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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Me: McCaffrey only had 2 injury plagued seasons in Car, not 3 (as you originally stated). (FACT) You: Your posts will age poorly. Ummmmm...McCaffrey no longer plays in Car, so how can a fact that now can never change age poorly? LMAO This might be the most pointless and weirdest convo I have ever been involved with on here.
  2. Hahah well you must have at least read your own article now cuz you went from incorrectly saying I was wrong to a pouty tantrum over not being right. Good talk. Lol
  3. Haha…I hear ya, and I really don’t get it. He keeps posting back at me with an article that literally says verbatim the same thing I said but then says the article says I’m wrong. Makes no sense
  4. Except I don’t hate Daboll. So once again, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
  5. LMAO with this response. What is it you are so confused about? I mean seriously. I have literally said multiple times now it was 2 years of injuries in 2020 and 2021. Yet you keep posting at me with the same article that verbatim says it was…wait for it…TWO years and those 2 specific years. LMAO You however originally implied he’s missed time over THREE years, which is a false way to put it given he has NOT MISSED ANY GAMES THIS YEAR. So I don’t know what to tell you, because not only way the way you first said it is wrong, you for some reason keep posting an article that literally tells you that you are wrong. Maybe try reading the article you keep posting?
  6. What are you even talking about anymore? Lmao You need a new schtick
  7. What are you talking about? That’s TWO seasons. Just like I said.
  8. No it’s not, you just like to argue non existent points. In a close game where passing was not working, we threw the ball 19 more times in the second half trying to force the pass as the weather got worse even though we were completing just 50%.
  9. No you said he’s only played in 16 games in 3 years. You are literally calling this season a full year in that statement when ONLY 6 games have been played, which he has not missed any. He missed games with injuries in ONLY 2 seasons…2020 and 2021. Implying it’s been over 3 is a false statement. He played in 10 games over 2 years then played in 100% of the games this season. Those are the facts, you don’t get to skew the language them to make them sound worse. So did Fred Taylor, and then they took the steps to make sure they prevented it from persisting and he spent the rest of his career mostly injury free and had a long great career. Im not saying he definitely won’t still get injuries, I’m just saying it’s not a foregone conclusion he will either.
  10. No he hasn’t been hurt 2-3 years. He was hurt 2 different seasons at Car. You are not correct
  11. Come on, you know that is a false way to say that...you are including this year as the "3 years". He was NOT injured for 3 years. He played 10 games in 2 seasons, and then this year he has been 100%. There is no reason to skew information to make it seem worse than it is. CMC had no injury history in HS, College, or the NFL outside those 2 years. That does not make him injury prone, none of those injuries were career threatening. Fred Taylor, Frank Gore, Matthew Stafford, etc etc...all labeled injury prone because of injuries in consecutive seasons just to go on and put it behind them and never be an issue again.
  12. No offense, but these are not comparable situations. Gurley had a degenerative knee issue that was always going to shorten his career. CMC stayed major injury free his entire football life from HS to College to the NFL with the exception of some non career threatening injuries the plaguing previous 2 years. His career does not seem close to coming to a close. This board tried to basically proclaim Saquan and CMC careers were all but done as high level players this offseason...yet one is leading the NFL in scrimmage yards and the reason his team is 5-1 and the other was playing so well that the Niners just traded most their 2023 draft to get him. No offense again, but there is no bigger false saying in the NFL than "RB's are a dime a dozen"...its just not true.
  13. Somebody actually gave a vomit emoticon over this post???? Lmao, what a terrible reaction to your post Yeah, this guy is going to keep growing this year into a real weapon and consistent role on this team. I said it all off-season and camp…McKenzie is NOT a starter in this league. So many people got so butt hurt about that and argued with me he was gonna have some big season lol. I was like nope, his season won’t look much different than years past. The staff knew this too which is why they paid McKenzie backup money then added Crowder and drafted Shakir. I was all aboard the Shakir train on draft night. Loved him coming out and I was confident he would go in the 2nd or 3rd round. I didn’t even realize he was still on the board when we picked him. I can’t remember even being that excited over a 5th round selection TBH. The guy reminds me so much of Copper Kupp as a player. And it’s no coincidence because he patterns his game off of him. Shakir is going to be a stud for us, and his time to take over the majority of the slot snaps is coming this year and we could see that begin after the bye week. He just plays so much tougher and smarter than McKenzie. On a personal level, love McKenzie and root for him. But on a non bias level, he just isn’t good enough to be an every down player. Yes he runs fast, and that’s about where it stops when you name things he excels at. He doesn’t run great routes, he doesn’t have great hands, he doesn’t do well catching in traffic, he isn’t physical, and his field IQ is a liability. He is a good situational and gadget role player though.
  14. We did not lose that NE game because we couldn’t run the ball. We lost that game because Daboll thought it was best throw the whole game instead of running the ball. And we also lost because our undersized DL couldn’t stop the run. I don’t get why people don’t seem to understand about how you can’t run the ball if you don’t actually run the ball. When we focus on involving the run game, we run successfully. We just don’t run the ball because we Josh Allen is just carving up the NFL. He’s on pace for the greatest season ever for a QB and utterly shattering the current NFL record by 800 yards right now. That being said: Moss sucks. So if they added another RB as insurance against a Devin injury, then fine. But we don’t need to give up a solid to premium pick for a RB unless that person was a proven stud and significant upgrade to Devin.
  15. I am fine signing OBJ, but I would actually be MORE excited about trading for Elijah than signing OBJ. It will NEVER happen. Jets are NOT sending any help to the Bills, and Beane is NOT going to give up a good draft pick to get another WR. But, Elijah would be a better addition because he is full go and ready. OBJ is a proven stud, but we have no idea how good he will be this year after yet another major injury. Again, I am all for signing OBJ, I mean there isn't really any risk and even if he is 75% or what he was, he is still a lot better than McKenzie. Im just comparing the two to show how much confidence I have in Elijah Moore excelling with a good QB. I think this kid could be very good in a better situation.
  16. Wrong. He was right up to the draft neck and neck with Baker to go number 1 overall. You realize there 5 QBs teams saw as top pro prospects, and at that time was considered the best QB draft class in 30 years. And Josh went 3rd, and almost went number 1.
  17. If I am GB, he is my number 1 trade target. I would be on the phone easily offering a 3rd for him, would even consider a conditional 2nd. The guy can play, and he would instantly be the best WR on the Packers the moment he steps on the field. I really think he would be a stud with Rodgers in GB.
  18. I feel like this post wouldn't make any less sense if you wrote it to me in Italian. And I don't speak Italian.
  19. Everyone talking about what Niners spent previously on RB’s. Who cares. It’s a pointless and short sighted way to look at this. That’s a sunk cost. It’s gone. It’s irrelevant. Only fans obsess over that. GM’s job is to win a SB and make a move today that increases those chances. What they did before doesn’t matter in how this move impacts those odds. And make no mistake about it…The Niners made a move today that elevates them from contender to possible favorite to reach the SB in the NFC. They paid a lot, and they are probably the only team in the NFL trade makes sense for. He is an absolute perfect fit for their style of play and offense. It’s an offense built on running the ball and playing tough defense. This would have been a HORRIFIC trade for say the Bills. There was zero percent chance Bills and Beane would have ever considered this much for a RB on a pass dominant team with the best QB in the league. But for the 49ers, who are a SB contender before the trade, this is the kind of move that can put them over the top in the NFC. Their issue remains health on the defensive side of the ball. But once they get some guys back, this will be my favorite to make the SB in the NFC. I would NOT have paid this…but for the Niners, I think the trade makes sense.
  20. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round picks in 2023, and a 5th rounder in 2024. HARD PASS. Not at all worth it for a pass first team with the best QB in the NFL. Love CMC as a player, but there was zero percent chance Beane was paying that. And thank god he didn’t. On a side note, if I am the Niners, this makes a lot more sense. He elevates their style of play and I think makes them the favorites in the NFC when their defense gets healthy again soon. And they could be a dangerous foe in a SB matchup. My wife is ecstatic as a Niners fan, especially since it increases the odds of a Niners vs Bills Super Bowl.
  21. Going back to draft night, there were things I kept pointing out to those freaking about Josh from that moment on and yelling "wrong Josh"..."why wasn't he good in college"...etc etc. Coaching...he never received high level coaching at any level of his football experience before the NFL. Allen was a multi-sport athlete in HS. He wasn't hyper focused on football yet. And he played In a small town where coaching wasn't a high level. That led to a JUCO stint...again, still not exposed to high level coaching. That led to Wyoming...again, still not getting top notch coaching and development. Raw - Without high level development, he relied purely on athletic gifts and not mechanics or fundamentals. Talent around him was weak everywhere he played. He didn't have future college stars with him in HS, he didn't have talent around in at the JUCO, and his best players around him at Wyoming left the year before to the NFL and his last season there he really had no one any good around him. Between his last day at Wyoming and the combine, Josh worked on mechanics with Palmer and suddenly there was already a dramatic improvement. So much so, Allen came in and crushed the combine and started turning heads and changing minds. You could see right then what his potential was and how he was responding to real coaching on his mechanics. In fact, this is what started to change my mind on Allen, his incredible improvement at the combine. Prior to that, I had not even considered him an option to be drafted by us. On draft night, Allen was my guy. I had Baker as the top prospect still, and once word got out he was the one going #1 overall, Allen was then my hope. And if not Allen, then I was hoping for Lamar. I hated Rosen and prayed we wouldn't draft him and Darnold I was fine taking, but I watched so many bad decisions when he was here at USC that I had real doubts about him.
  22. Niners because my wife is a Niners fan...so it would be an epic battle here hahaha
  23. If you projected either Mannings or Brees top 2 spots all time in total yards over 17 games, they still fall 200 yards short. So there has never been a season in NFL history that would have equated to 6000 total yards in 17 games. There isn't even one season by a player that comes within 100 yards of reaching 6000 yards in 17 games. So I do not think being 17 games makes it "easier". I would say it takes it from pretty much impossible to it could happen one day when someone puts up the single greatest season in NFL history. In fact to do it, that person would almost certainly have to break the current NFL record within 16 games to be able to even reach 6000 in 17 games. Add in the fact that the odds are, if a QB is having that kind of season, there is a very good chance he may not have to play much in week 17, making the achievement even potentially harder.
  24. Yes good add in...and one of those rare trades where both teams love the outcome of it.
  25. As others pointed out, we were missing some key players too in our secondary who are amongst the best at their positions. So in terms of missing players, I think it is pretty much a wash. That being said, these are clearly the 2 best teams in football IMHO. I think both would beat the Eagles or any other NFC team in a Super Bowl. I will also add, this is my favorite Bills rivalry of all time already. Here are my reasons: Allen vs Mahomes - Why not state the obvious here. These are the two best QB's in the league. I am certain KC fans feel Mahomes is the best and Bills fans feel Allen is the best. And rightfully so, hard to say either side is wrong in that opinion. I think Allen is simply because everything on the field Mahomes does, Allen can also do...but there are a couple physical things Allen can do that even Mahomes cant. They are 1A and 1B though, the margin of difference in negligible and I can't fault anyone wrong for making a case for either guy. No ill will towards the Chiefs - When the two stud QB's are so respectful and likeable combined with being friends off the field, it already sets a friendly competitive tone instead of a bitter rival such as is there with a divisional rivalry. Plus, our coaches are connected and friends too. And the games are relatively clean and just great football instead of dirty with lots of fights and shenanigans. NOTE: This is certainly helped by that POS Hill not being there. Honestly can't stand that woman beater. Now he is on a divisional rival so I can hate him even more. I will admit, something about Kelce kind of rubs me the wrong way, but its not on the same level as Hill. Respect to you and the Chiefs, this is going to be a great rivalry for years to come. But it's ALSO time for the Chiefs to play a game in Buffalo. This going to KC 3 years straight in the regular season is dumb (we go there next year too). This game this year should have been in Buffalo, Bills fans and Bills mafia deserve one of these epic games in Buffalo too. But hopefully our win this past week is the catalyst and gets us the playoff game in Buffalo.
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