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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. At least this wasn't another insurrection thread
  2. @GunnerBillsee bud, told you we would be favorites at KC if we kept playing the way we were
  3. I agree with you guys that it would be tough to make the move now with those circumstances. But if they lose a couple games, which they easily could before the trade deadline, then I think it opens up the possibility again. But like you, I don’t expect them to move him.
  4. Yeah, agree with this. We both don't call many run plays and also don't run an offense where traditional run plays are ran from. And we have still scored the most points in the NFL despite missing Davis (and him playing hurt in other games), Knox, McKenzie, and 5 of our OL at various times this year. When our team is healthy, its playing at an unstoppable level right now, and people want to change that and take the ball out of Allens hands more, and I don't understand why. What we need is better play calling at times on short yardage...if they can clean that up, this offense has no flaws. On a side note...What is weird to me, is people will see us run with success multiple times in a game, but just focus on the couple runs that didn't work and then throw the whole run game under the bus as if its a disaster too. Like no RB or team has success on every attempt. But here, the board magnifies the ones that don't work and ignores that we actually run plenty of other times where we chewed big chunks or first downs.
  5. All good was just clarifying as I thought you misread my post to say we would be favored to win 11 in a row versus me really saying we would be the betting favorite in all 11 games.
  6. I mean he is saying if we stay healthy. By the end of the Fins game we were down our entire secondary (Hyde, Poyer, Tre, Dane) and one of the starting backup CB's (Benford), Oliver, Phillips, Knox, McKenzie, and 5 offensive lineman. That is 14 players, 12 of which are starters. And playing in extreme heat in the sun with no shade. Losing guys to the sidelines like Diggs regulalry for cramps and heat exhaustion down the stretch too. While our offense took 93 snaps compared to their 39 meaning no rest in the 4th for the only 5 remaining OL we had while their defense could still rotate guys in and out while sitting in the shade on the sidelines too. And still we dominated that game fully. But we lost because of either a missed opportunity for a FG at end of half...rare Bass missed FG...or a missed opportunity at end of game for FG...any one of those works out we still win this game. It was a very extreme situation...and the poster is talking if we don't have another perfect storm of severe injuries such as that. I said in every game remaining, we will be the betting favorite heading into the game. There is not a game on our schedule we will be an underdog on after this with a healthy Josh Allen.
  7. After this week, if we win this game, not only will we be favored in every remaining game, but we will likely be favored by 7+ each game. Bills have scored the most points in the NFL while allowing the least points in the NFL. And that is with missing Hyde, Poyer, Tre, Edmunds, Oliver, Phillips, half our OL, Davis, McKenzie, and Knox for one to multiple games. That is also with Josh Allen and the starters sitting for 2 and a half quarters of football during 3 blow out wins. We 100% can run the table. Will we...who knows, its the NFL, I mean we already saw the Colts beat the Chiefs 2 weeks ago. We lost to the Jags last year. Bengals lost to the Jets last year before heading to the SB. Personally, I think we will run the table after the Chiefs game. This team is playing with a different edge this year, like they are still pissed off about the 13 seconds and don't want to even risk games coming down to the wire if they can help it. Bills have still not allowed a single point in the 3rd quarter this year, showing how well they are adjusting at halftime too. This team feels like a team of destiny right now and I don't see them letting their guard down during the season. I also believe we will win the Chiefs game by 3 scores.
  8. You cant run the ball if you don't call running plays.
  9. Here is what really happened...this is not suspension worthy. Fine sure, but the dude pops up right in front of Adams when he isn't looking and reacted with a push. Especially given how many times this year people have jumped down and ran onto the field, its not hard to see how this reaction mistakenly happened. Like I said, fine him, but I don't think this deserves a suspension. And the crew member had no business being in the exit tunnel and cutting across the players leaving the field. He should have gone the other direction, not try and cut through the traffic of the players when he stood up.
  10. I didn't compare the incidents, I just showed you what "decking" someone really means. Ray decked his girl...Adams pushed a guy standing up who lost his balance because he wasn't fully upright yet and landed on his butt. The only thing laughable is saying Adams "decked" this guy. Its a gross over exaggeration by leaps and bounds.
  11. Adams didn't "deck" him. He shoved him yes, but decking is an exaggerative description. The guy just stumbled after the shove because of the angle and not having his feet set. Decking someone is what Ray Rice did to his girl in an elevator. This guy got shoved by a bigger guy and stumbled and landed on his butt. This.
  12. Because facts don't matter to people who just live in the world of over exaggerating everything to further their view.
  13. Im not saying we are trading for him, but Giants could easily still trade SB and honestly should. This is year 1 of the rebuild, and they need to shed cap. This is no different than the first year we made the playoffs with Tyrod with McD and Beane. They know that Daniel Jones is NOT the QB to build that team around. They are winning some games and are scrappy, but they know a major rebuild and house cleaning is coming. Saquan is a free agent after this season. So they don't need to trade him to get rid of salary, BUT...he is literally their most valuable asset. And there is little chance that they are going to pay Saquan the kind of money he is likely to see as a FA this offseason at the beginning of a rebuild and chew a bunch of cap up for a RB. And even if they were, Saquan is in the prime of his career...would he even want to sign on for a rebuild that could take a few years to contend if he has contract offers from teams in better position to win? So...you have 2 choices if you are NY. Ride this out with Saquan and lose him for nothing, but hopefully keep winning some games to begin a culture shift that pays off later. Or B, trade Saquan at the peak of his value and get an asset(s) back that can help you rebuild this team moving forward. Just like Carolina with CMC...Barkleys greatest value to the team likely is off the field in their ability to flip him for a valuable asset(s) to rebuild that team. Teams shedding cap space in the early part of a rebuild don't generally start out by giving a mid twenties RB a big contract, and in the prime of his career he probably doesn't want to stay in NY for a full rebuild. So odds are very low Saquan reups with the Giants next year.
  14. I think its a 2 fold problem...Camera man or crew should be more aware and not be in the way of the tunnel. Its a violent game and emotional game...these players coming off the field have the chance to be charged up, excited, angry, what ever. I mean what if Adams was just running to the locker room and bumped into him? Same result (camera man down) even though it would be seen less negative. Second, obviously Adams can't do this. Yes, he was in his way, but he has to keep a cooler head in this situation. End of the day, it was just a shove, in which he already apologized for. I think a hefty fine is sufficient, I don't really see this as something that needs a suspension. Had he thrown a punch or an elbow or something then it would be different. Fine him, but don't think he should be suspended.
  15. Nice job trying to call me out about something that didn't even happen and about something I never said. Another stellar performance by you. Like I said earlier...you really need a new schtick.
  16. Doesn't matter...if Minkah had intercepted the pass the ball is still live until he takes a knee or gets tackled. Meaning any player could rip it out of his had which would be an instant TD
  17. Didn't die on any hill...already posted many videos of Devin making same kind of run and for longer. Not my fault people prefer blind false boasts over video facts.
  18. But hurt...lmao...I had to contain my laughter when I saw you respond with a fans rant on twitter as evidence of something you know nothing about. Thanks for laugh though
  19. Wow dude...now a fans ranting tweet on twitter is now your evidence? In all sincerity, this might be the worst piece of evidence and rebuttal to a post on TSW I have ever seen. I can't even believe you thought this was worth sending. The most hilairous part of this tweet is that he is clearly directly talking to people who are clearly critizing his tackling 😂 I mean look at our own fans...there are Bills fans who want to fire both McD and Beane...hell there were people in the shout box saying to fire them during the first half of the Ravens game. But please go on...please send me more tweets of uniformed fans making whiney proclamations on twitter as evidence. 🤦‍♂️
  20. Dude..why do you always try and manipulate what people are saying to be something else? You came into a conversation where the discussion was Devin being able to make a certain play. I did not say anywhere he can't be upgraded from...or that we wouldn't try and upgrade...or that we would resign him...etc. In fact, I have repeatedly said I don't think he will be back. None of that has anything to do with wether or not Devin could have scored on the same run Cook did. I was even in the trade rumor thread talking about I wouldn't put it past Beane to pursue someone he deems could put us over the top. And clearly CMC is better than Devin as he is better than almost every RB in the league. So you need a new schtick man...your act is getting way too old and repetitive.
  21. Just saying you responded to GunnerBill with the 1 missed tackle stat as a rebuttal to him saying he isn't known as a run stopper. Point is, 1 missed tackle doesn't translate into him being good against the run. He makes tackles on receivers catching the ball, that is a lot different than tackling a player running in the open field. So just pointing out the 1 missed tackle doesn't refute GunnerBills point.
  22. Panthers only have 4 picks in this draft...5 in next years draft. And they still suck after failing to fix the QB situation with Darnold and Baker. Maybe he should sign Rosen and trade for Rudolph just to round out the failed QB's from the same class. Maybe the guy they should be firing is the GM?
  23. What does missed tackles have to do with play against the run? Hey, if he made 5 tackle attempts and only missed one that seems great unless there 30 other attempts he wasn't in position to even register a miss. Minkah is not a run game enforcer...and no missed tackle stat can refute that.
  24. Top 3 WR should be Diggs, Davis, Shakir. I love McKenzie, his personality, his energy...but on the football field he isn't dynamic enough IMHO and too one dimensional. He just is not a starter IMHO...more a guy who can be a weapon in situations than an every down slot WR. Shakir has a lot of similarities to Kupp, and I have said that since day 1. And it's not a coincidence either as he literally patterns his game after him. Shakir just flat out brings more to the table IMHO. But bringing him along slowly is the right call, because talent is one thing, experience and awareness is another...but not only do I think he will take over the starting slot position, I think he should officially ascend to that as soon as this week, or at the very least after the bye. If we sign OBJ, then yeah, he will take over that slot. But based on existing personnel, I think it should be Diggs, Davis, and Shakir.
  25. I think that is more of a function in lack of opportunities though. Last season, in the 7 games where Devin got 12+ carries, his season average would have been 1400 yards and 17 TDs over a full season. He has run well too this year, but you can't lead your team in rushing if you don't actually run the ball. What we have seen, is we don't really start running the ball with any regularity until the starters come out in blow out wins. And at that point, they have been giving the rookie snaps with Keenum as they pulled the starters. Our biggest 2 issues this year in our run game are not running enough and their mistake of using Moss. But they have seemingly finally caught on to the Moss issue and got back to giving Devin the lions share of the snaps. But we still just don't run much, and hard to fault them on that when Allen is balling out like this. And I am not saying we cant improve on Devin by any means, and I doubt we sign him back as hard to validate paying RB's when you can draft a cheaper one. But this whole discussion started when people over exaggerated Cooks TD and said none of our other RB's were fast enough to make that run which is the only thing I took exception too as it was a complete farse given Devin has done it many times.
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