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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Thats is true, and one could look at him too in the Atlanta collapse. Good point for sure Nah, it was more than that. Ask a Niner fan, they have gripes with both Jimmy G and Kyle after that 2019 game.
  2. Yeah, since Jimmy G arrived, Niners have been a tough team. That being said, I think it says more about Kyle than Jimmy G though. Jimmy, like you said, isn’t a top 10 QB. But he is a guy who can protect the ball, and make plays still to compliment a strong run game. And Kyle has been able to win a lot with Jimmy G as a result. If they had a top 10 QB, they would have probably won the SB in 2019 and possibly 2021. But it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens this year. Jimmy still there and Trey is in the wings. If they do officially transition to Trey and it doesn’t work out, it will be one of those situations where you don’t know what you got until it’s gone. Or it could be like when KC traded Smith so Mahomes could take over and ends up being the right move. All the Niners fans I know are nervous haha.
  3. That’s not really an accurate way to phrase it though. They aren’t “feast or famine”, your post makes it sound like that it has to do with the fact Jimmy isn’t top 10 when in reality it’s only about if Jimmy is hurt or not. 5 seasons he’s been there, but he was only there part of that first season as he was acquired via trade. 2017: 6 Wins - Jimmy G didn’t arrive until the trade deadline. He started a week later and the 49ers were undefeated 5-0 with Jimmy G. So the fact they only won 6 games was only because they didn’t have Jimmy G the full season. 2018: 6 Wins - Jimmy G got knocked out for the season in week 3. 2019: Super Bowl birth - Jimmy G led them to the SB that they had the lead in heading into the 4th quarter. 2020: 6 wins - Jimmy G got knocked out for the season again in the 2nd game of the year. They also had other key injuries too like Bosa. 2021: NFCCG - Jimmy G led them back to NFCCG despite losing their starting RBs and also Kittle for a chunk of the season. And may have been a Tarrt dropped gimme interception away from making it back to the SB. As long as Jimmy G is on the field, the Niners win. Which has been the case in 3 of his 5 seasons (he was undefeated that first partial season). So the yo yo is solely based on whether their starting QB was on the field.
  4. Nah, cuz then he’s gonna have an in game 💩emergency 🤣
  5. Hahaha you must have missed the just kidding comment in that post
  6. Hahaha yea thats like 4000 calories and a weeks worth of Salt...think my heart just stopped a quick second at the thought of eating 40 wings haha
  7. Depends on how much ranch I have 🤣 I kid...I kid...🤣
  8. Is there a worse take on this board on any topic? If so, please send it as I don't believe it. 17 years straight losing. Guts team in 2017 and 2018 to shed salary and dead weight and starts the meat of the rebuild in the 2018 draft. 3 years later, we are the #1 ranked offense, #1 ranked defense, reigning back to back 2 time division champion, perennial playoff team and SB contender, with the odds on favorite for MVP, odds on favorite to make and win the SB, and the consensus best roster in the NFL entering the season...a roster that does not have a single player on it from before the McBeane era. But please tells us some more how bad Beane is again.
  9. I dont know I would go that far, I mean he took a pretty weak roster into the playoffs last year. A season where they did beat us once, and challenged late into the season for the divisional title. And with a noodle arm rookie QB who had no receivers to throw to either. I mean how many other coaches could have coached that team into the playoffs last year? I would say its a short list at best, if any. But oh was it ever so sweet and satisfying to destroy them and not have a single punt over the 2 games we played them between reg season and playoffs. hahaha thanks for sharing, that was pretty funny
  10. I mean it’s a message board where people debate their point of views. I actually appreciate other peoples point of views, it’s the best part of this board, the open discussion and varying perspectives and definitely dont demand people fall in line behind my views. And if you are going to say something like when another team does it then its “genius” but when we do it we are dumb and “lucky" then you should expect some push back. Especially given this same front office that not only hit on Allen, but systematically dismantled the old roster, 17 years of losing, and built (mostly through the draft) what is widely considered the best roster in the NFL, with an odds on MVP favorite and the betting favorite to be SB champions. That’s not luck, that is a well run organization from top to bottom whose hard work has paid dividends. Cheers, GoBills.
  11. So Bills trading up to get Allen is luck, but KC trading up to get Mahomes is skill. Ok got it. Supposed it was all just lucky we developed Allen in to the Superstar he is too. Why stop there, every pick we made that was a success must have been luck too then right? Beane should become a professional lottery player because he sure does get “lucky” a lot.
  12. Yeah, also people forget the Bills were tied for 5th in scoring in the NFL the year prior and were amongst the worst defensively. In fact, heading into the final game of the season (after firing Rex and we sat Tyrod) NO and ATL were tied for most TDs in the league, and we were right behind them with only 3 less. We finished the year statistically on defense like late teens ranking, but that was only because Brady was suspended 4 games and we got a lucky shut out when Brady and Jimmy G were hurt along with Gronk during week 4. They would put up over 30 on us next game with Brady and Gronk back. Remove that anomaly due to circumstance, and Bills were 26th in defense across the other 15 games played. Just an awful defensive unit. So its understandable a new HC coming in saw the deficiencies on defense, knew his GM was headed out the door, and decided to wait until the following year to see what they wanted to do at QB. Tyrod, for all his faults, still made the pro bowl 2 of his 3 seasons here, all of which were his only seasons as a starter in the NFL. Even if he knew Tyrod wasn't the long term answer, he knew at least he could hold the position until they went and got their guy in the draft.
  13. Anyone saying Allen is lucky pick needs to immediately follow it up with saying Mahomes was a lucky pick for KC too then. There is no logic at all that makes Allen a "lucky" pick and not Mahomes. They have basically the same story...divided opinion prospects coming into the draft on where they ranked amongst the other QB's who both had mechanics question marks. Both had teams traded up to get them...both became the two best young QB's in football and amongst the best players overall in the NFL. If one is luck, they are both luck. But the reality is that neither were lucky, KC and Buffalo did their homework and they went and got the guy they studied and believed in. To say its luck after the immense amount of time and work those two staffs put into identifying these were the right guys is ridiculous. When KC took Mahomes, everyone assumed Watson would go first. When Buffalo took Allen, people lost their minds it wasn't Rosen. Nothing about it was luck, both teams spent an insane amount of time to determine these were their guys over the other ones on the board most people had "graded" higher. Its more like the fan base got lucky that our FO didn't listen to the fans and take someone else.
  14. Not really fair to say though given he is maybe the best player in the NFL right now and was taken 7th overall. For me, hitting big on guys like Milano, Davis, etc late are just as good of picks as hitting on a first rounder. But yes, importance and value wise to the franchise, Allen is the best and most important pick. But we saw guys like Brees, Stafford, Rivers, Rodgers, Ryan, etc be prolific passers and struggle to make the playoffs or struggle to get to the big dance. Why, because as important as those QB's are, its still vitally important they build a team around them. This is why its always said, "teams" are build in the middle of the draft. And that is something our FO has been very good at and why we have the best roster in the NFL right now in many peoples eyes.
  15. Here we go...more hindsight is 20/20 non sense again. This is so easy and utterly lazy for a fan to say now that we have seen what those other players have become. What is even more ridiculous is that none of those guys would have even reached the 10th pick if people knew then what they would be today. So, this is just a pointless post. To be honest, it just oozes desperation to hold on to a negative view point in the most desperate of ways. Not to mention Tre is absolutely in the same company as these guys at his position, and honestly better than a couple of them. Furthermore, I would take the combo of Tre White and Josh Allen over any of those players, and I would take Josh Allen alone over any of those players. BUT...the MOST egregious and utterly absurd thing you said is we "lucked" into Josh Allen. If you say that, then that means KC "lucked" into Mahomes too. Mahomes was graded anywhere from first to second round even though he was expected to go first round. KC saw greatness and made a move to get him. Josh Allen was expected to go in the first, but most people had Rosen going before him once Allen didn't go number 1 to Cleveland. And as we know, a lot of people lost their minds, especially around here. I dont understand people like you. Any great move we make...we lucked into it. Another team makes the same move, they are geniuses. Our FO has found elite players, pro bowlers, very good players, and very good role players in every draft and all over the draft to the point we have the CONSENSUS best roster in the entire NFL right now. If you want to hold on to this wet blanket mentality and call it all "luck", then all I can say is go outside and find some sunshine because the doom and gloom is played out and long gone.
  16. First, interesting and good post. Enjoyed the read. I think these 2 paragraphs really connect with how our offense is run. While there is certainly a play called, one thing we know is that our WR's have a lot of freedom in where they go in their routes based on what the defender does. And that is a testament to just how good Allen is, but also the rapport and connection these guys have. Additionally, we also know Allen improvises frequently to escape pressure, and all our receivers know what they need to do to get Allen a clean target. Diggs, Cole, etc have all talked about the freedom they have here as players on the field. This is a big part of our culture here, and our players love and embrace it as much as anyone. Josh Allen for example came in this way, this kid has been all about greeting new players, connecting with them, getting to know them. We have seen it every year he has been here. And when you have a coach and culture that breeds that type environment, its almost impossible for the other players not to buy into it as well. This team, IMHO, might be the most connected and close group of guys I have ever seen step onto a football field at any level. This is very McD above here. Another reason why I fault McD a lot less about the alleged blown kick call in those 13 seconds. He has installed a culture like this above and gives the call to his coordinator and that coordinator is now responsible to getting the players in the right position. Our ST Coach failed at his job and Bass kicked it out of the end zone. While the "buck stops at the top" philosophy is something I get, I still don't think McD really shoulders that because there was no reason in that moment to change what had gotten us to that point or to not continue to trust your staff. That being said, I am certain it was a teachable moment for McD where there will be adjusted protocols now to assure this never happens again though. I think this is both what Beane and McD look for. They are very big on "their" guys, what they look for. And they definitely gravitate to guys with the right attitude, competitive streaks, fire, and more importantly a desire to be great. Reminds a bit of when Diggs came in who had a certain image about his time in Minny and how he pushed to get out of there. Between the competitive nature and fun personalities between Diggs and Tre, and Josh Allens fierce competitiveness they just found that instant chemistry and connection. Diggs I think felt more like he was truly amongst his peers in how he approaches the game and had guys to push him and guys he could help push. I think about comments made by Trubisky too after arriving here and just having his mind blown and talking about how he felt he was never "developed" in Chicago or seen the kind of coaching and support from teammates as he did here. McD created this environment, and the players quickly connect to it. Which is why I absolutely love McD's motto of "Come here to be the best version of yourself". You can see all this too in our locker room when we get glimpses into there after games, wins or losses. One game that comes to mind is in Dallas when Cole Beasley ate the Cowboys lunch and as soon as he got into that locker room his teammates went nuts for him. These are the kind of team moments that build something unbreakable. Allen is literally the perfect person to lead McD's locker room and team. This kid couldn't be wired any better, he is the ultimate pro, ultimate leader, ultimate class act, ultimate field general on the field, and absolutely the ultimate and fiercest competitor on that field every week and has no ego to go with it. Everything about him is also authentic, fun, and sincere. I read that book, but back when it came out few years before McD ever came to Buffalo. So thanks for the recap and connection, I totally can see a lot of the principles of Jacksons coaching style in McD. That being said, there is a lot about McD that is also different too. He is definitely more into fine details, fundamentals, and discipline. Jackson was a little more free styling in some of those areas. But, Basketball is a much simpler game from a coaching stand point too, so it can afford a coach to have a little less focus there (when you have elite players like he had in Chicago and LA). In Basketball, if you have say 3 great to elite players on your team, then thats 60% of your players on the floor. Then add in the freedom of the Triangle Offense, and its not hard to see why he can be more relaxed in those areas where as in football, those things are substantially more important and necessary. But when it comes to player interaction, culture, and those kinds of philosophies I can see a lot of similarities. Its why Phil was always a players coach and I think if you ask any player in that locker room they would emphatically say McD is a players coach too. I love this team and can't wait for them to hoist the well deserved and inevitable SB trophy.
  17. The good news is that none of its gonna happen given we will be hosting that Lombardi trophy at the end of this season
  18. Thats certainly a fair rebuttal, he is a major question mark
  19. He was never option long before that. We weren't paying him $10M
  20. People are under estimating the Raiders. Not only do I think the Raiders will make the playoffs, but I think they will challenge to win their division. They get to the QB better than any team in their division, they have a lot of weapons on offense, and they shown they could win the close games last year, things all their divisional rivals struggled with. An offense led by Carr and featuring Devante Adams, Renfrow and Darren Waller is going to be tough to defend, plus they have a strong running game as well. Adding Chandler Jones to that pass rush should see them lead the division in sacks. KC has big questions on both sides of the ball and turnover losing key players. While you cant count out Mahomes, I think its reasonable they are in line for a struggle in their own division this year, plus they still have to play us as well. This is a team I could see winning the division and at the same time seeing them miss the playoffs all together. Its going to really come down to what kind of impact their rookies and young players can make, especially someone like Skyy. LAC were terrible in all 3 phases of their defense last year, so I don't think an aging Mack who hasn't had double digit sacks in 3 years and JC to the secondary is going to turn that defense around. Could it be improved, sure...but I still think its no better than 3rd in the division. Not to mention, their best play makers seem to all struggle with staying healthy. Den added Wilson, but he is coming off a down year, in a new system, and doesn't have the same level of weapons to work with. And while I agree that Denver has a solid WR group, I don't think they are as good as DK and Lockett are, nor do they have the same rapport and chemistry with Wilson that takes time to develop. And now one has been arrested and involved in some off field issues. They also lost Noah Fant in the trade. I totally get why anyone would make a case for any of these 4 to win the division, there is a valid argument for all of them. But the least talked about team I think could be a sleeper and surprise some people this year out there in Las Vegas. They kept all of their key players in tact and added major playmaker to both sides of the ball to get even better. And Adams and Carr already played with each other in college too, shouldn't take them long to get comfortable with each other.
  21. You misunderstand me Augie...I totally 100% agree McD is safe, and NOT on a hot seat bud. What I was responding to is who would be the first to be on the hot seat at some point, McD or Beane. I was saying that if we have a couple of one and done seasons in a row in the playoffs for example, McD would have a hotter seat than Beane IMO. But make no mistake about it, I absolutely have full confidence in McD and Beane, and believe they are the best tandem in the league. In no way do I think they are on a hot seat now and I do believe they will deliver Buffalo a SB. I was participating in others speculation that if things didn't go as expected, who of the two would face a hot seat first.
  22. I get that, but thats today...that is not next year after say an early playoff exit again. We don know how he will be seen if that happens again. I am definitely skeptical that holds true if we see another early exit this next year or two in the playoffs. Losing changes peoples opinions real fast, especially once certain expectations are established. This is now a SB or bust team this year and the next few seasons. Getting into the playoffs first and second rounds is not an accomplishment now, its a let down. This team minimal expectation is AFCCG no matter what. Entering a season with #1 Offense, #1 Defense, and a perennial MVP candidate at QB and the odds on favorite to win the SB. You enter the season with that and then don't get out of the 2nd round of playoffs again, or even go one and done, then your coaching seat is definitely changing temperatures and getting warm. We have an early exit this after how we have exited the last few years, I just can't see how he doesn't get more scrutiny and end up with his seat warm heading into the following season. Don't get me wrong, I love McD and think he is a top 5 coach right now and I have all the confidence in him today moving forward. Just saying this team was ready to win a SB last year, it looks to be improved even more this year. Expectations are now high, and coming up short moving forward now will carry a lot more negative weight than what has happened the last 3 playoff exits where we were a team on the rise, not the team to beat per se. Personally, I think both McD and Beane are safe no matter what 2 more seasons...this one, and next. But an early exit this year and I definitely think McD enters that following year under some pressure to deliver or his future could be in doubt otherwise.
  23. Everyhing here is fairly straight forward and honestly rather obvious. Not a knock on you putting this together, more a credit to the roster and team Beane built. There are not a lot of spots open, and it really comes down to mostly guys who wont see the field much even if they make the roster. The only differing opinion I would have at any spot is I do think Ford should be in blue. I don't disagree that this is an important camp for him and his future likely hinges on this camp and preseason. But they have more invested in him, so I think he would have to have a really bad camp/preseason to be in danger of flat out being cut. I think the more likely scenario if they move on from Ford is to trade him, and he should get some trade value back. So that is the main reason I would put him in blue, as I think he has a bigger chance to stick on the roster during cut downs while they try and trade him as opposed to some of the other guys. Then they would just sign back someone later once Ford was moved.
  24. I don't think that is the case though. First, I think there are both almost equally admired throughout the organization all the way to the top. I do not think it is it will a "he goes first" situation at all. I think if there was ever a change made, it will come down to why we are making the change. If the team comes up short continuously in the playoffs and we are getting our coached on the field, McD will be on the hot seat long before Beane. If we are coming up short in the playoffs because we can't get the right personnel on the field to shore up weaknesess, then Beane will be under more heat than McD. I certianly do not think either is on any kind of a hot seat and fully expect them both to be hear a long time and have SB wins on their resumes. But if this team gets bounced early in an upset in the playoffs this season, there is no doubt McD's seat is going to get hotter than Beane's. GM's who deliver elite franchise QB's, and build super bowl caliber rosters are never the first to go over a coach when that team is under performing. Beane is already getting praise as the top GM in football in some circles and polls, while McD is still being criticized for how we lost last year, how we looked out coached and classed the year before, and how we shot our selves in the foot the year before that against Houston too many times. I don't personally put all that on McD, and I feel he is one of the best coaches in football right now. I don't think there is any way he would lose his job this year. But, if its an early playoff exit with this roster, with these expectations, then its going to be him who is going to find his seat getting toast before Beane IMHO.
  25. Because he isn’t very good anymore and is old and coming off injury
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