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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Everyhing here is fairly straight forward and honestly rather obvious. Not a knock on you putting this together, more a credit to the roster and team Beane built. There are not a lot of spots open, and it really comes down to mostly guys who wont see the field much even if they make the roster. The only differing opinion I would have at any spot is I do think Ford should be in blue. I don't disagree that this is an important camp for him and his future likely hinges on this camp and preseason. But they have more invested in him, so I think he would have to have a really bad camp/preseason to be in danger of flat out being cut. I think the more likely scenario if they move on from Ford is to trade him, and he should get some trade value back. So that is the main reason I would put him in blue, as I think he has a bigger chance to stick on the roster during cut downs while they try and trade him as opposed to some of the other guys. Then they would just sign back someone later once Ford was moved.
  2. I don't think that is the case though. First, I think there are both almost equally admired throughout the organization all the way to the top. I do not think it is it will a "he goes first" situation at all. I think if there was ever a change made, it will come down to why we are making the change. If the team comes up short continuously in the playoffs and we are getting our coached on the field, McD will be on the hot seat long before Beane. If we are coming up short in the playoffs because we can't get the right personnel on the field to shore up weaknesess, then Beane will be under more heat than McD. I certianly do not think either is on any kind of a hot seat and fully expect them both to be hear a long time and have SB wins on their resumes. But if this team gets bounced early in an upset in the playoffs this season, there is no doubt McD's seat is going to get hotter than Beane's. GM's who deliver elite franchise QB's, and build super bowl caliber rosters are never the first to go over a coach when that team is under performing. Beane is already getting praise as the top GM in football in some circles and polls, while McD is still being criticized for how we lost last year, how we looked out coached and classed the year before, and how we shot our selves in the foot the year before that against Houston too many times. I don't personally put all that on McD, and I feel he is one of the best coaches in football right now. I don't think there is any way he would lose his job this year. But, if its an early playoff exit with this roster, with these expectations, then its going to be him who is going to find his seat getting toast before Beane IMHO.
  3. Because he isn’t very good anymore and is old and coming off injury
  4. I didn’t mean it disrespectful. You also misunderstood what I meant by “people like you”. I didn’t say YOU said those things about those other coaches. I said people like you, as in people who want to be more critical of McD because he hasn’t gotten us to a SB yet. And that’s accurate, not childish. But I can see how you could take it differently, so sorry for not being more clear. But I would bet big money that if I asked you before my post if you thought Andy Reid was a great coach that you would have said yes, as would most people, because he is. Yet Reid had lost a SB and 5 championship games before he finally won one much later in his career. And he has since lost another SB and another Championship game as well. He went to 4 straight championship games, and a total of 5 in Philly and lost all of them but one, which resulted in a lost SB. In KC he has gone to 4 straight championship games again but only one SB ring to show for it. But I would bet you think he’s a top tier coach who should not be fired. Which he absolutely is. And if you also think so, then you need to rethink your stance on McD and evaluate what he’s done to get us to this point and not hang as much weight on not YET getting the SB on his resume.
  5. I can’t wait for this lol
  6. I’ve seen people like you put Reid on this coaching elite pedestal but he was the Bills 2.0 in Philly where he went to 4 straight NFC Chmoionship games, losing 3 of them though and making one SB, also a loss. I’ve seen you people put McVay BEFORE this SB victory on the same pedastel. I’ve seen you people put Sean Payton on the same pedastel despite frequently MISSING the playoffs with a 5000 yard passing prime Brees and only reaching the big dance once. So the point is, that it’s NOT easy to make the SB, just ask McCarthy, LaFluer, Payton, Schottenheimer, Reid, etc who had tons of elite QB play and couldn’t get there most seasons or even at all. In fact Andy Reid is 1-2 in SBs, and 3-8 in Conference Championship games. So yeah, I think any coach who gets a SB ring will have some elevation in status perception. But just because you don’t win one doesn’t also mean you’re downgraded as a coach that needs to be replaced. McD is one of the best coaches in the NFL right now and many teams would fire their existing coach to hire him if he was suddenly available. And a SB ring doesn’t make him a great coach, it makes him get the recognition he already deserves as a great coach.
  7. Im with you Gunner, I’ve watched the whole game again and highlights several times. I found the end of the game actually wasn’t hard to watch, it was the most exciting piece of football I’ve ever watched and left me drooling for more. Im so stoked about this next season, I’m out of my mind excited for it to get here. And honestly, I was over the end shortly after it happened. As much as it sucked and stung, it’s also just a game and don’t let it affect my life long term. Life is too short and too good to linger on something as trivial as a sporting event outcome. Now if I had PLAYED in the game, my competitiveness might have made it sting and linger longer.
  8. You mean the same fans that called for Beanes head when we drafted the wrong Josh? Same fans who called for McDs head and Beanes head after almost any regular season loss the last few years? The same fans who thought a plethora of wrong and stupid things during this regime? Yeah…I don’t think they care what the fans think, if they had, we would still be a 5 win team max.
  9. He had the best QB in the league? Really? He didn’t when he broke the drought with Tyrod and Pickerman. He didn’t when we got there in Allen’s second year. So yeah, having the best QB in the league is not why he broke the playoff drought and we turned into a perennial playoff team. He made the playoffs 2 of the first 3 years here with Tyrod/Pickerman combo and an under 60% passing Allen who couldn’t hit a deep ball most the season. He just happened to also develop that young QB further into the best QB in the league along the way.
  10. No disrespect here, but you’re basically declaring your counter argument is rooted in being more petty than accurate. You’re basically saying because he said that I’m gonna say this. And you’re wrong, it’s not McDs job to micro manage his positional coaches during games or even in a big moment like that. There is trust and lines of communication, and it was NOT a breakdown in our HC line of communication. He made a standard call like any other moment. His ST Coach made a colossal blunder after that where there was no way McD could know that until it happened. And it’s precisely why our ST coach chose to resign and take the same position with the lowly Jags so he wouldn’t have to be thrown under the bus and fired, which was a classy move by McD to keep it internal. Sorry, you can’t discredit the unbelievable job McD has done here over your gripe about the 13 seconds, especially since both the ST coach and players on the field after the kick hold more responsibility. He has 100% completely rebuilt this culture, the locker room, unified this team, and developed our young talent on both sides of the ball. Tre, MIlano, Dawkins that first draft…then Allen, Edmunds, Devin, Knox, Oliver, Davis, Phillips, Levi, Dane, etc. Most those guys were not even high prospects, yet they developed into important starters and players here. Look at what happened when we brought in a guy who didn’t mesh with his previous staff as well in Diggs, he became a team leader here and vital piece to our team. Beane deserves a ton of credit too in working with McD and his scouts to find the right players for McD. But it’s McD that turned them into vital players for this franchise. So to say Allen is 10x better player than McD is at coaching is just a silly and overly exaggerative statement that really isn’t close to accurate. McD right now, even without yet having a SB ring, is without question a top 5 coach in the NFL. And once he gets his ring, he will have a case as best coach in the league. It’s not easy to get to the SB, and sometimes teams need to go through things like we did before they get there. Allen is only 25, yet people in this thread saying ridiculous things like “McD is wasting his prime”. That’s so hilarious and silly, Allen hasn’t even reached his prime yet, he is still improving year to year. Finally…I can’t wait to come back to this thread after we hoist the Lombardi trophy this next February. GO BILLS
  11. Brees, Rodgers, Ryan, Stafford, Rivers, Dak, etc have all been statistically among the highest producing QBs in the NFL. Not one of them has even made it to the SB twice. Some it took a while, some it was early, some not at all. Its not easy getting to and winning a SB. And last years failure is largely on the ST Coach who didn’t get McD’s pooch kick call to our kicker. It’s also largely on the players, who Levi himself said they lost some focus after the high and excitement of the TD and the shock of the big quick gain by Hill.
  12. The OP specifically said “with no injuries”. Injuries change everything of course, but we aren’t losing our division if this team stays healthy.
  13. I honestly can’t think of a single topic you have ever had any positivity on. You’re literally a broken record of doom and gloom. And sorry, it will be nearly impossible for a healthy 2022 Bills team to miss the playoffs. I’ll bet you any amount of money that if Josh Allen stays healthy as well as the majority of the team that we make the playoffs. Almost every odds maker in the country feels the same given the majority have given them the best odds to not only make the Super Bowl, but win it. And enough about the anomaly of the Jags game. Bengals lost to the Jets and went to the SB. It freaking happens, but you dedicated career wet blankets are so desperate to hold on to your negative and pessimistic outlooks you cling to it like a baby on it’s mother boob as if it defined the team while we were in the playoffs when we averaged 41.5 points per game and set records.
  14. McD is our coach. Period. He is not on any kind of hot seat. However if we were to miss the playoffs while everyone was mostly healthy, then sure it could mean a HC change is possible. But let’s be real, the odds of that happening are almost impossible. If we stay healthy this team could sleep walk it’s way to at least 10 wins with even losers like Juaron, Gase, Meyer, etc at the helm. So, basically I had to choose the nearly possible scenario of everyone being healthy and we still miss the playoffs. But in reality where that is never gonna happen, the answer is basically A. If we fall short in the playoffs again, he could enter next year on a hotter seat, but he’s not on one now.
  15. I have to say, I have never in my life ever seen people so fixated on something like FG Holding, or even a punter in general. I mean reporters have also been ridiculously focused on a punter ten times more than any other player drafted. It’s almost always one of the first things asked to McD and Beane. LET IT GO PEOPLE. There is literally nothing to worry about here, the over the top obsession about this is utterly insane. He will be fine, and as someone already pointed out, with the supposed god of ball holding Haack, Bass accuracy was only better by one FG over the not so good Bojo. I was thrilled when we drafted the Punt God because Haack is terrible, but Geezus why is this guy the obsessive talk of the off-season? He is gonna punt the ball the fewest times in the NFL playoffs this year as it is, and Bass is gonna be fine with him holding just like he was with the crappy Bojo. Elam, Cook, Shakir are the guys we should be really talking about. The are very exciting additions to this team too and will have a chance to impact the season even more. Not to mention our revamped interior DL and Von Miller. Obsess over them
  16. That bat drop tho…🔥🔥🔥 Striaght G
  17. Primetime is more a phrase that represents the peak hours most people will be watching. Thanksgiving games all fall into that category I would say, so I think it qualifies as a PT game IMO
  18. So I live 6 miles from the stadium at the beach, literally beach front. With the Bills coming here week 1 and it being a night game, may do a whole beach day BBQ and beach games here that day before the game. If you’re planning to come to town for the game, let me know and if we do the beach day and want to come by and hang out a bit and I’ll keep you posted if I do it and get you the details.
  19. Funny, I’ve had 3 friends reach out to me and offer me tickets to go to the Rams game haha. But I’m hoping this offer I got when I got the original tip for the suite is legit but won’t know until next week when they get back from a trip.
  20. Yeah, I would hope my track record over the years here at least gives people confidence that I am not into the whole say things to just say them with this kind of stuff. I only share when I know it for a fact or at least trust my source is telling me the truth about what they know. Sometimes it’s more hear say and sometimes like this I get info where they use words like “confirmed” Thanks they are good peeps. I mentioned it in the other thread, but to protect my sources I did change a key detail in both my descriptions of who the sources were. Odds of it being discovered here by anyone that could get them in trouble were low, but I didn’t want to put them at any unnecessary risk. Both my sources were even a bit more connected than I let on to be honest. I also had a third source that is inside the NFL in a capacity I won’t disclose here confirm both games to me last week too. Didn’t even bother posting his comments as it wasn’t even needed.
  21. And there it is...all proven correct...Just like I said...Thursday night week 1 at Rams and Noon game at Detroit on Thanksgiving.
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