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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I mean thats a pretty exaggerated take. I dont get all the over the top negative stuff in regards to Singletary around here. I mean he has an excellent YPC, and excelled when we finally ran the ball last year. His stats when he got at least 12 carries or more (mostly over the back part of the season and playoffs) would project out over a 17 game regular season to be 1400 yards and 17 TD's. Im not saying he is elite or cant be upgraded from, but to say Cook (whose never played a single NFL snap) is worlds more talented at this stage is pretty extreme. Im as excited about Cook as anyone, and I think there are things they each do that compliment each other. Not to mention, there's been nothing but high praise for Singletary all camp long and him looking even better than last year. I dont know if he gets resigned or not, but he will certainly be highly involved in our run game this year still.
  2. I was referring to the AFC, where we were the top scoring offense 2 years in a row. Its the AFC playoffs we have not made it out of yet to reach a SB. So no, I didnt make that stat up, its fact. And there was no comparably weak unit on the defense? WOW...did you even watch last season? Or did you just watch the games where we played bad teams? Because we sure struggled with getting run all over on by better teams, not to mention not being able to get to Mahomes again killed us. What happened the last 2 seasons? We got bounced in the AFCCG by the Chiefs in 2020, then again in the 2nd round by the Chiefs in 2021. What happened the very next game for the Chiefs both seasons? Lost both games...SB to Bucs after the Bucs D dominated the Chiefs and AFCCG this year they lost to the Bengals after the Bengals defense shut down the Chiefs in the second half and dominated them. So sorry, to sit here and pretend our Defense which gave of 42 points to Chiefs including 2 TDs and a FG in under 3 minutes of play at the end of the game was not the bigger issue is just crazy. Especially since the team we have NOT been able to get past keeps getting bounced the following week by DEFENSE.
  3. Why do you point out the defense was ranked #1 and then dont mention how the offense was ALSO number 1 and number 1 for 2 consecutive seasons? Instead when talking offense you want to point out a specific unit instead while not doing the same for the defense. I didn't make anything up, I simply pointed out that its a FACT our defense has not been on the same level as our offense. We averaged 41.5 points per game in the playoffs. Josh accounted for over 800 yards and 9 TD's in 2 games. Our RB averaged 4.8 YPC. But what about our defense...oh yeah, they gave 42 points including 17 points in the final minutes of the game to send us home. So for a team with such a bad offensive line as you put it (which was not an accurate portrayal of the OL after Bates stabilized the line and we also started running the ball), we sure didn't seem to have any trouble scoring points, throwing the ball, or running the ball. BUT our front sevens inability to get to Mahomes sure as heck helped send us home. Our defense surrendering 42 points sure helped send us home. No one with any common sense what so ever blames our offense for not advancing past the Chiefs. Literally no one.
  4. Isn't Twitter Spaces just a ripoff of Clubhouse?
  5. Well you are basically complaining about signing Von Miller. I mean you seem want them to have spent that money on OL instead of Miller. His contract is the reason more money wasn't spent big on other positions this year. So dont come in here and say "Has anyone complained about adding Von Miller?" while then complaining we didnt spend more money on the OL because we signed Von Miller. And like I already pointed out to the other regular negative on here, Offense has been ahead of the defense the last 2 seasons. Yet we still invested a lot into the offense drafting while also working to improve the defense. Every year every single team has areas they can improve on. There has never been a SB champion that didn't have a unit that couldn't be upgraded. But teams work to keep making their teams better every offseason. But a team can only do so much in one offseason based on cap limits, available players, players that want to sign here, etc. We had a great offseason where both the #1 offense last year and #1 defense last year have seen additions that will make both sides of the ball even better this season.
  6. I guess you missed the part where we drafted Cook and Shakir this year, both who will likely contribute this year. Or the part where we retained Bates, who helped stabilize the line last year and brought in Saffold and several other FA's. Or the signing of OJ Howard. I guess you missed the part where we drafted 2 OT's (one of which that emerged as a starter as a rookie) last draft along with a WR and signed Emmanuel Sanders. Or the year before in 2020 where almost our entire draft was offense that included drafting Moss, Gabe, and Bass...2 of which are major weapons for us. So, sorry, sell this false story elsewhere that we have ignored offense and put it on the back burner. We fielded the number 1 offense 2 seasons in a row and likely will again this year. To see someone complain about the offense while the defense has not been on the same level as the offense (not even last year when it was also ranked #1) is just mind blowing.
  7. I didn't miss your point, I said I watched you complain about the defense and then seen you complaining we have spent money to make the defense better. And we did address our OL this offseason, you just didn't like the moves, but that isn't saying much because I can't think of anything you ever positive on that the Bills do. Besides just making moves on the OL, one thing that I think is going to help the OL ultimately is the change to Kromer, and thats a move I think that keeps getting forgotten and over looked. People panicking right now before the starting OL gets to play together is premature. We have some new additions and a new blocking scheme and new offense in general to install, and the starting unit hasn't taken any reps as a complete group yet.
  8. Thats not what I said though. I said its amusing to watch people complain about something like the defense during the season...then complain about them going out and making it better. And you know full well you have done your share of posts here complaining about the defense, pass rush, etc.
  9. I love seeing people who spend time all year to openly complain about our defense, then complain again in the offseason when they go and address and improve the defense. Offense averaged 41.5 points per game in the playoffs last year. Defense gave up 42 points to KC to send us home and couldn't hold KC for 13 seconds or prevent a TD on the opening drive of OT. Seems like the problem was pretty clear why our season ended last year.
  10. While I am not going to rule Moss out given he has shown flashes, wasn't fully healthy last year and has been said to look good this camp...I do still think Devin is the better RB personally, at least until Moss proves otherwise on the field. Personally I don't want to trade Moss or Devin, mainly because I would rather have the depth in a major super bowl run. I hope they just commit to one guy though as the lead back, not evenly split time between Devin and Moss while they also split time with Cook. RB's are best when they find a rhythm, and its best for the OL too to have consistency. And you already have Cook rotating in, so to have a 3rd guy dividing carries is too much IMO.
  11. I don’t think they intend to use Cook as an every down back. I don’t think that’s why they drafted him. I think the intent is to pair him with someone like Devin or Moss. So I think any trade potential would solely be tied to how well Moss plays personally.
  12. After the Bucs game, Devin was finally used with regularity and his averages down the stretch and the playoffs would project to 1400+ yards and 17 TD's. He gets more grief here than he deserves, he is a pretty good RB. I dont know if we will resign him, just from a cap perspective, but he is better than he gets credit for.
  13. Im not saying he couldn’t make more or shouldn’t. Im saying the way Edmunds is used is impacting and limiting those kinds of plays. But did Frazier say that he wants more “splash plays” from the defense and you’re just deciding your own narrative that he was really talking about “Edmunds” only, or did Frazier actually say he needs more “splash plays” from specifically Edmunds? I didn’t see the quote, so can you share this where Frazier called out Edmunds directly and for specifically more splash plays? Not calling you out, I legitimately haven’t seen this and would like to read what he said. Mainly because I don’t like how Frazier calls his defense and would like to see what else he had to say that could lead to more aggressive defense this year.
  14. Carr put the team on his back last year and won several close games, and it was while working with a weak group of receivers. Meanwhile, all 3 of the other QBs had elite weapons and 2 of them didn’t make the playoffs including Herbert losing to Carr for a playoff birth while fielding one of the best set of offensive weapons in the whole NFL. Herbert didn’t win close games (including against Raiders for the playoff birth I just mentioned) and even Mahomes lost some close games. And Wilson is coming off his worst season in a while. Now I totally get where you’re coming from, no one would choose Carr over Mahomes and Herbert, and not many would choose him over Wilson at this stage of his career even. This includes myself too. But, I do think he’s a bit underrated and he was clutch last year with this roster and now for the first time has a pretty wicker set of weapons around him. Is he the most talented QB in that division, no. But QB is only one piece, I mean Tannehill has had success against the Bills not because he’s better than Allen, but the team was able to come together. Pats were in contention to win the division late last year with a QB no where near Josh’s level. So the real question is does one believe Carr is good enough to help that team win games, use those weapons, and win the division. My answer to that is yes.
  15. No disrespect, but I mean you’re giving that more relevance than it is IMHO. Again, it comes down to how they use Edmunds more than you think, which was the entire point of the post I made you keep responding to.
  16. Ive been calling the Raiders my bold prediction division winner this offseason, I just think they are the most balanced.
  17. Yet coaches, teammates and his peers say the opposite. That he’s impacting the game at a multitude of levels throughout the game. Maybe your definition of impact plays is too limited to things like sacks and just doesn’t factor in the way our DC uses Edmunds on the field. Because the coaches feel that he’s executing what they ask him to do at a high level, and so do his teammates. I’ve said this many times, the things fans hate the most about Edmunds is less about Edmunds play, and more about how they use him isn’t going to generate a high number of the fans narrow view of what they define as an “impact” play.
  18. Thanks, it actually took me like 3 days to actually complete and post it as I kept diving deeper and it kept changing my mind and how I thought about the battle overall. It was ready like a day early, but I had a hard time landing on McKenzie being a potential surprise cut/trade because I do like him. Admittedly, had I waited another day I probably would have changed my mind again to be honest lol. But certainly enjoying the convo
  19. I honestly would prefer Cook over Edmunds. Nothing against Edmunds, but I think Cook has more upside personally. That being said, I would have been excited to sign Edmunds as well, I think he would have been a good addition here, just like JD would have too. But overall, I prefer the upside and the cheaper contract with Cook. I think he is going to play a lot this year and make a big impact on our offense.
  20. Definitely glad to hear this, like I said I like him and will be rooting for him!
  21. I am loving the reports of the defense stepping up so far. Dont get me wrong I love offense, but the bigger weakness coming into this season was our defense. They were good last year, but they didn't have the edge to them where you felt you could count on them in big moments or against better teams. Looking forward to seeing this unit tested out the gate against the Rams offense.
  22. To everyone in this thread...I am quite enjoying the discussion here and reading everyone thoughts on the matter. So thanks for your participation and good posts! I knew as soon as I hit post it was going to have a little controversial take with me questioning if McKenzie could be a surprise cut/trade because he is such a fan favorite, and that includes me, I do really like him. But the responses have been great, lots of fluid discussion which was really the point of this thread at this stage. I just find this position battle intriguing and enjoying all the various opinions. Its a battle to replace what was a gritty, tough, player who was a staple of our team and Josh's development. So watching how this battle evolves is something I find very intriguing. I am a big fan of the Shakir pick too, so seeing him come out and impress early was exciting for me to see which is only heating up my interest more in this battle. I thought he should have been a 2nd rounder personally, and to be honest, didn't even realize he had even slipped that far. None of the impressing early matters in shorts, but you still like to see it and gets you hyped to see what he can do with pads on and when he gets hopefully some snaps with the ones at some point. Personally, I think Shakir is going to have a Davis like impact this season and will start the 2023 season next year as a starter at the slot. He honestly reminds me a lot of Cooper Kupp in terms of their style of play. And its not a coincidence, he himself has said he studies Kupp and models his game after him. I think once he earns the trust of the coaches and Josh, he will start seeing more snaps as the season grows.
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