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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Agree that trade was a disaster, and agree two firsts like that won’t likely happen again soon. But we are talking a single first or second here for a highly productive and decorated 24 year old LB who can drop back into coverage. I think Beane could get that value if he wanted. But like you and I agreed earlier, I don’t think Beane is out calling people shopping him this season either. I’m sure he listens if someone calls him though.
  2. I agree about what will happen, he’s gonna play this season in Buffalo and they will make decisions about him next off season. Always could tag him too. I’m not wrapped up in historical value, the game is always evolving. Edmunds is just such a rare athletic talent to go with high production and multiple pro bowls while still only being 24. It’s a passing league, and not only that but there are lots of dangerous TEs out there too these days. Having a rangey LB who can cover has never been more important, and his value as an off the ball defender has never been higher IMHO.
  3. I think he gets at least a second straight up personally and still could get a first potentially. He is on his rookie deal, we don’t have to sweeten the pot for someone to take him so we can get a second IMHO. Across the league he is considered one of the best young LBs in the NFL by many of his peers. Again, 5th in tackles since entering the league and that includes playing a huge part of a season hurt in 2020. And honestly, zero percent chance we trade him for anything less. He’s worth more to us this year than that, and Beane IMHO will rather have him for our SB push and risk losing him for nothing rather than trade him for less than a 2nd rounder. Marshawn Lynch was NOT the same player in Buffalo that he became in Seattle. He also was one ill-timed fart from a league suspension with his off field issues that included a hit and run on an old lady. It was almost a miracle we got that much for him given his character questions off the field at that point. And yeah, I think it’s possible he gets a first or second. You’re overly negative on him, the league, coaches, and fellow players are not.
  4. Edmunds would fetch at least a 2nd round pick, maybe a first. His reputation and respect across the league is much higher than on TSW. Tyrod Taylor was traded for the first pick of the 3rd round when people here said we wouldn’t get a 6th or 7th for him. So I don’t think the internal TSW negativity translates to the GMs who would evaluate his value. He has the 5th most tackles in the NFL since entering the league and made 2 pro bowls in 4 years. He is an athletic freak who can also drop back in coverage. He is more valuable than people think here in this board in a trade.
  5. I agree and I don’t care really either, just off season banter. And yeah, was just conveying he had a disappointing post season resume compared to his regular season accomplishments. Do agree still better than Rodgers though
  6. Fair enough, I will agree on that fact alone it was a hair aggressive comparison there. But it was more about his NFL playoff record one and done In the playoffs as a top seed. And while he made 4…he beat Rex Grossman for the first one. Got blown out in the next 2 appearances while fielding the top offense those seasons, including one that was the all time greatest offense in history…lost a combined 74-15 in those 2 as well. His 4th appearance, he was the lowest rated QB that season and his defense and run game carried them all season and through the SB and won the game while he had the single worst performance in SB history by a winning QB. So while he made more SBs, his not getting done in the playoffs as a whole like Rodgers is still relatively comparable.
  7. With the 14th pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, the Baltimore Ravens select: Jordan Davis, DT Georgia Lots of good options here at 14, considered help at tackle, OLB, and Edge. But ultimately the value of Davis here and putting him on our DL with Calais Campbell was too good to pass up. We already know he is a run stuffing mountain who eats space and blockers. But we also believe with his athletic gifts we can add some finesse moves to go with his bill rush to make him a disruptor for us moving forward from the middle. On the clock are @H2o and the Eagles.
  8. Honestly I can’t take your reply seriously when you are suggesting Manning, Brees, Marino, etc are better than Brady was/is. The only player who has any leg in this discussion is Montana, but Brady still passed him too. I would suggest watching his games rather than stat sheets. Stat sheets don’t show the clutch, the greatness in the biggest moments. Brees missed the playoffs like half his career. Marino never won anything and was a volume passer. Manning and Rodgers dont win in the playoffs despite often having elite weapons and the number 1 seed. You are coming from a jaded and biased perspective. Brady did more while working with less than any QB you mentioned or in history. I get it, he dominated us for so long that it’s hard to see it clearly without hate and bias perspectives. But, objectively most the QBs you mentioned not only don’t have a case for GOAT, but some are not even considered in the top 5 all time.
  9. No offense but Manning In this convo is comical. He’s Aaron Rodgers 1.0…the super human regular season guy who chokes in the playoffs. Brady won several of his rings with scrubs as weapons. Go look at his offensive supporting cast his first 3 SBs, its a joke compared to what Manning had his whole career. Yet Brady won SBs while Manning set a dubious NFL record (while loaded with HOF weapons) for one and done in the playoffs 9 times just with the Colts alone. Many of which he was the number 1 seed too. Manning only has a second SB ring because a dominant defense and dominant run game carried him when he was shot and the lowest rated passer in the nfl that year and had the worst SB game for a winning QB in SB history. Otherwise, he would still have his one ring against Rex Grossman. Manning is footballs equivalent of ARod in baseball (minus the doochey-ness)
  10. I totally agree is an opinion. But…I’m pretty sure the opinion of the vast majority of coaches and players would name Brady as the GOAT, and it might even be a lot closer to unanimous than you think. Like it or not, Poll any group of people…players…coaches…fans…media…doesn’t matter. Brady will be overwhelmingly chosen as the GOAT in that poll. Bills fan can’t always separate personal bias from these discussions, and I get that, and it’s true for most passionate fam bases. But the reality is Brady is without question the GOAT in the eyes of the majority. And while there is never going to be any way to prove who the GOAT is in any sport, he definitely has one of the best resumes for it in NFL history, and he has one of the best resumes of any sport in history.
  11. We saw him, and yeah his show was awesome
  12. UPDATE: So Josh Allen was at the Sabres game as many know, not here at Coachella. But, I did run into Kelce and Mahomes in the VIP Artist area and then stood next to them in VIP area at Megan Thee Stallion. Mahomes is here with his wife. Might be a few more players with them, just didn't recognize them by face, but they looked like they were players too. Literally stood right next to them for the show. Told them as a Bills fan that was both the best and worst game I had ever seen lol and gave them props for their heads up audible to embarrass our DC in those 13 seconds lol. They were both pretty chill and were cool when people came up to them. Kelce wasn't as big as I thought he would be.
  13. I see a lot of people say this...but it brings up a legitimate question for me when I see someone see this. What has Beane done that leads you to believe that whatever decision they make at 25 wasn't a good decision for the team or their BPA? To the point your head would explode? We went from laughing stock, to complete turn around, to number 1 offense and number 1 defense in the NFL last year where a ST Coaching mistake may have cost us a SB trip, to now a destination players want to come play and be part of. Just saying, I would think trusting the decisions our FO and staff make at that point would give some people some comfort they know what they are doing. But I have seen some people freaking out about the possibility of us taking a specific position they don't themselves like.
  14. Ill take the Eagles, Falcons, Saints, Jaguars, Ravens
  15. I respectfully disagree, I think first is exactly where they belong and where I have felt for a couple seasons now. Tell that to Emmanuel Sanders who gushes over Davis saying hes different and is going to be a Pro Bowler. So yeah, Sanders disagrees with you, but then again, not surprising you disagree with something positive about the Bills.
  16. No disrespect, but this may be the worst take on our "needs" that I have seen. The fact you have CB ranked so low is mind blowing, despite the fact the only CB capable of starting week 1 right now is our 3rd string CB from last year. We don't know when Tre will be ready or even how well he will play when he gets back. Its literally our weakest positional group on the whole roster and thinnest right now too. Dane Jackson did ok until he got smoked by KC in the playoffs. Most puzzling is in your description of CB need you literally say it is one of the top needs, there is only one DB (a nickel corner at that) on the roster you trust, and even acknowledge we need 2 CB's even. Yet you ranked CB need 6th on your list. Sorry man, that just doesn't make any sense to me. And how you have TE as the 2nd biggest need is also puzzling. We are all set at TE this year, but yes another one could and probably will be drafted given both are FA's next year. But in terms of "need" its no where near as pressing as CB and IOL probably are. And how is S not a draft need right now if you have these others listed as a "need". Poyer is a FA after this season, is over 30, and Bills have met with multiple safety prospects already. Its possible they don't plan to resign Poyer for cap reasons given all the players we have coming up for new deals. So, if you are gonna list TE for example as a need, how is safety not one too? Again, just giving feedback, not meant to be disrespectful. But this list just didnt make any sense. OH...almost forgot...your take on the RB's is way off. You realize that in the 7 games we actually gave Singletary real carries, his stats were great right? When Devin got 13 or more carries last year (7 total games, 4 of which came in the last 6 games) he averaged over 80 yards a game, 4.7 YPC and had 7 TDs. Projected over a whole season its basically 1400 yards rushing and 17 TD's. So sorry man, our RBs are not terrible, Daboll just didn't commit enough to establishing the run until the end of the season where Devin was quite good.
  17. Question: Are we allowed to make any edits ahead of the draft? Edits show the time stamp, so would be able to see it was before the draft starts. OL WR CB S P TE Suit: BLACK - all blacked out, all items black.
  18. All fair points, I get where you are both coming from. @HappyDaysthat is a really good point I admittedly had not really considered actually, where they don’t care as much about the athletic ability specifically at the CB spot compared to that raw athleticism elsewhere. Im starting to come around to the way you’re both seeing it, you’ve made compelling points worth considering here. And Gunner you surely have watched more of him than I have, my thought process was more on the line of how Beane has previously been attracted to athletic and potentially versatile players, even when small school or unpolished in the past. But now that it was pointed out they haven’t really applied that thus far to the CB they have added over the years, which I agree with and just had not really thought about it that way previously, I can see why maybe he might not be on their radar as much as I might have thought, at least early. Ok, you’ve both changed my mind and sold me, solid work and comments gents.
  19. I personally think there is very little possibility of Woolen lasting until the third though, and even less chance he last until our pick in the 3rd. IMHO hes going to go in the 2nd and he seems very much the kind of player Beane and McD love and would be confident in coaching up. Whether or not McD and Beane feel he can be a great player or not is the question. If they see a future superstar in him, then I think not only would be take him in the 2nd, they might move up some to get him. But who knows, they may also watch his tape and come away less enamored, in which case they wouldn't see him as a second round worthy pick either. But in terms of where he gets drafted, I am not sure he even lasts until our pick.
  20. Ah, thought he was there for the first one, either way, he has his ring. He doesn't need to take way less money to chase one, its his last significant contract, he was never coming here on the cheap.
  21. I do think Woolen could be there for the Bills in the 2nd, and he honestly seems like a Beane and McD type of player, raw with incredible gifts and upside. So if he is there in the 2nd, I think he could be the pick there. CB in the first still seems the more probable scenario, but I am confident Beane won't reach for one either. And if there isn't one atop their draft board at 25 and decide to go another direction and pass on a CB there, then it would not surprise me to see them then trade up from 57 to go get a CB they covet. One thing I know about Beane is he is pretty true to his board, and he isn't afraid to move up to get a guy he is targeting. And I think a less costly trade up in the 2nd is more likely then a big move in the first that could cost premium picks.
  22. I find it weird you didn't include Kyle Hamilton, who we have met with along with other safeties too. There is talk about a Bills interest in moving up as well, while there is also talk Hamilton could slide out of the top 10 too. Honestly, he has more of a chance to be our pick than several other players on your list. Not saying he is our target, but right now he seems to at least be somewhere in play compared to a lot of these players the Bills have not even met with nor would have much of a chance of being at the top of Beanes board.
  23. Beane said he inquired about people coming in cheaper to go after a ring. Im sure he made a similar inquiry to Gilmroe. But Gilmore does not need to chase a ring, hes already won multiple. At this stage, money matters near the end of his career more. So Gilmore was never going to come here on a cheap deal and we were never going to pay any where near what he got. Other CB's might be willing to forego more money elsewhere to come here to chase a ring though, Gilmore just didn't fit that description.
  24. For real, his set at Coachella was incredible, you should look it up its out there. I actually ran into Mac and Ariana Grande the next day and told him it was one of the best sets I had seen in the 7 Coachellas I had been too. He was super gracious and seemed like a good dude. We actually were standing coincidentally next to his Dad during the show too.
  25. $35 million for a top 13 QB is fair IMHO.
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