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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Why over exaggerate? Here are the facts: #1 Seed in the AFC - And 2 missed FG's by Bass in games we were decimated by injuries keeping us from probably being 8-0 #1 scoring Defense in the NFL and by a wide margin of over 2 points per game to the next closest team #4 Defense in yards allowed #6th in rushing yards allowed The D wasn't bad against the Packers, we gave up 17 points in a game our offense couldn't stay on the field in the 2nd half. We played to stop the pass with a large multiple score lead in the 2nd half which opened up some rush opportunities which gave small plays and ate time. We won by 2 scores still. Against the Jets, the D was missing 2 main anchors in Poyer and Milano, to go with already missing Tre and Hyde and then we had injuries during the game to guys who started the game like Elam and then of course Groot. And yet we still only gave up 20 points. The issue was not the defense, it was the offenses inability to sustain drives and get anything going in the 2nd half. Our D, already severely short handed, couldn't get off the field and gave Jets more opportunities to play ball control and wear down the defense further. So all this panic everyone has is completely lacking the context of the past two games. I don't think people realize how close we are to being 8-0. It took some rare and extreme circumstances to lose the Miami game even though we completely dominated that game by every measurable standard. And then the Jets game, they made their long FG attempt, and we missed ours. Not to mention the absolute dime Josh dropped on Davis on last pass of the game he flat out dropped and bounced off his face. When we were healthy, we were annihilating teams most week and went into KC and beat them again. They guys we have been missing on D are not guys backups can just plug in and play up to their level...they are amongst the best at their positions in the league with guys like Milano, Hyde, Poyer, and Tre. Not to mention our young talent has missed time too. Now we got an elbow situation to monitor with Josh which is the scariest of all the injury situations and just hope it doesn't get worse if he tries to play through it. Just get healthy for the playoffs. We can do that, we will be the scariest team in either conference come playoff time.
  2. hahaha oh man, this thread will always be gold. I refused to engage it in when it was up and just sat back and watched the comments as people fed the troll lmao. I miss ieatcrayonz lol...lots of other good peeps in there I don't think are around anymore like Lori
  3. I dont know. As much as I want to see Cook succeed, he is really slow on his reads for lanes and has shown poor vision. Ive watched him miss so many open lanes to just take a path to get a couple more yards when he could have cut back and picked up a ton more. His field vision and awareness is very low right now. Granted, more snaps and experience can help this, but right now, his vision is substantially lower than Devins which is why Devin is much better at picking up tough yards in finding small lanes to get through. \ Devin is just faster the hole, and that is more important than break away speed
  4. Haha saw this on twitter lol... Josh Allen Runner Game https://www.joshallen-runner.com
  5. Easy Davis. I said all off season McKenzie is not a starter, that was clear as day to me. And I knew the staff doubted it to after only signing him to backup money and then going out and adding a more accomplished Slot WR in Crowder and drafting Shakir. But Davis was someone I thought had the potential to lead the team in yards and TD's with his big play ability and all the attention Diggs was going to get. Firugred Diggs had a lock on receptions, but really expected Davis to take that next step. And while he has flashed, his consistency to get open on non big plays is a concern as his low catch rate of 54%. Early on I gave him a pass on his total catches with missing some time and playing hurt. But the last 2 weeks he was back to full strength and he really struggled against good corners. With how many big plays he was making, he seemed poised for a breakout coming into this year. He just hasn't progressed from the occassional big play to consistent producer and threat in all areas of the field. I am not writing him off, but I really hope Dorsey starts to scheme up some better play designs to get him more involved because what ever they are doing now isn't working. Runner Up: Dorsey. He isn't a huge disappointment overall, I mean we have been one of the top 2 offenses most the season. However, where I am disappointed is I thought he would look to involve our RB's more in both rush attempts and as pass receivers and also design more offensive plays for Knox with his own history of using TE's when he played. This is one area I hope he looks at the tape these past 2 weeks and goes back and makes those adjustments. NOTE: Dorsey also needs to abandon the McKenzie experiment and focus on making Shakir the featured slot guy. We need another threat to take pressure off Diggs and Davis. This offense has shown it misses Cole at times, especially on important 3rd down plays where Cole was a first down machine.
  6. Me? I made like 2 comments on your posts while you have dozens in here arguing with everyone. I actually don't care...One, I know its not a concern, and 2 I don't think he will get the money and length of contract here in the first place. But you do seem to care a lot, almost like he jacked your girl or punked you at a bar or something. And as far as your wrong per usual comment...Lol, ok, I don't think you want to compare each others track records around here.
  7. Come on, lol, this is your "source"? I knew the moment I opened it this was a skewed opinion piece and intended hack job by the writer. But it was totally confirmed when he got to talking about his time in Cleveland and tried to claim OBJ was the problem and not Baker who is just as much garbage in Carolina with top end receiving weapons as he was in Cleveland. More importantly, after OBJ was traded all his Cleveland teammates came out in support of OBJ and said he was excellent teammate and in the locker room. He then went to LA and immediately played great when he wasn't saddled with a garbage QB and again, all his teammates raved about him in the locker room and as a teammate. You are wrong on this. The sooner you realize that the testimony of his teammates carries more weight than a biased cheeseheadTV click bait article the better because you are on a sinking ship with this current line you are taking on OBJ.
  8. No. Not its not. You are trying to manufacture things now to fit your narrative that you want to paint.
  9. Then what happened? Nothing much, just went on to set NFL playoff scoring records last year and averaged 42 points per game in the playoffs with Allen throwing 9 TD's in 2 games. Except none of this accurate other than him being an outstanding teammate. But everything else you said is incorrect.
  10. This pretty much sums up what I have been saying in all the other threads. So you got an agree from me. One thing you left off though...Dorsey needs to figure out how to adjust. He needs to find ways to involve a more spread out offense where we are getting the ball into other hands in the passing game like Knox, Shakir, and the RB's. You covered some of that, just didn't mention Dorsey's role in that and him needed to show he can watch the film on how the Packers and Jets made halftime adjustments to stall our offense, and show he can adjust.
  11. Mental issues? Really? Where were all the mental issue concerns when Brady threw 4 INT in a game, or when Brees did that, Rodgers did that, Manning did that, Montana did that, etc? Our offense was out of sync in the 2nd half of two games against 2 great secondaries. Allen made a few bad decisions and some errant throws...now all of a sudden he has having "mental issues"? And we won one of those games thanks to Allens big first half, and should have forced OT in the 2nd one at the very least had Davis not dropped a ball right off his face to end the game on what was one the greatest throws of the season by any QB...or had Bass not missed another FG. The amount of unrealistic perfection people expect out of Allen and the Bills this year right now is so crazy. Mahomes has had more bad stretches this year than Allen...where are all the concerns over his mental issues?
  12. I thought the Wyoming one was on a sack. Other than that, it is true. Allen has not missed a game in the NFL or since that injury you said he was scrambling on in Wyoming from an injury that occured on him running the ball as a runner. Every game he has missed has come on a pass related injury. That is the fact. You literally just tried to add in injury scares to count them as injuries.
  13. He had a bad second half in back to back games, not a bad game and a half. He has 4 TD's in the first halves of both those games. People need to step back a second and breathe. We don't need to over exaggerate things here. We are a missed FG by Bass and a dropped pass by Davis from winning the Jets game and being 2-0 in this "bad stretch". GB and Jets have excellent secondaries, and that allowed them to not blitz much, in fact Jets I think blitzed only twice all game. This gave them extra guys in coverage and Dorsey failed to make the adjustments we needed. Jets especially have an excellent front 7 and brought pressure all day with their front 4, again allowing them to take away the big play from the Bills in the passing game. End of the day...the bigger concern here IMHO is Dorsey. He needs to figure out how to make adjustments because we just watched 2 teams in back to back weeks make halftime adjustments to take his offense out of sync. Guys are not getting open, especially Davis. Dorsey needs to scheme better to give Josh more options. This is what happens when you don't have a threat out of the slot like we did with Cole. McKenzie experiment needs to end, its an utter failure like I said it would be. They specifically said part of the reason they traded for Hines was to use him to return kicks so Shakir would no longer have to even though he has done a good job. Beane said they are asking a lot of him as a rookie to return kicks and learn to play WR at the NFL level and want to free him up to focus on being a WR. This tells me they both recognize the need to get Shakir more involved in the passing game and plan too, and this offense needs that. Now it is up to Dorsey to scheme better and give more outlets to Josh like Knox, Shakir, the RB's, etc.
  14. Lol, I put a funny laugh face after it as poking fun a bit. But his input is as worthless as anyone else guessing. Credible means he has credible information on Josh Allens actual medical diagnosis. If they haven't spoken to the Bills, Allens doctors, etc...then the tweet is as worthless as any other tweet. There is not a whole lot of things that could be the injury, one doesn't have to be a doctor to predict the few possible injuries a movement like that can make. I don't have a medical degree, but I can tell you with pretty strong accuracy the types of injuries possible when a knee is bent the wrong way or the ankle rolled up. And all of those diagnosis possibilities include it being a non-injury as much as it does a minor one to a serious one. Look at Kupp last week, initial reaction was he was going to be out a while and had at the very least a serious sprain to possible season ending injury. He didn't even have an injury designation by the end of the week and played this week. People were melting down all over twitter about their fantasy football seasons for nothing. So that is where I was coming from. Great he is a doctor (assuming thats even true given its twitter), but means nothing in regards to Josh's actual diagnosis. And this is how rumors start and panic starts...guys like him getting everyone all charged up with literally no actual information to base it on other than a "all things possible" analysis. Its just a pet peeve of mine in this world of baseless claims, misinformation, etc. we live in now. None of that pertains to you, just specifically saying with tweets like this.
  15. Josh played the next game, I am talking about injuries where he missed games. All of his injuries where he missed time were related to him throwing the ball, not running. And all but that one came inside the pocket, including all of his NFL injuries.
  16. Davis needs to get open more. He is not getting consistent separation and has a catch rate of a dismal 54% on the season as a result. I have been very high on Davis, and thought he had a shot to lead the team in yards and TD's this year with all the attention Diggs gets and his big play ability. But facts are facts, it can't be over looked he is not getting open like we expected and has had some costly drops. Personally, I think Davis is struggling with the additional attention he is getting, especially with no one else (like a Beasley last year) being a serious threat elsewhere on the field. Our slot production is a fraction what it was. Its time to make Shakir a bigger focal point in the offense IMO. We need someone there to step up, and its NOT McKenzie, to be another threat out there. Because right now, we just saw 2 of the best secondaries in the league just clamp down on the big play threats of Diggs and Davis in the 2nd halves of these past 2 games and it threw our whole offense out of whack. We need to pose more of a threat else where to help open up our outside guys. That includes running the ball and getting the RB's and Knox also more involved in the passing game.
  17. I was attacked a lot all off season when I repeatedly said McKenzie was NOT a starting level slot WR. I repeatedly said that Beasley today is substantially still better than McKenzie. But this board is fundamentally flawed in player evaluation where the only quality it see is straight line speed. They think that is the most important skill and that is all they focus on. But McKenzie isnt tough, doesn't run great routes, can't catch in traffic, cant fight for yards, doesn't win contested catches, and isn't a cerebal player...all things that Cole excelled at. I actually felt that the offense was better off after Davis ascended past Sanders last year, so I wasn't worried about losing him. I have to say, while Davis has flashed his big play ability again, he is really struggling right now with catching the ball and getting open consistently. I was always fine signing OBJ, but I didn't think we "needed" too nor did I think we would offer enough money and long enough deal for him to come here anyway. But, I have to say, with Davis struggling like this, I think signing OBJ is something that we actually should really be considering right now. But...I will also say this. Dorsey needs to make adjustments. Big plays were coming to easy, and he needs to figure out how to get our other weapons more involved like Knox, Shakir, Devin, Cook, and now Hines. These are all guys who should be utilized better and see us get back to spreading the ball around again instead of just always pushing it down field. I really thought Dorsey would involve the TE more this year, but Knox only has 1 more target than he did last year. Knox has been used to pass block a lot, and that has been needed and something he does well, but there are still more opportunities to get him involved. Especially in the redzone.
  18. Lets keep in mind, Josh did not get hurt running the ball, and he has never been hurt running the ball. All of his injuries in college and pros came from throwing in the pocket. But, don't get me wrong, I am all for protecting Josh more if he plays through pain. Minimize the risk...however, I feel a lot better when Josh rolls out then I do when he stays in the pocket because in the pocket is where Josh takes the vast majority of his biggest and most vulnerable hits.
  19. And with all due respect right back at ya bud, that is basically what I did say. He is credible on what might have have happened...his own personal speculation only. But he has no updates, insight, or knowledge of what is actually going on with Josh Allen. He is self diagnosing on what is possible, not what is actually the injury, if any, with Josh. So when I say he is not a credible source, I mean he has no credible medical information on what is or isn't currently wrong with Josh Allens elbow. He just can list all the possible injuries, which includes no significant injury, that may happen on a play like that. So again, its not anymore credible than anyone making a guess in terms to what the real diagnosis is on Allens actual elbow. Thats all I am saying
  20. Thanks...but I wouldn't call this credible. He may be credible on listing what is possible, but nothing about this is a credible update to what Josh's situation actually is. This is someone with no knowledge of Josh's status just saying these things are possible. This guys tweet is like when I was 22 years old and got super sick and went on WebMD and self diagnosed myself as having stage 2 syphilis and went to a free healthcare clinic where they laughed at me and said "so you are one of the 52 people in all of Los Angeles huh?" Took them about 3 min to figure out I had strept throat and just needed an antibiotic 😂
  21. Bills know our season hinges on Allen being healthy for the playoffs. I am fully confident Allen will only play Sunday if the injury is a non issue. They are not going to take chances with his throwing elbow. Especially since we are 6-2 and still the number 1 seed. If they had to sit Allen for a week or two, worst case scenario is to lose those games and we would still be 6-4 and in full control of a playoff run still. They know having Josh for the playoffs is substantially more important than Home Field Advantage.
  22. I don't know where all this panic is coming from. What am I missing because I can't find a single credible source saying anything other than day to day right now. There are just some random twitter posters are they are hearing rumors or rumblings...but their sources seem to just be other random people posting fears or concerns without actually any information or knowledge. Obviously it would be awful to see Josh miss time or the season, but end of the day, right now there is not a single shred of information I can find anywhere that remotely suggests he will be out a significant amount of time or for the season.
  23. I wouldn't quantify the Vikings as a red hot team. Yes they have a 1 game better record than us, but their schedule has been weak and they struggled to beat lesser teams. We are two missed FGs from Bass from being potentially undefeated, but injuries are a concern obviously for us as we have a lot of defensive injuries and now a potential Allen elbow injury. But I wouldn't say we can't beat the Vikings with Keenum, they just barely beat the lowly Commanders with Heineke at QB. In fact, they have barely beaten a lot of bad teams who had backup QB's playing. We have a great team with a better backup than most, so I think if Allen had to sit this is still a winnable game, which is why they traded for Keenum in the first place.
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