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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You realize that Moss got all his yards on one late carry right? And that outside that carry he was averaging 2 yards per carry on the season, which includes last week where he led all RB's in total touches right? Not to mention just 3.5 yards per catch and a lost fumble too. Bottom line is...Moss shouldn't be on the field over Devin when Devin isn't even tired from lack of a workload. There is no logical reason for Devin to only have 6 attempts while also giving Moss 3. Devin should have taken all 9 of those. We can spell Devin with Cook and Gilliam if need be, we don't need 5 active RB's per week to handle this minimal rush load. RB's need rhythm, and its already hard to get them that when we are such a passing juggernaught. So why compound that further to divide up 9 carries between two RB's?
  2. I don't care anymore for what, but please trade Moss. It is not his fault, I don't have a lot against him other than he is NOT Devin. The staff insists on taking Devin off the field despite being better, more effective, and barely getting any kind of a workload to put ineffective Moss out there. Just trade him. Get anything back, I don't care. Stop holding the offensive run game back by getting him way too many snaps compared to Devin.
  3. I see this is where all the Edmunds haters have gathered since they can't complain about his actual on field play this season lol. The arguments I am reading here by them wreak of such desperation that it's getting almost comical. Edmunds is off to a great start to the season...my suggestion is just make peace with that and spend the rest of the week relaxed and excited for the next game. You guys remind me of a relapsing drug addict who just needs their fix. You know it's wrong, but no amount of logic matters here...you just need your fix.
  4. I still laugh at all the stupid threads during both the regular season and offseason of the past 2 years of people crapping on these 2 and even wanting them fired. And make no mistake about it, those threads, posts, and comments were as stupid then as they seem now. He ain't the only one.
  5. Good post, but I will refute one thing here...there has been no point in his tenure that McD was ever conservative. It was a myth and narrative forced upon him over the fact his background was defensive. He got a bad rap when he first got here and we had zero playmakers to turn to. But since the day he got here, he has been willing to take chances and been aggressive every season. There have been a few instances where he made the absolutely correct football decision that people turned into a conservative narrative, even when his decision proved correct. But those few instances don't make him conservative, sometimes you have to make a tough call in a specific situation. Doesn't erase all the other times he was aggressive. And since the day Josh got here, he has turned him loose and let him just play his game. And he started trusting Allen and his ability and drive to make a play all the way back in his rookie season where they really started turning Josh loose when he returned from injury. I can honestly say that I have never sat back and watched a single game McD has coached and came away feeling like this guy is conservative.
  6. Honeslty, its just bad play calling. Josh Allen has like a 95% career success rate on QB sneaks on 3rd/4th and 1 or 2 to go. Yet, we rarely run it now, and against Titans, Daboll got cute with the sneak with game on the line and had Josh moving in and out of shotgun making it harder to get his feet set. And if you are not going to sneak it with Allen, at the very least let him drop back and roll out where he can make the play with his arm or make the play with his legs if the pass isn't there. Its also nearly unstoppable. But too often last year, and Monday night we called weird low percentage plays trying to hard to be too cute or catch them off guard. If you have been smacking them in the mouth all game, go out there and smack them in the mouth again, don't get fancy and cute in a gritty a moment like that. Sometimes these coordinators out think themselves and over complicate the situation. Know that your QB is a Sasquatch who can run and throw as good as anyone in the NFL, and use those tools and our weapons around him at their best. ALSO...give the ball to DEVIN more in these spots too and let him run a more traditional run there. He hits the hole fast and finds the smallest creases. He is so much faster to the hole with better vision than Moss, and Devin almost never loses yards and almost always finishes going forward. So unless your OL gets blown up, he has a good chance to find that crease to get that yard.
  7. Great news on Dane, his health is the most important thing. But I see people insisting he will still be out this week, and I am not ready to make that call. If he has any lingering injury, absolutely he will miss this game. But sometimes people go to the hospital more as a precaution than a need. And last night, even after the ambulance took him off the field, the ambulance remained at the stadium a little while. That tells me they realized the worst case scenarios had been avoided even while he was there still in the stadium. Otherwise, that Ambulance would have flew out of that building to get him to immediate care. I've seen injuries look horrific and then miraculously, no major damage was actually endured even though it looked like it was unavoidable. I still think it's very possible he misses this week, but I am just saying it's also not a foregone conclusion yet either until we see really how he is doing throughout the week. But regardless, they will do what is best for Dane, his health, as with any player, is bigger than the one game.
  8. MOSS! We need our BEST RB on the field more, and it's NOT Moss. Devin is better in every aspect of the game, and Cook needs more reps out of the backfield as a runner and receiver. Devin should be touching the ball in the run game at least 10-12 times before we start thinking about other guys getting carries.
  9. Don't get my post wrong, I am not suggesting Edmunds has played this good always. I have been critical of him too when it was warranted. However, there have been many times, and I do mean many times, where Edmunds and the D had a very good game and still there was a thread thrashing Edmunds after that game because someone wants to ignore the body of work that game and nit pick a single play to paint a negative narrative. My stance on Edmunds has been simple...he is nowhere near as bad as his harshest distractors like to paint, but still did need to make his presence felt more impactfully on a consistent basis. I will say this though, I do think a part of what the issue has been is how Frazier has used him so much in the past where he felt like a big 3rd safety more than a MLB enforcing in the front 7. Edmunds has felt more like a last line of defense for the DL when they were not winning the LOS in the run game or pass game in years past. This year, he is all over the field playing more aggressive and more as an enforcer. So not only am I seeing a big difference in Edmunds play this year, but also in how he is being used. Edmunds use seems less like a safety net for Fraziers D and more now of an enforcer. Its like Frazier now trusts the front 4 to do their job and doesn't have to rely on Edmunds roaming with his athleticism to mitigate the damage when the DL loses in the trenches. This puts Edmunds in more positions more often to make more of those splash plays, plays closer to the LOS, sacks, etc. So for me, I think it is two fold here. Frazier's retooled DL means he can trust them more allowing him to use more Edmunds more as an aggressor/enforcer and less as a last line of defense, and then Edmunds is responding and rising to the occasion...at least so far through 2 games. It's a long season, so we will see how this plays out moving forward. But I am liking what I am seeing and this is what I wanted to see Frazier start to do with Edmunds for the past few years.
  10. LMAO…yes he declined a little…but “declined severely” is a total over exaggeration.
  11. I’m not worried. It wasn’t a good first showing, but he was turning heads all camp. It was his first NFL game and on primetime. Maybe nerves just had him a bit. Not everyone steps on the field the fist time and thrives. Allens first outing was not good. People want to analyze and determine players fate way too soon, it’s crazy. This kid is going to get more chances to show what he can do as the year goes on. So is Cook too
  12. This right here is the nonsense I get annoyed with. Go watch Aaron Donald, he didn’t win every down against the Bills and he is the best of a generation. This obsession people have to try and find one play to fill their confirmation bias of dislike every game is over the top with Edmunds. No player in the NFL gets the job done on 100% of their snaps. It’s never happened and never will. He played a great overall game last week and this week, the refusal to acknowledge that tells me you’re not interested in fairly analyzing his overall game and just would rather find ways to be right about your negative opinion.
  13. Edmunds has now had good games in back to back to weeks. This includes big impact plays tonight including sack and tipping a pass for an Int. One drive he dominated the Titans for 3 downs to almost single handedly force them off the field. So since everyone starts a thread trashing him even after good games, I figured it was time he got a thread praising his play because he’s been very good these first 2 weeks. He still has to prove it the rest of the season to see where he fits in the Bills future plans, but he’s off to a very good start and he has earned some praise. UPDATE 10/2: Now 4 games in, and Edmunds is still playing at a high level and coming off another strong game alongside Milano where they did an excellent job keeping Lamar Jackson in check once again.
  14. I agree, I think Knox and the run game will be bigger parts of tonight's game plan than last week. Not suggesting that they intentionally didn't get Knox or the RB's more involved, just the way game flowed. I think our rookies will make an impact tonight too though. I think Shakir will be active and get some game action, and I think we will see Cook start to become a receiving weapon out of the back field. Davis is an important piece to the offense, but we have a lot of playmakers on this team outside just WR, so I think we will still win decisively tonight if Davis misses the game as expected.
  15. I get why you think this off the first glance, but these numbers lack important context that shows why Davis is quite a bit more important today than this shows. This year, he is the #2 WR and we don't have a defined #3 behind him either like in years past when we had Beasley. For example, when John Brown was hurt, we still had Diggs and Beasley, plus a rookie Davis who was pretty good...when Sanders was hurt, we still had Diggs, Davis and Beasley. Right now, we just have Diggs with Davis out...and then a collection of guys in the slot who have not proven themselves yet as heavy target share players with Allen and this offense in McKenzie, Crowder, and Shakir. Any one of these guys could step up and have a big game, but we won't really know how much this offense misses David until we see how one or all of these guys step up. So right now, Davis injury is more impactful because he is expected to take a chunk of the target share as we only have one WR in Diggs who has relevant experience as a heavy target share receiver in this offense with Allen. Now, that doesn't mean those guys won't step up, just means they are unproven in a significant role right now in this offense is all. Personally I do think we will see a big game from not only Diggs, but someone else like one of those 3 guys, and/or Knox, and we will decisively win this game by multiple scores.
  16. Honestly, you were off to a promising start pointing out it won't be a cake walk, but also went too far when you said the ability to sweep is over, which is an over exaggeration to say the least. However, I think all the negative emoticons to the one solo like emoticon is too lopsided for this post, because there is some merit to it that a lot of people don't want to acknowledge. Yes, the Buffalo Bills are the most talented roster in the AFC East (any probably the NFL). There has only been 1 undefeated team in NFL history through to the SB, and that was in a 12 game season. Meaning, the best teams in the NFL lose games every season. Miami has played 8 quarters of football, and they looked meh for 6 of those quarters and dangerous for 2 of them. But, it was the 2 most recent quarters where they looked very dangerous. And why is that important, well, there are a lot of new pieces there including coaching. So we don't know if it was more about a Ravens D making mistakes, or did Miami start clicking in that second half and there is more play like to come vs the previous 6 quarters of MEH. Unfortunately we won't get to find out before we play them since the next time they step on the field is against the Bills. Divisional rivalry games are always in general tougher games. We managed to lose to the Jags last year, not because they were better, but we just didn't have it clicking that day. Any given Sunday is a motto in the NFL for a reason. So, end of the day, we are fully capable of sweeping the division, but at the same time it's not a given. We will be the favorites in those divisional games, but they won't all be a cake walk by default. Honestly, next week is the toughest divisional game of the season. It is in Miami where they have all that speed and we still do not have Tre on the field leaving us with 2 rookies spending time covering either Hill or Waddle alongside Dane. But if we win that game, then I think it is probable we will sweep the division. I really don't see us losing to the Pats or the Jets even though the Jets are a scrappy team, kind of like we were at in Josh's second season. I still think we go 6-0 in the division, this is a focused and hungry team pissed off and I bet feeling like 13 seconds cost them a SB last year, especially seeing how bad the Rams got beat by us and how bad the Bengals have looked to start the season.
  17. I had optimistic expectations for Mitch. I thought he was going to surprise some people in Pitt this year and be a pretty solid player. I am rooting for his success. But after watch a game and a half of him play, I was saying at halftime they need to pull him and put in Pickett because I had bet on the Steelers to win that game and I no longer believe Mitch gave them the best chance to win that game. I would love to see Mitch have a great season there, but honestly, if I am Pitt, I haven't seen anything from Mitch that makes me think Pickett couldn't at the very least replicate those 2 games. And as an organization, I think I make the move now. This offense has been anemic with Mitch at the helm two straight weeks and he didn't exactly beat the rookie out and separate himself from Pickett in the preseason either. He got the job solely on veteran default because they played pretty much the same.
  18. Charles Manson got fan letters daily. Fandom does not make him a good guy. The only subject of debate he is involved in is did he directly murder, assist in the murder, or have those 2 people murdered and get away with it. Literally nobody cares about how he compares to other Bills RB's, nor is debating it. He took what the system imposed on him? You realize he served no time right for the actual murders? And why exactly are you happy a man who almost certainly murdered 2 people or was directly involved found some peace? Why does he deserve peace? The families that lost 2 loved ones don't have peace, but you are happy he found peace? Sorry dude, this is a sad and disturbing take here. And let's say someone truly believes he was innocent...This man was a woman beater BEFORE the murders...not suspected, he is a known abuser to Nicole before he murdered them. Nothing about this man deserves peace, he was a POS before the murders and he has been nothing but a POS since the murders. He literally wrote a book about how he would have murdered her if he "had" done it. I mean come on.
  19. Thank you Bill, and all the blessings to you and your family bud.
  20. The African American community was definitely in a tough position during that case, and all because of OJ's defense team. Their vested interest was fueled by 200 years of social injustice in this country. With the racial tone OJ's defense took it making it about racist cops, this case for them became all about an African American against the corrupt system. It became less about him being guilty or innocent than it was seeing an African American getting a victory against a legal system that has been rigged against their people for pretty much all of the existence of the United States. So, even though I feel it's pretty obvious he is involved in the murder, most likely the murderer himself, I never faulted anyone from their community for rallying around the not-guilty verdict, as it gave them hope for change. And all these years later, some change has happened, but a lot more change is still needed within our policing and legal system when it comes to the fair treatment of minorities.
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