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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Im not saying he will be resigned, that is a completely different conversation (this one is supposed to be about whether Devin could make that same TD run or not). But Cook was brought in to be a complimentary RB, not a feature RB. Whether it is to Devin or to someone else, he wasn't drafted with the intent on being a featured 3 down RB. Just like how they went after McKissick first and then signed Duke when that fell apart. Cook may at some point prove he can be a feature runner, but that will be a bonus, not the point of why he was drafted. I mean even Beane talked about what they were looking for with Cook, a guy who can be that receiving weapon out of the backfield after McKissick decided to reup with Washington instead. But more importantly, none of that has anything to do with the conversation of the false narrative that Devin was too slow to make that same TD run, which is what he was replying about in the first place.
  2. Lets face it...if not for injuries combined with extreme weather, Bills would be undefeated right now. Bills utterly dominated the Dolphins, few breaks just didn't go our way. Allen would be the MVP today without question if they polled right now. Its his to lose. If we beat KC, Allen will decisively have a lead that will be hard to overcome without Allen and the Bills hitting some sort of slump during the season. The only 2 people that pose a threat to Allen right now in the MVP race are going to be Mahomes and Lamar, and he already beat Lamar and had a much better game on Sunday than Lamar did too. Mahomes already has a loss to the Colts, and has a tough divisional game tonight still. Plus, Mahomes and the Chiefs have been hot and cold this year somewhat on offense. So if Allen also beats Mahomes on the road like he did Lamar, he will have a decisive lead that will be hard surmount in the MVP race.
  3. He is easily going to win comeback player of the year. He won't sniff the MVP race as a legit contender for it unless his team starts winning games. He might get some token mentions as like the 5th guy or something at some point, but he won't contend for it.
  4. You mean 1 year after Devin was a rookie and split time with Gore? Because he was still unproven. And showing how ridiculous your comment is, Moss isn't any faster than Devin...but you can't even keep the narrative straight lol. Literally, this isn't that complicated dude. You are just desperately trying to prove a narrative that you want to sell.
  5. Cook was drafted to compliment him. You obviously did not watch the video either
  6. I wouldn’t put that all on Elam though, several those catches were insane and with perfect coverage on Pickens. There was nothing more Elam could have done better on several of those today IMHO. So I think he still had a strong game outside the penalty
  7. No disrespect bud, you’re a great poster, but I know you didn’t watch the video. Because if you had then you would know the first play of the reel he literally does this as well several more times in this one video of some highlights from just last year. I get there is this slow opinion people have of him, but it’s just not factually correct to say he couldn’t do that run because he has done it several times. Devin Highlights You can’t watch this and then honestly still say he couldn’t make this run. And there are many more examples besides what’s on this reel. Bonus: This video also shows how he runs with more power than Moss and is a better short yardage back than Moss too.
  8. Honestly…Davis is just another example of how 40 times are not remotely as relevant to a players performance as people on this board make it out to be. Football isn’t about running in a dead straight line with shorts on and no pads or defenders. It’s why it’s maddening when people claim Devin is too slow when he has excellent change of direction and acceleration speeds allowing him to play faster than people think just because they have a bias towards his 40 time. Davis has become an excellent route runner, probably has a lot to do with Diggs, and he beats his man with his feet giving him separation. And to be fair, it also helps having Diggs on the other side drawing a lot of attention too. Jerry Rice ran like a 4.71 forty, didn’t impact him and no one thought he was slow for example. Davis is becoming a beast, still don’t think he’s even reached his ceiling yet either.
  9. Watch the video I posted, he’s blown by people like that many times
  10. There is zero chance you know what you are talking about. Zero. Video doesn't lie. This is just from last year alone.
  11. Well that is a fair point about Moss, and I agree with Moss and his bad instincts and reads, however even Moss could have found that hole, but maybe doesn't cut back because he lacks vision. But if anyone googles Devin Singletary highlights they will find a lot of runs where Devin makes this same play or more. I totally agree Devin is an unsung hero. One of the dumbest myths around here is that Devin is slow. People foolishly look at combine 40 times to define speed, and then hang their hat on that time. 40 times are one small measurement, it doesn't come close to painting the whole picture. Devin has excellent acceleration and change of direction speed. That makes him play a lot faster than some stupid 40 time that literally only matters on the 2 or 3 runs a season a RB breaks some 80 yarder. His ability to cut and accelerate has him out running the defense frequently and getting more yards than he should on many plays. He hits the hole hard and fast too, something Moss doesn't do and something Cook has not yet begun to do, but that is likely do to lack of opportunities to get his confidence and rhythm going. But doesn't matter how many big runs Devin puts up, how many times he blows by a defender for a first down or big gain...or his excellent career YPC average...the same people who don't understand how speed is really measured on a football field are going to say he is too slow. Just like all the ridiculous comments people have made saying Devin couldn't rip that run off that Cook did when he has not only done it many times, he has done it for longer runs. Except Devin has done it many times and even for much longer runs. So yeah, those pesky facts again...
  12. No this thread is terrible. When we didnt have a QB and we tried to be a running team to mask a bad QB when we had Taylor McD's first year here...all of you melted down, called McD conservative, said he was a mistake and needed to fired so we could hire an offensive minded coach. Now Daboll leaves, has a weak QB and runs his offense through one of the best RB's in the league when healthy and all of a sudden you all want to change your tune. You know full well that if Josh Allen was the QB for the NYG with Diggs and Davis at WR they would be a pass first team. So no offense, but this thread is terrible and lacks any real world context.
  13. Geezus Christ…do you try and start a negative thread every week? You got some quota to meet?
  14. I mean any of our RBs could have scored on that TD…but was still nice to see and hopefully gets the kid some confidence because he’s been playing slow out there at times. But I think that’s just been a combo of too few snaps and a couple snafus with the fumble and key dropped easy pass. But I expect the kid is going to start seeing more snaps and Moss is gonna be phased out. He’s gonna be a nice weapon come playoff time.
  15. If we make a trade...a guy I would like to see us target is Chase Claypool. His skillset paired with Allen could be scary. Running 3 wide with Diggs, Davis, and Claypool? With Allens arm? Geezus watch out NFL.
  16. Oh, I don't disagree with you there...I feel like they need to make Moss inactive, let Devin be a featured runner and let cook get those targets out of the backfield. And just live with what ever mistakes come with the rookie early and let him learn by playing through them. I think the biggest problem in the run game is just the fact they still don't run enough, and definitely don't give Devin enough touches. Devin should see 12-15 carries a game every week and Cook should be getting a handful of carries and 5-7 targets out of the backfield a game. And I don't think they need Moss even active, especially with how they are already mixing Gilliam in. We definitely do NOT need a 4 headed RB attack (Devin, Moss, Cook, Gilliam) to handle 8 to 10 carries a game. Both the RB's and OL need rhythm in the run game to be effective. So I definitely think we need to really apply what we got before and see what we get back before we start making trades for valuable draft picks.
  17. I am not saying we are making a trade, I was just pointing out, the trade is more doable than people realize because they are grossly inaccurate on the real cap hits. One one thing I have learned is to NEVER count out Beane's ability to be creative with the cap to get the players here he wants and to retain the players here he wants to keep. He has proven to me that he without question is amongst the best in the business in working contracts to work with our cap. Something people are also over looking...the possibility and probability that Carolina will likely have to pay part of CMC's salary to trade him. They won't save a ton off their cap, but will get his numbers off the books in future seasons. And why would Car do that? Because they are desperate for draft picks. They only have 4 draft picks in 2023, including no 3rd and 5 picks in 2024 including no 4th. They are staring down a major rebuild essentially without the ammo to do it. So the higher value of CMC to Carolina right now is not on the field where its not helping them win games...but in moving him for pick(s) to help with the rebuild. So for me...anyone looking at the "cap" as the road block to a CMC trade doesn't really understand his cap hit and the options that are possible. But more importantly, they are grossly overlooking Beane's abiltiy to figure that out when its for someone he wants on this football team. None of this means we are trading for CMC, just means the "cap" panic around here is being over stated and not as unsurmountable as many think it is.
  18. I get where you are coming from...but GM's don't (and shouldn't) think that way. I am not even talking about the RB spot or if we will or not make a trade. In general, the goal is to win a SB...what we have or haven't used draft picks on prior to today has no relevance to what they see today as a need to upgrade to increase our chances for a SB. And we already know Beane doesn't think like this because if he did he wouldn't have used a 2nd round pick on a DE one year and then the next used a 1st and a 2nd back to back again on DE. Same with RB...he is taken a RB in 3rd, 3rd, and 2nd rounds in each of the last 3 drafts. You do what you need to do until you have filled that hole the way you wanted to. Now none of this means we are making a trade, I don't know how McD and Beane feel about the RB position here right now. What I do know is that they are not using our personnel correctly thus far...too few rush attempts for our best RB in Devin, too many snaps for Moss, and not enough opportunities for Cook. Before I would make a trade, I would make Moss inactive, give Devin 15 carries and cook 5-7 targets in a game and see what they do with them. Because Devin has been effective consistently when given chances his whole career, but they keep forcing this 2 headed non-sense with Moss who is inferior to Devin in every facet of the game. And Cook has not been give much chance to shine yet other than garbage time against Titans where he did pretty well. But that is also because he fumbled his first snap and then dropped an easy pass too. But let the kid get some rhythm and confidence before we know if we need to make a trade.
  19. Regardless if someone thinks we may or may not make a trade for him, the cap issue isn't as bad as people think and your cap info here is not accurate. First, he already restructured his contract this year, so his cap hit this year is a min base salary. Then the acquiring team is responsible for just $12M a year for the remaining 3 years because the guarantees also stay with the Panthers. BUT...$12M a year is still a lot, however, Bills can cut him with no cap hit if the injuries persist or he flames out. There is also still the option to redo his deal as well, and might even be something arranged before the trade if we were to include a premium pick. Not saying we are trading for him, just saying most people have the cap info about this potential trade wrong.
  20. The only thing the activist is really trying to do here is get more attention on what he was protesting. Their lawyer knows already and I am sure they do to that there is 0% chance to win this case. It's merely a publicity stunt just like his BS move on the field was. Same thing happened in the Rams vs Bills game, same pink smoke for same BS publicity stunt.
  21. No one is going anywhere...not in a SB press year... Tre will be eased in and have limited snaps, especially with how good our young secondary is playing. But once he is a full go starter again, I suspect it will be him and Elam given how well Elam has played. But they could rotate guys based on matchups or type of D they wanna run too. I think all of them will see plenty of snaps to keep guys fresh and I can see the "starter" possibly changing at times depending on who is playing better at the moment or matches up better with that particular team/WR. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me to see Beane flip one of our young guys this offseason for a decent draft pick like Benford or Dane potentially if the right offer comes along. With our cap, I know Beane is going to look for more ways to keep filling the team with young cheap talent and will covet draft assets to do so.
  22. And you wonder why you get so much s**t around here…another stellar garbage thread for the purpose of being negative. It was f-ing raining and wet. Shocker a ball almost came out. DIGGS also had a TD go right through his wet hands, do we need to upgrade him too? Im ashamed at myself for even wasting my time posting in this absolutely pointless thread. I’m gonna go hold my hand over a candle flame until it burns as punishment.
  23. Then why doesn’t he have a higher fumbling rate. Oh those pesky facts
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