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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Incorrect. We have one, its Devin. They just dont use him that way is the problem. Someone pin this in every thread on this board.
  2. Couple of notes...I wouldn't judge the grade of the individual players based on the final score. Bills ran 93 offensive plays compared to their 39. They still got 21 points to our 19. The lower stats and score by Miami was a function of our offense being on the field at a better than 2 to 1 advantage. So the fact Tua and Hill didn't have big stat total days, isn't reflective on how well the D played or how bad the Miami offense played. We just kept their offense off the field. That being said, I didn't notice Johnson being so bad as to warrant a 26.7 grade, but also, there was a lot going on and a lot ot pay attention to this game with all the injuries. So maybe a deeper look at the All22 will show he struggled some. But I didn't particuarly notice anything that made me look at him as a total liability this game as this score suggests.
  3. Or your threads are just terrible...so theres that too.
  4. So now you're not just one of history's greatest psychological experts, but also a medical expert too. Impressive. Curious, how long did you spend coming up with this thesis? I mean the level of your medical expertise really shines through here
  5. Question...Did John Fox open the season demolishing the defending champs and then the AFC number 1 seed in back to back weeks...so much so, we had start benching starters in the 3rd Quarter? Did he follow that game up with having to go on the road on a short week missing half of his defensive starters and starting OC just to lose 5 more guys who started that game and several backups, including 5 OL? While also playing in extreme heat with no relief and seeing not injuried starters have to keep coming out of the game for fluids and cramping? If not...then everyone needs to pipe down. McD and Beane were the toast of the NFL a week ago, then in an extreme situation game some breaks didn't go our way. Is it McD's fault Van Roten botched a snap at end of half costing us a FG attempt? Is it McD's fault Bass shanked a gimme FG? Is it McD's fault Milano dropped a pick 6? Is it McD's fault McKenzie didn't run straight out of bounds giving us enough time for one more play for yards on the sideline at end of game? Is it McD's fault the 2nd and 3rd string OL while having been on the field almost an entire quarter with no one to sub in, no shade, no breaks was gassed down the stretch? I mean we took NINETY THREE offensive plays compared to their 39 and dominated the time of possession. And there is a thread today about whether or not our Defensive coach needs to be fired for someone who knows offense? How about we just need to get healthy and we have the best team and roster in the NFL?
  6. You win the internet today. Hahaha, not only do I love the office, but this was perfect. Kudos
  7. Josh had a bunch of bad throws today? The same Josh who passed for 400 yards and ran for 60 more? He completed 67% of his passes too on 62 attempts in the heat while being on the field almost the entire 4th quarter with no OL while his fellow offensive players had to keep leaving the field with heat related issues and cramping. I think "bunch of bad throws" seems extreme. Every QB has throws every game they would like to have back, but your post just reads a bit too negative about Josh's game and effort today.
  8. We were missing 5…let me repeat…5 offensive lineman. We did not have a single OL on the bench to even give anyone a rest. What do you expect? 3 starters out. Backups got hurt. We literally had 3rd stringers out there. We also ran 90 offensive plays, that is insane. So that means all 5 OL were on the field in the heat a lot. The defense gets to rotate players in and out, but our OL made up mostly of 2nd and 3rd stringers was on the field almost the whole 4th quarter. So sorry, don’t know what you expect. We have heat exhausted OL on the field almost an entire quarter with no shade like our opponents in the few instances they were on the sideline. Of course Allen had to try and carry our dismantled team over the finish line. Not to mention Diggs was hurting, Davis wasn’t 100%, McKenzie was in and out hurting, and Knox was out.
  9. Discussion is fun. This board is not discussion. Its the SAME people whose entire presence here is to be negative at all times who don't say squat after Wins, but flood the boards with every stupid hot take imaginable after a loss. This is the same board that posted a bunch of threads both during the season and even the offseason of the past 2 seasons wanting Beane fired, including after almost every loss.
  10. You ever been hit somewhere? You ever smash something? Hurts doesn't it...then guess what...if nothing's broken or torn eventually stops hurting now doesn't it? So yeah, keep ignoring that him smashing his hand shortly before this play had nothing to do with his grip and throw of that pass.
  11. No what is silly is coming to a message board and having a melt down about how Beane failed this team because he wasn't prepared to lose FIVE...of our 10 OL by games end. If we lost one more, we couldn't even field a starting 11 without taking a player from another position. If you think just any team in the NFL can casually lose 5 of its 10 OL on the roster and not miss a beat, then I don't know what to tell you. Before injuries, we did fine. With one injury, our offense scored so much that we pulled the offense in the 3rd quarter. Today, starting without our Center cost us this game on its own with the blown snap at the half costing us 3 points. Then we lost 4 more OL, including 2 starters throughout the game. Yet we still dominated the TOP, and should have still won the game if not for a missed FG Bass almost always makes or for the fact our WR decided to get a few more yards instead of going straight to the sideline to make sure we had a chance to kick it...or even just go down so we have more time to set. But here we are, its all Beanes fault for not stacking 20 OL I guess.
  12. So are we going to pretend that Josh didn't have a throwing hand issue on that play? I mean he had to have it worked on after that and needed X-Rays after smashing it the play before.
  13. I didnt say they played well...For the last time...like for real the last time...I said BEFORE injuries, the OL was NOT holding this team back. After injuries, the OL is an issue. Not once debated that.
  14. Van Roten is a backup! That’s the point. He is terrible. INJURIES…
  15. No OL is good when playing 3rd stringers. Geezus, how is this a struggle for you?
  16. Weird, considering the offense was pulled in the 3rd for scoring too many points. You’ve got an interesting definition of holding them back.
  17. We opened the game down 1 starter and lost 4 more OL from that point on. Of course it sucked
  18. Oh so the OL held the offense back huh? In the game where we pulled our starting offense in the 3rd quarter because we were up so many points. Got it. I don’t disagree with that at all
  19. What are you talking about? We are talking about our OL holding up against an elite DL for Titans. Now you want to change the narrative and talk about the rest of the Titans team as a whole?
  20. Did you watch the Titans today? I did, and they looked like the titans of last year on both sides of the ball.
  21. I mean Josh started the game again 11-11. End of the day, we destroyed the super bowl champs and top seed in the AFC offensively who both field elite DLs. Yes Josh is part of that, but there is no one who can convince me our OL was an “issue” in those 2 games before injuries destroyed the OL today. I mean 5…5 guys were hurt in the OL today between starting and ending this game. And we still almost won.
  22. Love you as a poster…but this take is probably the worst one I’ve seen from you. I think you should have waited to post until tomorrow bud and not while you were still worked up. Just my 2 cents and mean no disrespect.
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