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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I clearly see the Bills as the odds on favorites to win the SB. But the world isn't as black and white as you want to make it seem. The best team/roster doesn't always win the title each year, especially in the NFL where you don't play a series like Basketball, Football, or Hockey...its a single game, win or go home. Any team can win on any given day. Sometimes a team just has a few breaks that go their way or against them and that can be the difference in the game. The Bengals, who made the SB, also lost to the JETS. Doesn't mean the JETS are better than the Bengals though. Nick Foles is NOT better than Tom Brady, but he caught lightning in a bottle and beat a Tom Brady led Pats team despite Tom throwing for over 500 yards. They play that game 10 times, Eagles may not win more than the 1 or 2 games.
  2. I missed that...wow, thats pretty gross. Guess in his mind, that would mean he doesn't think Dale Earnhardt was an elite NASCAR driver then either lol.
  3. Lets see...most the sports world lists us as the SB Favorites. Vegas lists us as the SB favorites. Fans see this team as a SB favorite. So yeah, Buffalo is setup for a SB run this year, and that is the expectation. But we are talking about pre-season rankings...on paper, the Bills are seen by almost everyone as the best roster in the NFL right now. But you still gotta play the games, still gotta deal with variables like weather, injuries, schedule, rosters decisions, etc. But TODAY, until those games are played, Bills are the most common favorite. Only time will tell how that story plays out. I mean, thats all pretty obvious...not sure why this has you so perplexed.
  4. Just to clarify on Darby, I didnt say he was a malcontent, just that he wasn't a fit clearly for what McD wanted. And they replaced him with Gaines, who did play well opposite Tre for the 11 games he started. So Darby was a scheme fit decision, at least as far as we all heard and know. Who made chose the final 53 roster? Beane. Who traded multiple starters prior and during the season? Beane. Who made an in season acquistion? Beane. And we were a 7 win team. To think that a shift in culture didn't have anything to do with our improvement as a team is short sighted IMO. I mean we won 2 more games with essentially less talent than the season before. And had McD not tried the Peterman experiment out against the lowly Chargers who were sub .500, on a losing streak, and only had narrow wins against the worst teams...then we probably win that game and finish with 10 wins instead of 9. Its not all Beane, I mean McD is a huge part of that, and even a bigger factor. I am just saying, its short sighted to think Beane didn't have his stamp on that roster himself and the shift in culture that helped get the most out of our roster. I even remember multiple veteran players even commented after the KB trade that they appreciated the fact Beane was supporting what they were doing on the field by trying to add pieces to help their payoff push despite clearly in the process of rebuilding. All good...we agree on most things, but don't have to agree on everything. I just think Beane is being a bit short changed to say he didn't impact that season or roster much.
  5. The current roster has never played a single NFL game, or even a scrimmage, together yet. The current roster is what is listed as the best roster in the NFL, as in TODAY, not in past years. But hey, who cares about facts, logic, and reason right when you can just spout nonsense instead to force a flawed and silly narrative.
  6. Have to very respectfully disagree with you here Gunner. Beane traded away Watkins, Darby, and Dareus. Make no mistake about it, a big part of our playoff run in 2017 had to do with a shift in culture. Coming off a 7 win season, changing the locker room, culture, and mindset can easily result in a few more wins. It’s why teams fire coaches all the time and change front offices, because they believe someone else can get more out of the roster and locker room. And both McD and obviously Beane contributed to that in different ways. Beane jettisoning guys who were considered part of our core just a year prior that didn’t fit what we wanted to do as a team 100% impacted both the locker room and how the guys came together. Plus, he made the decisions on the final 53…and decisions like I said that saw us trade what was previously seen as our best offensive player and our young starting DB that was considered a promising player previously. Then what was at one time considered our best defensive player in Dareus during the season. And no one disagrees KB overall was a miss, but…that trade did unquestionably help us make the playoffs which was the entire point of the trade when we found ourselves surprisingly in the running for a playoff spot to potentially break the streak. And that also shows the guys on the field that Beane wasn’t just giving up and cleaning house, but showing he’s willing to put a wrinkle into his rebuild strategy to support and help those guys win now. Which is something that also goes a long way into the rebuilding of a culture. So for me, I don’t care that Beane didn’t participate in the draft, he was in here right after the draft and he begun shaping the roster and culture in a lot of ways that surprised people and in ways Whaley would NOT have. So for anyone to say Beane had no impact on that season is just not something I can agree with and completely over looks the entire role of a GM, which is a lot more than just the draft. Just the sheer fact he did things Whaley was not ever going to do like trade Watkins, Darby, and Dareus is enough of a reason to see that Beane had some fingerprints on that team. I mean his moves that year set the entire foundation for our culture and our future.
  7. I cited a lot more than that. But you’re hung up on these two weak points cuz your whole point is quite honestly flawed and weak in the first place and you literally have nothing else to throw out. And hate to break it to you…but “Missed a third of the season”…means he played TWO THIRDS of the season…as our starter, and our secondary was a strong point that season. Guess those 11 games he started for us don’t count. Guess the snow game win where KB caught the TD didn’t count either.
  8. Im not crediting the one play, he keeps insisting on that Beane had no role and no impact on us making the 2017 playoffs. I’ve cited many examples, including the undeniable fact that Beane assembled the 53 man roster. To say Beane had no impact on 2017 playoff birth is utterly ridiculous.
  9. Hmmm, guess the majority of the sports world, Vegas oddsmakers, analysts, etc are all Bills homers given the Bills are widespread viewed as the most talented roster overall.
  10. Benjamins TD doesn’t happen in the snow game, we don’t make the playoffs. So facts say your wrong it didn’t impact the season. And again, Beane decided the 53 man roster and got rid of the culture problems while also stock piling draft capital. So, once again, you’re categorically wrong about Beane having nothing to do with the 2017 team.
  11. Bahaha, no one in the NFL would take Bucs, Titans, or Browns rosters over the Bills. Only team that has a case is Rams, mainly because their 4 best players are not a QB. But if you do factor in the QB, Bills are better and most agree with that.
  12. Lol…see you don’t even know much about that season. Did nothing for the 2017 playoffs? LMAO, guess you forgot we got our starting CB in the Watkins trade. Guess you forgot he traded for Kelvin Benjamin whose TD in the snow game was a major reason we made the playoffs. Not to mention other trades that helped our draft to get both Allen and Edmunds and cleared cap space and culture change. Trades like Darby, Dareus, and Cordy Glenn. Not to mention decided the 53 man roster. What is clear is you really seem to think the only thing a GM does is the draft.
  13. Okay, let’s play your make believe game: Find 3 rosters that are clearly BETTER than the Bills roster if you take away every teams QB. HINT: You can’t if you’re being honest. There are literally not 3 better rosters than the Bills in the NFL…with or without factoring in the QBs.
  14. No he’s wrong. Beane put his stamp all over that playoff team from the moment he got here after the draft. Beane signed people, cut people, traded away people, and traded for people all before and during the season. So Beane has been a big part of all 4 playoff seasons the last 5 years. He just refuses to look at facts.
  15. We will just have to agree to disagree, because quite honestly all your examples up there are incredibly inaccurate and quite the stretch of the imagination. And sorry, your explanation and defense of your original comment saying this is how you do analysis is just not accurate either. And once again…the Buffalo Bills are considered by most to have the most talented ROSTER in the NFL top to bottom. A roster thats been almost entirely built and retained by Beane. So sorry, but your opinion of Beane has been “average” outside of Allen is highly inaccurate. Sorry man, not picking on you but this is also wrong. Beane came in right after the draft and immediately put his stamp on the team BEFORE the season began. He signed players, cut players, traded away players and traded for players all that season that led to a playoff birth. And some of those moves also helped our draft capital to get both Allen and Edmunds.
  16. Why stop there…let’s pretend the Warriors didn’t draft Curry. The Patriots didn’t draft Brady. The Packers didn’t draft Rodgers. The Lakers didn’t draft Kobe. The Bulls didn’t draft Jordan. No disrespect, I just don’t get these types of comments at all. Great teams often have some great to elite players on them. So what’s up he point of saying “well if he didn’t draft Allen”. He did draft Allen when the MAJORITY of you (don’t know your personal stance) around here wanted to mistakenly draft Rosen. So there is no scenario of him not drafting Allen, his ability to identify Allen as their guy is 100% part of his excellent track record as a GM. And what’s even most puzzling, is we have what is seen by almost everyone as the most talented roster top to bottom in the NFL. Yet your comment basically completely disregards the very talented roster we have and the work Beane did to not only assemble it, but keep our own home grown players and still be in position to go add a Von Miller and extend Diggs. Beane has been masterful at trades, drafting, contracts, and retaining our own. No GM has a perfect track record or bats a thousand, but I’d argue that Beane has had the best track record of any GM in the NFL during the time he has been our GM. So, again, no disrespect but your comment is incredibly flawed.
  17. Ha, this thread is back…good link above, and he’s not wrong. Beane is without question one of the best GMs in the NFL right now and has a legit case for best, although he won’t get the wide spread recognition as “the best” until a SB victory. But wow was it entertaining to go back and read some of the absurd and foolish takes in this thread hahaha.
  18. Where? It’s not even on Twitter as a rumor.
  19. Sure, I def agree that every investment has risk. I acknowledged that in my last post. But comparatively to other high yield return investments, real estate is substantially the most secure. Biggest risk of real estate investing is over extension from buying more than you can afford. But when you are paying cash for homes in full and carry zero debt and holding costs like in the $5M example we are discussing, then you eliminate that risk. I bought a house in Stockton, CA for $82,000 and paid cash in full. Gutted it, but then invested into starting another business before I did the remodel. I let that house sit for 4 years gutted while I used my liquid capital to grow my other business. I could do that because I only had to cover property taxes. 4 years later spent about $40k remodeling it and then sold it in 2 days for $285,000. I didn’t even collect a penny of rent and still made almost $150,000 in profit just letting it sit there. Now imagine having 20 of these properties. And with $5M I could have bought 40 actually at those prices and remodel costs. And at the time I sold it 2 years ago, I could have rented it for probably $1600-1700 a month. Again, if you own the house free and clear, the amount of risk you take on with this scenario is minimal because you have very little overhead while you deal with this situation. And when you own 20 houses as I proposed with the $5m example, the others will keep you substantially profitable while dealing with a problem or 2. Insurance covers fires. And when you’re making $30k a month in profit, you can sustain some occasional costly repairs. Again, the benefit of not having mortgages. As far as tornados, don’t buy in a tornado zone lol. Never said it’s perfect, said it’s the most secure compared to other investments. like I said earlier, you can still make bad decisions in real estate, nothing is fool proof. But the mind of investing in discussing here makes it as close to fool proof as it can possibly get. It’s almost impossible to not remain profitable annually. And the best part, in this $5M example, that’s not using all the investors money. That’s just say using $5M of Trevor’s $24M contract. Which after agents, managers, taxes, etc is probably more like $12M in his account, leaving him $7M+ on par to handle any issues, make any other investments, etc. And every year, use your profits to buy one more house, or two. So your portfolio and rental profits grow every year the rest of your life on top of that moving forward.
  20. Go back and read it again, there is no note, no debt, no mortgage. I said pay cash for the properties, no mortgages. You own them free and clear 100%, no debt. Rents are mostly profit where your only holding costs are taxes, insurance and the 9-11% of the rents you pay to the property management team, which is only paid while rented. Hence why I said $30k+ a month of “income”.
  21. No disrespect but hard disagree. I’ve done this, my friends and family have done this, and many of the wealthiest people I know have done this. I’ve never met a wealthy person who didn’t name real estate as the most secured investment. Real estate is a safe and wise investment. Doesn’t mean you can’t still make dumb decisions. Like with anything else, you can still do it wrong and make mistakes. But intelligent real estate investment can’t be beat in terms of security. And when you pay cash for property your holding costs are minimal because you have no mortgage expenses. The real estate disasters you speak about generally come with over extending yourself or buying foolishly. People can’t handle the holding costs. But when you’re buying $250,000 SFR in all cash, your taxes and insurance are minimal and maintainable if there are any gaps in your rents. And if you have long gaps in renters, you either bought in a terrible location or you need to fire your property manager. And if you’re the property manager, you definitely need to fire the property manager and hand it over to a professional. $5M will get you 20 SFR at $250K each. Places I would buy them would easily rent at $1500+ a month. That’s $30k a month in passive recurring income. Forever. Additionally, if you buy them distressed and remodel then your portfolio value will already be 20-40% higher the moment the first renters move in. It’s not hard, it really isn’t.
  22. There is only one investment you ever put a large portion of your net worth into…and that’s real estate. It’s forever, there will never be more, and it will forever go up in value, even after it dips during recessions. Why these dumb idiot athletes invest in anything else is beyond me. He could have put $10M into rental properties, paid cash, let a company manage the tenants and renters, and collected easily be generating $60k-$80k a month in rents for life all free and clear with no mortgages while his property portfolio value would continue to climb over time. Its so easy it’s sickening to see athletes go broke. Even when property values decline, rents stay the same. It’s the easiest mail box money in the world, and it’s why the 1% club of the wealthiest people mostly built that wealth on real estate.
  23. Respectfully disagree. Barry was the consensus best RB in his era and all time. Emmit was a product of the best OL in football, put him on Det and he rushes for half the yards he did in Dallas. Put Barry in Dallas, and he probably 6+ 2000 yard seasons in Dallas and sets all time rushing record in under 10 seasons. And I love Thurman, but Thurman was Barry’s backup in college and while he was one of the greatest RBs in NFL history, certainly too 10, he was not better than Barry whose the GOAT and did all that on bad teams with bad offensive lines. Barry never sniffed the quality of rosters Emmitt and Thurman were blessed to play on. And no disrespect to the OP, but his definition of dominance is skewed IMHO. It’s not about stat separation. I mean Wilt Chamberlain was most dominant player in NBA history statistically and yet he’s in no one’s top 5 all time and not even in many peoples top 10 all time. And he was dominated in the wins and championship column by Bill Russell despite having insanely more gaudy stats.
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