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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Ha, this thread is back…good link above, and he’s not wrong. Beane is without question one of the best GMs in the NFL right now and has a legit case for best, although he won’t get the wide spread recognition as “the best” until a SB victory. But wow was it entertaining to go back and read some of the absurd and foolish takes in this thread hahaha.
  2. Where? It’s not even on Twitter as a rumor.
  3. Sure, I def agree that every investment has risk. I acknowledged that in my last post. But comparatively to other high yield return investments, real estate is substantially the most secure. Biggest risk of real estate investing is over extension from buying more than you can afford. But when you are paying cash for homes in full and carry zero debt and holding costs like in the $5M example we are discussing, then you eliminate that risk. I bought a house in Stockton, CA for $82,000 and paid cash in full. Gutted it, but then invested into starting another business before I did the remodel. I let that house sit for 4 years gutted while I used my liquid capital to grow my other business. I could do that because I only had to cover property taxes. 4 years later spent about $40k remodeling it and then sold it in 2 days for $285,000. I didn’t even collect a penny of rent and still made almost $150,000 in profit just letting it sit there. Now imagine having 20 of these properties. And with $5M I could have bought 40 actually at those prices and remodel costs. And at the time I sold it 2 years ago, I could have rented it for probably $1600-1700 a month. Again, if you own the house free and clear, the amount of risk you take on with this scenario is minimal because you have very little overhead while you deal with this situation. And when you own 20 houses as I proposed with the $5m example, the others will keep you substantially profitable while dealing with a problem or 2. Insurance covers fires. And when you’re making $30k a month in profit, you can sustain some occasional costly repairs. Again, the benefit of not having mortgages. As far as tornados, don’t buy in a tornado zone lol. Never said it’s perfect, said it’s the most secure compared to other investments. like I said earlier, you can still make bad decisions in real estate, nothing is fool proof. But the mind of investing in discussing here makes it as close to fool proof as it can possibly get. It’s almost impossible to not remain profitable annually. And the best part, in this $5M example, that’s not using all the investors money. That’s just say using $5M of Trevor’s $24M contract. Which after agents, managers, taxes, etc is probably more like $12M in his account, leaving him $7M+ on par to handle any issues, make any other investments, etc. And every year, use your profits to buy one more house, or two. So your portfolio and rental profits grow every year the rest of your life on top of that moving forward.
  4. Go back and read it again, there is no note, no debt, no mortgage. I said pay cash for the properties, no mortgages. You own them free and clear 100%, no debt. Rents are mostly profit where your only holding costs are taxes, insurance and the 9-11% of the rents you pay to the property management team, which is only paid while rented. Hence why I said $30k+ a month of “income”.
  5. No disrespect but hard disagree. I’ve done this, my friends and family have done this, and many of the wealthiest people I know have done this. I’ve never met a wealthy person who didn’t name real estate as the most secured investment. Real estate is a safe and wise investment. Doesn’t mean you can’t still make dumb decisions. Like with anything else, you can still do it wrong and make mistakes. But intelligent real estate investment can’t be beat in terms of security. And when you pay cash for property your holding costs are minimal because you have no mortgage expenses. The real estate disasters you speak about generally come with over extending yourself or buying foolishly. People can’t handle the holding costs. But when you’re buying $250,000 SFR in all cash, your taxes and insurance are minimal and maintainable if there are any gaps in your rents. And if you have long gaps in renters, you either bought in a terrible location or you need to fire your property manager. And if you’re the property manager, you definitely need to fire the property manager and hand it over to a professional. $5M will get you 20 SFR at $250K each. Places I would buy them would easily rent at $1500+ a month. That’s $30k a month in passive recurring income. Forever. Additionally, if you buy them distressed and remodel then your portfolio value will already be 20-40% higher the moment the first renters move in. It’s not hard, it really isn’t.
  6. There is only one investment you ever put a large portion of your net worth into…and that’s real estate. It’s forever, there will never be more, and it will forever go up in value, even after it dips during recessions. Why these dumb idiot athletes invest in anything else is beyond me. He could have put $10M into rental properties, paid cash, let a company manage the tenants and renters, and collected easily be generating $60k-$80k a month in rents for life all free and clear with no mortgages while his property portfolio value would continue to climb over time. Its so easy it’s sickening to see athletes go broke. Even when property values decline, rents stay the same. It’s the easiest mail box money in the world, and it’s why the 1% club of the wealthiest people mostly built that wealth on real estate.
  7. Respectfully disagree. Barry was the consensus best RB in his era and all time. Emmit was a product of the best OL in football, put him on Det and he rushes for half the yards he did in Dallas. Put Barry in Dallas, and he probably 6+ 2000 yard seasons in Dallas and sets all time rushing record in under 10 seasons. And I love Thurman, but Thurman was Barry’s backup in college and while he was one of the greatest RBs in NFL history, certainly too 10, he was not better than Barry whose the GOAT and did all that on bad teams with bad offensive lines. Barry never sniffed the quality of rosters Emmitt and Thurman were blessed to play on. And no disrespect to the OP, but his definition of dominance is skewed IMHO. It’s not about stat separation. I mean Wilt Chamberlain was most dominant player in NBA history statistically and yet he’s in no one’s top 5 all time and not even in many peoples top 10 all time. And he was dominated in the wins and championship column by Bill Russell despite having insanely more gaudy stats.
  8. ha missed the past bills player… Josh Allen Marshawn Lynch Kevin Hart
  9. So stupid. You don’t speculate the majority of your net worth on something highly volatile…that’s investing 101 and not exactly rocket science. It’s why (before crypto) when in investing in volatile and high reward yet high risk commodities versus stocks, you only put a max of 5% to 10% of your investment portfolio into commodities, if you even did at all. For anyone to put that much of their net worth into crypto is both stupid and shows how naive Millennials really are where they think all they need to know is on Twitter and Reddit when it comes to investment strategies. Crypto has made a lot of people wealthy, I mean I have friends, multiple friends, who have Individually made hundreds of millions on bitcoin and especially ethereum. But they were in very early. I know a lot of people who did very well even after the values got high, but these were investments using a calculated amount of money. Not just blindly putting their entire net worth into it while at the highest values it’s seen. And now we are seeing a lot of people who got in at the higher values who have now lost a lot of money and it’s a guess on whether they will ever even get back to even or continue to lose. Crypto will likely bounce back, but it’s a big question mark how high it will get back to, plus we don’t know how much Trevor sold as it dropped, he may have already realized a lot of those losses or he could have sold very little and can MAYBE claw some value back. But it’s so volatile, that it’s possible it could keep going down as well. Just a foolish move to wager that much money on a highly volatile market.
  10. We already drafted an undersized RB this year lol who hasn’t even stepped on the field yet. RB could be in play if they don’t resign Devin, but I would expect it would be more a feature style RB than another undersized one. I think it will most likely will be OL IMHO, probably a guard or Center. But the fate of Edmunds, Poyer, and Devin will be a big factor too in who is in play for us in the first.
  11. Had Barry Sanders played when OJ and Brown players he would have led the league in rushing by a mile every year. Barry did all that he did behind an atrocious OL with weak QBs and a bad defense. He was the Detroit Lions. Emit Smith wouldn’t have been very good had he played on Lions instead of the Cowboys. Barry on the Cowboys might have averaged 2000 yards a season for most his career. So while I get the OJ and Brown love, and they are top 5 all time too, Barry was just better, and really the GOAT.
  12. Josh Allen Tre White Kevin Hart This would be a fun *** dinner party. Kevin is hilarious in person and a blast!
  13. They aren’t going to just hand Crowder the job before he even knows the playbook. But Crowder is the better player, and once preseason concludes he will be the starting slot receiver come week 1 barring injuries of course. They signed Crowder and drafted Shakir for a reason, because they don’t see McKenzie as an every down slot player. Beane would have taken Shakir earlier too had he had not traded that pick. They are high on him, and they should be. You yourself even previously said you thought Shakir would be the starting slot WR before seasons end. McKenzie chances to be the starting slot WR without injuries helping that happen are pretty slim IMHO. And I like McKenzie, just he’s gonna continue to be more of a gadget player come regular season.
  14. Im not suggesting McKenzie will get cut, I like him and so does the front office and team. I am saying his role will be the same, and that role has basically been the gadget guy as essentially a WR 5/6 when it comes to touches.
  15. He was a guy who could have gone much earlier too. 5th round, 1st round…none of it matters anymore. Once they hit the field that’s it. Gabriel Davis made a significant impact as a 4th rounder year 1. Bills have lots of guys who were mid round picks or later who ended up contributing early. And I didn’t set the bar that high, I said he would have the 4th most touches out of the WR group, that’s a reasonable expectation. Which means he’s probably 5th or 6th in receptions on the team with Knox and Cook getting their share too. So for me, draft slots mean nothing anymore, it’s what role they will play. And I think he will be WR 4 this year essentially, playing that Gabe Davis role when we had 3 guys ahead of him. McKenzie’s production this year will be similar or worse than last year, just too many mouths to feed now.
  16. 100% agreed. I don’t get this delusion on this board about McKenzie. He’s not the starting slot WR, Crowder is and will be unless he has a bad camp. There is a reason they signed Crowder and drafted Shakir…it’s because McKenzie is their gadget player, not their targeted starting slot. McKenzie will likely not even match the production that he had last year with all these new mouths to feed.
  17. Did you list them in order? Cuz no way McKenzie is our 3rd WR over Crowder come week 1. I don’t understand why every season people think McKenzie is going to get a ton of touches. It never happens. They signed Crowder to take Beasley snaps and Shakir is the future at that spot. McKenzie likely won’t finish higher than 5th in touches this year at WR unless injuries force him on the field more. I like him, but he is not going to see a lot of touches this year again.
  18. People every year think McKenzie is going to have a role then barely sees the field all year. So I think once again people are over estimating how many snaps McKenzie will get. And I think Shakir will end the season with the 4th most touches at WR and not too far behind Crowder. Next year, he will fully take over for Crowder and be the full time starting slot WR.
  19. So whose the savior in terms of size? Kumerow who never steps on the field in offense? They will keep the best players, and if Kumerow proves to be one of them, they will keep him. But I seriously doubt they cut a better WR to keep Kumerow just because he’s bigger. They might keep Kumerow for ST, but he isnt getting a free roster spot just because he’s bigger. We got size at TE and Diggs and Davis both play big. Size won’t be an issue IMO.
  20. I will say there is almost no chance that Crowder or Shakir get cut, and McKenzie not likely either. Diggs, Davis, Crowder, Shakir are all lock or as close to locks as you can get in the current WR room. They likely keep McKenzie too given they just signed him back. That leaves one spot maybe 2 spots for a dedicated returner and possible ST player if they want. I think it will be Tavon as the returner. I’m not sold they keep 7 WRs. It’s gonna be real hard to keep 7 this year. My final prediction: Diggs, Davis, Crowder, Shakir, McKenzie, Austin. He is not a only a near lock for the roster, he’s gonna get plenty of touches as a rookie
  21. Hahaha I want to watch a Bills game with you…who is this?
  22. It’s Inglewood, so it’s aight and not the best area as in walking around and stuff. But it’s not far at all from better areas. I mean you are like 10 min from the Beach even.
  23. I have on a 112 par 3 using my friends mom PW. Lol. Worst part, someone else got a hole in one on a different hole same day and they used the last Polaroid to take their picture so I didn’t even get my pic up on the wall! Hahaha I was so pissed.
  24. This has been so funny and fun to watch. Million times better than a pro bowl
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