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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You don’t contact a civil attorney, whose 100% biased and being paid by a client to win money for said client, to do your investigation. Especially one that has been contacting the team in an effort to spur and push for a cash settlement. A third party PI was hired to do the investigation which is 100% the proper path to take in any situation like this. And the Bills decisions were based on that investigators findings. IMHO they did it the right way by taking it to a 3rd party and steering clear of a civil attorney looking for money for his client. Her attorney has released text messages already showing he was pushing for a settlement and emailing the Bills and the Bills attorney.
  2. How is Matt even a miss though? This was not known before the draft by anyone. Can’t blame Beane for also not knowing what wasn’t known by anyone. This isn’t Beanes fault what so ever just like it’s not the Pats fault for giving a contract extension to a murderer. Not like the Pats knew he murdered people and then gave him an extension. Just like Beane didn’t draft Matt knowing he was going to be accused of gang rape.
  3. I’ve been firmly in the let more info come out first crowd before we rush to judgement. And I still believe that. But seeing McD at the presser and even some of the players quotes has also given me a 180 that this is too heavy of a situation to carry into the season. So for me, there needs to be a very strong piece of information that comes to light immediately that supports Matt’s case or I don’t know how they can keep him on the team while his case plays out. And honestly, sounds like the opposite may have happened where they may have gotten new info that makes his case worse. I think he will be cut this weekend.
  4. Yeah, I think that seems to be the case too. Tomorrow will be very telling, if Matt is cut then it pretty much confirms they found some stuff out that they are not comfortable with at the very least and that will definitely be more damning to Matt’s case in his claims of being innocent. I honestly don’t see how they can keep him on the team past tomorrow if they have any new information that is damning to Matt’s claim of innocence. I suspect we will know pretty early in the morning if he is going to be cut tomorrow.
  5. People keep saying this, but it’s not true. He was not at all the highest rated punter in the draft, Stout was. Many teams didn’t have Matt in the top 2 even. In the NFL, hang time and accuracy are far more important than distance. And Matt had legit questions about those areas. He had a catchy nickname and the media covered his long punts…that is why fans thought he was the best punter, because he was the only one they heard of. But actual GMs didn’t care as much about punting 80 yards as they do about accuracy and hang time. He had the most intriguing skill set, but he was not the country’s best punter last year nor the most NFL ready.
  6. I think tomorrow will be a pivotal day. If Matt is still on this team 24 hours from now, then I think it was more about it’s just an awful situation and difficult spot for McD in the press conference to field questions about such a horrific event a young woman went through. If Matt is cut tomorrow, I think it’s a safe guess that there was some new information exposed to them today that they were not comfortable with and probably didn’t previously know.
  7. But the concern becomes can he get separation. Duke Williams used to gobble everything up in practice and preseason too, just couldn't get separation against starters in the same way.
  8. How many snaps did he have against backups and scrubs who won't be on NFL rosters?
  9. 3 rec for 13 yards. He is averaging under 9 yards per catch over 3 preseason games despite leading the team in targets and receptions. I am rooting for the kid, but you won't make a team averaging under 9 yards per catch as a backup WR unless you can prove you can contribute on ST.
  10. I am impressed with the push up the middle our reserve DL is getting right both on runs and QB drop backs
  11. When does the fun stuff not involving punting conversations begin here?
  12. Show me anywhere I stook my neck out for anyone. Seriously, show me one time I said he is innocent. I said we need to wait until more is known before we decide his guilt or innocence. I cant believe how difficult it is for you to understand that.
  13. Seriously and spot on. Also...This dude has a pattern of trying to win cases on twitter, just go look at his posts on all his cases. Does not mean this woman is lying, just means this article is incredibly stupid and terrible journalism.
  14. Lol, of course they are not "investigating" the case through EITHER parties attorney. Both attorneys are 100% biased to their clients version of said event in any case ever. He is a civil attorney representing a client for money, not an unbiased investigator, he has no role in anyones investigation into the matter.
  15. I agree...its sadly the world we live in today with social media and the internet
  16. Oh I don't disagree, I had fully expected Haack to not be on this roster going back to the end of last year. I was just saying, if they had planned on also cutting Matt, it would have already been done. They clearly felt good enough about Matts case at the time they cut Haack to also keep him, praise him publicly, and not bring in any other punters, despite how close to the season we are. But again, all that can change at any moment like I said. Public pressure or new info could sway their stance and they could cut him at any time. My main point was they had 6 weeks to investigate the situation and decide if they felt comfortable with Matts side of the story or not before this story came out.
  17. Yet you still DONT know if he was even on the property at the time the rape happens. Oh those pesky facts...
  18. Another post to PIN. How is this so hard for people with their pitchforks to understand this VERY SIMPLE concept.
  19. Honestly, based on precedent set by discipline against Myles Garrett, its going to be absurd for AD to not get any discipline on the matter in terms of suspension. Just another example of awful consistency league wide on how they handle discipline in the NFL. And I don't even want him suspended, I want to beat him and the Rams at their best week 1.
  20. They publicly praised Matt after they cut Haack though. Clearly that wasn't what happened. And with the season around the corner, they would have already signed another punter as well if they intended on also cutting Matt. Again, they had 6 weeks prior knowledge of this, we are not talking about something that was just sprung on them recently. But hey, this could all change at a moments notice still. If public pressure mounts or new info comes in, they may decide to still make a change before week 1.
  21. No problem...some of us around here have to keep a level head
  22. Literally pin this to the top of this thread. How this is so hard to grasp for some is beyond me.
  23. Exactly, why do posters always want threads closed if they dont like that thread? Like this isn't everyones personal message board, you don't like a thread move on to one you do.
  24. Correct, apparently not known by anyone prior to the draft, schools seems to have sat on the story too. Bills apparently made aware of it around 6 weeks ago. Also, the civil attorney representing here shared texts between him and Matt's attorney that show that her civil attorney had been in contact with the Bills and their attorney at the very least through emails. Bills also released a statement acknowledging they had previously been made aware of it and both conducted their own investigation into the matter but also will offer no further comment on the matter given its ongoing civil case at the moment. So, they knew for over a month before cutting Haack, conducted their own investigation, and clearly felt comfortable enough with what they found to be willing to stick with Matt and cut Haack at that time. Of course, at any moment that can change and they can be made aware of new info that leads them to cut Matt at any time too. But for the time being, they seemingly were comfortable with their findings based on what they knew at the time they cut Haack. Especially for an organization with women in leadership and coaching.
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