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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I get what you are saying, and normally agree. I have total confidence in our scouting department and Beane when it comes to the draft. However...Super Bowl windows are almost never as long as people think they will be. Cap issues, injuries, and overall league turnover every year can change the SB picture quite rapidly and frequently. So when we are sitting here primed for a major SB push this year, using a draft pick to make a move that might help you get over the top is different conversation. Let me put it this way...people have been pleading and praying we get home field advantage in the playoffs. But what does that come with? Potentially bad weather to be throwing in. Last year we lost to a lowly Pats team at home because we had to resort to throwing the ball 19 times in the 2nd half because we weren't doing any better in our ground game. Josh completed just 50% of his passes and we lost the game. Come playoff time, we are going to want to know we can run in bad weather and control the game. And what happens if we have an injury to a key playmaker like Davis or Diggs? Having another weapon like Hunt who is dangerous as runner and a receiver could be a critical piece. So for me...Im all for it. CMC was different, didn't like the cost. But Hunt is a top 5 talent who can be had much cheaper, this move I am all for even though I am still someone who has confidence in Devin.
  2. No problemo sir…A quality poster like yourself deserves a quality response bud
  3. No disrespect Logic, but Im not gonna repost the details for the third time on what happened. You can scroll up to the top of this page or back a few pages to see my thoughts on that. Bottom line: Its being over exaggerated. He was a young guy who reacted very poorly to be called the N word by a woman who had been causing trouble in the room, and with hunts girlfriend in the room, and refused to leave even once out of the room. They wanted her to go because they found out she was not 21 but she was refusing. The physical contact was very minimal, lets not act like he Ray Riced this woman and its something he cant come back from. Young man 100% made a mistake. But the facts are that the woman was the root problem, who was there as a guest of one of Hunt's friends, not with Hunt himself. Hunt made a big mistake and reacted very poorly after pleading with this woman to leave and being called the N word. She was the instigator at every stage of this, starting inside the room with Hunts girlfriend and her friends. He got a second chance and has done everything right. To hold onto this is unnecessary IMHO. For anyone to pretend they know his character based on this lone incident makes no sense to me. I will trust the opinion of his character from all those around him, his teammates, and the fact that he has done everything right since. All of it points to this being an unfortunate mistake and lapse in judgement, not a rooted character flaw.
  4. No offense, but man I hate this logic. Its clear people in this thread don't understand the job a TE does out there. It's a lot more than just offensive stats. Anyone solely focusing on Knox stats doesn't understand what a complete TE does. But thats just part of why I hate this logic... Bills have the #1 offense in the NFL. Josh Allen is on pace to shatter...not break...but utterly shatter the NFL record for most yards in a season. Current record is just over 5500 yards, Allen is on pace to break it by more than 800 yards with a 6300 yard season. What do you expect Allen to do? Up his pace to 7000 yards to make sure Knox gets an extra 700 yards to satisfy the contract expectations? Otherwise, what do you want Josh to do? Pass less to Diggs and Davis just inflate Knox stats to make you feel better about his contract? If our offense was struggling and we didn't have playmakers everywhere, then yeah, why aren't we getting more production from a guy capable of more would be a legit question. But this board is impossible. No matter how good we play, they want to find something to complain about. We are on a historic pace on offense...yet people freaking out we don't get more rushing yards or more yards to a TE. Knox is doing exactly what he is being asked to do. NOTE: I said ALL offseason...not only would Knox NOT reach last years level of production, but its likely going to go down. Not because he was not capable, but because we were loaded offensively. If Knox needed to be featured more as a receiving threat, he is totally capable of being that guy who could step up and do that. I also find this ironic given the last time the Bills were on the field Knox literally won the game for us and likely the end result of that win will be the #1 seed in the playoffs.
  5. Why do people think Cleveland cares about Moss? He has no value to them, they are already stacked at RB, Moss would likely not even be active on gamedays for them. Give them the 4th...heck, give them our 3rd and go win the SB. Our 3rd is essentially a 4th almost anyway. Hunt is a top 5 talent at RB, a pure 3 down RB.
  6. Appreciate the long thought out response. Just know, anywhere I use ALL CAPS below, it's not me yelling, just emphasizing the importance of those words. I disagree, I do not think it goes beyond what he did. You know how many parties NFL players have regularly? I mean our own Diggs has partied the same way. Having a party is not a crime, nor does it mean it's "nasty". More importantly, are you aware that Hunts girlfriend was in the room? This wasn't some nasty sex exploit of Hunt, he was literally with his girlfriend and her friends. The girls involved in the incident were 2 women, not a group of women where she was trying to "get everyone out". Both women were already out, in the hallway, and refusing to leave still. It was some of Hunts guy friends, his girlfriend, and some of her girl friends in the room. This was a group of people hanging out and having some drinks, was not a "bad" situation. And they did it in the safety of a hotel room. The real mistake was one of Hunts guy friends invited 2 girls he knew through a buddy of his. Once they were in the room, they found out the girls were NOT 21 and that is why they were asked to leave because they were not old enough to drink. The one girl kept refusing to leave and started a confrontation with Hunts girlfriend in the room. I never said "nothing happened" or that he didn't kick the girl. I specifically said 90% of the people in this thread do NOT know what happened and are claiming FALSE things happened such as "beat up a woman", "punched a woman in the face", "kicked a woman in the HEAD". I said none of these false claims happened. What he did was an initial shove the moment she called him the N word, and then later a light kick push in her butt to nudge her to go the other way and leave. And if you read my write up of what happened, I repeatedly mention he reacted poorly and was in the wrong for doing anything physical in the first place. BUT there is non stop false statements in this thread exaggerating what the physical altercation entailed. And that over dramatization in this thread that grossly exaggerates the actual incident is what I was chastising. Never did I defend his behavior, but I am simply correcting the false information that is rampant in this thread. And here it goes again, now you are making wild assumptions that are not rooted in facts. Suddenly its now a "bunch of very drunk or drugged women". Come on...it was TWO women, not a bunch, and there is nothing about this incident that makes them "drugged" as if Hunt and his entourage drugged them. You see, this is the exaggerated stuff that bothers me. Now they are suddenly drugged? You make this sound like the men in the room "drugged" them in an attempted date rape *****. The facts are, the two women were friends with one of the guys in the group which is how they got invited to hang out. Once they found out they were NOT 21, they were asked to leave and refused. The actual original altercation was between all the girls in the room. They wanted them to leave with alcohol being present and them not being 21. The 2 girls refused to leave. That is what started everything. It had nothing to do with women being drugged. Once again, I never said nothing happened. I specifically sighted the FALSE claims people have made and said none of THOSE happened. No, it shouldn't color every decision. But it sure feels like you are letting it. Bottom line...If someone knows the facts and has an opinion about the FACTS, post away. Nothing wrong with having an independent or differing opinion on the matter when you are forming that opinion on the ACTUAL FACTS of what happened. I was not chastising someone's opinion, I was chastising the American way of running around spouting false information to skew the perception. But like I said, kudos for at least a real response here even though I still find some of it inaccurate and a bit sensationalized. But you at least know enough to form your own opinion on the matter, and I don't have an issue with that even though I disagree on the points above.
  7. I can’t believe he is actually still in the league. I didn’t even realize he was until he got the HC job in Denver. I was stunned that he actually was in GB prior to that. Not only was he the worst OC I can remember in Bills history, but he’s actually an even much worse head coach. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was fired already and really should be. It’s that bad.
  8. The thread is what I hate about society. Literally 90% of you don’t even know what actually happened and you are in here spreading false claims about what happened. People claiming he “beat up a woman”, “punched a woman”, “kicked a woman in the head”, etc etc. Literally none of that happened, in fact, nothing close to that even happened. If you don’t know the facts, don’t post about it.
  9. Total steal for the Jets. Robinson wasn't falling out of favor, its that Etienne was emerging as a stud. James Robinson is a very good RB, he reminds me a lot of Fred Jackson where he doesn't get the respect his talent deserves.
  10. No problem...Here is why I hate it when people just share the video and don't discuss the context of what actually happened. The woman was causing a lot of problems in the room before they entered the hallway with all the people in the room with Hunt, including the girls. They repeatedly asked her to leave while inside the room and she refused. Eventually they got her into the hallway where Hunt was pleading with her to just leave already, nobody wanted her there, she still refused. At this point she called him the N word which was what caused Hunt to react so poorly. You can see the exact moment it happens in the video too where he is first calm and just pleading for her to just leave and even has his hands together like in a prayer motion. Then he see the moment she calls a N word he immediately gets upset. The women refusing to leave also were instigating contact and a guy in Hunts group got shoved and fell into the girl which is what initially knocked her down. Hunt compounds his poor reaction and mistake by giving her a light kick on her butt in a shoving motion to push her further away to leave. I mean the kick was less impactful than parents spanking a child, it wasn't some huge act of violence like people exaggerate it to be. I do NOT condone being physical with women. Hunt was 100% in the wrong on how he chose to react. But man, this incident keeps getting retold incorrectly and over sensationalizes what Hunt actually did from a physical stand point and totally ignores any responsibility the woman played in this incident of being the initial trouble causer and instigator. This is not like when Ray Rice hit his girlfriend in an elevator. Hunt made a mistake, but its no where near the level people like to say it is. And he wasn't a guy with prior off field issues and he has done all that was asked of him since then, did all the courses, and cleaned up his act. People make mistakes...he was a young guy who put himself in a bad position from the get go then reacted badly to being called the N word by a person who was already causing problems and refusing to leave. But he atoned for his mistake and was given a second chance and has done everything right in Cleveland with it so far. I think this incident is behind him, something he grew from and not indicative of his character of who he is today. And all you hear from those around him is praise ever since.
  11. Don’t disagree that Beane values his picks more, and thankfully so. But Hunt is still cheap this year. It’s not like he has some huge price tag. We can easily take him on and there is no cap penalty next year because he’s a free agent. So money really has zero relevance into whether or not they would trade for Hunt. The only “cost” that will be of concern to Beane is simply compensation to facilitate the trade.
  12. You say that, but just last year the Rams traded 2nd and a 3rd round pick for a half season rental of Von Miller. Rams also were offering 2nd, 3rd, and 5th this year for CMC but got outbid by Niners even though it would have been very difficult for Rams to keep CMC next year with his cap hit. Bills reportedly offered a 2nd for CMC with no assurances we would keep him after this season had that trade gone through given the cap impacts of Josh's deal kicking in next year, Von, and all our guys whose contracts are coming up. So no disrespect, but saying no one will pay that isn't accurate. And Hunt can easily still resign with their respective team, especially if he does a team friendly deal to stay with a winning organization as their lead back.
  13. Hunt would be a half season rental here, with the potential to retain him as a Free Agent if he wants to take a discount to stay on a top tier team as the feature RB. But more than likely, it's a rental for an all in SB push to both help our odds and also keep him off a competitors roster we might see in the playoffs.
  14. I am totally comfortable with Devin and have enough confidence in him to where I don't feel like we "need" to make a move to win a SB. He is better than he gets credit for and has done well when given enough touches. And he is absolutely beloved by Josh and the team. So for me, the only RB that is being reported as "available" via trade that I would support a trade for (in terms of playing ahead of Devin) is Kareem Hunt. He could make a bigger impact here than even CMC would have IMHO because he can also be a force between the tackles for tough yards. Hunt is a legit top 5 RB candidate as as starter, a true 3 down back. NOTE: I wouldn't mind the Bills taking a flier and sending a low round pick to LA for Akers. He at least has starter/backup potential next year after Devin inevitably leaves, assuming Akers can bounce back with a change of scenery and being further removed from his previous injury last year. So I wouldn't mind that gamble given I don't have a lot of confidence in Moss.
  15. Or...there are more people who don't really know the facts of the night and grossly over exaggerate it to be a LOT more than it was. Theres that too.
  16. Anyone doing a thumbs down for an elite RB at the cost of Zack Moss and a 5th is high on bad drugs because that would an absolute steal. Which is exactly why Cleveland would never do this. First, they do not need Moss, they have a very good 3rd RB already who has produced big time when Chubb and Hunt missed time. He is way better than Moss is to backup and share carries with Chubb. Hunt talent for talent wise is up there with CMC, but he won't fetch as much because Hunt is a FA next year. But Cleveland will surely get better offers than a 5th round pick and a player they don't want or need. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Hunt go for a 2nd rounder or multiple picks as he is a top 5 talent at RB as a starter, still young, and a true 3 down RB. He can really elevate a contender this year. As far as the Bills go...I am not going to lose any sleep if we stick with Devin, I think he is underutilized and under appreciated for how good he is when given chances. So by no means do I think we need to make a move for Hunt. But there is no question adding Hunt to our roster instantly makes us a better team. Having Hunt as the lead back and Devin to back him up would make this offense nearly unstoppable. Hunt is a top tier runner and receiver out of the backfield who can also run tough between the tackles. His impact here might even be bigger than CMC would have made because of he can pick up the tough yards too. If we truly offered our 2nd for CMC, then I would think it's plausible we would have interest in Hunt. If memory serves me, there was interest in Hunt by our FO a couple years back too. Again, won't lose any sleep over having Devin as our lead back, he is better than he gets credit for. But at the same time, Hunt would be an exciting addition and also I would much rather see Hunt come here than a competitor we might face in the playoffs.
  17. Ha, I picked Ryan up this past week in fantasy while Allen was on a bye...got the W...and I have already cut him too.
  18. I just hate that on a must convert 3rd and 2 we take away all our weapons on the team and Allens legs and ability to improvise. And I will slightly disagree about Diggs being our best playmaker...our best playmaker on the team is really Allen. Fade takes him completely out of the equation for a 50/50 ball where our not very tall WR was blanketed. Overall...he was a great OC for us, and grateful for his time here. But I just didn't like some of his decisions like this on key plays.
  19. Yes sorry, you are right it was the bucs game. I for some reason was thinking it was the Titans game. But you are correct, the fade I am talking about was the Bucs game on 3rd and 2 and we had to take the FG and lost in OT.
  20. I mean we just offered a 2nd for an Elite player. Denver is going to want something of good value back for both Juedy and Chubb given how much they have invested in them, and neither of them is Elite. There is no chance IMHO Beane would offer anything close to what Denver will want for one of these guys, nor should he. Neither of them would even start on our team. KJ Hamler is a guy I think might be had much cheaper, and if we could add his speed to our WR depth, then maybe I can see us doing that if the price was right. But ultimately, I doubt we make any trades from this point on. CMC interested them because he was a rare elite player in his prime available. But even then, it was only for a specific price, and Beane was not going to budge or get close to what he actually fetched in a trade.
  21. And that creativity is why I still think he was amongst the better OC's. But, the issue I had was when he would take away the strength of the team in key moments. Just for an example...the Bucs game on 3rd and 2. The fade to Diggs was so stupid. Josh takes 1 step and floats a 50/50 ball instantly. You just removed Davis, Knox, Cole, Devin, and most importantly Josh Allen and all he brings to the table with his legs too out of the play for a coin flip play from the 2 yard line. Unbelievably stupid. Talk about taking all the pressure off the defense in a spot right there. Why not spread the O out and put Josh in Shotgun and make the defense have to worry about Diggs, Davis, Knox, Beasley, Devin, and Josh's legs? It was a critical moment and just a god awful play call regardless if it works or not. Not with the team around Allen and the added dimension of Allen being able to run it in too. Why anyone would want to take away Josh's ability to improvise and make plays with his legs down near the goal line is beyond me. For example, look at the 2 point conversion try we converted to go up by 3 against KC late in the playoff game. Allens ability to keep that play alive is why we converted it. So even if the play breaks down, Allen has so much talent he can still make the play. Then there is the Titans game QB sneak trickery...also dumb how he called it. Having Josh moving before the snap from shotgun back under center for a quick snap helped create the scenario where Josh didn't have his feet set and you can see his foot slip on the snap. If you are going to run a power QB sneak, lineup and let your QB get his best footing for a push and ram it down their throat. It may not still have worked, but it sure would have had a better chance of it working had Josh dug in and not slipped. We probably still should have won the SB despite moments like this...so don't get me wrong, he had a lot of genius to him. He was not the reason we were not a SB champion last year. The blunder that started with our ST Coordinator not telling Bass the squib kick call was the domino that began to sink the ship. Everything else after was on Frazier and the defense.
  22. So far, I would say he is a better HC than OC though. I had a love hate relationship with Daboll. I was fully aware he was a great OC for the most part...however, far too many times he would try and get too cute with bad play calls in critical moments. Far too many times he would call plays like he had an allergy to run plays. But overall, he was still amongst the better OC's in the league and is proving to be a great HC. I actually had pretty high expectations for him in NY because he really is a players coach, a guy people want to play hard for. And for me, that is one of the most important characteristics a HC can have because they either have it or they don't. They have a squishy schedule, and there is a lot of parody of the first McD season here...a team winning more than expected in what is the beginning of a total tear down. Daniel Jones is playing better, but I haven't seen enough yet to convince me that the new regime in NY feels confident in rebuilding around him. I still think they will go get their guy at QB, at least as of today. Maybe if DJ really starts to turn it on things might change, but they seem poised to lose Saquan this year, and Daniel Jones, even with his improvement thus far, can't carry that team IMHO. Just like how we made the playoffs with Tyrod under McD, they knew it was just about breaking the streak than it was about Tyrod sticking around as the QB to build around.
  23. Sad to see young good players get hurt like this. They still have a pretty good young RB there in Carter, but Hall was having a sensational start to his career. Him and Walker look like future studs of the league at RB out of this draft.
  24. He has to be up there as one of the all time waste of talents. He had it all talent wise, but he didn’t have the heart, commitment, or mental strength. Worst thing for him was he got paid big money before he earned it based on potential and then just coasted from there even more. He cashed in on his “potential” in KC and never looked back. Took that money and was content just being a role player, could care less about living up to his potential or contract.
  25. Great thread idea OP… Mine came from business. Had a business mentor when I was 22 years old who had a motivational poster of a wolf that said be the alpha, lead the pack or something like that on it. So he used to always talk about that and to lead not follow…be your own boss…take charge of your life. It was more about being accountable and an Alpha in your life than being an Alpha to others. A couple years later I got hired at a mortgage company when I was like 24 and we had 15 mortgage brokers in our office. I’m 6’4” so people would often call me “big dog” because I’m tall. First full month I was there, the whole office closed 18 loans, and I closed 15 of them and the manager started calling me “Alpha Dog” (a play off “Big Dog”). Second month I was there the whole office closed 16 loans and I closed 14 of them. There was no third month there because I quit and opened my own mortgage company after those 2 months. I have been self employed ever since for past 20+ years. But the nickname I liked because it brought me back to those early days with an early business mentor. So for a little while I started using the name “Alphadawg” as a web site login name for fantasy sports. And created this account back then too. Funny, haven’t used it as a login in a least 10+ years now, plus most sites now ask for your email instead of a handle anyway. But the name Alphadawg was always more of a homage to someone I saw as an early business mentor and business mentality. My dad was my original business mentor and had by far the biggest impact on me, but this mentor came along like 4 years after my dad was murdered and just added more fuel to the fire my dad had already started. Funny thing is, I only worked for this mentor for like 6 months, but I learned a lot more than I realized then by being around him during that short stint. Although, a lot of what I learned didn’t even become apparent to me until after I was gone and starting my own businesses.
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