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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I deleted my original post that was in favor of bringing him in because I had inaccurate info from a friend who told me he was both cleared and proven innocent of his off field stuff. Wasn't true, settling is not being proven innocent. My buddy went to LSU and was a big fan of his, so he had a skewed point of view lol. So I withdraw my original statements which were made off incomplete info. Im a pass on Guice, we have enough bad "Juice" in our historical fridge here lol.
  2. I already corrected the post. I just wrote originally what my buddy said about him, it was inaccurate I realized when I googled it after. Charges were dropped after settlement reached, big difference than "being proven innocent". My friend is an LSU fan as he went there and been advocating for Guice to the Cardinals (his fave NFL team) to replace Edmunds. So I took his info as more accurate than it was lol. My bad I already corrected it before you replied.
  3. There is no debating that our OL turned a big corner when Bates entered the starting lineup last year, its as significantly improved. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and moving Bates into the starting lineup stabilized the whole line. With Saffold and Bates at the guard spots, Dawkins and Brown on the edges and Morse manning the middle I think we can expect good things from the line this year, especially with the major upgrade in terms OL Coaching they will receive.
  4. Fair point about driving in the weather, not something us non-locals would think about ha.
  5. What trend is this? Every other new stadium has been 3,000 to 18,000 more seats than this one. A few people have said this, but there isn't any evidence of this in what other teams have planned and done.
  6. Which would be cool, but that then doesnt "increase" capacity above the 62,000 thats being reported.
  7. Ok so legit question...why are you as a season ticket holder trying to get rid of tickets? Is the weather a big factor in which games you don't want to go to? And when you are struggling to find takers for the tickets, is it because its a bad weather game and you cant find someone as easily to take the tickets because not as many people want to sit in the miserable weather? I don't want to turn the thread into a debate of dome vs outdoor, the decision has already been made to be an open air stadium again. So no value in anyone discussing what is better choice. But, I can't help but wonder if the problems of getting rid of your tickets is more weather related than related to how many people actually want to go to the game. I don't live in Buffalo, never have. But as a fan, I still get the allure of being outdoors even in the cold for a football game. But, if a team wanted to maximize the PSL's, the year round use of the stadium, and capacity...a dome or retractable roof would have made much more financial sense...or even like what they did with SoFi with the glass roof and open air sides making it kind of a hybrid indoor/outdoor stadium. I personally thought a stadium like Allegiant that was built for the Raiders made perfect sense for Buffalo, but thats just my non-local opinion. None the less, still think 65,000+ seating makes more sense for this new open air stadium. But it is what it is...they got their deal and their plan. Just surprised they chose to build the smallest stadium in the NFL.
  8. Also bad for fans...another reason I don't like building the smallest stadium in the NFL.
  9. I mean looking at that chart, it suggests the stadium should be at least 65,000 seats, if not 68,000. I am not saying they should build an 80,000 seat stadium or anything, I am saying building the smallest seat stadium in the NFL makes no sense IMO. Spending all this money and time for a stadium that has the least seats in the NFL is puzzling to me. And I know they mentioned they could do another 5,000 standing, but that sucks...who wants to stand in the bad weather for 3 hours? Especially if you had been tail gating all morning. Do 3,000 more seats and make the standing area 2,000 people then. I mean talk about terrible tickets, lets stand on concrete for 3 hours in freezing weather after we tailgated for 3 hours.
  10. But the Saints are not that good of a roster, they may not even make the playoffs next year is squishy NFC conference. Their whole season comes down to Jameis being a good QB for them. Not something I want to bank on. They don't have much at WR, they lost their best OL, they lost their 2nd best defensive player, and they kicked the can down the road for even more cap issues in the years to come. All of this without having a top end QB to pay. I mean the Saints fixed the cap this year at the sacrifice of weakening their team. The $30M under now is a mirage built on a house of cards that is only possible this year because they don't currently have a QB and signed Jameis back cheap. Their roster is worse today than it was when the season ended with a lot more cap problems kicked down the road that will continue to be a problem for them. All while still needing a QB unless Jameis suddenly morphs into some major reclamation success story that never happens...in which they would still need to pay him if he does that anyway. So, again, yes they got their cap number down...but they had to make their team worse to do so. I am not interested in finding ways to make our team worse each year is the thing. I want the offseason to be where Beane strengthens our overall roster, which he has very much this year IMO. Doing what the Saints have done is a classic example of how not to manage a cap and one of the worst examples if you ask me.
  11. I very respectfully disagree...they lost some of their best players and don't have a QB. Saints are grossly over the cap without having a big QB contract to deal with. Thats a terrible position to be in if you ask me. So they may not have "cut" half their roster, but they lost some important players and some of their best players in FA because they couldn't keep them. And had they been also paying a QB, a lot more guys would have to be gone to fit that big QB contract in there. So still, they are not a good example by any measure in my book. I would use them as the exact opposite of how to manage a cap.
  12. The seats are still tiny and crammed in at all the new stadiums. I don’t understand why they make the stadiums more “spacious” but the seats impossibly small.
  13. Then why don’t you have that problem now in a 70,000 seat stadium?
  14. All the newest stadiums have between 3,000 and 18,000 more seats than this new stadium. So how is “smaller the way to go”? No one else is doing “smaller”. And they added 600,000 more square feet as it is, there is plenty of room to move around and still keep your seating capacity up. We are literally building the smallest stadium in the NFL. For the best and most engaged fan base in the league…one that sells out every home game. Im all for having more space to move around, but you can do that and still keep your capacity bigger than the smallest in the NFL.
  15. The Saints haven’t won anything. Why do people keep citing them as if their approach is good? They are not only way over the cap, they lost some of their best players because they can’t afford to keep them. The Saints roster is worse today than it was last year. And they also don’t have a big QB contract to account for and are still in perennial cap hell. So how are they everyone’s poster child for managing the cap? I mean they are an example of what not to do IMHO.
  16. More space is fine, but reducing seating capacity to the best home fan base in the NFL by 12% is stupid IMHO
  17. How does it make sense to build a new stadium with LESS seats than the current stadium despite taking up 600,000 more square footage? I mean it literally has a 66% bigger footprint than old stadium but 8000 less seats. Especially for a team that sells out every home game regardless of weather or how good or bad the team is. 8,000 less seats is almost 12% less seats than the current stadium. That’s just gonna make tickets cost even more and harder to get. Bills literally just made a deal to build the second smallest stadium in the NFL in terms of seating capacity. Only Soldier field will have less seats (only 500 less seats). This makes no sense, why have less Bills Mafia at each home game? Best and loudest fan base in the league.
  18. Why are people surprised a head coach with a perennial MVP candidate QB who is gonna be near or above 5000 yards passing wants his QB to take less hits? Thats not a ding on McD, thats what everyone wants. No one wants Josh running THIS much, and if you do, you are crazy. People have been comparing Josh his whole career to two players the most...Big Ben and Cam Newton, especially Cam. But those are NOT good comparisons. I get why they happen, Ben was pretty mobile for his size and Allen runs even more ferocious than Cam does. HOWEVER...the REAL comparison, and I have been saying this since his rookie year...is Steve Young. Steve Young was a guy who could make you pay on any play with his legs, BUT...he was an elite passer first are foremost. He ran when he had to or in strategic moments, but did most his damage with his arm. In the history of the NFL, no running QB has ever won the SB...not one. MOBILE QB's who were great passers first have won plenty...Elway, Rodgers, Young for example to just name a few. Lamar is who he is because he is not in that upper echelon as a passer, so his ability to run is a necessity to his game to be at his optimal play. Allen doesn't need that, and he doesn't need to run as much as he was. What we need is an OC and OL Coach who understand how to better integrate the run game consistently into the game plan to take less running pressure off of Josh. Allen's primarily role as a ball carrier should come down to extending plays and taking off when nothing is there. Daboll called not only a lot of designed runs, but a lot of runs for Josh straight up the middle off the snap into the teeth of the defense where there is almost no chance for Allen to avoid big hits. Thats just stupid, he is not a RB. If Josh runs up the middle, it needs to be off a drop back after the box has cleared out and he has wide open lanes so he can slide. Not like a FB right into the DT's and LB's just dying to lay a big hit on him. So, anyone getting on McD here just seems odd to me. We should all want Josh to take less punishment given he doesn't have to take all those hits. Let Josh still be Josh and take off when he needs to, but stop calling so many QB draws off the snap where Josh is almost certain getting hit as a ball carrier. PS: Not to mention, the person on the field most likely to fumble on any given play as a runner is Josh Allen. He shouldn't be taking so many carries into the meat of the defense. PPS: That doesn't mean in a big game, say a playoff game or even the SB that you can't turn Josh legs loose more if the offense needs a spark or something, it means you don't need to lean on Josh running all season and should focus on improving our run game with our RB's and let Josh run on rollouts, extended plays where he takes off, etc where he can get out of bounds or have the room to slide to avoid the hits most often.
  19. When someone says bombshell moves, obvious moves don’t come to mind. Everyone knows Baker is leaving Cleveland, that’s not bombshell news. IMHO, he’s not referring to Baker. I think there are teams like the Jets who are still trying to swing some of their assets for a premier WR. Targeting players like DK, Deebo, AJ, etc that are all in line for big extensions and it’s not clear if their current teams will want to pay those guys what the new market seems to be. Doesn’t mean any of those guys go anywhere, but the Jets seem to be looking for a top one end target still and willing to use a lot of assets and cap space to make it happen. Wouldn’t surprise me if they are inquiring with the Vikes about Hunter too. Then there are still guys like Saquan and CMC who very much could still be moved. And some guys on the defensive side like Hunter and Bradberry could quite possibly be on the move. Not to mention, both Chiefs and Packers are armed with extra picks, they could still make some moves after losing some key pieces. Less likely probably given their cap constraints and are probably eying the draft to use those picks, but not out of the question either given both are focused on making another SB run this year.
  20. $18M for a starting QB is a bargain. Why are people acting like his deal is out of whack?
  21. No offense gunner, but I can’t see any chance the Bills don’t take a CB in first 2 rounds unless they sign a starting caliber CB before the draft who has some speed. Personally, I think we might take 2 in the first 4 or 5 rounds. Im hoping we do sign someone ahead of the draft, and I don’t mean a bench guy, someone capable of being at least a decent starter. But right now, we basically have Dane Jackson with a little starting experience, and that’s it. Tre is still a question mark on when he will be ready, might not be back until sometime into the season. And even then, might be a while before he finds his form again. The CB cupboard is bare, and not only is that an issue, but we now have 2 of the fastest receivers in the game in Miami with Hill and Waddle to go along with Wilson, Gisicki, Edmonds, and Mostert. People can say what they want about Tua, but you don’t have to be a great QB to hit one of these guys in a short slant. And the AFC now is loaded with top QBs who all have a lot of weapons. We absolutely need to add corners and speed. It’s probable Tre will play a bit slower after returning and Dane isn’t a burner either.
  22. There is a company called https://www.cluedupp.com and they do big public city events but also cool corporate events, team building things, etc that can all be hired to do. They are awesome and very interactive. Their main game is they do interactive murder mystery puzzles through a part of town or specified area. It’s all done through your phone which has the map, clues, clue locations, etc. Teams can be up to 6 people and each team can start wherever they want and whenever they want within the alloyed game window. Goal is to solve the mystery the fastest and clock starts when you interact with your first clue. Clock stops when you submit who, where, and with what weapon correctly (like the bird game clue) and posts your time on the scoreboard. Set up teams where you have one player on each team and they work to solve the puzzle. Literally nothing is needed to do this game other than a cell phone. No other infrastructure is needed, they set everything up and it’s a lot of fun. So they do all the work on setup and execution of the games. PS: Everyone should check their website, if there are games in your area I highly recommend this, it’s cheap and a fun day with friends
  23. Top 10 of the draft Mocks are relatively accurate in terms of which players will go. Maybe not always the right team, a single trade up can shift all that, but I would say they usually hit 7+ most years, even seen years where the top 10 were basically what most mocks expected. Outside the top 10 it starts getting much more inaccurate though, especially in years where there was a lot of trade ups (usually QB rich drafts). Most valuable thing about Mocks for me is it gets me looking at players maybe I didn't know enough about. I especially like learning about some of the smaller school guys, and mocks can help identify which ones to pay attention to more. Also helps get a general idea of which players or even just what positions might be our best choices when we are on the clock. Outside of that, I wouldn't suggest putting much stock in them.
  24. Thats what I am hoping...but until then, I am not buying a mock with a DB in first 2 rounds. Once we sign someone, sure I will absolutely adjust that stance, depending on who we sign...or if we sign one.
  25. Yeah, but will it be a quality starter level vet is the question
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