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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I wouldn't quantify the Vikings as a red hot team. Yes they have a 1 game better record than us, but their schedule has been weak and they struggled to beat lesser teams. We are two missed FGs from Bass from being potentially undefeated, but injuries are a concern obviously for us as we have a lot of defensive injuries and now a potential Allen elbow injury. But I wouldn't say we can't beat the Vikings with Keenum, they just barely beat the lowly Commanders with Heineke at QB. In fact, they have barely beaten a lot of bad teams who had backup QB's playing. We have a great team with a better backup than most, so I think if Allen had to sit this is still a winnable game, which is why they traded for Keenum in the first place.
  2. Gotcha, ok that makes sense. Although I think if Josh is limited, they likely sit him rather than risk playing him through it which is why they traded for Keenum. Ultimate goal is to win a SB, so I think they would err on the side of caution with Allen rather than risk a bigger injury.
  3. Josh last pass, and right after his elbow injury, traveled further than any pass in the NFL in 6 years and was right on the money and hit Davis literally in the face for him to drop it 70 yards downfield. But you think he can't throw deep?
  4. It is actually amazing to me how bad your takes consistently are, amongst the worst on the board just about every week all year long. Even in the LIVE BROADCAST the announcers said they didn't think Josh could see the defender because his view was blocked. Josh takes full accountability at all times, he is not going to say what ever he wants to say. He has always told it like it is and was the FIRST person to take the blame every time.
  5. Didn’t realize Bills played a whole season in one game yesterday.
  6. Well maybe that’s because coming off a loss is like Christmas for you given you pretty much stay in the negative lane all year.
  7. Geezus…one loss against a stout defense and we went from SB favorite and most talented roster in the NFL to everyone but 2 guys are replaceable. That Beane and McD are not good enough. Make. It. Stop. The mental toughness of this board is at an all time low. Everything must be perfect or we suck and everyone should go. It’s crazy. Didn’t realize the Rams had a perfect season last year, or the Bucs the year before, or every SB champion in history. Shame on the Bills for not having a perfect season. Let’s clean house and rebuild.
  8. I feel like only like 2% of the posters on this board right now even understand this info. Someone should pin this so the rest of people ready to jump off a cliff because we lost a game can process this info.
  9. What are you even talking about? You replied to my post, I didn’t call you out or even mention you. I’ve never even heard of you until you posted at me lmao.
  10. No it’s not. Your ability to analyze TE play is though.
  11. That’s true for any great QB…running the ball keeps them off the field.
  12. I don’t disagree with that, but I think you are over looking the impact of the missing personnel on the defensive scheme.
  13. You are confusing the word honest with the phrase over dramatic. There are people in here declaring that the man (Allen) leading the NFL in total yards and touchdowns, and on pace to break the NFL record, who is the number one seed in the AFC and already beat Mahomes in KC is now done and out of the MVP race. And I am the one who needs to get a grip? LMAO
  14. We were missing 40% of our starting defense, of which are amongst the best in the NFL at their respective positions. That is not just something you easily patch up like no big deal. You don't take all pro caliber players off the field and replace them with backups and just assume "next man up" can do the same job the all pros were. If we lost Diggs on offense and had to start Kumerow, it would be insane to expect the same performance. Why people think plug and play is so easy on defense is puzzling to me. So for me, I am less concerned about about the defense which is not healthy right now compared to our mostly healthy offense struggling. And outside of 2 halves of football (2nd half GB and 2nd half Jets), Bills run D has been excellent the rest of the season. So I am not going to panic over 2 halves of football with a severely injured Defense. And more importantly, in those same 2 halves, it was our offense that was sputtering and kept forcing the defense back on the field thanks to some turnovers and unsustained drives.
  15. I love how if Mahomes loses...which he has to Josh Allen and to the lowly Colts...people here barely bat an eye on his MVP odds. When Allen (under extreme circumstances with a decimated team) loses to the Dolphins (which wasn't Allens fault) and then has a bad 2nd half against the Jets after the Jets shut the whole offense down people here declare the race over and Allen out of it. So Mahomes has lost to Allen and a bad Colts team. Allen lost to 2 teams who would be the 3rd and 4th seeds in the playoffs right now, and one of which took us having a decimated team and extreme weather to lose. Not to mention, had Bass just hit his FG's in both games we likely don't lose either game. The reactions to a Bills loss this board are so stupid it makes being on the boards practically unbearable. Allen is still on pace to break season records, still the #1 seed in the AFC, still first in the division, still leads the NFL in total yards and total TD's, and has been a one man wrecking crew for the Bills. Not to mention...during the first half, Allen was trending on twitter saying he is the MVP and its not close after his 2 TD runs. One bad half later and Bills fans are on here saying he cant win now. I don't know how some of you get through your days with all the roller coaster of emotions you have on over the top hot takes off every little thing.
  16. I dont think so...I mean he was running hard in the first half just like the week before. The difference was the packers with their very talented secondary and the Jets with their up very good secondary and nasty front 7 made adjustments in the 2nd half to disrupt Dorsey's offense. Guys were not coming open for Allen like they had been, guys were dropping passes, and Allen made a couple errant throws as a result. People need to remember, the defense we are facing each week are being paid to make plays too, and they just flat out made more of them. This is the first mini slump for the offense under Dorsey, and now we need to see how he adjusts and gets the offense back on track. We have played 2 bad halves of football, the 2nd half of last two games, on offense. They have plenty of tape now to see how their offense was getting disrupted and need to figure out the necessary adjustments. Personally, I think Dorsey and the offense got used to having their way with defenses out there and have tried too much for the big plays and pushing downfield for chunk yardage. I think they need to focus on getting guys going all over the field and spreading the ball around again like they were earlier in the season. We have a lot of under utilized weapons on the offense between Knox, Devin, Shakir, Cook, and now Hines. These guys can do damage all over the field underneath. Not to mention getting Devin more carries in the run game.
  17. Edmunds was again all over the field, and people just blindly blaming him when he was not even the issue. Its like people don't even watch the games, they just come out and say we lost because of Edmunds by default. Our defense was literally missing 4 of its absolute best players, and amongst the best in the NFL in Hyde, Poyer, Milano, and Tre. Then we had our first round pick get hurt and miss part of the game too. And we gave up just 20 points. Just like last week, people were freaking out about the D despite winning by 10 points. The issue was the offense in the 2nd half against the Packers and the 2nd half against the Jets. Our offense was only missing Brown on the OL but it got shut down in the 2nd half in back to back weeks. Both weeks we were also playing 2 of the best secondaries in the NFL right now, not to mention Jets have a nasty front 7. The defense won the 2nd half battles in both games and we went 1 - 1 in those 2 games. This is the first mini slump for the offense under Dorsey, and now we need to see how he adjusts. We also didn't do ourselves any favors yesterday by dropping passes, Josh having some errant passes, ill timed holding penalties, Bass missing his FG, etc. I think its premature to hit the panic button. Our defense is not healthy, so I am less worried about it. But Dorsey needs to make adjustments to get the rhythm back on offense and start creating ways to get guys open. Davis is struggling right now, he is dropping too many passes and not getting open enough. They need to start scheming to get him some rhythm and confidence back as well as start utilizing our other weapons more like Knox, Shakir, and our RB's more to help take pressure off Diggs and Davis too.
  18. We look a LOT better THIS year through 8 games than we did last year. This board is always so over the top after a loss.
  19. Or...we just played 2 of the better secondaries in the NFL in back to back weeks. Jets D is one of the best units in the NFL right now with very good corners and a nasty front 7. So maybe we shouldn't panic just yet...defenders get paid to make plays too. Josh had an off game, the whole offense was out of sync again in the 2nd half. We lost to the Jags last year and then set NFL playoff records on offense.
  20. If by blueprint you mean the Bills need to be missing 4 of their best players on defense and then continue to lose more of them to injury at times during the game, then sure. Geezus...this board never learns. Freak out after a loss every time. We lost to the Jags last year and then went on a tear. Jets defense is legit. They played a strong game. Allen and the offense had a slow game. Josh Allen is still on pace to SHATTER the NFL total yards record and we are still the #1 seed in the AFC. Give them a chance to adjust and figure out what is going on before we declare they are figured out and the sky is falling. Somone already started an absurd thread "Fire Everyone". See you all in a week...this board is going into the toilet this week.
  21. The funniest part about your bad takes is that you don’t even know what we were discussing in the first place, which was your Dolphin statements, not the Bills run game. Literally can’t have a discussion with someone who doesn’t even know what he’s discussing. LMAO
  22. Best part about this is now I know you have nothing you’re gonna post worth reading. So I can skip them from now on
  23. What are you talking about? No s**t he plays WR. I asked you how many yards did Hill have (receiving) and because you keep pumping their run game up I asked you how many yards rushing did they get. Your posts here in this thread are literally absurd
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