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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Edmunds was again all over the field, and people just blindly blaming him when he was not even the issue. Its like people don't even watch the games, they just come out and say we lost because of Edmunds by default. Our defense was literally missing 4 of its absolute best players, and amongst the best in the NFL in Hyde, Poyer, Milano, and Tre. Then we had our first round pick get hurt and miss part of the game too. And we gave up just 20 points. Just like last week, people were freaking out about the D despite winning by 10 points. The issue was the offense in the 2nd half against the Packers and the 2nd half against the Jets. Our offense was only missing Brown on the OL but it got shut down in the 2nd half in back to back weeks. Both weeks we were also playing 2 of the best secondaries in the NFL right now, not to mention Jets have a nasty front 7. The defense won the 2nd half battles in both games and we went 1 - 1 in those 2 games. This is the first mini slump for the offense under Dorsey, and now we need to see how he adjusts. We also didn't do ourselves any favors yesterday by dropping passes, Josh having some errant passes, ill timed holding penalties, Bass missing his FG, etc. I think its premature to hit the panic button. Our defense is not healthy, so I am less worried about it. But Dorsey needs to make adjustments to get the rhythm back on offense and start creating ways to get guys open. Davis is struggling right now, he is dropping too many passes and not getting open enough. They need to start scheming to get him some rhythm and confidence back as well as start utilizing our other weapons more like Knox, Shakir, and our RB's more to help take pressure off Diggs and Davis too.
  2. We look a LOT better THIS year through 8 games than we did last year. This board is always so over the top after a loss.
  3. Or...we just played 2 of the better secondaries in the NFL in back to back weeks. Jets D is one of the best units in the NFL right now with very good corners and a nasty front 7. So maybe we shouldn't panic just yet...defenders get paid to make plays too. Josh had an off game, the whole offense was out of sync again in the 2nd half. We lost to the Jags last year and then set NFL playoff records on offense.
  4. If by blueprint you mean the Bills need to be missing 4 of their best players on defense and then continue to lose more of them to injury at times during the game, then sure. Geezus...this board never learns. Freak out after a loss every time. We lost to the Jags last year and then went on a tear. Jets defense is legit. They played a strong game. Allen and the offense had a slow game. Josh Allen is still on pace to SHATTER the NFL total yards record and we are still the #1 seed in the AFC. Give them a chance to adjust and figure out what is going on before we declare they are figured out and the sky is falling. Somone already started an absurd thread "Fire Everyone". See you all in a week...this board is going into the toilet this week.
  5. The funniest part about your bad takes is that you don’t even know what we were discussing in the first place, which was your Dolphin statements, not the Bills run game. Literally can’t have a discussion with someone who doesn’t even know what he’s discussing. LMAO
  6. Best part about this is now I know you have nothing you’re gonna post worth reading. So I can skip them from now on
  7. What are you talking about? No s**t he plays WR. I asked you how many yards did Hill have (receiving) and because you keep pumping their run game up I asked you how many yards rushing did they get. Your posts here in this thread are literally absurd
  8. Every QB in the NFL pleads for PI, late hits, etc. Its literally part of their job to do that. Show me a QB who doesn't and I will show you a bad QB. I mean the defender literally shoved him late, so any good player is going to sell the contact. The contact was absolutely illegal though in the first place.
  9. LMAO...Man, some of you have the absolute worst hot takes. How many yards did Hill have against the Bills while missing its ENTIRE STARTING SECONDARY and lost one of the backups who started the game actually during that game? How many rushing yards did they have that game? How many passing yards did Tua have? We will wait while you go google your reality check.
  10. LMAO...there are some terrible takes on here, but this is one of the worst. Too slow physically? He is unreal fast for his size and one of the faster LB's in the game. I mean do you even know what number Edmunds wears because how could anyone not know this or see this on the field when he plays? Cant be a successful starting LB in the NFL? The same guy that is a 2 time pro bowler, entered the season 5th in total tackles across the NFL since entering the NFL as a raw underaged player, and is on track for probably a 3rd pro bowl this year? The guy who leads the number 1 defense in tackles every year of his career? They guy everyone on this board says he is going to get a huge payday this offseason? This is the guy you think cant be a successful starting LB even though he has been one his whole career? LMAO The absurdity of saying that he cant be a starting LB in the NFL is so beyond outrageous its like it came straight out a slapstick comedy. He would start on the vast majority of the NFL rosters without question. This is the kind of over the top, outrageous gross exaggeration about him that drives me nuts.
  11. Facts: Edmunds is having a very good season. It's indisputable. Anyone refusing to accept that just tells me you either don't know enough about football to know what you are looking at or are just more concerned about being right about your dislike than you are about being unbiased and giving him a fair review of what he is doing this season. Its totally OK to not want to resign him still, I don't have an issue if someone doesn't want to spend a large amount of money on a player or position. But if you are sitting saying he still sucks this year, then you are not worth discussing anything with because you are unreasonable and just stubborn on your own bias. None of it means he will for sure be resigned because his contract and the cap are real things that will play into any decisions about him. But he is undeniably having a very good season.
  12. Gotcha, misunderstood. I thought you meant the offseason speculators like myself that kept saying we needed to draft a CB given we did not know when Tre would be back. I kept getting so much flack from people saying he was gonna be ready week 1 and we did not need to draft a CB early because of that. I totally agree with your sentiment here though now that you explained what you meant. Them being cautious with Tre literally had nothing to do with it "not going well" and was something I always thought was likely going to happen in the first place. So yeah, my bad for misunderstanding where you were coming from, and yup, I 100% agree with you on all of that. Deleted my post now that I know we were talking about 2 different things as well.
  13. Here comes the panic over reactions to an over rated player
  14. Utterly terrible take. Bills were fine giving up some run defense to make sure Rodgers didn't get any quick strike scores and mount a comeback. We had a big lead and chewing clock was just fine. This is why you are not a football analyst. You would have to actually understand game planning and strategy.
  15. LOL...I didnt say its unbearable around here now, I said after a loss, and that its getting bad even after wins now. Look at how many panic over reaction threads are on the board right now. Look at the comments in the shoutbox yesterday and today. And its only Monday. You would think we lost by 2 scores, not won by 2 scores. And Nextmanup is the one who used the term "unbearable", so I was countering that point specifically
  16. Yay, another extreme hot take. You people realize Davis missed time and also played hurt right? Commenting on his total catch numbers is unreasonable. Another extreme hot take over one game...really over one half...of a game we won by double digits and against one of the best pass defenses and secondary's in the league. You people realize there is talent on the other teams we play too right? You realize they get paid to make plays too right? Not every player is going to dominate every second of every game. Is it Sunday yet cuz I don't how much more of these extreme hot takes I can take?
  17. Its actually quite the opposite. Lets run down the norm after wins around here... Panic if we didn't BOTH dominate passing AND running. We have weekly we are doomed threads if you we dont sell out our future for a RB. And I am not even opposed to say trading for someone like Hunt. But this implication that if we don't we are screwed is a weekly groundhog day repeating theme. Even in blow out wins. OVER exaggerate any one thing that didn't go absolutely perfect as if elite teams play perfect on every snap of the ball for every second of 60 minutes. Demand we fire McD, Frazier and Beane during the first half when we aren't blowing them out yet. I have seen in multiple games, all games we won too, THIS YEAR where several people were calling for McD, Frazier and even Beane to be fired in the first half of wins. Endless threads to complain about players like Devin and Edmunds after they had GOOD games. Now you can add Davis to that list as now people think he isn't good enough despite having a record setting YPC season so far and having missed time. But suddenly he isn't good enough because he isn't second on the team in catches. Its honestly exhausting even recapping that, and I can keep going with the over the top panic and nonsense around here. We are an impossible amount of injuries and extreme heat from being undefeated, we are the consensus SB favorite, we are considered by far the best roster in the NFL, we are considered the best defense and offense when healthy by just about everyone, and we have the consensus MVP right now. Yet people are on this board talking like we are a fringe playoff team or in some form of desperation. And if you don't want to revel in people's extreme hot takes, they just double down. There are people on this board who seem to think we must have a Madden like roster where you have an NFL best player at every position. There are people on this board who seem to think we MUST play perfect every play of every game or peoples jobs are on the line. Its utterly unbearable around here after a loss, and honestly getting hard to be around here even after wins now. EVERY TEAM IN THE NFL HAS PLACES ON THE ROSTER THEY CAN UPGRADE. Every one of them. We don't need over exaggerated screams and whining to make big moves every week. Of course there are places we can upgrade, and Beane has PROVEN countless times he will explore those opportunities for what is good for the Bills.
  18. Why are you so hung up on this? As @Simon already said, just because it wasn't clear to you doesn't mean it wasn't clear. Milano didn't make an issue about it, McD and Bills sideline didn't make an issue about it. The broadcast booth saw it was incomplete and didn't make an issue about it. I mean rather than waste so much time on this one play in a double digit win, why not just go google search for the proper angle or just rewatch the game to see the replay angle that shows it clear as day that most everyone else saw? So many people have told you there is an angle that clearly shows it, but you keep arguing as if it doesn't exist. This is a weird thread
  19. Yeah and toughest part of our schedule is behind us too, so we should be just fine if its just some games.
  20. But it was clear, doesn't matter what the OP said. There is indisputable video evidence of it hitting ground. Not sure why you think otherwise or why you think the refs needed to talk about it "longer", it was clear as day. If you want to take bad angle views of it where you cant see it as clearly, then I can't help anyone doing that. Live in the game they showed a clear angle that saw the ball change direction from tip hitting ground before Milanos hands were on ball. Its 100% indisputable. I have no idea why other people are trying to use still images from bad angles to confuse the matter. Its a waste of time and energy.
  21. Agreed 100% on all this. If its just a reaggrivation of a hyper extension then I think we are good and he will some games but not the season. That is what I am hoping for. I was playing basketball and felt a big pop in my lower leg as I pushed off to chase a rebound and scared the hell out of me. Ended up just being my calf completely cramped and locked, and was fine in a couple weeks. So hopefully Poyers pop isnt too serious too
  22. Yeah, that Jaire Alexander INT Josh said he was just trying to dirt it and Jaire just made a great play. He said himself it was stupid, and sure next time he just chucks it out of bounds. Funny too, cuz first thing I said on that pick was that it certainly looked like he was just trying to dirt it. That is the difference between Allen and Rodgers...Allen takes 100% responsibility and never points fingers. Not afraid to call himself out on things like that.
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