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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Stop. This isn’t about opinion. This is about people like you so desperately want this to be true that you will sit here for almost 50 pages trying to will it into existence. And it’s totally your schtick. You do this all season and off season long. You look for any sliver of negative doubt you can sow about everything. And I am “violently opposed to it” as you out it BECAUSE ITS ALL MADE UP. If there is a REAL issue, I’d be all over talking about it. But yeah, I don’t like to live in the world of make believe and fake news. I leave that to politicians. I prefer to stay grounded in reality and talk about real stories and facts. But I get this thread is your Christmas play ground for your negativity addiction.
  2. Well considering there are no rumored internal issues at OBD, this post relates to this thread as much as any post about your manufactured fake thread story here.
  3. The stats are deceiving. A number of those 2nd half snaps are kill the clock runs. Which is why his YPC is so different. He gets the ball as part of the offense trying to score probably 2-1 more in the first half than the second half. More importantly, 92 ATT through 9 games is pathetic. He should be over 120 at the very least and really be at 135+ total attempts. Devin had 16 points early in the game for me against Vikings in fantasy. He finished with 16 points. They stopped using him...again...despite 2 early TD's and him running so well. He starts the game strong consistently, then he goes to sporadicially getting the ball and all the other RB's starting to mix in. Its like they think Devin only has enough gas for the first 1.5 quarters of the game. ITS SO FRUSTRATING DORSEY! GIVE HIM THE BALL MORE!
  4. Still find it funny y’all turned an off the cuff comment deep at end of a tweet that was clearly just an opinion based observation comment into this whole make believe controversy of now 42 pages. It’s funny how hard some of you try to manufacture something out of nothing.
  5. Wake me once you’ve made one good post or comment. Just one. Not a lot to ask.
  6. SUCKS. I have Kupp and Diggs on the same fantasy team and had been crushing lol. At least I still alos have St. Brown at WR, thank god I didnt trade him. Also lost Ertz for the season on the same team this week
  7. So what, we are 3-0 in our last 3 games at Arrowhead. Our official record says 2-1 thanks to a bone headed blunder by a ST Coordinator who is now in Jax causing chaos by not telling our kicker to squib it. This whole notion we can't win in KC is loser talk. We beat them decisively twice and basically beat them a third time when both QB's played out of their mind if not for a self inflicted blunder and bad luck of a coin toss. So Josh is on pace to shatter the total yards mark by 500 yards and you on here panicking? Got it.
  8. Dude you couldn't be more off base. Just because I stick to facts doesn't make me a denier of facts. If there is a REAL issue, not some fake made up one by you doom and gloomers, then great, I would accept it. But you guys in here making up an entirely non existent scenerario from taking a comment at the end of a tweet as some sort coded gospel to what you all want to hear. Again, this is our society. People like you scour every word to manufacturer something that fits their narrative and actual facts and truth are not taken with face value anymore. You specifically do this a LOT. No disrespect, but you do. You spend 95% of your time on this board trying to find any shred of anything to make something a negative point of view. To be honest, you need a new schtick. You might be one of the least objective posters on this entire board. If it aint negative, you don't like it.
  9. 28 pages about a personal thought, observation, opinion. Literally nothing he said remotely suggests there is an issue. He, as a journalist, stated their are internal issues because we lost 2 games where we beat ourselves. Things we need to solve because its been self inflicted. Literally nothing he said reads as if there is an unreported, but yet known, issue of some internal drama. Further proof of that would be that he would have written more specifically about that because nothing else he wrote would get the attention and clicks talking about internal drama would have gotten. You guys are just trying to force a story here off someones off the cuff comment. This is the problem with society today, they manufacture stories to fit narratives they want to see.
  10. No he has not. The fact you said that tells me you don't know anything about football or you are too rooted in your biased opinion to remain objective. So you are saying Josh had a bad first half against the Vikings? Are you serious? Why because Devin got two of the TD's instead of Allen throwing them? What a ridiculous and ill informed comment. 2 of his 3 mistakes were the fumble at end of game and pick in OT. But keep saying the ignorant statement he has been bad for 11 straight quarters. Man this board is ridiculous.
  11. Geezus...2 weeks ago he was way out in front as the MVP. Last week he was tied still as the fave for MVP. Guy has a couple bad moments in the 2nd half of a couple games and now all of a sudden everything Allen has done is forgotten and people grossly over exaggerate the situation. This board is impossible to keep even keel. Its always one extreme to the next.
  12. I warned everyone not to overlook Miami all off season. Kept saying that if Tua can just be solid or better that offense would be very dangerous with all that speed. And while I don't think he is in the class of Allen and Mahomes talent wise, he is having a great season and a legit MVP candidate right now. I hated the fact Miami picked up Jeff Willson, watched him play a lot with my my wife being a Niners fan and just loved how he plays. He legitimately makes them a better team too. I would have LOVED to have landed Wilson here. I am not worried about the Jets, their lack of offense will be an achilles heal and they will drop some more games. But Dolphins are a legit threat to win the division to us with us being 0-2 in the division right now. We don't need to win the division to make the SB, but it would sure be better to play Miami at home than go to Miami to play.
  13. This reads as his own comment like anyone on here would make, not that he has any inside info. This didn’t read at all to me that that he is hinting at anything or that there is a real internal issue. Just feels like people trying hard to make more of this than it is.
  14. I’ve been saying the same thing. Everyone wants to blame McD or certain players. But I’ve watched Dorsey more than once completely abandon the run game despite it being effective in the first half once the second half starts. I’ve seen defenses adjust at halftime and Dorsey not. I’ve seen terrible play calling plague the second half. it makes no sense. First 7 games of the season we dominated the 3rd quarter, best in the NFL in point differential. Suddenly now it’s like last year again where we can’t get anything going in the 3rd quarter. Im not down on Dorsey, but I will say I’m disappointed in 4 areas right now: 1. Lack of adjustments in the 2nd half as we already discussed. 2. Consistently starting with Devin running well early in games and then completely abandons him, including giving other guys rush attempts or not running at all. I really thought he was going to more consistently involve the run game after how much our offense improved last year from the second half of the Bucs game to the end of playoffs once we got the run game consistently involved. 3. Lack of TE involvement in the pass game. We went from maybe seeing a lot of 2 TE sets to only sporadically using Knox in the passing game. With Dorsey’s history of playing with great TEs, I really expected him to use the position more as a weapon. Knox has been doing great when given chances and as a blocker, but without a threat from the slot right now, we need to involve Knox more in the pass game. 4. Lack of designed runs for Allen in specific situations. Daboll used WAY too many, Dorsey uses too few. There have been a number of times where a designed Allen run would have been a much better call than the play he chose. I don’t want to see Allen being used as a FB like Daboll did at times, but the vast majority of Allens rush yards this year are from him improvising. Which is a great thing, and how it really should be as that’s when he’s most dangerous. But at the same time, it’s like Dorsey forgets about how effective Allen can be a key situations with his legs and has taken that element out of the playbook. It’s like we over corrected in that department.
  15. Wanna put money on it? Name any amount
  16. Did I make any excuses for him? I said people throwing him under the bus with over the top comments on him And correction, he’s struggled in second half the last 3 games, he’s been very good still in the first half in all 3 games with at least 2 TDs in each
  17. I didn’t say he didn’t have things to clean up, it’s ok to discuss where we need to be better. I’m talking about the people straight throwing him under the bus
  18. Too bad I can’t say the same thing for some of the posters around here
  19. I’m not gonna name names, but there are some pretty stupid comments about our QB around here right now. I’ve never seen a bigger group of ungrateful cry babies than a bunch of people around these parts the last few weeks. This guy lays it all on the line on every play. Yeah, he has had a handful of plays the past few weeks that are not what we are accustomed to seeing from him. But I see idiotic comments comparing him to Wentz, saying he isn’t living up to his contract, he’s been trash, etc etc. First, how about some appreciation he even played today, and WITHOUT pain killers in his elbow. How about how he was the only reason we were even in this game. How about how he didn’t even look to protect himself despite playing hurt while scrambling to all game trying to win. He’s a warrior on every play and played hurt today. How quickly y’all forget what life around used to be before we were blessed with Allen. How about rallying around our guy? Don’t have to make excuses for him, he doesn’t either. But the amount of people straight throwing him under the bus is pathetic. End of the day…despite the offensive miscues…We are essentially 2 missed FGs and a miracle catch by Jefferson (that might have been the greatest catch I’ve ever seen) from being undefeated. Despite missing half our defense in all 3 losses. When we were healthy we were destroying teams. Offense has had 3 bad second halves in a row, now it’s time for Dorsey and Allen to figure out what is going wrong in the second half and make adjustments. I for one have all the confidence in the world still in Josh that we will figure this out.
  20. Defense did NOT give up 30 anyway. People keep saying that but one of their TDs was a defensive TD Terrible post
  21. They need to fall regardless, Shakir should lead in snaps from this point on over McKenzie IMO
  22. Huh? You take away the best player in the NFL from any team, ESPECIALLY when its a QB, and that is a terrible barometer to rate a team. No one player is more important in any team sport than the QB is in the NFL. We are playing a 7-1 Vikings team, win or lose it does not change how great of GM Beane has been. Sorry, this is not a good topic
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