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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Fair point on level of competition, and I do agree that I would like to see Elam getting back on the field. He looked good earlier this year, so wonder what it is that is just keeping him from seeing some snaps. My main point is that the defense has been a strength when healthy, yet the offense has been mostly healthy and wildly inconsistent. I’ve got serious concerns about Dorsey still who I don’t think has been good at adjustments thus far or using the personnel better.
  2. I mean this “short sighted weakness” to not play Elam over Dane has resulted in defensive dominance these past 2 weeks giving up 10 points each week only. I think maybe he sorta knows what he’s doing with those kind of results. I honestly don’t understand why so much talk about defensive concerns when the defense is thriving and the offense is what has been struggling more with consistency.
  3. Lol,Not really...I said we are already a better defense now than last year even without Von. Only "If" I said is if we stay healthy...which is the exact same if for all 32 teams.
  4. I think our DL is significantly better, even without Von, over last year where we were undersized and would frequently lose in the trenches. I think Groot is playing at a higher level too outside, and our role players like Shaq have been playing strong and also help against the run. Im bummed about Von, but if we can stay healthy outside of Hyde and Von, I think we are still a better defense than last year. If by some miracle we get Hyde back, even better.
  5. Him and Jordan Phillips just seem to be at their best when they are here. I am glad to see that Shaq is getting some recognition around here because he has been a strong member of this defense this year.
  6. I wonder how many of the current board members get this reference. I miss those days and that poster who shall remain nameless haha
  7. He should, looking at what he has been able to do with our defense with all the injuries and the tough schedule makes him a top flight candidate IMHO.
  8. I totally agree that 10 yards is too much, and even hit agree to your OP...however...given how often holding does happen in the league, a more severe penalty is unfortunately necessary to avoid it being tried even more than it already is. It is an unfortunately a necessary evil that can't go away.
  9. Physically he is a freak, so I think that is something he could potentially handle. The bigger question is the hand eye reaction time and coordination, especially with how fast Josh Allen throws. For example, professional gamers are all young because as you get older they begin to struggle to see the higher frame rates. Give him a work out with Josh and see what he can do
  10. Give him a workout, put him on the PS if he does well. Don't see the harm. More so to just satisfy my curiosity...hahaha
  11. And you know this is what happened how? Can you provide the board with the results of your interviews of the witnesses, examining of all the evidence the police have, etc that led you to conclude he is guilty and its just being swept under the rug? You do realize it's entirely possible that an assault DID happen to this woman and that Araiza did NOT participate or have anything to do with it right?
  12. You literally could not be more wrong about the bolded. Everything that @Royale with Cheeseis telling you is spot on and the real facts. These bolded hot takes above are not a reflection of the reality of what was the first years of this regime.
  13. The coach who made the FUBAR as you put it is gone to Jax
  14. If Beane wants to keep Edmunds, he can make it work. There is no doubt he wants to. The question is can Edmunds and Beane find common ground where the deal is acceptable to Edmunds and works for the team. IMHO: We win the SB this year, the odds will increase that Edmunds is gone. One, he will have his trophy, so maxing out his ear INTs for his family probably would be a higher priority IMO. Two, with the Bills having that Lombardi, structuring for long term success and cap flexibility might be more attractive to Beane rather than cap manipulation and potential cap problems soon. So I think a SB victory might shift the landscape of Edmunds resigning here or not a little bit.
  15. Stay out of the shout box on game days then. At least 5+ people screaming for all the coaches and Beane to be fired first quarter if we aren’t winning the game yet.
  16. Sorry bud, I just disagree. I think if the defense can pile on a runner and try and stop his momentum, then it's fair game for the offensive players teammates to push him for further gain. I just don't think you can say its legal to have 4 defenders trying to slow progress and momentum, and then say it's not fair for that one single offensive player to not have any of his teammates try and counter that. Just my 2 cents. And like I previously mentioned, this play has more value to a team like us with big Josh Allen where sneaks on key downs is part of our weapon arsenal. So I personally would not want to take something away from our team that more likely benefits our current team on the field every Sunday more often than it does the opponents.
  17. I get where both of you are coming from, but I have to slightly disagree here. This is a league where QB's get paid. We all know that. But more importantly, Lamar has a huge disclaimer of not only having a poor cast around him on offense most of his career, but also having his best weapon shipped to AZ this offseason leaving his cupboard even more bare. Then there are the injuries all around the team on both sides of the ball in Balt and yet they are 8-4 still. Teams will look at what he has accomplished despite all those factors and still hand him a bag. And lets say its not as much guaranteed, but that doesn't mean he won't still take home as much money at the end of the day. For example if he signed a $200M contract fully guaranteed or signed a $200M contract with $140M of it guaranteed, he can still earn his full $200M just playing out his contract. End of the day though, whether he gets less, as much, or more than he might have been able to get in August, the amount he gets will still be a ton of money and he will be set for life.
  18. Forward progress is a different discussion though. That is a judgement call, and always will be. If defensive players can pile on to prevent forward progress on a single runner, why can't the offensive people pile on to help create more forward progress would be my question. Doesn't seem fair to say defenders can do it and the offense can't.
  19. No offense bud...But we cant change rules for every very specific what if scenario someone wants to paint that wouldn't go our way. We can do this for every rule in the book. Just like I can say back to you what happens when its the final play in the game and we are on the 1 foot line of the goal line and Josh does a QB sneek and gets a push from Gilliam and Knox that gets him over the line to win the SB. You going to say the Bills should have an asterisk and that not count? The reality is, with Josh Allen as our QB, this rule is substantially more likely to help us win games then hurt us. With his size and QB Sneak ability, this is something that has already happened and will continue to happen during Josh's career where he gets a push from behind on sneaks. Not sure why you want to take that away from this team if I am being honest. Fearing someone else could use it to seems like a bad reason to take it away when its much more likely to help us than someone else.
  20. Yes it should be allowed. There is no reason not to allow it IMHO, its a team sport, so teammates should be allowed to assist. I see a lot of people complain about this, but honestly I don't get why anyone would have an issue about this is a full contact and physical game like the NFL. More importantly, this would be almost impossible to regulate if they were to make this illegal. Those piles get crazy, and while we at home have the benefit of camera angles and cameras high above the pile of men, the refs on the ground do not. To expect them to catch these views in these big piles is an impossible task and so many incidents would be completely subject to interpretation when the piles are crowded. And Rugby is a substantially tougher sport and its legal there. We have already powder puffed up the NFL enough as it is. Let it be, its been this way all through football history, no reason to change it if you ask me.
  21. Josh won’t enter as a serious contender again unless he both throttles Miami and Cincy. He needs big games during big matchups to get the attention again.
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