she knew she was gonna fall in love and want to adopt him. But our "plan" was to wait to adopt a pup until after the wedding this June. We had a Hawaii wedding to attend in February, a few other trips between now and June, then we are gone almost all of June for wedding then headed to Italy for honeymoon. So it just was gonna be easier to wait. Her SECRET plan...name the foster pup after something I love to break me down and want to keep the pup haha. She knew that I had said my next dog I wanted to name Diggs, such a good name for a dog too. So of course first thing she did was suggest we name it Diggs, which is a great name for him. She's a huge Niners fan, could have easily named him Deebo, but she went with Diggs so I would cave...and it worked lmao. Now of course she wants a second dog as a playmate for Diggs, which she is gonna probably push for when we get back from our honeymoon...and if its a boy, she wants to name that one Deebo lol.
  3. Honestly, I love Diggs, my dog is named Diggs even. He’s my second favorite Bills player behind Allen. I would love to see him stay here, I really would. However, if he is going to want anything close to what Adam’s and Hill got, then I hate to say it, but we may need to trade him at some point. He is worthy of similar pay, but it’s also too much money when you have a big QB contract. Carr has a cap hit of just $25m and Tua is on a rookie deal. It’s how these teams can afford this kind of contract. We don’t have that luxury starting next year anymore. That being said, I think Diggs legitimately loves being in Buffalo and loves playing with Allen, these coaches, this team. And he also hates losing. So it’s possible Diggs will take less money to extend here to stay where he loves being and help the team keep other valuable pieces to continue being a legit SB contender year after year. But I’m a realist, and that’s a lot of money these guys are getting and wouldn’t fault him for wanting to get paid like that too on what will surely be his last big contract. So we will see if Beane and Diggs can work some magic or not. But not only do I think we should trade him if he wants that kind of money, I’m pretty sure Beane will trade him if that was the case.
  4. I honestly don’t remember how much buzz Darnold was getting for #1 overall at that point, but I do know it didn’t last much longer if he was. He fell out of wide spread number 1 consideration pretty far ahead of the draft. Maybe it was because I was so dialed into that draft, but I was pretty certain Darnold wasn’t going number 1 and would be a Jet for weeks heading into the draft. Either way, thank god Browns didn’t take Allen. It’s sooooooo nice not having to think about QB issues ahead of a draft.
  5. I agree, I think they made the trade knowing there were multiple guys they would take there regardless. However, Darnold was never at that point in many talks about going number 1 overall, so the safe bet when they made the move was likely they would take Darnold because he was likely the top guy on their board at the 3rd pick. Baker and Allen were getting some first overall rumblings, but mostly Baker. So I think they knew they were most likely getting Darnold even if they had Baker higher as the draft was approaching. My excitement was knowing they weren’t taking Allen. Once it was clear Browns were down to Baker or Allen, there wasn’t any talk of them drafting anyone other than Darnold the rest of the process leading up to the draft, and for that I was excited. I just didn’t want Darnold or Rosen. I was more ok with Darnold, but I had real concerns about decision making after watching him so much at USC, especially in important moments. And as I am sure you remember as we discussed it a lot, I hated the idea of trading up and drafting Rosen. I was very confident Rosen would be a bust. I had too much inside info here in LA about his character and personality that made me confident he was a high bust candidate. He was a well known douche around LA and even towards kids. He is totally self absorbed and a fake tough guy who couldn’t take criticism or coaching well. Where as everyone one I knew that had insight on Darnold was just the opposite…great guy on and off the field. Unlikeabke QBs don’t rarely make it and stick around in the NFL, and most flame out bad. So Rosen was a hard pass for me.
  6. On draft night, this was considered a high potential QB draft class. And it was looking like 3 to 4 guys were on their way to being good to very good QBs after the first season. But Baker has regressed and Darnold never got any better. Allen went on to be elite and Lamar is still very good. I was not high on Darnold even though I had him at 3 behind Baker and Allen. I preferred staying put and drafting Lamar if we missed out on Allen. I had no interest in trading up for Darnold or Rosen. Darnold was a guy who at times would be a terrible decision maker in college and that was a concern. Rosen had obvious bust written all over him, I was praying we didn’t draft him. His ceiling was Jay Cutler and his floor was Ryan Leaf. Terrible.
  7. I wasn’t a fan of drafting Darnold after watching him make so many bone headed decisions at USC so often. I liked his potential based on just his physical gifts, but my biggest concern was always his poor decision making. I was thrilled to learn the Jets move up to 3rd was for Darnold.
  8. Anyone who says he was awful his rookie year or even both years is just announcing they are completely clueless and didn’t actually watch him play, so their opinion is not worth the time to read. I mean Josh was a completely different player second half of his rookie year after returning from injury. In his second year, he was atrocious the first half the season on the deep ball which was the one throw keeping him out of the 60% club…but much improved the last half the season. If you took his deep ball completion % the back half of the season and used it over the course of the season he was well into the 60% completion rate club. Huge leaps of improvement in-season, but you would only know that if you actually watched him play. Not to mention the jaw dropping plays he was making every game.
  9. Because we aren't paying our QB $40M yet, his deal kicks in next year. Plus we have not had to face extending Diggs, Knox, Edmunds, Oliver, etc yet. I mean just look at what Diggs makes now against the cap compared to what the new extensions for guys like Adams, Hopkins, Hill, etc look like...its double. You can only kick the can so far down the road. Chiefs are feeling it now as Mahomes new deal kicked in. Packers are feeling it after Rodgers and Jones all that money. Cowboys feeling it after paying Dak, Cooper, and Zeke all that money losing players on both sides of the ball, and key ones. The en vogue on TSW thing to say now is the "cap isn't real" BS...good luck with that delusion. Its very real, and it takes great GM management to navigate it in both contracts given to which players, structure, etc along with how they draft and find value in lesser signings. THANKFULLY Beane is a master at all of that and we are in very good hands. Other teams not so much...KC hasn't drafted well, neither has the Packers. Cowboys have had better success in the draft than the other teams, but they also have not been making good decisions on who they pay and what they pay, or just how they manage the team overall. So for me, I am not worried, I have supreme confidence in Beane. But the kicking the can down the road approach to the cap is a "short road" if you don't know how to find value in free agency and talent in the draft, especially the mid rounds.
  10. Haha force of habit...growing up 40 min from Oakland, I have always known them as the Oakland Raiders...and my hate for the team was firmly rooted in hating the local fan base so much, literally the worst. So it still comes out as Oakland Raiders a lot when I talk about them lol.
  11. The popular theory that we were building to beat the Chiefs was never true in the first place. Beane and McD first focused on the foundations of the team...improve the lines and go find the QB. Then they went out and got some upgrades to weapons for Josh while also building weak spots on the D. Then they went and got Josh an elite weapon and continue building up weaker holes. Then last year they went after fixing our most glaring hole, pass rush. And we finished the season 2nd in the NFL in pressures as a result of it. Now this year, they focused on converting those pressures into more finishes and signed Von Miller to go with our young talent and shored up the interior trenches, another weak spot on the team. So, I don't think Beane and McD are doing anything other than looking to close our holes and look for upgrades at our less than stellar positions. I don't think any of their decisions are made based on KC, I think its all about realizing where we are not good enough and trying to make those spots better.
  12. Also all true statements. Hard to truly do a ranking now for obvious reasons. I do think Oakland is going to be a team that people sleep on personally. They get to the QB and they have a very intriguing offense now. Renfrow as a #1 WR...MEH. Renfrow as a #2 guy with Adams...might be scary good. Plus you have Waller still and a good run game. Carr isn't elite, but hes no slouch either and he was pretty clutch in close games last year. I agree on Chargers about the hype, but Herbert is entering his 4th year with continuity all around him on offense. He has been ascending his whole career so far, its likely going to be a year we see him continue to improve. My biggest question with them is how much is their defense improved after being bad on all 3 levels last year. Lot of fire power in that division on paper to contend with. As far as Watson goes, he is not coming off injury. I don't think it will take that long to find his form again, and his old form was a top 5 QB. Question is 2 fold...does he get suspended (seems likely) and if so, for how long? That will determine Clevelands ability to be a playoff team or not this year.
  13. Agree on the top 2. I think Chargers have a case for 2, but I am not sure their defensive signings are enough, that defense was bad on 3 levels last year. I think I have to get the Chargers here somewhere in the top 4. Couple of things, Cincinnati made the SB last year, but doesn't mean they are a top 6 team this year. I think they regress...that being said, they can still win their division and be at least the 4th seed, but this isnt a playoff positional list, this is best team list. And right now, I don't have them in the top 6. They had a lot..and I mean a lot...of success throwing 50/50 balls, prayer balls, etc. Guys made some insane plays at a high success rater for the risks of those plays. And thats just not sustainable way to consistently win in the NFL. So while, I fully acknowledge they could still win their division, I don't think they are one of the 6 best teams in the AFC right now personally. I think people are also writing the Chiefs off way too fast. Go back and check the stat lines last year on Hill...big game, then like 5-7 duds in a row of like 30 yards. This is a WR rich draft with an elite QB in KC. You can bet they will take at least one WR early, and when you have a guy like Mahomes, that WR may come in and make a big impact early. Miami over achieved under a great coach...I think they regress this year even after adding Hill. Oakland is better than people are giving them credit for right now and I think will surprise some people this year. They have a good defense and added Chandler Jones to it. Their offense is intriguing with addition of a big time guy like Adams too who already has played with Carr. Yes Carr is a big downgrade from Rodgers, but he still is a guy who can sling the ball and played clutch in close games. So I think they could be a tough out. All of these teams above belong in this range IMO, people can argue the order, but I cant put any of them higher except maybe Atlanta over Cleveland just given the probability Watson gets a big suspension. However, Cle with no Watson suspension is better than Indy imo. My ranking: BUF - Almost all of our main pieces back and some very good FA additions to areas we need to improve. Den - Tough to put them here before we see what Wilson can do there, but on paper it makes sense given the balance of defense and offense they have. LAC - Herbert takes yet another progressive step, which is enough to move them up to 3 even though the D has questions to whether it is improved enough. KC - Too early to right them off. Hill will be missed, but his production was very hit or miss, they can find a replacement for that potentially in this WR rich draft. OAK - Yes I realize I just put the whole AFCW from 2 -4, but its (on paper) maybe the best division ever, and quite frankly I think any of the 4 are capable of winning it. I think its unrealistic to say all 4 make the playoffs, but this isn't a playoff list, its best team list. And right now, I think these 4 are better than everyone in the AFC not named the Bills. TEN - They proved doubters wrong when they kept beating the best teams even after losing Henry. CIN - A lot of people will have them higher, but I don't feel their style of winning is sustainable long term and I think other teams have improved more than they will be next year. BALT - Assuming they are all healthy and stay that way, I think they work their way back to being one of the better AFC teams, but how good is still a question. They have some holes still and questions at RB as well, so hard to know who they are today. Potential to be a top 4 team or could miss the playoffs, hard team to figure out at this stage of the offseason. Honorable mentions for top 8: Cleveland would be in that top 8 if not for the expected Watson suspension. If he doesn't get suspended then I think Cleveland by default moves into the top 5 ranking. Indy is a curious one, not sure how much of an impact Ryan at this age makes there with mediocre receiving group compared to what he was used to in Atlanta most his career. But on paper now, I like the other teams a little bit better, but they are pretty close with those teams outside of the top 5 in terms of ranking them today. Miami I think is at best a 9 win team, and may be under .500 this year. I think they will feel the sting of losing their HC a lot personally who always had them over achieving most the time. I have a feeling they are more like a 7 or 8 win team, AFCE has a tough schedule this year. Teams like NE and PIT cant be in the top 8 right now, but they have sleeper potential. NE showed it last year, while not in our class of teams, they still found ways to win a lot more games than people expected, so hard to just flat out count them out even though they definitely don't belong in the top 8 ranking list right now. And Trubisky might just surprise a lot of people in Pit...I mean he cant be any worse than Ben was last year IMO, and likely better. If he Trubisky comes in and proves to be a good starter there, then that team can be dangerous again. Everyone else has no shot at being in the convo of being a good team this year IMHO.
  14. Hahahaha 5 draft picks and $30m a year! Love it, gonna be one of those mega deals that likely hurts them long term more than it helps them.
  15. I have also heard both McD and Beane talk about how early they knew Allen was their guy. From what I have heard from people I trust is that Allen was their #1 guy on their board overall. Meaning even if we had the #1 overall pick, it still would have been Allen. I bad Baler ahead of Allen, but Allen was my top choice for us once it was clear that Baker was going to likely go #1. If we missed on Allen I wanted to stay put and not trade up and then take Lamar. I hated Rosen, wanted nothing to do with him. Would have supported the pick still and trusted they knew more than me, but hated the idea of drafting Rosen, and despised even more the idea of trading up for him. He was an obvious high risk bust choice for me.
  16. Diggs was a 5th, Davis a 4th. DK Metcalf was a 2nd, so was Cooper Kupp and Davante Adams. The list continues...AJ Brown, Deebo Samuel. Terry McLaurin, Tyler Locket, etc just to name some more that were all taken after round 1. In fact there are more guys in the top 10 and even top 20 WR's list in the NFL list that were taken after round 1 than guys taken in round 1. So I just dont understand this big want so many have of going WR in round 1. We also have an elite top 5 WR on the roster, and a good core behind him. At CB, we only have Dane right now. Tre is a question mark if he will be ready week 1 or not, and even once he is ready, there is no telling how long it takes him to get his form back, it can sometimes take a whole season of playing. So we are currently down both starters last year, with no one to help man the void. Dane gets promoted by default. We are facing a gauntlet of lethal offenses in the AFC now, we need to shore up our CB position in the worst way. Its so bad you can defend reaching for a guy in the first if you had to. We may bring someone in, but there really isn't anyone out there that is a lock to come in and play at even Levi's level last year. What we know is that Beane likes to stay true to his board and go BPA according to his board, which the very ranking has need built into it. He has also said that if there are 2 guys at 2 different positions they have similar grades on, they will factor in depth of each position in the draft on who they draft. Given this is a WR rich draft, I think its highly more probable we are going to take a CB in the first over all other positions, However, that is also dependent one being on the board graded high enough to select. I am confident Beane won't over reach either just for the sake of reaching. But there are a couple guys projected to be there that I am pretty confident Beane would have a high enough grade on to take. So I would prepare yourselves (those you want WR round 1) that its far more likely its going to be CB, and it almost certainly should be. Dont get me wrong, I would love Jameson if he is there at 25, but right now, CB is a massive hole on our team unless they find a way to address it before the draft.
  17. Bengals lost to the Jets and made the SB. Get over it. It happens to even the best of them.
  18. I think its pretty safe we are drafting CB in the first 2 rounds and probably round 1 unless there just isnt a guy they covet there. And its not out of the question we take 2 CB's in the first 4 rounds. Tre is unknown if he will be ready week 1 and we just have Dane now as another healthy CB.
  19. Read this 👇👇👇👇👇 Bottom line it was pretty clear Harry realized early the Bills were not going to offer what he felt his value was. And everyone knows conversations are going on long before the start of FA. I mean why are we even still talking about this? Why are you so bent on trying to prove the poster false which you 100% categorically can not do? Just like we can’t 100% prove he told truth. What we can do is take it for what he presented it as…a rumor…and accept the fact it’s plausible it could have happened the way the OP presented given the only portion of the rumor that actually mattered was accurate of him not coming back. This need to still be on some crusade against the OP makes no sense. Especially given he presented it the right way if you’re gonna provide this sort of info/story to the board IMHO. Time to move on.
  20. Lol, honesty this actually lends more credibility to the OP and strengthens his story, so not sure why you posted this as some sort or proof he made it up.
  21. Your comparison is beyond ridiculous. Yes I think it’s more plausible his experience was true than not true. I’ve got way crazier true stories than this one that involved way bigger news and people. But people here tripping on meeting a below average starters friend in a local bar to where he plays…lmao. Next time just move along, no need to shred the OP and discouraging him from sharing. Because clearly no matter the outcome you were still calling him a liar, which is even funnier to me. Like what’s the point
  22. I posted a thread about this right when it happened, but he seemed normal on Twitter at the time and had 3 stories up that 2 of them were Bills related at the time. Seemed maybe a rebrand with his new logo was in the works. Probably all that was so I took it down.
  23. I think he could be an interesting add. Shouldn’t cost too much, if it were say a 5th I would be into it. Anything more than that I think I prefer the draft.
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